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I'd rather stay in the good books of Rob H (who is writing 704), so I won't say who is directing 704. But he was right in terms of he's worked with them in the past. Looking forward to see what the combination will give us this time around.


Add me to the list who thinks they'll get married in November sweeps - that was always my tip back when they did the Castle set visit as part of the TCA Winter Tour back in January and my opinion really hasn't altered since then.


Well, of the directors who are still with the show, Rob's worked with Bill Roe, Bowman, Tom Wright and David Barrett (once). I think Rob's already confirmed on Twitter it's not Roe, and I'm not sure Bowman would be doing another ep so soon after 7.01. Guess we'll find out soon enough. 


I'm also in the camp of them getting married in November. Feels like a sweeps-y thing to do (and since so many are predicting it, on par with how this show goes, lol). But it's nice to have someone with some inside knowledge have that feeling too. ;) 

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Well when Rob referred to working with them in the past he was definitely referring to Castle and the person directing is listed in the names above!


I don't have any inside knowledge like that, I wish but alas I don't, but that has always been my gut feeling. LOL. I always thought 3XK would ruin the wedding and that it would be done after they took Bracken down (close one chapter, start another one). At least got one out of two right!

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I think this video is new? (is it media or a spoiler?)


Spoiler: Castle's not in the car. (Duh.) Which means he's not dead. (Double duh.)


Interesting that they're billing it as "the search for Castle", since he shows up at the latest for episode 2. But nice to see a bit of promo from ABC before the premiere in a month.

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That video McManda kindly posted wasn't available in my country for some reason so here's another one just in case.



I found myself laughing at that clip, I guess it was the image of the fire people finally turning up and allowing this lady in a wedding dress to stumble around near a flaming car and then spraying water over her! I know it's all part of the deal to make it look dramatic and have her front and centre during the key moment she discovers he's not there but I do have to question their fire operating procedures in the Hamptons.


I hope Alexis and Martha have turned up by then or at least know what's going on. It's not Kate stumbling bedraggled in a wet wedding dress around an empty car that's going to tug at my cold cynical heart but a satisfying emotional scene between Beckett, Martha and Alexis. I'm hoping they don't spend too much screen time on Beckett at the crash site and forget about the really important things like the emotional connections between people that bind you into a family. 

Edited by verdana
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I found myself laughing at that clip, I guess it was the image of the fire people finally turning up and allowing this lady in a wedding dress to stumble around near a flaming car and then spraying water over her! I know it's all part of the deal to make it look dramatic and have her front and centre during the key moment she discovers he's not there but I do have to question their fire operating procedures in the Hamptons.


You're not the only one.  I was mainly feeling sorry for Stana that she had to get all wet for that melodramatic shot.  This kind of shot like the one at the end of the finale when they had Stana running to the burning car in her wedding dress feels so over the top melodramatic and cheesy that it has the effect of taking me out of the drama rather than pulling me into it.


Is it just me or does this feel like they've taken the least interesting way out of a dramatic cliffhanger (yet again)?


To have Beckett discover he's not in the car immediately takes away all the emotional impact they could have had from the characters from presuming Castle was dead.  Maybe they figured there was no suspense in making out that Castle was dead since the audience knows he isn't, but that doesn't stop writers from doing arcs like having Beckett shot or main characters being in peril on other shows. I would choose the path of storytelling that showcases the most gut wrenching emotional impact on the characters as that's the journey I find most dramatically interesting from a traumatic event.  Thinking Castle was dead and then later finding out he wasn't would create a compelling roller coaster of emotions for the characters, and I don't see how that would lessen the suspense into the mystery.  If they figure out straight away that Castle's been kidnapped and jump into an all business COTW investigative mode that doesn't really allow time for much exploration of the emotions, then that wouldn't be particularly interesting to me.  A few seconds of angst ridden looks from Beckett just isn't enough to be satisfying to me.  If they leave us completely in the dark as to what Castle went through and have that be the mystery of the season, that wouldn't be particularly satisfying to me either because that doesn't allow for much exploration of Castle's emotions during his ordeal.


I wouldn't be surprised if they jumped quickly into COTW mode because it seems like that's what they prefer (and don't necessarily do well), but it's rarely satisfying from a character pov.  

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I think it's another damned-if-they/damned-if-they-don't moment because I'm if the opinion that it would be more melodramatic to have them believe Castle died in that car. I like angst, but I don't want to see these characters destroyed to the point where all they can feasibly do is plan a funeral. Knowing that Castle could be alive lets them have more options - is he actually alive? (because just because he wasn't burned to a crisp in the car doesn't mean he's not tortured or dead somewhere else), who would do it?, where is he?.

We don't really know how Beckett dealt immediately following her mom's death. Maybe she felt a drive right for justice right away and threw herself into finding that. But even if that's true, I don't know that she could do it all again if she thought Castle was dead, especially knowing that this time it might be because of something he did with her.

That - and not making the audience have to buy into the idea that Castle died in that car, which was obviously never an option - is why I'm more glad they reveal right away that he wasn't in the car.

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And it looks like we've gotten an episode title name - Vanished? Only assuming it's that since ABC has titled the promo that.


Seems like a good guess to me. And if they're spending 7.01 looking for Castle (& find him at/near the end), it's an appropriate title. 

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You're not the only one.  I was mainly feeling sorry for Stana that she had to get all wet for that melodramatic shot.  This kind of shot like the one at the end of the finale when they had Stana running to the burning car in her wedding dress feels so over the top melodramatic and cheesy that it has the effect of taking me out of the drama rather than pulling me into it.

I'm sure Stana will do her best though, she's a trooper but the idea of Beckett possibly getting near a fire wearing that dress had me in a fit of giggles. Yeah don't worry about all that super combustible dress material wrapped around you honey now get on down there and start looking! 


I found the cliffhanger of Castle being put in jeopardy and Beckett's appearance at the crash site too melodramatic for my tastes so I'm not surprised to be experiencing the exact same emotions when watching that (very) short promo bearing in mind we are picking up exactly where we left off, didn't like the overwrought music either, hope I don't hear that again. 


Is it just me or does this feel like they've taken the least interesting way out of a dramatic cliffhanger (yet again)?

It must be a difficult situation when it comes to deciding as a writer how to make the most out of what is a cliched situation in any case with one of your key leads presumed dead or in grave danger. I can't help seeing the manipulation behind why they pulled this stunt in the first place - to delay the wedding. I disagree with the suggestion put forward by some that this has all been part of a carefully planned out story arc by the writers that has been some time in the making. Sorry but I just don't see it.


Because of this, I find it hard to get invested in Castle's situation whether he was in the car or not. I can only hope whatever story they have cooked up is more plausible and genuinely moving than what they served up in the finale. As soon as the credits rolled on #6.23 I thought it would take a Herculean task by the writers to get themselves out of the mess MilMar created with any dignity left intact and seeing that promo hasn't changed my views.


I wouldn't be surprised if they jumped quickly into COTW mode because it seems like that's what they prefer (and don't necessarily do well), but it's rarely satisfying from a character pov. 


From what I've gathered given comments from TPTB that seems to be what will happen. Castle won't be badly injured if at all, he'll be found quickly, they will probably both investigate his disappearance for a little while then move on to another case.  If Rick doesn't remember exactly what happened to him that's even better, they can't investigate something he can't recall clearly.

Edited by verdana
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I had to look at that picture a few times to convince myself it was her she looks so different there.  I don't know if it's the fact her eyes are hidden by those big shades or her straight darker hair. 

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I almost didn't recognise Stana.  Did she straighten her hair?  Though in on location pics with fans Beckett's hair looks the same as it was, just shorter.  Hehe about her 'Hollywood' remark, but she does seem to be more fond of shades these days when out and about than when she first started out.


It's cool that both Stana and Nathan are interested in clean tech.  Way of the future (or present, even)!


Watched Guardians of the Galaxy at the cinema.  I would not have recognised Nathan's cameo if I hadn't been aware of his role before hand.  He disguised his voice well.  It really was just a cameo though.  In another time and another universe, perhaps he could have played Starlord just as well.  His kind of role. 

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Castle finally gets some attention from EW, though not a photoshoot, alas. ;)



Any Castle scoop? —Courtney
If you were worried that the traumatic events of the finale were going to scar and/or change Castle (especially when it comes to the whole wedding idea), don’t be. Even after everything he’s been through, Nathan Fillion still considers Castle to be a wedding guy. As he put it, Castle is still the man who “wears his joy on his sleeve,” the guy who will say, “Yeah I’ll get married. What the hell. Let’s go!”
And just for fun, I also asked Fillion what his dream Castle wedding would be. “I would love to see Castle getting married on the shores of Maui in this little neighborhood I like to go personally for vacations because there’s a great bay right next door,” Fillion said. “You can snorkel there or scooba with turtles and there’s sharks sometimes depending on the time of day.” Who’s in?


So, basically all the trauma's going to be forgotten quickly (as expected).  At least I hope they write a character scene for Castle where he reaffirms his zest for life after his ordeal, and is all carpe diem about getting married.  But then how will they explain the delay till November sweeps (as expected)?  Another wedding venue fiasco? ;)  Honestly, with Castle's wealth and their combined stubbornness, there's no way they couldn't get married immediately if they wanted to.  After all, they've already gotten the forgotten drunken marriage out of the way.  ;) There's nothing like one aborted wedding and one near death experience to give one an extra push, right?


Thankful that Nathan did not say Castle's dream wedding would be in space. ;)  Was he talking about Castle or Nathan though? ;)  Something tropical's a given but that's not going to happen during Nov sweeps unless they have an offscreen wedding with just the 2 of them on that private island. ;)

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No secret on this board that I love the darker hair on Stana. She/Beckett had gone way too light/too blonde. Might have been nice for Stana but not for Beckett, in my humble opinion.  Stana's style, when not on the red carpet, seems so chill and laid back. Also she has on no makeup (or barely any) in that pic which also makes a difference. Still gorgeous though, in my opinion. 

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No offence to Stana or anyone, but how can you tell she's not wearing makeup when she has those humongous sunglasses on?  Makes sense though for her to give her skin a rest when she can.  I would actually prefer Beckett to have less makeup on the show.

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No offence to Stana or anyone, but how can you tell she's not wearing makeup when she has those humongous sunglasses on?  Makes sense though for her to give her skin a rest when she can.  I would actually prefer Beckett to have less makeup on the show.


I was just referring in general - photos of her not on the Castle set show less makeup (to me).

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I think it's another damned-if-they/damned-if-they-don't moment because I'm if the opinion that it would be more melodramatic to have them believe Castle died in that car.

I agree. I've said this before before, but I find the idea of everyone thinking Castle is dead really, really, unappealing. After the finale I thought that was the one way to kind of wreck the show for me. Anything else I could handle. I'm not sure if it's because I've hated that storyline every time I've seen it on other shows or because I know the show can't pull off the emotional stuff anyway.

Thankful that Nathan did not say Castle's dream wedding would be in space. ;) Was he talking about Castle or Nathan though? ;)

I'm thinking Nathan wants that for Castle so that he gets to go to Maui on ABC's dime. Can't really blame him there.

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I'm thinking Nathan wants that for Castle so that he gets to go to Maui on ABC's dime. Can't really blame him there.


Ikr? Instead the production would possibly go use La Jolla cove or some other spot and have it pretend it's Hawaii. I wouldn't mind if Frank Lloyd Wright's Wayfarers Chapel became a venue since both The OC and Revenge used it for weddings. But with this production, it wouldn't surprise me if they get married in the loft with immediate family present plus Ryan, Espo and Lanie then have a throw away line of a never seen reception party for the rest of the guests that were suppose to be at the original wedding date.

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If almost getting run off the road, being kidnapped and having something happen that possibly makes him lose his memory of those events doesn't change or scar him in any way then what's the point?  The show wants to have the characters go through supposedly life changing events but with little or no serious consequences but still expects you invest emotionally in the story.  Although why am I disappointed by this latest revelation, it's how Marlowe's always worked. *sigh* 


And since Nathan himself has said Castle's raring to go on the wedding front despite his off road excursion then I'll be expecting a wedding as soon as they get back and I won't be the only one. It's going to be interesting to find out what excuse they give which can hold up as to why they can't marry unless they really do shock people by getting them hitched quickly within the first three episodes which I doubt. Or is it going to be Beckett this time dragging her heels for some spurious reason? 


mad maverick. I think Nathan just wants another holiday somewhere hot and beautiful where he can go diving. Good luck with that I don't think the budget will stretch to Maui. It is lovely there I don't blame him for dropping this in as a suggestion.  But then there's the worry about suitable attire for a tropical island wedding on a beach and that brings me to Luke.... so perhaps it's not such a good idea. I keep imagining Castle in either an Hawaiian shirt and shorts (designer of course) combo or some ill fitting creased linen suit.  

Edited by verdana
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I found myself laughing at that clip, I guess it was the image of the fire people finally turning up and allowing this lady in a wedding dress to stumble around near a flaming car and then spraying water over her! I know it's all part of the deal to make it look dramatic and have her front and centre during the key moment she discovers he's not there but I do have to question their fire operating procedures in the Hamptons.

verdana I have nothing else to add to this except to say when reading this I laughed so hard that I cried.

Well this promo does not bode well for season 7. At first glance I thought it was a joke - like part of that too soon? meme on twitter. Alas it appears it was indeed made by ABC. I'm genuinely curious as to why they're going so over the top nighttime soap (ala Grey's/Scandal/insert Shonda soap here). Castle has never directly fit into that category. We know they don't do drama well. And they sure as hell don't do melodrama well at all. I kept replaying that horrible promo with Stana in that dress hearing verdana's critique of the Hampton's fire department in the background and it's just all so absurd. How can any of us discuss this seriously?

And I feel bad for Fillion, having to answer inane questions from "journalists" about his make believe wedding to someone he won't even take a picture with. Go bug Marlowe. Have him talk about his mythology some more. He's responsible for this debacle at the end of the day.

I truly hope (and I mean this) that they can pull a rabbit out of a hat and save what's left of this season. They did it last season. I really liked the season 6 premiere and thought it was handled well. Maybe it can be salvaged. Anything's possible.

Edited by Elysium1973
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Daniela Casaglia @Doppiograna71  ·  12h

@The_JML yesterday I met @Stana_Katic and @NathanFillion




Looking good Mr Fillion. And very tall next to that lady!

Yeah I thought Stana tones it down a bit when she's not on the show in the old make up department. Hell she's looks great so she hardly needs it. She does look young in that shot,  her hair looks like she got the straighteners out. I've seen her in those big glasses before, they remind me a bit of the kind Audrey Hepburn would wear. 

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Really? When I saw that promo my heart sank. I must have subconscious high hopes for the show and they were just dashed. Weird because on the surface I don't think I even care.

So now we know why Beckett looked so horrified in the season 6 finale. She saw that water coming...another ruined dress!

Yawn. Wake me when they find Castle....or just let me sleep until the TNT reruns. EXCITED!!! NOOOOOT.

Edited by TVWithPity
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That shirt colour isn't exactly...inspiring.  More like dull as ditchwater...same colour too heh.  I wish Luke would dress him in more youthful colours from time to time. Castle seems to wear the same palette regardless of seasons.


Mr. JML really needs to stop tweeting photo manips of them and passing them off as the real thing ([perhaps unintentionally).  No substitute for the real thing, which I highly doubt he can procure. ;) 

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If almost getting run off the road, being kidnapped and having something happen that possibly makes him lose his memory of those events doesn't change or scar him in any way then what's the point?


Main point for Marlowe was just to generate an inorganic obstacle to delay a wedding and kickstart a 'mythology' to delay it some more.  Generating a mythology is his objective; generating a character arc likely is not. ;)  Maybe he expects us to be more invested in the mythology than the characters. ;)  Most we can hope for is at least one scene addressing the impact on Castle if we are to go by their past playbook.


It's going to be interesting to find out what excuse they give which can hold up as to why they can't marry unless they really do shock people by getting them hitched quickly within the first three episodes which I doubt.


They are not beyond using any inorganic reason.  I wouldn't even be surprised if it was Alexis holding the wedding up. 


mad maverick. I think Nathan just wants another holiday somewhere hot and beautiful where he can go diving. Good luck with that I don't think the budget will stretch to Maui. 


This show isn't Modern Family even though it's on the same network.  No way they will spring for a trip with the whole cast to Australia, or even Maui.  Given that they didn't even do a photo shoot, I'm wondering if they can still afford dry cleaning on that wedding dress. ;)  It's too bad we'll probably never see The Hamptons on the show again, and I can't see them taking the show to any exotic new locations, especially when we don't even see them on a date at any old restaurant or The Old Haunt. ;)

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I'm no Castle apologist. BUT the promo is edited and cut together. So it may look like the firefighter spraying Beckett but probably wasn't. I won't judge anymore harshly based on that promo than I already have. It's too short and cut together, from likely the first few seconds of the premiere. 

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I'm still tryna figure out what JML does at Castle or how's he's associated. He said he'd tweet a photo of Nathan and Stana this season. Many have asked crew to but they never said they would. He shouldn't have either. He has posted 2 manips of them and it wasn't a tongue and cheek thing .. he thought it was real. Even crew knows manip photos, how doesn't he? Yet he wants to be part of Castle behind-the-scenes. He's not going to post a real pic of them together and that's alright w. me. But he shouldn't pretend like he has the power to do so. Simply gonna rile fans up even more. Meh. Just my opinion. 

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I'm no Castle apologist. BUT the promo is edited and cut together. So it may look like the firefighter spraying Beckett but probably wasn't. I won't judge anymore harshly based on that promo than I already have. It's too short and cut together, from likely the first few seconds of the premiere. 

but she did end up drenched...

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Yeah normally I'd think deliberately choppy editing from the promo people because that's what they do but she looks drenched in that last scene, she must have got close enough to get hosed at some point surely? Unless she slipped and fell into a huge puddle left by the fireman who had already dealt with the car also getting her hair wet in the process. I trust the writers would spare Beckett (and Stana) the indignity of scrabbling around in the dirt, the poor woman has been through enough already.  God that lovely dress what a shame it got wasted on this.   

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Main point for Marlowe was just to generate an inorganic obstacle to delay a wedding and kickstart a 'mythology' to delay it some more.  Generating a mythology is his objective; generating a character arc likely is not. ;)  Maybe he expects us to be more invested in the mythology than the characters. ;)  Most we can hope for is at least one scene addressing the impact on Castle if we are to go by their past playbook.

I get the impression TPTB believe this new mythology will be genuinely worth the wait but I remain to be convinced. I just want to know what the hell it is so I don't have to keep on saying "mythology" all the time. It's getting to rival "organic" as the go to word in Marlowe's lexicon. 

They are not beyond using any inorganic reason.  I wouldn't even be surprised if it was Alexis holding the wedding up. 

Poor Molly, if Alexis wasn't already disliked enough by some sections of the fan base her becoming a factor in them delaying the wedding would be enough to finish her off. 


Money does seem tight but it's the start of the season so may be they'll splash out a bit? Although not to Maui. Heh. I hope fans do get the wedding they deserve and that Marlowe isn't forced by ABC to go on some cost cutting exercise at the wrong time, although what's most important is that I get a well crafted genuinely emotional moment between them when the time comes. 

Edited by verdana
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Found this twitter conversation quite refreshing:




Katee Sackhoff ‏@kateesackhoff  6 Std.
Heading out for a little motorbike ride w/ @MichaelTrucco @NathanFillion & #AlanTudyk Or as I like to call em TVHusband & MovieBoyfriend
Victor Webster ‏@webstervictor  48 Min.
@kateesackhoff @MichaelTrucco @NathanFillion Thanks for the invite. Pffft
Katee Sackhoff ‏@kateesackhoff  47 Min.
“@webstervictor: @kateesackhoff @MichaelTrucco @NathanFillion Thanks for the invite. Pffft”NF didn't show...#SleepyHead
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Ice Bucket Challenge from Elizabeth Banks. Let's do this.


Nathan. Oh  how I wish this could/would be casual Castle, at home.

Agreed!  This is how Castle should be dressed in the Hamptons or at home.  Miles better than what Luke put him in in that episode!  Seriously.  No contest, not even close.


Heh, how apropos that it's Demming pouring ice water on Castle, and vice-versa, complete with an icy cold hug.  Love their friendship.  May seem a bit gimmicky to some, but apparently this challenge has gone viral online, with the general public as well, and the ALS charity has raised more money and awareness than usual.  So if people want to dump ice water on themselves, be my guest.


Had no idea that Nathan rode motorcycles.  And with Demming and Starbuck too.  I thought Stana might be the one to have a bike since she so wanted Marlowe to give Beckett one, hence Motorcycle Boy(friend).  If Josh joins too, they could start a 6 degrees of Beckett's love life gang heh.

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Had no idea that Nathan rode motorcycles.  And with Demming and Starbuck too.  I thought Stana might be the one to have a bike since she so wanted Marlowe to give Beckett one, hence Motorcycle Boy(friend).  If Josh joins too, they could start a 6 degrees of Beckett's love life gang heh.


Lol, maybe Alan should guest star as Beckett's grunge rocker boyfriend who ends up as an accountant or something and is a surprise suspect in a case. Alan's twitpic on his bike with Nathan's bike is behind him.


Yeah even with the rolled up capri look, he looks better there than the Hamptons ep.

Edited by turnitwayup
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Heh, how apropos that it's Demming pouring ice water on Castle, and vice-versa, complete with an icy cold hug.  Love their friendship.  May seem a bit gimmicky to some, but apparently this challenge has gone viral online, with the general public as well, and the ALS charity has raised more money and awareness than usual.  So if people want to dump ice water on themselves, be my guest.


That clip was funny, I love Trucco and Nathan's friendship too especially given his appearance on Castle so there's that link. That was much more enjoyable to watch than that clip where he briefly tasered his fitness instructor I found that a bit off. 

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I'm still tryna figure out what JML does at Castle or how's he's associated. He said he'd tweet a photo of Nathan and Stana this season. Many have asked crew to but they never said they would. He shouldn't have either. He has posted 2 manips of them and it wasn't a tongue and cheek thing .. he thought it was real. Even crew knows manip photos, how doesn't he? Yet he wants to be part of Castle behind-the-scenes. He's not going to post a real pic of them together and that's alright w. me. But he shouldn't pretend like he has the power to do so. Simply gonna rile fans up even more. Meh. Just my opinion. 

I think the guy's an idiot, I saw that manip and you're right he thought it was real, then he confused fans over the length of the premiere. He clearly doesn't have the background knowledge on the show or history to understand half the time what he's talking about, he keeps teasing fans about things that I'm sure are going to come to nothing. I'm sure he's not hanging around in the writers room and frankly I think he does more harm than good. I find him irritating.


Money seems the obvious connection. From his profile he's got his finger in a lot of different pies mostly film but also mining as a "financier", he's currently Chairman of The JML Group and President of Studio Film Group so one of his big interests is obviously film. He reminds of one of those guys when you ask that they do smile and say "I'm an entrepreneur" covers a lot of bases. I presume he either knows someone connected with the show or his firm has pumped money into Castle or into a Marlowe/ABC related project in some way which allows him to hang around set and he's obviously getting a big kick out of it and enjoying the constant attention from fans desperate for scraps of news, photos etc.

Edited by verdana
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Nathan chooses winner of lunch with him in LA 


He raised US$250K for mycharity:water. 


Stephanie is the lucky gal picked to have lunch with Nathan. May be she can ask him about some of the burning questions I have about Castle such as why can't you wear t-shirts like that on the show? What is this "new mythology" you've got now and is it catching? I must admit I got a bit distracted when Nathan turned around to bend over the screen. 

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verdana I have nothing else to add to this except to say when reading this I laughed so hard that I cried.

Well this promo does not bode well for season 7. At first glance I thought it was a joke - like part of that too soon? meme on twitter.

It was like a caricature. Makes me wish we had a Castle satire thread in a similar vein to how Mad Magazine (from when I was a kid) used to make fun of shows.

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Castle Casts The Closer Alumna in Season 7 Toy Story


Gina Ravera, who for four seasons played Detective Irene Daniels on TNT’s The Closer, will guest-star in the coming season’s second episode as Marsha Stoller, the vice president of a successful toy company.

The 12th precinct finds itself playing in the toy biz when company founder Wally Williger turns up d-e-a-d. Now, before you go ahead and finger Marsha for the murder, know that the episode also features Wally’s wife, his young assistant Matt (ahem) and a warehouse foreman. Suspects aplenty.

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Jon's face cracked me up there.  Nice to see them hanging out on weekends even after seeing each other for so many hours during the week.


Might be fun to have Castle riding a motorcycle, with or without Beckett, but it'll never happen on the show.  Not if Beckett just got a helmet and not an actual bike. Plus poor guy can't even drive without the car ending up in a burning ditch. ;)


Yeah even with the rolled up capri look, he looks better there than the Hamptons ep.


I will take rolled up capris over ugly bowling shirt any day! 

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Now, before you go ahead and finger Marsha for the murder, know that the episode also features Wally’s wife, his young assistant Matt (ahem) and a warehouse foreman. Suspects aplenty.


So that means we have at least 4 knuckle-biting interrogation scenes to look forward to.  Yay!  And in the episode right after Castle comes back alive.  Who has time to feel traumatised and really talk to your dearest and nearest when you have crimes to solve, multiple suspects to interrogate? ;)


I remember that actress from The Closer.  Nice to see her popping up on Castle.

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Might be fun to have Castle riding a motorcycle, with or without Beckett, but it'll never happen on the show.  Not if Beckett just got a helmet and not an actual bike.

Castle could make a throwback comment about Beckett's "Dr. Motorcycle Boy" from season 3.

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Jon's face cracked me up there.  Nice to see them hanging out on weekends even after seeing each other for so many hours during the week.


Might be fun to have Castle riding a motorcycle, with or without Beckett, but it'll never happen on the show.  Not if Beckett just got a helmet and not an actual bike. Plus poor guy can't even drive without the car ending up in a burning ditch. ;)


I will take rolled up capris over ugly bowling shirt any day!

Yes, hanging out with a work buddy....feels normal! a vibe that I don't usually get from the cast of this show.

If Castle drives in future episodes the promo will be (deep raspy voice), "uh-oh, Castle is driving. Can he manage it without the car ending up in a burning ditch?"

Me, I hated the rolled up capris equally as much as the bowling shirt. People complain that Luke can't dress Castle. I think Luke does a better job of dressing Nathan than Nathan does, certainly. IMHO, Nathan doesn't pull off the tight teenage tee-shirts very well at all anymore.

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