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Small Talk: Chili's

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If you voted to turn it off then you are on the right side of history, my friends! That is, my side.


Guts is... not happy about losing this particular debate. 


The Ren Faire is amazing. Costumes and performers and food and shopping. I love it. We go almost every year. This year I ate mac & cheese bites, corn on the cob, fresh peach sorbet (inside a peach!), and we stopped at a bakery for fresh baked bread (baked on site!). 

Mr. Toast  is right there with you. There have been times when I have forgotten to close a window when turning on the AC and boy howdy does that peeve him. The phrase "We are not cooling the neighborhood!" may have been uttered. Also, spoken to the kids standing, dithering at an open door, "In or out, in or out. Our bills are high enough!"

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First week of November? I can't think past Halloween.


I notice I'm watching more and more shows that no one else seems to watch. Like: Human Resources, Kevin From Work, and The Exes. Also, a lot of nerdy documentaries and obscure fare like Lunch With Bokara, and Secret Lives of Americans.


Does anyone else here have obscure TV tastes?

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I'm not going to say "Kevin From Work" is good. It's... passable? Sometimes I need fluff to balance all the nerdy documentaries I watch.


My DirecTV DVR only gives me 10 days ahead, which is better than 6 but not great. And I can't schedule anything that isn't currently airing (it won't register the name of any show that's on hiatus or hasn't premiered yet). I think their new DVRs might be better, but I'm not sure. Mine's 7 years old but I don't want to upgrade because I have stuff saved on it that I don't know how to transfer.


I haven't got my fall TV act together at all. I am not even sure what all the options are, and the few shows I've heard about are only mildly catching my attention so far. I really should find a comprehensive list and some reviews, because I find promos to be very unreliable in terms of predicting whether I'll like something or not.


Are fall shows starting later than they used to? It seems like late September/eay October is the norm now, and I have the idea things used to get started at the end of August in the past.


ETA: I haven't watched Impastor. I heard it was decent but the promos really turned me off. But like I said before, promos are unreliable.

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I wondered about Kevin From Work.. I only know about it because I happen to follow Jordan (Roxie) on Instagram.. I found her randomly months ago and then she started putting photos up from the show. I still hadn't convinced myself it was worth watching though :P


For me, my 'unusual' shows are usually animated. Not many people I know have watched Gravity Falls or Rick And Morty and many haven't heard of Penny Dreadful.


Currently I'm not watching anything else that is airing right now. I will probably start Mr Robot once the season has finished though.

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What turned me off about Impastor was that the promos showed that he's a criminal, posing as a gay man and a pastor. And they show him doing outrageous stuff in his pastor role, which I guess is because he's not a pastor, he's a criminal. And there's one commercial where he's having sex with a woman, someone comes into the house, the woman he's with asks if it's his wife, and he says no, he's gay.


To me it looked like the whole show as going to be one long joke about how he's a straight horndog pretending to be gay, and I couldn't figure out in what universe I could possibly think that was funny. It also looked like we were going to be asked to laugh at the congregation of liberals who hired a pastor who was gay, without vetting his credentials, and then were furthermore stupid enough to look the other way while he fucked the lady parishoners and buried corpses in the lake under guise of baptising them.


I know commercials are often misleading, but they gave me too many things to overcome. I don't think jokes based on someone being or pretending to be gay are ever funny, and I don't think jokes based on willful stupidity in the face of obvious malfeasance are funny, and I just couldn't get past any of it.


But then I have since heard it's amusing, so maybe I'm wrong.

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Impastor. meh. You're not missing anything. I watched the first few episodes, but there really wasn't any truly compelling reason to keep watching: it's not saying anything terribly original about faith, or city guy in small towns, or gay/straight relationships. I liked the main actor from Smallville, and I always root for Sarah Rue, but on the whole, meh.


I'm debating whether or not to give Heroes another chance. Season One was so good, but it got real bad, real quick. 

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I decided to look for a list of new shows and premiere dates. Here are a few:


Selected list of recommended titles by Indiewire:



Grid-format schedule, without any comments (only includes the Big 5 networks-- ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW):



Premiere dates in chronological list format:



List with premiere dates and a few notes:



I still don't know what I'll end up watching.


I have the same ambivalence about Heroes. I loved it at first, but quit watching after it became horrible and directionless. It seems like they have a specific story this time, so it won't be directionless. But I'm not sure I like the particular story idea they've gone with, so....

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All the kids back to school now? All the "first day of school" photos taken and put on facebook?*  Getting ready for a Labor Day weekend blow out party?


* BTW this is one of those things that I think social media is responsible for. I don't recall "1st day of school" pictures being a big thing when I grew up. I mean, I was nervous enough as is, having to get up, get ready, get on the bus, deal with all the new/ different people and schedules. I mean we ALL had to do the same thing, but ... God I was so happy to get out of school.


One thing I realized in my late 20s was that I fall (and sometimes still do) into a more depressive state around September. It's just something engraved in me. Last night after walking/ feeding the dog it was around 730 and dark out. I'm still used to it being light til 8. I didn't outwardly groan, but ... Ugh. Summer's ending. Boooooooo.


What's your favorite season?

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Whaaaat? KoB, as a child of the 80's, I had first day of school pictures every year! Me and the neighborhood kids, with our lunchboxes and fake smiles. But they're all safely in an album back home, not plastered all over Facebook. (Note: My parents were both educators, so maybe this ritual was more important to them.)


I'll vote in the poll. But it's weird that September brings you down, since I always associated it with "renewal" based on the school year and the weather change. My depressive month? December. Woof.

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I'm really weird. I like the grey overcast of January. Mostly because I can be cozy in my house with my stuff. Like hibernating but with television.


Oh, and as a child of the 80s I too got my picture taken by my mom on the first day of school. It stopped when I was in 3rd or 4th grade though. My daughter asked me this year, so we dragged the poor teenager to do it too. It was also his birthday, poor kid, so it was something that we did want to remember.

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All the kids back to school now?

I mean, I don't have any kids of my own, but my students come back tomorrow. I've been back since yesterday.


I don't recall "1st day of school" pictures being a big thing when I grew up.

It was a thing in my family for Kindergarten only. Here is my first day of school (I'm the littlest one, with pigtails):


Not exactly the most posed picture, as you can see. I guess my mom or dad just figured any old snapshot would do. I think somewhere there's also a picture of me getting off the bus at the end of the day, but I'm not certain of that.

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Ha ha! I love non-posed pictures like that. What a cutie.


I can't remember if we took first day of school pics when I was little. I know that by the time I was a little older, I was seeing myself off to school unsupervised, so we definitely didn't do it then.


I like autumn, because of the colors (leaves) and the weather, but it would probably depress me if I had to go back to school. And this year I'm a little nervous about the approaching winter, since last year's was so harsh and I'm feeling kind of fragile. I don't like it when the light goes away, either. But all that comes later. For now, I'm just looking forward to the heat and humidity going away. It was a mild summer but I still feel like I've been boiling for months.

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I chose baseball season as my favorite season, because it covers spring and summer.  My most hated month?  February.  Football's over, weather's still horrible, it's still dark, spring is still too far away.  Although now that my mom has a place in Arizona, at least I have somewhere I can go (cheaply) when I just can't stand the cold and snow anymore. 


Like KOB, I'm beginning to mourn the loss of light.  Sunrise is now not until nearly 7am, and sunset is 9pm.  And it was 35F when I left for work this morning.  Blurgh.  

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I loooove me some fall.LOVE IT. It's the best! And I love when it starts getting dark earlier. I get energized when the sun goes down. And of course, it means Halloweeeeen is coming!

I think we did a first day of preschool photo and a first day of kindergarten for the Lad and Lass, but that's it.

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I voted for Spring. I know how you feel KoB, I don't usually get that way at the end of summer, for me it's more of a July - August thing (hint: that's winter here) where I'm fed up with being cold and needing 3 layers of clothing and it being dark when I get home at 5PM.


Late August/September here is when it finally starts to warm up and the sun stays out a bit longer. This week I went out at lunch and didn't have to wear my coat, it makes me feel a lot more free to move. 

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Sunrise is now not until nearly 7am, and sunset is 9pm.  And it was 35F when I left for work this morning.  Blurgh.


You probably don't want to hear my complaint about going swimming after dinner (still in the 90s) and it being dark by 8:30...

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I voted for fall. Sweater weather, the end of humidity (best hair season). It's the season of apple cider, pumpkin pie, stews, soups and bread baking. (and Halloween candy)


Not to mention late season (and hopefully post-season baseball). The summer is too damn hot in DC to spend 4 hours at Nats stadium. September/October is the best time to watch baseball live.


I totally remember first day of school photos. Our parents just stuck them in an album or a shoebox, not on social media. 

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I voted fall because it's my favorite season but Christmas is my favorite holiday so I wanted to vote Winter! The choices!!

I am going to buy sweater tights and some more dresses soon so I can bust out the boots as soon as it gets chilly enough. 

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"What's a season?" (said in a Dowager Countess of Grantham accent). Since I'm in the tropics, I had to choose the "seasons in the sun" option. We do have seasons here, but they're much subtler than those I was used to and it took me a few years to even notice them.

I have the same feeling about Sundays as you do about fall, KoB. I'm quite old now, and I still feel slightly itchy on Sunday because of the dresses with crinoline (is that right? I'm not sure what crinoline is, to be honest) that my mother used to make me wear to Sunday school.

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We had our Hateball drafts today. Curses were uttered. Teeth were gnashed. Shyviolet had the worst draft positions, overall. Setlist left halfway through the first draft since it was taking ... so .... long. It was a half-half mix of people "live" vs those who let the computer pick.


We forgot to raise a glass in honor of Actinolite, but- we were all stressed out about picks. Here's the leagues, if you're interested. (lets hope the links work)


Nine freaking years! Some of us have known each other for over nine years online, TWOP to PTV.


Hateball 9.1

Hateball 9.2

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Famous resolutions:


"I'm gonna lose 25 pounds this year"  (LOTS of people)


"I'm finally gonna clean out the garage this weekend"  (everyone with a garage)


"I'm gonna get my in-laws to set a brick patio for me"  (Glory)


"I'm gonna kick that football that Lucy is holding"  (Charlie Brown)


"I vow to play Hateball next year."  (???)




I don't know if I mentioned this, but Dunkin Donuts opened a few places here in SoCal this summer. I went to one this past weekend! Got a dunkin, a maple, a chocolate w rainbow sprinkles, and a glazed w some OJ.  GOOD TIMES!  I haven't had a donut in forever so it was a good treat.


And it reminded me growing up that we'd go to Indian Ladder farms, pick apples and get cider donuts.  So I called my parents and offered a trade of sorts - my Mom always enjoys when I send her some See's chocolates.  I'm gonna send her some in exchange for some apples and cider donuts.


So- perhaps Fall isn't the WORST season of all.

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No Dunkin Donuts up here.  We had them many years ago, but after the local grocery stores reopened their bakeries after successful union-busting, they all closed down, since they couldn't compete price-wise.  I have to admit, I do miss the Munchkins. That's one thing the groceries don't do.


I don't think I've had cider donuts, but they sound wonderful.  Are they a cake donut or a raised donut?  I generally prefer cake donuts.


On a non-fattening (but expensive) topic, does anyone here have an Apple Watch?  I'm thinking of using some of my Permanent Fund this year to get one.  I don't know anyone locally who has one.  Well, my nephew's wife just got one, so I'll ask her what she thinks after she's had it for awhile, but I wanted to see if anyone here had any thoughts, good or bad.  

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I loooove me some fall.LOVE IT. It's the best! And I love when it starts getting dark earlier. I get energized when the sun goes down. And of course, it means Halloweeeeen is coming!

I think we did a first day of preschool photo and a first day of kindergarten for the Lad and Lass, but that's it.

I would love fall if I didn't have to do the yardwork of leaf removal. GAH, I hate. From mid-October until mid-December it's never ending. It's been so dry here that the maple has already started losing and instead of the vibrant yellow the leaves are tan. The lawns are brown.



No Dunkin Donuts up here.  We had them many years ago, but after the local grocery stores reopened their bakeries after successful union-busting, they all closed down, since they couldn't compete price-wise.  I have to admit, I do miss the Munchkins. That's one thing the groceries don't do.


I don't think I've had cider donuts, but they sound wonderful.  Are they a cake donut or a raised donut?  I generally prefer cake donuts.


On a non-fattening (but expensive) topic, does anyone here have an Apple Watch?  I'm thinking of using some of my Permanent Fund this year to get one.  I don't know anyone locally who has one.  Well, my nephew's wife just got one, so I'll ask her what she thinks after she's had it for awhile, but I wanted to see if anyone here had any thoughts, good or bad.  

I don't know about an Apple watch, but I believe cider donuts are those dense cake ones. I've seen Entemanns ones but they're probably not as good.

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It's been so dry here that the maple has already started losing and instead of the vibrant yellow the leaves are tan. The lawns are brown.

I lost a tree due to not watering my lawn due to the drought.  What you just described is 90% of the area I live in, lots of people are upset - it's one thing to "give up" on a green lawn, but not many people want to lose trees.  It's pretty sad.


Here is a link about the yummy cider donuts!  They are either plain, or with cinnamon sugar. If I recall, both are yummy.

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I lost a tree due to not watering my lawn due to the drought.  What you just described is 90% of the area I live in, lots of people are upset - it's one thing to "give up" on a green lawn, but not many people want to lose trees.  It's pretty sad.


Here is a link about the yummy cider donuts!  They are either plain, or with cinnamon sugar. If I recall, both are yummy.


Oh, yeah, those do look great.


After some further research, I probably won't be getting an Apple Watch.  Apparently, people with nickel allergies (which I have) have developed rashes from the metal parts, even the stainless steel parts (which usually don't cause a problem).  So, my allergies just saved me a few hundred dollars.

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After some further research, I probably won't be getting an Apple Watch.  Apparently, people with nickel allergies (which I have) have developed rashes from the metal parts, even the stainless steel parts (which usually don't cause a problem).  So, my allergies just saved me a few hundred dollars.


I have the same allergy, and have not purchased a fitbit for that same reason, as I'd read about them causing allergic reactions online.  Hopefully they'll come out with one down the road where the metal is fully covered.

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Cider donuts are awesome and yummy (and yes, are cake donuts) and a great part of the fall. Oh fall...what a concept. It feels so distant given the weather we've been having this week and the fun times I've had teaching in a 90ºF classroom (not even a slight exaggeration, btw). 


I don't know much about the Apple watch, though a student had one last year and demonstrated some of the features to me. I have a Pebble, which I'm very fond of. It doesn't do nearly as much stuff as an Apple watch, but I mostly like the notifications, music controls, and fitbit-like capabilities. 

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I picked summer as my favorite, mostly because the kids don't have school so the livin' is easy. (Someone should write a song...) But in terms of TV, the Fall Season is my favorite, checking out the  new and returning shows.


King of Birds, I think you have the same link for both Hateball teams. I'd love to see the other list so I can see the team names. Also, are you Space Adm. Rodcocker? If not, who is? That's the only recognizable name for me from that list, and that's who I'm rooting for.

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First off, KoB:

Setlist left halfway through the first draft since it was taking ... so .... long.


I had a hair appointment! And I regret it. It was for a cut and dye, and the hairstylist (who is a friend) totally left a crap ton of red dye on my scalp, which made it look like it was bleeding... until I washed it way later in the PM. (I noticed it before I left the salon, but didn't bitch about it based on the friendship thing. I feel awkward being anything less than nice for friends.) But.. uh. I might have to cut professional ties with her. My husband and I moved away from the area in March of this year, so we've been traveling the 45 minutes based on friendship and familiarity. Thus, the Hateball duck out. 


Second, LiberryLady? That photo comparison might have made my life. That is AMAZING. 


I kind of want a TWop/Previously V. Hateball name spreadsheet, since there are some team names on the list that made me crack up.. but I have no clue who they are, exactly. For the record, I'm Prank Sinatra, which is a New Girl/Winston reference. 

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Kev, no one said anything, I thought I had it right. Lets try this again





I am indeed the manager of Space Admiral Rodcocker!  As well as I Am The Falcon (anyone know what show I got this from?)


I'll come back and edit soon PTV / twop name and who manages what team.

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Last night the guy and I went out and did our first stint of Astrophotography. We didn't go out that far and had a fair amount of light pollution but some of the photos turned decent, this being one of my favourites:




A few more are on my instagram if anyone wants to look.

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I love looking at space photography.


I enjoy the team names and smack talk of Hateball. I'm not sports-savvy enough to participate, but I'm always glad to see it's happening.


My grandfather owned an independent doughnut shop in Brooklyn (Lou's Doughnuts) when I was little (1960s/1970s), and I always got a jelly doughnut when we visited. But I always liked the jelly more than the cake part. My other grandparents used to bring us Dunkin Donuts when they came to visit, with an emphasis on the "munchkins" and I remember thinking they were good, but almost too sweet. I don't mess with doughnuts anymore, due to gluten, but I still remember the sugar rush from a single donut hole back in the day. Confectioners sugar is like crack if you're not used to it.


I am so glad I don't have to go back to school. I remember it as being so stressful, the first day and every day after. I was always a nerd, but the "back to school" energy was always rough. And school itself was always such a mixed bag of INFO (which I liked) and RULES and SCHEDULES and YELLOW BUSES and HORRIBLE PEOPLE AND BUILDINGS (which stressed me out).


I like people and buildings much more as an adult. And I am even pretty good with schedules and rules. But as a kid, they seemed to be unnavigable and often unpleasant as well.

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Pivot? There's a network called Pivot? Does David Schwimmer run it?


So lets talk abut Kalliste's instagram. What is that "School group cert"? That grabbed my eye.

The July 23rd sunset is great. Looks like the clouds are on fire.

Chocolate chip pancakes and frappes? Fantastic! I am SO crashing at your place when I visit Oz.

Mars bar looks weird.  BTW y'all need to check out her instagram just for all the photos of chocolates.  And- Cadbury chocolate spread? (nutella-ish?)

What's korean fried chicken? What's Korean about it?

And if you go far enough in... the shower cap towel!


Space Admiral Rodcocker... lost!  MichelleAK, how dare you?!!??

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Haha, why didn't you like anything KoB??


It's not an 'School group cert" it's an "old school group cert" :P I'm not sure what the equivalent is called over there, it's a 'group certificate' and we get them at the end of the financial year (financial year being 1 July - 30 June) from our jobs and it has our income info from the previous year on it. So we can lodge our tax


I'm also not sure what is Korean about Korean Fried Chicken :P but apparently it is a thing. Apparently prepared in a Korean Style.


The Cadbury spread is similar to nutella but it basically tastes like gooey chocolate and it has little soft cookie crumble, it's pretty amazing. I like it most just out of the jar but I did put it on some puff pastry on the weekend and put it in the oven :D mmm!


Oh and it's not a Mars Bar, it's a Mars Bar slice :) Basically Rice Bubbles (Rice Krispies?) covered in melted mars bar and a bunch of butter.


Our Mars Bars look like:


Potentially like a Milky Way over there?


So, not sure if it's spread all over but we have a new prime minister! YAY!


No more this guy:

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Space Admiral Rodcocker... lost!  MichelleAK, how dare you?!!??


Pretty easily, as it turns out. Hah! My kicker getting 20 and the defense getting 22 really helped, since my QB was only meh. My other team got crushed, though.  

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Haha, why didn't you like anything KoB??

I am not on instagram, and I did try to click one of the likes/ hearts but it popped up with a "you need to join" thing.  I didn't want to do that. But I did enjoy your shots nonetheless. Good stuff! Lots of fun!


BTW is Tumblr still a thing? Do people have tumblr accounts? Or, did you have one, but you abandoned it like a 2000's era blog, and can't remember your password?


ps- My parents are torturing me. They said that the cider and donuts supposedly can be shipped to 47 states, but NOT California!  I would consider this a prank but they are 78 years old and I don't think they'd do that to me.

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I have heard that great news. I have a question, though. What's the deal with the onions?

I'm assuming you're seeing stuff with people eating raw onions? For some reason Tony twice ate raw onions on tv.. no one really knows why.


And KoB, I've never had a Tumblr account, I don't really understand its purpose.. to me it is similar to Pinterest but the target audiences are different.

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I have a tumblr account. A family member had a baby a while back and put lots of good baby pics on tumblr, so I joined to be able to see new pics as they came on. I follow a limited number of accounts, which works for me. An advantage of Pinterest is the ability to follow certain boards of a person, rather than all of their boards. So I could follow someone's Entertainment, The Office, and Art boards, for example, but not their "My Style!," or "Cutest Pet Ever" board. And if someone's Pinterest isn't organized well, I probably wouldn't follow them at all.


In tumblr, you can only follow by account, so whatever they put up there, you see, even if you're only interested in some aspects of their life/interests. tumblr lacks organization as well, I think -- if I'm trying to find a particular post on someone's tumblr, (trying to get to the source of a Pinterest pin when the poster linked the tumblr account instead of the post), you've got very little chance of finding it.


ETA: Death Chicken!!

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Woot! They announced the amount of this year's Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend, and it's $2,072.  It's the highest amount ever (previous high was 2008 at $2069).  And if that's not cool enough, I won a $50 gift card at a locally-owned burger diner for guessing the amount correctly in a Facebook contest.  It'll be nice having some spending money for my Seattle trip next month, since all of my other "discretionary spending" funds are going to paying off my cruise. 

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Woot! They announced the amount of this year's Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend, and it's $2,072.  It's the highest amount ever (previous high was 2008 at $2069).  And if that's not cool enough, I won a $50 gift card at a locally-owned burger diner for guessing the amount correctly in a Facebook contest.  It'll be nice having some spending money for my Seattle trip next month, since all of my other "discretionary spending" funds are going to paying off my cruise.

Thanks, Obama!
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Ya know, with it being all death-chickeny here recently, I thought "Ah, I'll make up a poll" but... couldn't think of one!  Best I could think of was "Wasn't the Muppets a letdown?"  But that's not a good poll question.


But I digress. Something must be wrong, if I can't think of a stupid question and 5-10 goofy answers. I looked high, low- everywhere I possibly could. May have to try to get the feeling again.

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