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Small Talk: Chili's

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On 8/26/2016 at 0:14 AM, sacrebleu said:

Loved it. And telling everyone I know to watch it, and I named my Hateball team the Demagorgons, so there's that. 

As for work-related rants. My boss regularly drives me crazy. She's one of those bosses that will call you into her office and quarter of 5 then talk to you for a half hour, then give you a task to do.

No lie. She did this on Friday-- I had requested a half day of PTO for Friday afternoon-- which she approved. She called me into her office 15 minutes before I was planning to leave, talked for half an hour, then gave me an assignment, 10 minutes after I was supposed to leave.

I don't know if it's a test, or she's oblivious, or sadistic. 

I thought it was great too! Hopper and Eleven are definitely my favourites of the show.

Ugh, I hate bosses like that @sacrebleu I sometimes think they think that everyone is as invested in the work/job as they are and forget that, actually, we are just there because we're paid to be there.

It happens to my bf regularly, he has a boss who seems to be oblivious to everyone else not wanting to work 24/7 (he'll send emails out at 2am for example) and will come up while my bf has a mouthful of lunch and ask him questions or will ask him question as he is obviously leaving for the day.

People here generally take holidays in the summer too (usually over school holidays which is 6 weeks starting just before christmas) so it's nice and quiet at work (fortunately I don't work in retail) so I usually work as much as I can during that time and then take leave when school goes back. Have fun on your vacation!

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Sorry, I've been preoccupied, as well. We finally decided we're leaving Hawai'i and moving to the Gulf Coast, so we were in Sarasota last week looking at houses. I love Hawai'i and will miss it terribly, but we're ready to downsize and real estate is just too expensive here + we want to be closer to family and mainland friends (not that any of them live in Florida, but it's SO much easier/cheaper to visit from there). We found a house we're very pleased with and should be moving in about a month, which gives me a bit of an anxiety attack, but we'll get through what we need to. I don't know how military families do it!

I've heard nothing but good about Stranger Things, but I'm a complete wimp and think it sounds too creepy for me. I haven't even watched any TV for probably two weeks except for a couple of episodes of Last Week Tomight and one of Kimmie Schmidt, which I'm behind on because I was watching OITNB and Bloodline earlier this summer instead. Now that we'll be in FL, I'm definitely going to Islamorada (where Bloodline) is filmed to check it out.

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On 8/25/2016 at 9:14 AM, sacrebleu said:

Loved it. And telling everyone I know to watch it, and I named my Hateball team the Demagorgons, so there's that. 

As for work-related rants. My boss regularly drives me crazy. She's one of those bosses that will call you into her office and quarter of 5 then talk to you for a half hour, then give you a task to do.

No lie. She did this on Friday-- I had requested a half day of PTO for Friday afternoon-- which she approved. She called me into her office 15 minutes before I was planning to leave, talked for half an hour, then gave me an assignment, 10 minutes after I was supposed to leave.

I don't know if it's a test, or she's oblivious, or sadistic. 

Plus, like @Glory works for me is crazy. Everyone takes time off in August so there's more work to do. My vacation starts a week from today. Hello, US Open, we're also entering the Ham4Ham lottery since we'll be in NYC so wish us luck!

I've had superiors do this to me. I used to feel easily intimidated (I definitely don't anymore) so I would never assert myself and say, "I have to leave", but I don't do that anymore. I've gotten very good at pointing to the clock and saying, "This meeting was scheduled for one hour. We are now 5 minutes over. I have to go", and then I get up and leave.  I am polite about it, but I'm through with people walking all over my planned time. I will make exceptions if it is obviously necessary (if there is something that needs to be taken care of for patient safety reasons, or to meet requirements to keep the hospital from getting "dinged" for not meeting regulations, but outside of that I've learned that people just have no awareness of how they infringe on others.  

Having spent time on Maui and having lived in Florida, it seems to me like that's a good transition environmentally. I find them to be very similar in weather and landscape. The glaring exception is that Florida doesn't have the beautiful clear waters of Hawaii and no snorkeling right from the beach, but otherwise it's an easy switch.

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So this morning started out great... 

We have a daily stand up meeting (which is a waste of time!) and director is saying how some work needs to be handed over from someone to someone else and no one volunteers so he says "Ok, Sarah (that's me!) you can do it" and it's not as though, in a room with the full section I can say "Actually, no I'm not doing that" to the director.

So then I later hear that he and my direct manager were discussing me and the role I mentioned above and how they were going to have a chat to me about it.. I feel like they're going to push me into applying for it just because they are now disappointed in the crappy applicants they got. Yes, I know I'm the best person for that job but maybe you should have checked if I'd apply/want it before advertising it!

So by 9:30 he'd basically ruined my day.. what did I ever do to you director guy :'(

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On 8/24/2016 at 11:22 PM, King of Birds said:

LOL on an earplug being the "preserve the belly button" device.

I found that amusing too. But then I was thinking: well, what would be better? A wine cork?

Also, I get being pro-bellybutton, and I support you keeping yours, Pixel. But also, just in case, if you ever watched Kyle XY, you know that you'd be in good company without one.

Speaking of earplugs, I've been researching them and ear muffs and other soundproofing and noise reduction stuff. I finally spoke with my noisy neighbor. He's a single dad and he said he'd been leaving his teenager home alone for several day a week while he (the dad) stayed with his (the dad's) girlfriend. He had no idea his son was blasting his music at all, let alone in the middle of the night, and he apologized and said he'd talk to the kid and make sure it stopped. Then he gave me his cell phone number so I could call him any time, if it happens again. I was relieved he was reasonable about it. But I still think I'm going to get some ear protection, just in case. It's like defensive driving-- I want to protect myself in case someone else does something stupid.

And now I want opinions: When I was a teen, I would have loved to be left alone in the house overnight. But I don't think that was a thing any of the parents I did, back when I was that age. Maybe for one night very rarely, if the kid was nearing graduation from high school and was considered very responsible. But not on a regular basis and not several nights a week. Is it a thing parents do now, or is this unusual? Or was I just surrounded by unusually closely supervised kids? I admit I was sort of a nerd, so it's possible I just missed out on all the households where unsupervised carousing went on. I did have parties. But there was always an adult somewhere lurking, especially in the wee hours.

Bad bosses psuck. Bad employees, and co-workers, too.

Kalliste, I agree it's nice to be asked before people outsource, but some places are required to advertise for various reasons. Even if not, maybe if they value you the way it seems they do, you can talk to them about what you really want, and parlay it into a raise or some other advantage, since they seem to find you competent. They wouldn't give you more work just because they could, if they thought you were likely to mess it up. I get that they are maybe taking advantage of you by piling things on, but maybe if you set up a time to talk with them about your increased responsibilities, you can negotiate for more of what you want, especially if you know they don't have good applicants waiting in the wings. I know it's hard to do, and can be scary, but if they are not total jerks, they might respond to a conversation. Only you can tell though if you think it's jerkdom or oblivion or respect that's coming out wrong because of a misunderstanding of your goals.

I'm another person who gets irritated by boundary-pushing and flakiness. Sometimes, I've found that people do it to see what they can get away with but sometimes they are genuinely just flakes who forget about time rather than deliberately testing you for martyrdom. SacreB, when you are scheduled to leave, maybe you can say you're so sorry to do this but you have an important appointment and need to go, but you will catch up with them tomorrow (or something like that). An excellent boss doesn't take advantage, but a lot of people are flakes by accident, not design. I have a hard time with flakiness but non-flakes are often more powerful than we realize, once we learn to own it....

On the other hand, I get it. No one likes to have to swim upstream just to be treated decently. I fully support ranting about it, whatever you do.

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Just checked. No Alice, but One Day at a Time was there. Perhaps you got them mixed up, all them 70s feminist shows!

I don't know if any of you would have picked up The Girl On The Train, which has been a best-seller for a while, soon to be a movie. I picked it up this weekend. Now, I thought Gone Girl was okay (same with the movie) but I'm slogging through TGOTT.  The way it's written, I just want to pretty much kill all the characters. That's no fun.

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When I was 16, my parents left me alone for a weekend. I threw a huge party.  Maybe I grew up in a crappy neighborhood, but teenagers were left alone overnight all the time when I was growing up.  I feel like I had a decent, normal childhood, so I didn't have particularly crappy parents. What I did have was a brother 9 years older than me who was a handful, so maybe my parents didn't worry about me as much because he paved the way.

So anyway, no, it's not weird to me to leave teenagers alone overnight or even for a couple of nights - not if they're old enough to drive.

Kalliste - ah, you are facing the age old conundrum.  You get more work piled on you because you are competent.  Try to negotiate to get as much as you can out of any sort of promotion or additional duties. I get suckered into doing it just because "You're the only one who knows how to do it right!".  Yeah, I fall for that one all the time. Don't make my mistakes.

Edited by Pixel
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Thanks, Pixel. I'm realizing-- I left home a couple of weeks after I turned 16. So I may have a skewed perspective because I didn't even live with my parents from 16 on. I forgot that most kids are older than that while still under the parental roof, and of course once you can drive you are probably being left alone more. It makes sense.

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4 hours ago, King of Birds said:

Just checked. No Alice, but One Day at a Time was there. Perhaps you got them mixed up, all them 70s feminist shows!

I don't know if any of you would have picked up The Girl On The Train, which has been a best-seller for a while, soon to be a movie. I picked it up this weekend. Now, I thought Gone Girl was okay (same with the movie) but I'm slogging through TGOTT.  The way it's written, I just want to pretty much kill all the characters. That's no fun.

I've read TGOTT, and thought it was just okay, but like you, most of the characters got on my nerves, including the protagonist. I did find myself skimming through a lot of it from about halfway through until the last 20 pages or so.  

I was left home with younger siblings several times during my teens, from about age 14 on. We always had nearby adults we could go to if necessary, though.  

Edited by MichelleAK
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Thanks for the advice guys!

I had unsupervised parties as a teen, it started maybe around the age of 15? There was alcohol involved too and most of the time supplied by my parents. I also had 1 other friend whose parents did that too.. we'd give them our cash, tell them what we wanted and they'd buy it for us. His Dad was a bit of a sleaze and I used to get to try his 'good stuff' (that's what she said) and one night when I was 19 he propositioned me while his wife was asleep... at least I got a bunch of free booze out of him. And no, I didn't take up his offer :P

So, yes there were irresponsible parents :D I had a friend whose Mum worked nights and left all the kids (4 of them) at home most of the night, if not all of it. She was of the more irresponsible variety.

I would say I was 16 or 17 when my parents let me stay home while they went away for the weekend and eventually as I got older the amount of time they left me alone increased.

I was definitely not a responsible teen :D Although I guess I still did go to school and work when they went away. I just threw a lot of parties too!

I also had friends that were barely allowed to leave the house without supervision though. One friend wasn't allowed to walk home with me because I went through 'the bush' and I guess her Mum thought we could get kidnapped or bitten by stuff.. I don't know. She also didn't let my friend do kickboxing with me because it was too dangerous... she was a  little overbearing :P

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16 hours ago, King of Birds said:

I'm slogging through TGOTT.  The way it's written, I just want to pretty much kill all the characters. That's no fun.

keep with it. I hated the narrator at first-- but the plot starts coming together and all of a sudden you're totally with her. (at least, I was) I think this might be one of those stories that might work better on film. I believe Emily Blunt is cast as the main character, and she brings some likability/good will that might make people less likely to think she's a pathetic wretch.

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I didn't like and didn't warm to any of the characters in The Girl on the Train (didn't like Gone Girl, either), but I agree with you, @sacrebleu, that the movie has a good chance of being much more bearable with Emily Blunt. She's one of my very favorite actresses, and I think her inner strength and humor will bring a lot to "the girl." And it doesn't hurt that, in my opinion, she's one of the most gorgeous women alive, albeit in a slightly off-beat way. 

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I read The Girl on the Train and can't say I'd recommend it particularly to anyone. I did like "The Husband's Secret" though. I feel like that's been a bestseller with in a similar vein as TGOTT. 

I picked up "What Alice Forgot" for a friend, and now I'm mad I didn't get a copy for myself as it looks intriguing. 

Is anyone on Goodreads? Have I asked this already?  Here's my goodreads link if anyone I'm not friends with wants to connect: https://www.goodreads.com/carmiebg

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On 9/2/2016 at 0:31 PM, King of Birds said:

Well, I forgot about how many books about dragons Glory reads...

I like fantasy novels, ok? Gawd.

Thanks for the friend requests everyone!!

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I was locked out of the forums for a few days. Couldn't even report it because I couldn't post or even send a PM. Finally tried clearing my cache, and that restored access. Just though I'd mention it, in case others are in the same boat.

I wasn't able to "unfollow" any forums, either. Weird. I could sign up to follow new ones, I just couldn't unsub from ones I'd previously subscribed to.

Yes, I was logged in. It was just weird.

I usually clear my cache more often, but I guess I forgot to do it.

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Clearing cache, such things are like "unclogging the hair from your drain" of your computer life.

Hey so Glory I haven't been on goodreads - ever, so there's a ton load of books for me to rate. But I did join. I'm just not sure about that site knowing what percentage I've read, since I don't always read electronically. In fact that last half dozen I've read were all paper books. But I'll see how this goes.

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@King of Birds you can choose either % or pages read so it takes into consideration both types of books :) I prefer pages but as I have pretty much well and truly transitioned into the ebook world this year I'm now in the % read world.

That's strange @possibilities glad to see you made it back to us :)

Today I found out that a guy who I can't stand  was hired into the team that I would be managing if I'd taken the role mentioned previously. I feel like I've dodged many bullets by not applying for that role.

Earlier this week my bluetooth on my laptop decided to up and die. I have a bluetooth mouse and no free usb spots so I was pretty annoyed. Fortunately, I eventually fixed it and I found there is a setting that allows your computer to disable the device to save power which I have now unticked and the disconnection issues I was having seem to be resolved too! Woo!

Also, it's the weekend!

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Also: I 'donated' the paperback Girl on the Train to the Little Free Library around the corner. I included a note to "Future reader" which was basically- here's this book for free so you don't waste your money while you waste some time reading this novel where every character needs several slaps on their heads. I sincerely hope that's okay for LFLs.  (Yes, I really did leave a note like this)

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I didn't hate Girl on the Train, but I agree that none of the characters were likeable. 

I have completely transitioned to electronic books. I've rebought old favorites in electronic form. My biggest reason is that I fall asleep reading, and since my iPad provides backlighting and shuts itself off, I don't have to worry about the lights staying on all night. Also, I'm getting farsighted and I can change the font size at will on ebooks.  

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I also fall asleep reading @Pixel and, while I still read with the lights on and my kindle backlight very low, a kindle to the face hurts a lot less than a hardcover book :D

I had a strange dream last night where I woke up feeling very sad because I had hurt a man named Will who doesn't exist. It was a strange feeling. Anyone else had experiences like that?

Also, anyone a Vikings watcher in here? I'm currently nearly finished season 2 and finding it a pretty good, although sometimes very frustrating, show.

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I've also mostly transitioned to ebooks.  I did buy Hamilton and What If? in hardback, because they look cool in hardback, but everything else over the past couple of years has been an ebook. Like Pixel, I like being able to change the font size, and I like being able to carry lots of books with me when I travel, without the bulk. I haven't duplicated any of my favorite "real" books as ebooks yet, but that's mostly because I'm cheap. 

I auto-started my car this morning for the first time this fall.  It was in the high 30s (F) here.  It was a beautiful day, though, sunny and 65F.

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You have an auto-starter on your car - does it also text you when it reaches acceptable temperature?  Is there a reverse auto-starter that turns on the AC so one can get into the car and not melt into the seat as well? That's what I need.

I'll note all the reasons for the e-books, but I see myself continuing to use both. I think the one good thing is that Apple doesn't manage e-books. The way they're screwing over people with iTunes and your "own" music is beyond aggravating.

ps- I started to watch Stranger Things, so, ya know. I'll be able to be admitted back into society at some point soon. I did get through Master of None and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Do I get cookies for this?

ps2: for anyone who doesn't binge, but like me catches up eventually: Do you read through the PTV threads for shows when you're caught up? Or just browse - or skip threads etc because there's too much?

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1 hour ago, King of Birds said:

You have an auto-starter on your car - does it also text you when it reaches acceptable temperature?  Is there a reverse auto-starter that turns on the AC so one can get into the car and not melt into the seat as well? That's what I need.

No texting; the fob just has a countdown as to how many minutes are left before it shuts the car off. Mine is set to run for 25 mins. before shutting the car off. That's usually enough, unless it gets below 0F. If it's that cold (which is rare where I live, especially the last few years), the car's been plugged in overnight to keep the engine block warmed, which helps against the car not starting at all, or against rough starts.

No reverse auto-starter; just depends on how you set your temperature controls. People who live where it's really hot often have them for AC. Up here, there is never a need for that. It might get a bit hot in the car in the summer on a sunny day, but not where it's painfully hot.

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7 hours ago, King of Birds said:

Is there a reverse auto-starter that turns on the AC so one can get into the car and not melt into the seat as well? That's what I need.

 for anyone who doesn't binge, but like me catches up eventually: Do you read through the PTV threads for shows when you're caught up? Or just browse - or skip threads etc because there's too much?

(1) My husband can turn his AC on remotely via an app on his phone; it doesn't tell him when the temp is optimal, though, so he just waits a minute or two. His mid-life crisis was a Tesla, which is better than an affair (and was paid for via an inheritance from his mom), so I didn't squawk too much.

(2) I do read through the PTV threads when I catch up on a show, but I'm not a binger - whether it's a show that has all episodes released at once or an older show, I usually watch no more than a few episodes a week (sometimes much less - I think I've been watching Breaking Bad for two years and have just finished the fourth season) - so it's not a big time commitment all at once because I'll read about the episode I just watched and, when I'm done with the series, will read/skim the general threads. I even read the old TWoP recaps when the show's really old (e.g., Breaking Bad/Friday Night Lights). The TWoP forums are still archived, too, but let's not get ridiculous. (I did get ridiculous once or twice.)

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I will check on the individual episode threads of shows and then the other ones once I'm finished to save from being spoiled. I'm doing it right now with Vikings! I will say it's less fun this one on a show like that as most the posts are from more than a year ago and not active anymore but it is good to see what other people thought.

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Whether I read threads of shows I'm watching long after they aired depends on how much I liked the show, or if I still have unanswered questions or thoughts I'm wondering about whether anyone else had. I enjoy the conversation, but it's more fun when other people are still active.

I had a weird thing happen. I joined twitter 4 years ago so I could follow some other people, but I really don't use my account to post. I have only tweeted 4 times-- and I only remember what one of those was, and it was early on after I joined. But today, someone I don't know followed me. I don't get it.

I'm feeling cranky lately. There's too much to do, too little time/energy to do it, the world is a mess, grumble, grumble, etc.

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@possibilities - "I enjoy the conversation, but it's more fun when other people are still active." So far this summer, I finished watching OITNB, CXGF and Master of None (MON?) but I just haven't really enjoyed reading through the threads.

FYI Twitter followers sometimes are "bots" and follow you based on where you live, or a common twitter-generated follower (you both follow the same person.) Sometimes it's just random. The odd part is following some movie titles (to get info) and well, those kind of live on forever. You gotta unfollow or block them after they are released.

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1 hour ago, King of Birds said:

OITNB, CXGF and Master of None

Those are good shows-- I recall the conversations about them being interesting and enjoyable (for me) when they first aired, but to each their own.... Some shows discussions strike me as kind of boring, even when they're new.

I suppose my "follower" could be a bot. That makes the most sense. Except that why would a data-miner bother with an account that's completely dormant?

I'm soooo cranky today. A bunch of electronic subs I get have stopped coming. I checked my accounts and I AM subscribed, and they're not in SPAM either. It's a stupid problem, but I just feel irritated about things like this. I don't know what to do about it and I don't want to ahve to spend time troubleshooting and tracking stuff down all the time. Tech support and customer service folks all draw a blank so basically I'm SOL.

Kalliste, I'm glad you dodged that bullet with the undesireable co-worker at the other project. I think if I got stuck with an annoying person all day right now, I'd snap.

If I was Oscar, I'd slam my lid a million times today.

Also, what the hell is wrong with the media and the electorate? And when will we get some rain?

Grumble, grumble, mumble, mutter....

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I'm getting my first session of laser hair removal tomorrow! It's a bit scary knowing I'm altering my body to stop having underarm hair... I've been contemplating doing it for a while but the idea of doing something like that just creeped me out a little. I had a colleague who last week told me she is basically hairless because of laser and didn't have any issues while getting it done or since so I'm taking baby steps.. and man, would it be nice not to have to shave my armpits anymore!

Thanks @possibilities, sorry you're feeling so grumpy. The world just makes me feel grumpy right now too. At work we have this feral pigeon couple who for whatever reason decided a little corner near our office (behind a door, near a pretty busy walkway... they're weirdo pigeons) was the best place to build a nest. We were pretty excited yesterday when we saw the first egg! and then...

... today someone complained about it and a cleaner came, swept up the nest and egg and dumped in the bin. Pigeon mama came back to no nest and laid another egg on the ground :( Poor pigeon mama. We've been trying to think what we can do but it seems inevitable the same thing will happen again.

So that makes me a bit grumpy... they weren't even doing anything. They didn't make any noise, weren't aggressive about their nest/eggs (they actually were rarely at their nest, I guess they really trusted us).

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Bring down the Golden Girls!

ETA well, @sacrebleu you failed your mission. I don't understand how Golden girls gets so many votes on KODTVTM.

ETA2:  So I am unsure what discussion topic could jump start things here- how about ... Are you upset about Brangelina?

Edited by King of Birds
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Sofia won-- I fear for the fate of humanity.

well, @King of Birds I'm not upset about Brangelina-- Angelina always struck me as someone a little too 'out there' to be happy for long, (making out with her brother, the vials of blood she and Billy Bob wore). but it seems celebrity breakups (much like celebrity deaths) come in groups. I saw a story about how Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel might be calling it quits, and that Justin might have something going on with Anna Kendrick.  I have no idea how based in reality this is-- but that story seems a bit more shocking.

I may have lost IQ points just by typing this.

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btw you did lose IQ points, I'm real sorry.

Anyhow I perused the Commercials thread just now, which I don't do much, and saw @frenchtoast post about her first-born going off to high school earlier this month. And even though I recall seeing some photos /posts on facebook about it- it dawned on me to mention here in this thread... StinkyButt's a high-schooler!  This, along with a nagging pain in my lower back and also my best friend's son turning TWENTY has me feeling real old today.

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On 9/28/2016 at 11:37 PM, King of Birds said:


This is faboo!

On 9/29/2016 at 8:33 AM, frenchtoast said:

I would watch that :)

Yeah, good ol' Stinky Butt is in high school now. Has some facial hair fuzz, too. He's taller than me and is a baritone in chorus. He still laughs at fart jokes, though.

If laughing at fart jokes is the barometer of adulthood, I'm still 12. 

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Good god, this clown thing is stupid.  Why? Why are people so dumb?

I just got back from going to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios (Orlando, not Hollywood). What a great time! We managed to get through all 8 houses with our magically expensive skip-the-line passes.  I don't care what anyone says - it's worth it to me to not wait in two-hour lines.  The scare zones were all great as well, although I think they really shouldn't have doubled down on giving everyone chainsaws. It was way too much noise.

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The thing I dislike about the clown sightings is that all the stock photos of clowns used in these stories are terrifying. Case in point, a  clown sighting not too far from my neck of the woods. 

on a side note, growling clowns would have made a great Hateball team name.

It reminds me of the South Park episode where the kids saw a child psychologist. His office had these awful clown paintings on all the walls, just looming over the children. They were never referenced in the plot, but I thought they were the most hysterical and horrifying things I'd ever seen.  


Zut alors! Le Poulet du Deces

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