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SK wore a dress that was not skin tight to the Spirit Awards .

Has the Twitterverse gone insane or is it just in need of counselling?



And she looks absolutely lovely and healthy. That can be a hard colour.

One comment mentioned no wedding ring. I looked for one on her right hand as well, that being the custom in some places.

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I did like Beckett saying he's Watson without Sherlock instead of the other way around.  And that we're seeing Castle writing, I am glad he hasn't given that up for PI stuff. But I guess we're supposed to think Alexis and Haley are the ones running the place? Do they have actual clients? But hopefully they are going to touch on Castle not being happy with the fake separation thing at the end of the episode and we'll see movement? Am I too optimistic?


And I guess those letters about his disappearance are going to be touched on in episode 14? Is that next week already? Ugh.

Agree with you about Stana, her choices have been....interesting lets say.


I had forgotten about the letters, looks like I'll be missing Castle's mythology and the final reveal (yes it's next week) during my viewing hiatus thank God.


The situation at the PI office is another thing I don't quite get, so Castle is running this as a kind of hobby which again seems strange as something he'd want to do even for fun. Castle as PI has never sat well with me, I know Martha said he's always wanted to be one, I don't believe that.


So Alexis and Hayley are running the show by the sounds of it and they are doing fairly well with three cases on the go, Alexis has become an expert in her early twenties at everything from computer hacking to dealing with insurance fraud, financial embezzlement etc despite the fact she has no qualifications AT ALL as a PI and is still apparently at college in her spare time. You need experience when it comes to investigating such matters and aside from a few courses at school what the hell does she know?  Ugh. If I was one of his clients I would be less than impressed with Alexis and/or Hayley handling my business especially since Hayley has a pretty patchy record by all accounts. If I went to see Richard Castle Investigations I would want to see the main man not his underlings to talk things through and Castle clearly doesn't give a crap. 


The whole Castle PI thing is stupid and badly plotted but I do agree with one thing that Castle said in that clip - it's boring. I couldn't care less what they're up to in his office and I'm never going to care no matter how often they shove scenes like that down my throat and there are strong indications that Castle PI is definitely here to stay if not possibly become the main focal point of the show.  


I know things can't stay the same and you need to make changes to keep things fresh but this Castle PI business is not the kind of change I had in mind.  I didn't like it back in S7 and I don't like it now, made worse by having supergirl Alexis come on board, freakishly dressed like a forty year old who appears to be running the place for disinterested daddy. 

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The whole stupidity of the PI plot for me is how can Richard Castle, world famous, NY Times bestselling author conduct business as a PI?? Don't anonymity, discretion and a low profile go hand in hand with the kind of work he would be doing??

It falls down before it even starts including Alexis as his expert sidekick Money Penny!

It's just stink levels of stupid.

Edited by BellyLaughter
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The whole stupidity of the PI plot for me is how can Richard Castle, world famous, NY Times bestselling author conduct business as a PI?? Don't anonymity, discretion and a low profile go hand in hand with the kind of work he would be doing??


Yeah there's that too, the list goes on....


It's the same with any Castle and/or Beckett go undercover story - they're pretty famous by this stage due to various events happening in their lives so the idea that either of them can fly under the radar without at least one person recognizing them (and the whole adventure comes crashing down) is laughable.  Yeah I know suspend disbelief and all that, try and enjoy but there comes a point where it's all too much. 

Edited by verdana
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Publication date October, 2016? Hmmm, makes me think we'll get another season...

Are the books depending on the series? Otherwise they could easily publish a few more if there is still a market for it.


The situation at the PI office is another thing I don't quite get, so Castle is running this as a kind of hobby which again seems strange as something he'd want to do even for fun. Castle as PI has never sat well with me, I know Martha said he's always wanted to be one, I don't believe that.

I don’t think it’s that far-fetched. He started writing spy novels, then switched to mystery novels (imagining himself as an investigative journalist), all the while tagging along with the NYPD. Investigating and some action seem to have always sparked his interest and a PI fits the concept. Although I guess he imagined some glorified version of a PI, similar to a glorified version of a CIA agent…


So Alexis and Hayley are running the show by the sounds of it and they are doing fairly well with three cases on the go, Alexis has become an expert in her early twenties at everything from computer hacking to dealing with insurance fraud, financial embezzlement etc despite the fact she has no qualifications AT ALL as a PI and is still apparently at college in her spare time. You need experience when it comes to investigating such matters and aside from a few courses at school what the hell does she know?

The fact that Alexis is good at things despite not having a formal qualification doesn’t bother me as I’ve seen similar cases at university myself. From serious hacking skills, to stock-exchange pro, to professional breeder of grasshoppers with no ties to their chosen academic program. It’s the execution that sometimes bothers me, the randomness in its occurrence, which seems to be the motto of this season.


The whole stupidity of the PI plot for me is how can Richard Castle, world famous, NY Times bestselling author conduct business as a PI?? Don't anonymity, discretion and a low profile go hand in hand with the kind of work he would be doing??

Famous or sometimes rather infamous has worked for some fictional/ real-world PI’s.  Apart from undercover missions (where one can also easily play dress up or rely on less known associates), I think connections are pretty important, depending on the case of course, to the police, to the media or to the criminal folks/world.


As for credibility, the status quo ante seems worse to me. How can the NYPD allow Richard Castle, husband to a police detective (now Captain), to do anything more than theorizing in front of the murder board, flip through evidence at the precinct and maybe take a look at the crime scene? And how can Beckett allow anything more than that?

Edited by Sonik Tooth
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I did like Beckett saying he's Watson without Sherlock instead of the other way around.  And that we're seeing Castle writing, I am glad he hasn't given that up for PI stuff.

I liked the Sherlock/Watson reference too.  Reminded me of the Mrs. Castle/Mr. Beckett discussion, Turner and Hooch.  Heh, Beckett never lets Castle have the last word.  I think Castle's identity as a writer is still very central to him and in the series.  I would say the current showrunners are more interested in highlighting than aspect compared to Marlowe, and I'm glad for it.  I would love to see Caskett have a more heartfelt discussion about being a muse and inspiration, the toll of the separation, what happens when Nikki Heat series ends etc., but we probably will never get it except in fanfic. ;)


I don’t think it’s that far-fetched. He started writing spy novels, then switched to mystery novels (imagining himself as an investigative journalist), all the while tagging along with the NYPD. Investigating and some action seem to have always sparked his interest and a PI fits the concept. Although I guess he imagined some glorified version of a PI, similar to a glorified version of a CIA agent…


Agreed.  The author/amateur as P.I. is a well worn trope.  As a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie nerd among other mystery novelists, I've never found it far-fetched that a mystery novelist becomes a P.I.  It's no less plausible to me than a mystery novelist becoming a civilian consultant for the NYPD.


I liked the P.I. angle when it was introduced last season and I still like it this season, even though perhaps it was a more distinctive element last season with each of the 3 eps being a bit different, and even though if I'm indifferent to Alexis and Hayley being part of the team.  The P.I. angle injects a renewed sense of agency and energy into Castle's character for me.  I don't find it jarring because the investigations always dovetail with the NYPD's anyway.

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The fact that Alexis is good at things despite not having a formal qualification doesn’t bother me as I’ve seen similar cases at university myself. From serious hacking skills, to stock-exchange pro, to professional breeder of grasshoppers with no ties to their chosen academic program. It’s the execution that sometimes bothers me, the randomness in its occurrence, which seems to be the motto of this season.


I don't have a problem with her being good at things, I just have a problem at her being good at everything and using it as an excuse for solving cases. I know people have sometimes complained about Beckett having all sorts of random talents, but those were always thrown in as comments to get Castle all intrigued. The solving of the case was never dependent on her suddenly being a hacker. It's the definition of plot contrivance.


I think the Castle as PI thing works, because they aren't showing it as him suddenly being a successful PI. They are basically saying he was bored so he set up a PI business as a hobby. And he's gotten a few clients when it's been convenient for him, but that's really it. I just don't get why Haley (who seemed pretty successful and happy on her own) would want to be a part of it.

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Are the books depending on the series? Otherwise they could easily publish a few more if there is still a market for it.

The Murder She Wrote books continued for a few years after the series.

And in the SF field both Buffy and Firefly have continued as comic books.


I can understand grasshopper breeder, I guess, but where is the market? Pet food? Agricultural research?



I think the Castle as PI thing works, because they aren't showing it as him suddenly being a successful PI. They are basically saying he was bored so he set up a PI business as a hobby. And he's gotten a few clients when it's been convenient for him, but that's really it. I just don't get why Haley (who seemed pretty successful and happy on her own) would want to be a part of it.

Lost cats and unfaithful spouses won't make much money. Just ask Dirk Gently.

Perhaps Haley needs a NY base for messages and the like. Or she and Alexis are having a torrid affair? What with modern communications the latter seems more likely.

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I don't have a problem with her being good at things, I just have a problem at her being good at everything and using it as an excuse for solving cases. I know people have sometimes complained about Beckett having all sorts of random talents, but those were always thrown in as comments to get Castle all intrigued. The solving of the case was never dependent on her suddenly being a hacker. It's the definition of plot contrivance.

Agreed. That's what I meant with bothering me in its execution and randomness. It kind of lacks method and sustainability. But Alexis isn't the only character that suffers from plot contrivance. Though she might be the only one with positive effects/outcome (skills). Others, like Castle and Beckett didn't fare that well.


femmefan1946, they are feeder animals for other (exotic) pets and I was very glad that I lived in another dorm.

Edited by Sonik Tooth
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Lost cats and unfaithful spouses won't make much money. Just ask Dirk Gently.


But Castle doesn't really need the money. It's just fun and games for him. 


Or she and Alexis are having a torrid affair?


Now THAT would be interesting.


But Alexis isn't the only character that suffers from plot contrivance.


Well, that's certainly true. It's the main problem with the show in the past few seasons.

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About Castle and Beckett not being able to do undercover work because of fame...think of superheroes. If they had to fight down their new nemeses, plus the piles of already introduced but not conquered ones every single week, they'd have quite a workload.

Castle is written very much like a superhero story. You have to forget things to make it work...things like rationality, sanity, memory, reason, you know, frivolous stuff like that ;-).

Regarding the book release date. Someone told me once that by now there should be verbal commitments to contracts and it was just a matter of ironing out details. It makes sense, considering that renewal announcement week is only a couple of months away. As much as they have to finish, I'll bet they're coming back for at least half a season.

I am so glad that Stana Katic doesn't choose my wardrobe. Our tastes don't jive at all. But it takes all kinds, and I'm thrilled with the variety of humans in this world.

Stana did make the Daily Mail worst dress list. At least she wasn't ordinary. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3467495/Emilia-Clarke-Freida-Pinto-Stana-Katic-worst-dressed-Independent-Spirits.html

Edited by TWP
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I wouldn't mind the focus on Castle as a PI quite so much this season if it was giving me some decent character development and expanding on the various relationships but I've learnt nothing interesting over the course of the 8 episodes I've watched them interacting together. Presumably the Hayley centric episode coming up is meant to rectify that in part but at this point, it's too late I don't care. They'll only repeat what Marlowe used to do anyway, give Toks an episode to shine drop it for another 12 months then have the cheek to say they've explored the character, yet from this I should get invested? Meh.

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NF just invited the entire cast of Castle to live-tweet tonight's episode.  That was really sweet.  I wonder if it's near the end (and they got the news today), or they are trying to keep going.  Whatever, it was a very nice gesture.  If everyone participates it might be hysterical.  I hope everyone tweets.  It would be nice for the fans who have stuck with the show.

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Castle Vital Scenes


#Castle 8x13 Sneak Peek #4 “And Justice For All" Espo & Ryan Season  8 Episode 13 #CastleSeason8


Wow four sneaks that hasn't happened for a while they must be getting desperate. 


'Agent X' Star Carolyn Stotesbery To Hit 'Castle' 

Carolyn Stotesbery is going from secret agent to just plain secret.


Having wrapped her run as Pamela Richardson, the love interest of John Case, on TNT’s Agent X, Carolyn will appear in an upcoming episode of ABC’s long-running drama Castle in a very different role.


The episode is called “Death Wish,” and sends Castle (Nathan Fillion), Beckett (Stana Katic) and the rest of the NYPD’s 12th Precinct searching for a stolen antique that is believed to be Aladdin’s legendary lamp, in hopes that the artifact will then help them catch a killer.


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Apologies, Wendy. I thought the wardrobe thread was for Castle wardrobe, not actor/red carpet wardrobe. My bad.

Here's an interesting snippet from a Stana interview.....developing a cable show that she'll star in? http://www.etcanada.com/et+canada+awards/stana+katic+talks+independant+spirit+awards/video.html?v=633180227857&p=1&s=da&sf21690425=1#video

I think Nathan is fighting hard to keep Castle going. It was so awkward to have no Stana in the live tweeting. That says it all for me. I wouldn't be surprised if I heard that Stana is out, if they come back next year.

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Apologies, Wendy. I thought the wardrobe thread was for Castle wardrobe, not actor/red carpet wardrobe. My bad.



That's what I thought too.  And I'd assumed that a media mention of Stana on the BBC would be appropriate for this thread.  I could be wrong, but I think red carpet pics of the actors have been posted in the media and not the fashion thread in the past.  


Here's an interesting snippet from a Stana interview.....developing a cable show that she'll star in? http://www.etcanada....1690425=1#video



Sounds like she's trying to develop a starring vehicle for herself on cable (who doesn't want that? ;)), but that kind of thing can take years.


I think Nathan is fighting hard to keep Castle going. It was so awkward to have no Stana in the live tweeting. That says it all for me. I wouldn't be surprised if I heard that Stana is out, if they come back next year.


But she hasn't live tweeted in so long so... maybe she'll do one for her own episode later on.  If she is definitely out, I wish they'd announce it sooner rather than later like after the finale, but I don't think they will.  Could be discussions are ongoing and she could be enticed if it's a shortened season, if ABC even wants the show to continue.  It would be a shame if the show doesn't end with the Caskett love story on a happy note, but you can't control when actors want to stay or go.  It sucks, but a lot of shows have to deal with this. The Good Wife, Downton Abbey just to name two.  

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No, Stana hasn't live tweeted in awhile. Still awkward that the costar isn't there when just about everyone else is, with no mention from the others. Susan wasn't there but WAS mentioned.

I so want to be a bug on the wall on that show. Now I definitely want Castle to end soon and someone to write the tell-all. Perhaps someone from craft services who neglected to sign an NDA will do it.

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I think Nathan is fighting hard to keep Castle going. It was so awkward to have no Stana in the live tweeting. That says it all for me. I wouldn't be surprised if I heard that Stana is out, if they come back next year.

I think this sudden burst of live tweeting and enthusiasm coupled with that nostalgic Instagram post by Seamus today has me thinking that they know the writings on the wall! Can't hurt to try I guess but as soon as either Nathan or Stana are gone so am I and I'm pretty sure I am not the only Castle fan who feels that way.

I wish common sense would prevail and we can get a goodbye to this show this season or a shortened definitive final season with EVERYONE on board.

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Yeah, maybe the message from Stana is, "y'all knock yourselves out trying to save this zombie show. I'm moving on already."

I applaud the efforts. Seamus and Jon must feel a little panicky these days. It may be reasonably easy for Stana and Nathan to find employment, but the situation may be a little dicier for supporting cast.

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I wouldn't feel that secure even with a possible spinoff in the works if I were Jon and Seamus -- I could easily see a full erasure of the 12th precinct with the departure of Beckett in an effort to get the audience to move on asap....I have no doubt that Nathan will probably use his contract as leverage to keep them in a job but Hollywood is a fickle, fickle place..... So you just never know.

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I wouldn't feel that secure even with a possible spinoff in the works if I were Jon and Seamus -- I could easily see a full erasure of the 12th precinct with the departure of Beckett in an effort to get the audience to move on asap....I have no doubt that Nathan will probably use his contract as leverage to keep them in a job but Hollywood is a fickle, fickle place..... So you just never know.

I suspect that's why they consider commuting to Nathan's house for tweeting, even after a long day. A little schmoozing with the connected guy never hurts.

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I suspect that's why they consider commuting to Nathan's house for tweeting, even after a long day. A little schmoozing with the connected guy never hurts.


I suspect schmoozing is an art form in that business. 

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I don't think anyone is above schmoozing, be it Nathan, Stana, everyone else.  I don't think going to someone's house that you see almost every day and have worked with for years is as much about schmoozing one person as it is a combined effort to get the show some traction or to show the network that they are making an effort.  


The reality is that all the actors- Nathan, Stana, everyone else- are looking to their own self-interest and the next pages of their own careers as decision time comes again for the network and for themselves.

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I don't think anyone is above schmoozing, be it Nathan, Stana, everyone else.  I don't think going to someone's house that you see almost every day and have worked with for years is as much about schmoozing one person as it is a combined effort to get the show some traction or to show the network that they are making an effort.  


The reality is that all the actors- Nathan, Stana, everyone else- are looking to their own self-interest and the next pages of their own careers as decision time comes again for the network and for themselves.

Yeah, but I'm guessing that if Nathan invites them, they go, in the same way that if Joss Wheden invites Nathan, he probably goes, whether he feels like it or not. There is clearly a pecking order. You don't want to risk insulting someone who could truly help you.

Yep Hollywood is clearly about the schmoozing.

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I think it's common sense not to deliberately insult someone who might help you with your career. That being said, I doubt that not live tweeting an episode is seen as an affront by Nathan. Otherwise, poor Jon :-) I also suspect that these invitations or questions aren't as spontaneous as they seem with their workload/ timetable. So planning ahead, making group decisions suggests a rather democratic, shared decision-making.

Anyways, it's nice of them to tweet, with or without personal agenda. They seem to have fun and enjoy themselves.

As one theory is to rally people for Castle P.I., I'd like to introduce the theory that it also might be a way to say good-bye.

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In media "that which is not Castle related but is Nathan Fillion related" news, there will finally be a Region 1 release of Two Guys, A Girl, And A Pizza Place (later shortened to Two Guys And A Girl), which Nathan starred in later on in the series back in the '90s.


So if anyone wants a dose of young Nathan Fillion, here you go!

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Got the PAL version from eBayAustralia last year and enjoyed the program.

Interesting to see that there were two breakout stars from the program (NF and Ryan Reynolds) The other 'guy' does work but isn't as far as I can tell if he's even a 'It's That Guy" face.

And all the women have gone nowhere in particular. The adorable Traylor Howard (the Girl) was the replacement sidekick on Monk for a few seasons. But even Jillian Bach, who I thought was outstanding had that one program and then not much.

Actors have it tough. I hope they put their money away when they are making it, cause it can all disappear in a minute.

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I loved Nathan and Traylor Howard together, but they only worked together for a few years. The chemistry was excellent though. Funny and sweet.

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In media "that which is not Castle related but is Nathan Fillion related" news, there will finally be a Region 1 release of Two Guys, A Girl, And A Pizza Place (later shortened to Two Guys And A Girl), which Nathan starred in later on in the series back in the '90s.


So if anyone wants a dose of young Nathan Fillion, here you go!

Excellent news! Thank you for the info.

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I think this sudden burst of live tweeting and enthusiasm coupled with that nostalgic Instagram post by Seamus today has me thinking that they know the writings on the wall! Can't hurt to try I guess but as soon as either Nathan or Stana are gone so am I and I'm pretty sure I am not the only Castle fan who feels that way.

I wish common sense would prevail and we can get a goodbye to this show this season or a shortened definitive final season with EVERYONE on board.

I share that wish but I don't expect it to happen that way on Castle, common sense seems to be in rather short supply with this team.

When it comes to the nostalgic pictures etc we've been here before if I recall. Last season Stana started sending a series of tweets and instagrams over the course of a number of months that gave the strong impression she was saying a final sad farewell to her fans and the show that made her a star, driving some of the Stanatics to fresh fits of hysteria and weeping and wailing as they became ever more frequent - she then signed up and they promptly disappeared.

It even got to me and I was convinced she was off, I became fed up with it in the end and I can't help being suspicious as to the timing and wondering if Stana wasn't attempting a few PR mind games and using her fans in the process as she must have known what the reaction was going to be in some quarters, she's not just a perfect unicorn after all but a Hollywood actress negotiating her future with the big bad network.

This season we're in the same position where everyone has to negotiate for another steady pay cheque and I see the same behaviour starting up again and this time I'm determined not to be swayed. Of course it may well be that they are indeed saying goodbye but I don't think any one knows at this stage and has been given the heads up.

I'm certain Fillion is on board for as long as the network want him (and he doesn't have a better job lined up) as are the rest of the secondary cast and I wouldn't be surprised when it comes to decision time Stana will sign on again too. She talks about other projects but that's not the same thing as having a new steady acting gig lined up. Castle could end up being her one and only big pay day during her career so she'll be thinking about that, she's no dummy. It would surely only be for one more year in any case given the steadily declining ratings season on season (last season the average demo was 1.4, this season it will probably be 1.1, I can't see that trend reversing), even ABC can't be that desperate they would keep a show going for years that was getting fractional ratings week in week out, costs are increasing yet ad revenue etc is going down.

Edited by verdana
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So Lanie get to do something other than talk about lividity. Probably medical related since that looks like a hospital set.

Hanning responded with this


Robert Hanning ‏@RobHanning 4h4 hours ago

@FredBC77 I wouldn't say Lanie-centric as much as it has extra dose of @tamalajones goodness. Either way @Stana_Katic is right: Lanie rocks!



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Kris Polaha has tweeted that he will be returning, and given Beckett's comment at the end of Witness For The Prosecution I think he is the one they are trying to turn.

Hanning says not Lanie centric as such.


Yeah I saw that right after my post.


I knew it sounded weird that they'd give Lanie her own episode after all these years.

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I wonder if Tamala misses having a Creaseys' ep now. At least those 2 gave her a subplot. It was a dumb subplot, but she got more lines than usual. Since that ADA was interested in Lanie, they could've had her have a subplot of them dating without actually showing the dates over several eps. Instead of Beckett gossiping to Castle about Lanie, we have super!Alexis and why is Haley there in random PI office scenes.

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For some reason I was thinking....awww yeah I'll just wait until 8x16 and they will be back together again and this stupidity will end, I guess for some reason I was assuming Loksat would have to be gone or irrelevant if Beckett was to move back in? I guess not.


I don't even know when to start watching again, if at all. I haven't watched the past 5 episodes and I don't think I've even missed the show....I just want a 'happy' ending so I can watch earlier episodes and just ignore the stupid ones, a bad ending will make even that impossible. :(

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Yeah at this rate I'll be tuning in for the last few episodes with no regrets, hoping for a decent finale but not expecting anything good as befits this season. Based on that Ausiello spoiler it tallies with what Stana said in an interview with Deadline  in July that what happens in the first few episodes would set things up for next 20 episodes. 


Reading that interview again, what she says about her come back and what's been promised by Hawley and Winter makes highly amusing reading given what's actually happened.


Robert Hanning ‏@RobHanning 4h4 hours ago
@FredBC77 I wouldn't say Lanie-centric as much as it has extra dose of @tamalajones goodness. Either way @Stana_Katic is right: Lanie rocks!


If Lanie "rocks" why has she had about 3 minutes of screentime this season if that? 


Looking forward to that "extra" dose of Tamala goodness - she'll get 1 minute instead of her usual 30 seconds. 


I'll give Rob his due though he knows how to promote the show with his various clips and tweets. 

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