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I see some fans are reading into this married bliss lark that this is Stana's cryptic way of telling the fans she's pregnant and fans can look forward to a Caskett baby being written into the show sooner rather than later hurrah!


Although if true, I would have thought that's going to be the final nail in the coffin of this super smart separation ruse Castle and Beckett have going on to fool Locksat. 


I would love to see into the brains of some of these fans to try and follow their logic sometimes....


If they wanted to really fool Locksat they could have them pretend someone else was actually the father in public.  Think of all the wacky hijinx we could get out of that storyline. It would be like a Three's Company episode on steroids. 

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Please, no baby. I fear for TV show off-spring, who are displayed when needed and seemingly locked in a closet or something when the parents go and do things that couldn't possibly be done with children. No, really, where do they go? It's too creepy. We don't need any babies and we don't even need to know why there are no babies. Just don't go there. Please. No.

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I have to admit, her "clowd nine" Instagram post made me think she's pregnant. But that doesn't mean it would be written into the show. Kerry Washington was pregnant almost a whole season of Scandal and they just did the sneaky camera work/hide the bump with a flower pot thing.

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I have to admit, her "clowd nine" Instagram post made me think she's pregnant. But that doesn't mean it would be written into the show. Kerry Washington was pregnant almost a whole season of Scandal and they just did the sneaky camera work/hide the bump with a flower pot thing.

Even IF she is, she would hardly be showing by time taping is done mid April so no need to write it in. I highly doubt pregnancy is in the cards for Castle and Beckett - for many reasons Edited by CastleSeason8
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I would love to see into the brains of some of these fans to try and follow their logic sometimes....

The discussions amongst some groups of people in this fandom regarding Stana is just beyond the pale and makes me deeply uncomfortable. The attacks on her husband are particularly disturbing. Luckily I seem to be able to avoid most of it but reactions to that picture yesterday.....I was not so lucky. It's beyond creepy.

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I've unfollowed many Stana fanatic  in this fandom due to their disrespectful attitude toward Kris, Nathan, anyone who they perceive is beneath Stana...to the point where they are being disrespectful to Stana herself. 


Stana was an amazing casting choice when Castle first came out.    I came to the show for Fillion, but was happily surprised by Katic.   Stana is very beautiful, smart, talented, kind...and I have been entertained by her work...which is her JOB!      I will continue to watch anything she's in.   


Stana is also smart enough and mature enough to pick her own husband and manage her own career thank you very much.    To hear some of Stana's "fans" talk, it seems that Stana is some gullible fool/unicorn/delicate creature...which is ridiculous and disrespectful to her.   Beckett is very much Stana's creation, and I seriously question anyone thinking that Stana doesn't know her own character and/or her own mind and heart about her own life.  


It makes me very happy to see how happy she is to be married to the love of her life (her words)!     Last year, when all the resigning nonsense was going on.....I remembered thinking...whatever happens...whatever she decides.      Still goes for this year.   No one can take away the fact that Stana has done marvelous work these past 8 seasons...and will continue to do so in whatever role she chooses for herself in the future. 

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Nathan on The Late, Late Show with James Corden.  Thanks, Brazil fans.  


Nathan with the red rose was a bit reminiscent of The Bachelor/ette in light of our earlier discussion.  There's literally a rose, right?


A clip from the next episode is included.


I've enjoyed James Corden's work before but never watched his talk show.  His carpool karaokes are fun.  I like how the guests are on at the same time, UK style, and they get to make a little bit of a rock star entrance through the audience.  I like Randall Park's show as well so was cool to see him with Nathan.  Will definitely check out that Eminem video now.  


Nathan dressed as Tarzan, on a moped.  Now that's a visual.  Ah, when we were young.


I can attest that crossfit is hell and not for the faint-hearted!  And definitely no pic taking unless you want to look like a super sweaty zombie.  Spinning is similarly hellish but I guess no pain, no gain.  Haven't witnessed anyone falling off their bike yet, but I do suggest wearing a good pair of shorts because no one wants to look at someone's butt crack while on a stationery bike heh.


Nice that the band musician knew Nathan and shared that seizure story.  Didn't see that coming from Corden!  Good reflexes!   I sense that Nathan is one of those people who reads those "what to do in case of emergency" and survivalist handbooks heh.  Maybe more people should, just in case.


The lighting always seems more flattering on talk shows than on Castle.   Never know why.


BTS pic with Nathan and Molly. 

Edited by madmaverick
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I've unfollowed many Stana fanatic  in this fandom due to their disrespectful attitude toward Kris, Nathan, anyone who they perceive is beneath Stana...to the point where they are being disrespectful to Stana herself.


I've felt that way about the Fillion fanatics in this fandom as well, their disrespectful and hateful words toward Nathan's girlfriends, Stana, Stana's boyfriend now husband, Marlowe.  Apparently Nathan is a victim of all of these people.  The stories made up (in their heads) and the language used is disgusting.


The ugly and unfortunate part of celebrity.  I don't blame Nathan and Stana for not interacting, they're clearly smart people.

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There's a picture of Nathan in that Tarzan costume floating around the Internet (think I first saw it on Tumblr). He looked pretty good in it from what I remember. 

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#Castle 8x11 “Dead Red" Episode stills


Here is a link on youtube to that Sneak, I don't intend to watch any of them, I find it's better waiting for the episode to air. 


I can't help giggling every time I hear Stana described by some of her fans as a "perfect unicorn" it's so ridiculous yet they seem genuinely serious about it. Surely these "Stanatics" as they seem to like calling themselves can respect and like a person for what they do without rendering her close to untouchable in all her magical perfection? I've also come across some of the unsavoury comments directed at her husband and likewise Nathan's girlfriends, yet these people call themselves "fans" of the actors but are happy to slag off the people Stana and Nathan have chosen to love. I've found some of the stuff about Kris and Stana's relationship particularly creepy and bizarre. There's a world out there in the Castleverse I'm glad I don't get to see too much thank God. 


Please, no baby. I fear for TV show off-spring, who are displayed when needed and seemingly locked in a closet or something when the parents go and do things that couldn't possibly be done with children. No, really, where do they go?


Heh. Yeah it's amazing how these kids just magically disappear when required and the parents are not much troubled by sleepless nights or having to find a babysitter or looking like shit because they're so exhausted, after the birth which is usually a big deal they're farmed out to instant day care never to be seen again.


BTS pic with Nathan and Molly.


I love that they seem naturally close and Molly after so long definitely looks up to Nathan and takes his advice and counsel which should set her up in good stead for her future once Castle is over.  Now if I could just enjoy Alexis more this season...sigh 

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I'm so glad I'm insulated from the crazy.  I follow people on Twitter, but as soon as they post 3 shots of themselves 3 days in a row, post something political (right or left, I don't care), use their Twitter exclusively for self-promotion, I unfollow.  Thus, I don't see too much other than pandas, these days ;-).


But yes, if we respect a public figure, we should respect their choices.  We should be happy for their happiness.  People who think they should have a say in their favorite TV stars lives have crossed the line between fan and stalker.  They need to step away and maybe into therapy.  What they're doing goes beyond mere fan-ship. 


Stana clearly loves her husband.  What a lucky life she has.  Nathan also clearly cares about his girlfriend.  May they all live with happiness.

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If nothing else, I hope we'll get some hot Castle & Svetlana (aka Russian Beckett) fanfic out of this. :P


I do feel Castle tends to get a raw deal with the boys when it comes to his relationship with Beckett.  I can understand the boys being loyal to Beckett, but she's the one who wanted to keep her distance from Castle and started this whole separation deal in the first place!  It would be nice to see Castle get some empathy and support from the boys too.  


I will be curious to see how the Martha & Espo singing goes. 

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Watched what I thought was a well done episode of Madam Secretary this week, which dealt with the death of a family member.  I'm not saying I want to see Martha die on Castle or anything, definitely not, but I would love to see an episode where the A story is the personal stuff, and the B story is the COTW.  That's what they did on MS and it was a refreshing change for a one off, and allowed for deeper exploration of the family drama element of the show.  Doubtful they would ever do that on Castle though because they seem to cling hard to their crime procedural structure.  The wedding could have been an opportunity to delve deeper into the personal, but the writers past and present just don't seem interested.  It's a shame because I thought the family drama element was stronger and well written in the early years, especially with Castle/Alexis/Martha stories.  They had an opportunity to do family drama again when Beckett got together with Castle, but that element was almost wholly ignored by Marlowe, except in the most superficial sense.  Beckett's relationships with Alexis and Martha remain barely delved into.  They've even stopped delving deeper into family oriented stories with Castle and Alexis and Martha.  The family members are reduced to popping in and out and a sideshow to the COTW.  It's a shame because I think the family stuff really adds a lot of heart to the show.


I would love to see Castle & Beckett (or Martha) have a real talk about his Dad, the existence of a stepmom Rita.  I would love to see Beckett talk to Castle more about Johanna.  Flesh her out some more.  These are important conversations that shouldn't take place offscreen.  More real, adult, meaningful conversations in general rather than just skating the superficial or going on about the case or the conspiracy all the time.  When you see the married couple talk about this kind of stuff on MS, it really adds to the sense of depth and strength and realism of the marriage. 

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Well, didnt enjoy that longer sneek peak and hate the idea of the boys thinking he cheated. Oh well, havent enjoyed this "fun" so far, so why start now

I still haven't watched the clip but the idea that Castle would casually want to pretend he's been cheating on Beckett after he was cheated on by Meredith I find completely insane. I hope this is all cleared up because if he doesn't it makes no sense why the boys would continue to give him the time of day considering how protective they supposedly are of their captain. Sigh

Edited by verdana
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I still haven't watched the clip but the idea that Castle would casually want to pretend he's been cheating on Beckett after he was cheated on by Meredith I find completely insane. I hope this is all cleared up because if he doesn't it makes no sense why the boys would continue to give him the time of day considering how protective they supposedly are of their captain. Sigh

Honestly, so stupid. Would Kate be ok with the fact that the boys think this of Castle? I would doubt being labelled a cheater after being cheated on would be something Castle would be pleased with. But this is S8, all past notions are off the table. Cant stop shaking my head
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It is a weird choice for a cover story....I am really hoping there will be more to it (preferably something funny and clever) but as CastleSeason8 said -- this is season 8: the year all logic got thrown in the garbage for the sake of contract clauses.....

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It is a weird choice for a cover story....I am really hoping there will be more to it (preferably something funny and clever) but as CastleSeason8 said -- this is season 8: the year all logic got thrown in the garbage for the sake of contract clauses.....

Yeah because if not and this is what they're going for as a cover story in the weeks to come it makes the show almost unwatchable for me at this point. It require complete suspension of disbelief once again that any of the parties involved would seriously continue to be dealing with each other as normal having "fun" and hanging around together. I suffered 8 episodes of this insanity when they were genuinely apart and behaving in OOC ways and I don't want to do it again now they're secretly together. I'd rather tune in when this separation crap is finally over with and save myself the grief, I just have to pray it doesn't drag on all season lol. 


If the writers even bothered to remember the history of these characters, these were the same guys that wouldn't give Castle the time of day for simply not calling Kate after he left for the Hamptons with Gina and now I've to got to accept them letting Castle buddy up with them on cases in the coming weeks? This does not compute and as CastleSeason8 points out the very idea Beckett would be happy with having people think Castle is cheating on her is equally stupid. I can't think of any woman who would want her friends and family thinking that of her partner Locksat be damned. 


‘Castle’ exclusive: Seamus Dever on Ryan’s future, fun moments ahead, and potential season 9




FlickerToAFlame.Thanks for the article. Seamus mentions the word "fun" fifteen times in that interview, I wonder if the cast had a get together with Hawley over what the buzz word is this season?  It reminds me of people who are so desperate to convince you of something positive that they keep on peppering their conversation with suitable words to try fool you into think you genuinely are having some. 


So we're going to find out a little bit more out about Espo and Ryan but why am I betting it's about a five minute scene each out of an entire season when they focus on their personal lives? That's not enough to sustain my interest in the secondary characters, Seamus even says that he thinks Ryan has "fallen a little between the cracks" this season and makes it pretty obvious he's had very little to do outside of fooling around with Castle more and solving cases so minimal character development for him aside from Ryan becoming a father again. They can't even manage one episode focused on Ryan at least Marlowe for all his faults managed that lol. I guess everyone is having too much "fun" with the cases and Locksat separation bullshit. At this point given my growing antipathy for all things related to the latest big bad conspiracy I would gladly accept a Ryan-centric episode or even an Esposito one or how about God forbid shine some light on Martha? I've long given up on Lanie lol.


madmaverick. I couldn't agree more with everything you said earlier and especially about fans seeing more of these important conversations on screen. May be I should start watching Madam Secretary in the interim if I have to go on an extended Castle hiatus.  


I don't understand why they refuse to expand further on these areas when it seems the natural thing to do in order to prolong the life span of the show and provide the fans with more "meat" and less superficiality which after a while starts to pall and provides little emotional sustenance. By the looks of things from that interview they continue to be firmly wedded to the COTW and what little we do get is considered the best they can manage in the given format of the show.

Edited by verdana
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FlickerToAFlame.Thanks for the article. Seamus mentions the word "fun" fifteen times in that interview, I wonder if the cast had a get together with Hawley over what the buzz word is this season? It reminds me of people who are so desperate to convince you of something positive that they keep on peppering their conversation with suitable words to try fool you into think you genuinely are having some.

So we're going to find out a little bit more out about Espo and Ryan but why am I betting it's about a five minute scene each out of an entire season when they focus on their personal lives? That's not enough to sustain my interest in the secondary characters, Seamus even says that he thinks Ryan has "fallen a little between the cracks" this season and makes it pretty obvious he's had very little to do outside of fooling around with Castle more and solving cases so minimal character development for him aside from Ryan becoming a father again. They can't even manage one episode focused on Ryan at least Marlowe for all his faults managed that lol. I guess everyone is having too much "fun" with the cases and Locksat separation bullshit. At this point given my growing antipathy for all things related to the latest big bad conspiracy I would gladly accept a Ryan-centric episode or even an Esposito one or how about God forbid shine some light on Martha? I've long given up on Lanie lol.

Seamus almost had me believing what he was saying in that interview but he used the word fun one too many times.

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SpoilerTV had a blind item about a pregnancy. I saw in one of the press photos from this up-coming Castle-a-thon that Ryan was getting a baby gift from the Castles.  Probably home life and the new bundle of joy? plays some role in that Ryan-centric episode...


::Yawns::  Sorry.

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SpoilerTV had a blind item about a pregnancy. I saw in one of the press photos from this up-coming Castle-a-thon that Ryan was getting a baby gift from the Castles.  Probably home life and the new bundle of joy? plays some role in that Ryan-centric episode...


::Yawns::  Sorry.


Actually I think that blind item was about Bernadette and Howard from The Big Bang Theory.

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Actually I think that blind item was about Bernadette and Howard from The Big Bang Theory.

The last time I heard, showrunners poo-pooed the idea.  Bernadette already has a baby -- named Howard.


Sometimes these blind items coincidentally work for multiple shows. 

Castle Season 8 Episode 9 “Tone Death” Preview at Gossip and Gab 


Castle - 8x09 Tone Death - Advance Review at Voice of TV 


Haven't looked at them so read at your own peril.


The idea that she has to be "pissed" at Castle is more nonsense.  Why didn't she have to be pissed at Castle last fall too?

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Babies are hard to write into tv series because of the logistics.  They can only be in front of the cameras for seconds because of the heat.  I believe they used 3 twins (please correct if I'm wrong) for the baby episode of Castle.  For logistics and budget reasons, I don't think a baby is in Castle's future.

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I am not sure, but I think they may have been quadruplets!  Either that or triplets.  Either way, a handful (few handfuls?).


I enjoyed the baby episode but once was enough.  Baby whisperer in action was cute.  Still wish we'd seen Caskett have their first conversation about having kids, but another important moment consigned to offscreen. ;)


Have no desire to see Sarah Grace whatsoever.  Almost forgot her name.


The screener reviews sounded positive to me but I'm keeping low expectations as usual.  I've enjoyed the lighthearted bits and the comedy (won't call it 'fun' to avoid touching any more nerves :P) more than some here so far this season so I hope I'll enjoy more of that in the upcoming episode.  There may be some things which might take away from the comedy for some, judging from the reaction to the sneak peeks already, but I'm going to keep an open mind and see how I react when I watch the episode as a whole to see if it works for me.  Definitely still firmly encamped in the glass is half full position.

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The last time I heard, showrunners poo-pooed the idea. Bernadette already has a baby -- named Howard.

Sometimes these blind items coincidentally work for multiple shows.

The idea that she has to be "pissed" at Castle is more nonsense. Why didn't she have to be pissed at Castle last fall too?

Well the whole thing would have made more sense last fall if she was acting pissed at him. It was silly then because anyone could see she still loved him. So maybe they are trying to course correct?

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I am not sure, but I think they may have been quadruplets!  Either that or triplets.  Either way, a handful (few handfuls?).


It was quadruplets...the poor mother. 


I get into a cold sweat when forced to be around just one baby the idea of having to look after four would be utterly terrifying.  Can you imagine being asked to babysit that lot? *shudder* 

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It was quadruplets...the poor mother.


It's payment per actor (baby), right?  So think of it this way, the mother would be paid x 4. :P  And maybe she's better positioned in the ad market with 4 babies?  No idea.


I get into a cold sweat when forced to be around just one baby the idea of having to look after four would be utterly terrifying.  Can you imagine being asked to babysit that lot? *shudder*


It would require a team effort.  A team of 4, heh.  I joke, but seriously, it does sometimes take a team of 4 to look after an elderly person, and that can be more difficult than babysitting in my eyes, because it's usually depressing, whereas babies are still at the beginning of everything. ;)


If Seamus doesn't get a Ryan-centric episode this season, would this be the first time Seamus has gone without while Jon got one? I forget, since those episodes are mostly forgettable to me, I'm sorry to say.  I think Seamus will probably still get his turn otherwise it might be a bit awkward.  Tamala must have given up on expecting one by now.  Susan, too.


Just thinking, have any of the EPs from Castle gone on to create a show that lasted beyond one season, or not even that, if it even made it to series?  So far, Marlowe's struck out.  Not sure if he's got anything in the latest development cycle.  Bowman struck out during that one time when he moved on from Castle for a bit.  Hawley's pilot died, whatever it was.  Armyan Bernstein's Agent X made it to series but I think it's been canceled.  Laurie Zaks' various series have all been canceled.  Wonder if this is on the actors' minds as they decide whether to stay or go.  But actors can cast a wider net, I suppose.  I don't think Nathan or Stana will have problems finding employment in a TV series in the near future, but whether it'll be a success and/or a quality role is another question altogether.  And if they want to leave TV behind, that's another challenge altogether.  As for Jon and Seamus, I don't really see them being promoted to lead roles.  Molly, possibly, if the right project came along.  And of course I hope to see Susan Sullivan somewhere on screen after Castle.

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Just thinking, have any of the EPs from Castle gone on to create a show that lasted beyond one season, or not even that, if it even made it to series?


To be fair, the Jerry Bruckheimers, Dick Wolfs, and Shonda Rimeses are very rare. What you said is actually the norm. The entertainment biz can be a fickle beast unless, like the three I listed, one has scads of luck and a good TV rep on their side.

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This is not exactly the photo I'd have picked, don't poke the angry beast lol 

They obviously thought the "Family Business" poster that came out just before S8 started must have been a winner. The promo pics indicate that Alexis does indeed investigate with her Dad during the episode but the comments to this post, and several others on FB reminding people of the show's return, would indicate that it might have been more diplomatic to use one of the pics of Beckett with Castle. Someone at ABC seems to be trying really hard to generate some support for Castle P.I.by persistently emphasising that angle. 

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I'm not getting worked up over a tweet from Castle_ABC.  Don't know if person who runs that account even watches Castle.  And just scrolling down the account a bit, you can see there have been many tweets referencing Castle and Beckett, Castle, Beckett, "the gang", etc.   The P.I. setup is a thread this season so I'm not surprised they referenced it, nor do I see it overwhelming everything else in terms of what little publicity Castle gets.  I'd rather they reference P.I. than Locksat. ;)  



To be fair, the Jerry Bruckheimers, Dick Wolfs, and Shonda Rimeses are very rare. What you said is actually the norm. The entertainment biz can be a fickle beast unless, like the three I listed, one has scads of luck and a good TV rep on their side.


The ones you mentioned and a few others really have built an empire, or at least acquired a strong track record networks want to bet on.  Somehow I've avoided getting hooked onto any of their shows though heh.  I think the Castle EPs are more on the track of hoping they're not one hit wonders. ;)

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Matt Mitovich ‏@MattMitovich 

(And don't get me started on @Jon_Huertas' A+ contributions. Hoping it doesn't get spoiled. #Castle)

Matt Mitovich ‏@MattMitovich

#Castle: Many of next week's traditional music cues (incl theme, chase music) are done a capella and it's pretty LOL.



Maybe this episode is what Shay Jean needs to hit it big. Heh.


Suddenly amused by a scene in my mind where Ryan introduces his kid as Shay Jean instead of Sarah Grace, and no one bats an eye because it's been so long no one remembered her name or her gender.

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The fact that they are using that picture/tagline make me really worried about what they are thinking about for season 9.

Before I actually read the tweet and saw only the picture, I almost thought is was Mulder and Scully (the flashlights). I wouldn't be surprised if other promotional pictures that come out also semi-reference the X-Files, since the ratings have been enviable.

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I'm not getting worked up over a tweet from Castle_ABC.  Don't know if person who runs that account even watches Castle.  And just scrolling down the account a bit, you can see there have been many tweets referencing Castle and Beckett, Castle, Beckett, "the gang", etc.   The P.I. setup is a thread this season so I'm not surprised they referenced it, nor do I see it overwhelming everything else in terms of what little publicity Castle gets.  I'd rather they reference P.I. than Locksat. ;)  


The person who runs that Twitter account is probably some grunt in the marketing department. I bet he/she is given guidelines about when to release pictures and what kind of things to highlight.  Clearly this season ABC higher ups have said they want Castle/Alexis being PIs to be highlighted as a thing. Now, I don't really care what they choose to put in the promos in it of itself. It usually doesn't correlate to my actual enjoyment of the episode. But I do think it shows what someone at the network is thinking, especially when you combine it with everything else we've been hearing this season.

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I'm back and only to say one thing.


The fact that they want to joke about Castle cheating on Beckett (given the history of these characters) is one of the biggest WTF moments I have had, and that's comparing it to their demolition of the 'one-and-done' backstory. Don't worry though guys, Beckett's comeback to the cheating rumors is that she is dating somebody else anyway. Please step forward Vikram....


Also Beckett slapping Castle? Not cool. Society is all about gender equality these days right? I'd love to see the reaction if Castle did that to her.


This show has become a joke.


edit: TV Fanatic actually gave a proper preview that isn't part of the typical hype machine/fan-girling.

Edited by Chado
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