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Small Talk: Chili's

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zzzzZZzzzzzz... I've started a training course this week and my brain has been so sedated in my current job that now all this thinking and doing is making it quite sleepy.

On the plus side the course is fully catered :D

Also I did the stupid knowledge test and got 100% and got my stupid learners again.

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I was traveling for work this weekend-- blech. And I had to board my dog, my youngest niece is a little scared of dogs so no free pet sitting. I found a great place out in Maryland-- so he got to spend a couple of days romping around on a 16 acre farm. 

But my conference went well-- my bosses seem really happy with the work I did so that's good. Plus, the weather in Boston was gorgeous. The Sox were on the road so- no trip to Fenway, but got some good seafood and met up with some friends while I was there.  

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2 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

 The Sox were on the road so- no trip to Fenway

:-(  Such a shame to go all the way to Boston and not see a game or the pahhk.

So am I crazy (no, you need to wait a second before answering, ok?)  Am I crazy that to get away from the Fallujah-style fireworks in my neighborhood, I am hauling butt all the way up the California coastline to a hotel in a city with no fireworks? Wish me luck because the last time I tried this, the dog wouldn't sleep because she wasn't "home"  - even though I brought her bed, and toys and water dish/ food etc. But at least I'm avoiding fireworks.  3 of the last 4 nights have been 'warm ups' for the neighbors. I can't stand that they start just around midnight when we're sleepy and then get jolted awake.

Edited by King of Birds
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52 minutes ago, King of Birds said:

:-(  Such a shame to go all the way to Boston and not see a game or the pahhk.

So am I crazy (no, you need to wait a second before answering, ok?)  Am I crazy that to get away from the Fallujah-style fireworks in my neighborhood, I am hauling butt all the way up the California coastline to a hotel in a city with no fireworks? Wish me luck because the last time I tried this, the dog wouldn't sleep because she wasn't "home"  - even though I brought her bed, and toys and water dish/ food etc. But at least I'm avoiding fireworks.  3 of the last 4 nights have been 'warm ups' for the neighbors. I can't stand that they start just around midnight when we're sleepy and then get jolted awake.

I don't think it's crazy. They usually don't bother me too much, and I don't have any pets to be traumatized, but the fireworks do get annoying here. They are supposed to be illegal here, but people drive north to the one place they are legal to sell and use, and then bring them back.  If they were just normal fireworks it wouldn't be so bad, but since it doesn't get really dark this time of year, they get the noisy, high explosive ones instead of the pretty ones. Plus its been really dry here, so there is always a fire danger as well. Needless to say, I won't be disappointed if there is rain.

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No, not crazy. We don't know how the new dogs will react to fireworks, but the city changed the location last year from one park/field to the high school. We live less than half a mile from the high school (and middle and elementary school too). We can hear the cheering and announcer during football season. We had an obscured view of the fireworks last year, but didn't have dogs. Given that one dog seems very nervous during thunderstorms, I have a feeling it's going to be a fun night. Thankfully, the neighbors don't do it much, but we'll see as we get closer. 

IOW, I get your concern about fireworks and dog. 

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I used to like watching fireworks when I was a kid, but by the time I was in my late teens, my dog was terrified of them, and it still traumatizes me to remember how freaked out he got, and how I was unable to console him. And, besides all that, sometimes they sound like gunshots to me, which makes it all the more upsetting, especially given recent news events and what seems like an epidemic of wanton murdering that goes on these days.

I say if you can take a nice little vacation, you and your pooch are blessed and should enjoy it as much as you can! Make it like you're not refugees, you're on a luxury adventure.

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To finish up my anti-fireworks stance: one big blowout only on July 4th at a nearby HS football field in a controlled environment, I'm fine with that. That's how it was growing up.  This whole "everybody set off your own" crap that we have now, starting post-Memorial day, rolling through Labor Day, is what I cannot comprehend. Plus the police attitude that they "need to know the exact address" for rocket propelled explosions in the night sky is baffling and unrealistic. To use a modern phrase, I wish there was an app for that, to figure it out.

Speaking of other unrealistic bullshit, check out who will get Hollywood Walk of Fame stars in the next few years (go about 3 minutes into the video) And then scratch your head a whole lot on who is a 'star.'

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I know they're terrible. I know they can trigger PTSD in combat vets, and animals hate them, and they're super bad for the environment. I know all that. 

But damn if I still think they're pretty. 

I'll show myself out....

But... not before asking a question. Guts, I think, is ready for a new dog. I'm not so sure I am. How do you know? A couple of weeks ago I had some new ink done in memory of my buddy.

The idea of another dog is not so terrifying as it once was. But it's barely been 3 months... I don't know. I just feel guilty maybe?


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I don't think you ever know. What you do know is that it's different with every dog, but that's what makes it so worthwhile. I guess it comes down to, do you want your buddy back or do you want to share that special relationship and bond with a dog.

When we were going through the process of looking for a new family dog, I pushed hard for retired racing greyhounds. Every greyhound adopter and representative that we met said they're like potato chips, you can't have just one. For me, dogs just mean more love to share.

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When my, for lack of a better word, "soulmate kitty" died, I thought I could never get another because I would always be comparing to her. Previously, I had had numerous cats who I had loved dearly, but this particular cat was the perfect cat for me, and I just didn't think I could love another one as much.

Since then, I have taken in a few fosters for various people/cats with a crisis situation, thinking they would be temporary and I would be able to enjoy them without needing to love them as much as my dear departed. Well! That has mostly been true, but then there was this one:

She came to me supposedly on a temporary emergency basis. We bonded like crazy almost instantly and I found myself revving up to be either heartbroken or fiercely possessive if her people ever wanted her back. But as it turns out, they were very happy that I could keep her and that I wanted to keep her, as they had a lot else going on in their family. I grew to love that cat as much as my original Best Ever Perfect Match, but in a totally different way. Perfect Cat For Me #1 and Perfect Cat for Me #2 had very different personalities, and my relationships with them were thus quite different. But it really showed me that I can love and bond just as much with a different cat, but in a different way. She lived out the rest of her life with me.

There have been others, and not all of them were perfect matches for me, but I have still enjoyed them and been glad to know them. But what I realize now is that I may never feel ready, or "know" in advance. Sometimes I do have an instant bond but other times I don't. And I almost never feel sure until after it happens.

I think it's okay to like fireworks even if you also know their downside. Few of us are not conflicted about something or other that has pros and cons. Life is complex.

Likewise, I think if you go looking for a dog, you might discover you really aren't enthused, or you might fall in love and know it's time. In the abstract, it's a lot harder to say. I for sure didn't think I was ready for my 2nd perfect feline, but when she showed up here, I couldn't believe how great it was.

What I can't figure out about the walk of fame thing is: aren't they running out of sidewalk?? Also, I agree my list would be different than the list of who actually gets the honor.

Edited by possibilities
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55 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Isn't the Walk of Fame all about who can get enough signatures on a petition and pay the fee? Once I learned that I stopped being fascinated by it. 

That's what I understand as well. Much of it done for publicity for upcoming movies (Chris Pratt and Dwayne Johnson!)  And @possibilities you have NO idea how much they've extended and doubled up the sidewalks now.  The 'hands/feet' in cement is rare; not much space left for that.

And lookie here! @Glory showing some skin, on chili's! ;-) Awww, I know, it's all about the puppy love. As for your question- I'm not sure it's about if "you're ready" but if you're NOT ready. I know @sacrebleu mentioned years ago she wanted a dog, but waited for the circumstances to be ready. Plus Glory, now you would not only get a dog for you and Guts, but it will need to fit into the dynamic with the pup you still have.

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Fireworks are pretty much illegal everywhere here, we used to get them for Canberra Day and (maybe) Queens Holiday long weekend and I remember it being a massive amount of fun. One year my Dad put somewhat too much fuel into a 44 gallon drum, stood back and threw in a match and BOOM! that thing really came to life. I think he singed some of his eyebrows that day. The same night we threw a 'dud' ufo cracker (one of my favourites but highly unpredictable) into the fire and it nearly hit us in the face when it decided it wasn't actually a dud and flew out. We laughed our arses off about how close it was, my Mum was less impressed.

Obviously my Dad was a very responsible parent.

We also made our own which I'm guessing are similar to what is being used in @MichelleAK's neighbourhood. They were basically tubes made out of paper, filled with gunpowder and had a wick out the top. Lots of bang but not a lot else.

I actually really miss cracker night but then I never had (or have) any pets. It was a lot more fun than going out to organised events where it's you and a hundred thousand other people crowding in.

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Am I crazy that to get away from the Fallujah-style fireworks in my neighborhood

No! Given I've only had my dog for 3 1/2 months-- I don't know how he'll react, and I'm worried. He hasn't freaked out at thunderstorms-- so I hope he'll be okay. I'm heading out to my brother's house in the 'burbs just to be on the safe side. 

As for the question about being ready for a dog-- that's really a tough call. It's a lot of work, integrating a dog into your life-- finding out what works and what doesn't. Lots of things go by the wayside, like post-work happy hours-- but if I'm not as friendly with my co-workers-- I am more friendly with my neighbors (well- the dog owning ones, anyway). 

 And as @possibilities mentioned-- a new dog would suffer by comparison a lot at first, because they don't know the stuff that your former pup did, and won't fit into your life the way he did. 

Maybe find out where a local adoption event is .. swing by and just see how you feel? Or offer to dog sit for someone going away for a long weekend to remind yourself about life with a dog?

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So we had an election yesterday and this is what the line looked like at my local polling place. I had to wait in line for an hour!

And as we Australian's have so much confidence in our major parties this is the current state of things. As of now no one has a majority and we aren't likely to find out the outcome (waiting on postal and pre-polling votes to be counted starting Tuesday) until mid to late next week which will probably be that one of the parties gets over the line by forming a minority government with some of the other parties who have won seats.

YAY for politics!

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Any guess on how many people were queued vs population of your voting district?  And yeah- that's a helluva line. I haven't had to stand in a line more than five people since the 2000 (Bush v Gore) election. But most of my neighbors and district does mail-in voting now since the facility and parking for the local poll/ voting is very inconvenient. With rush hour / street parking rules and a parking lot with only about 5 spaces available... and they wonder about low voter turn-out! 

Happy 4th to all!

Oh, and I did start watching OITNB - "the animals, the animals,trapped trapped trapped til the cage is full..." even with that song blasting it couldn't drown out f/w, unfortunately. 

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I wanted to try and find out how many people voted at my polling place @King of Birds but haven't had much luck yet. I wish I could pre-poll or postal vote but this year they made you have a specific reason and sign a stat dec...

I also started oitnb! I've only seen 1 episode so far but I did enjoy the Papa Roach montage :D

I am also not a fan of the theme song, it's far too long. Why do I need to see a 1min+ theme? Lost knew how to do a them, it's about 10 seconds :D

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On 7/3/2016 at 1:31 PM, Pixel said:

I hate that theme song. 

I think it sets the mood well. And I am happy for a long theme song- I didn't mind what LOST did, but a good theme song is worth gold to a show.

July 4th was fine for me- but I was 220 miles away from my house. My neighbors said it "was terrible" here. I saw this article on how many palm trees and other fires were set aflame. Whereas my current dog issue is that when I let her go off-leash on the morning walk (before we drove back) she rolled in some dead fish on the beach. Even though I used all the motel shampoo on her, she still kinda smells. Dogs!

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7 hours ago, King of Birds said:

I think it sets the mood well. And I am happy for a long theme song- I didn't mind what LOST did, but a good theme song is worth gold to a show.

I think that's true for the first couple of episodes but once you have seasons of it, think of all the time you've list because of that theme song. There are currently 52 episodes of oitnb, if you skipped the theme for all those episodes you could have watched an entire extra episode.

I think a good length for a theme is less than 30 seconds.

I remember liking the play on imagery in the Dexter theme but after watching it the first time I skipped it as much as possible after.

Considering the time wasted of watching opening themes makes me think about how Buffy initially had 2. At the very beginning of the episode there was a thing about the slayer and then after the first few minutes was the opening theme. Overall that made it about a minute long and there were 144 episodes of Buffy.. that's like 2hrs of my life watching a theme because at the time it aired I couldn't skip through it!

The only theme I can think that I was ok sitting through (and the end credits) was Daria.. which apparently doesn't exist on the internet.

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a good theme song is worth gold to a show.

sounds like a poll question--  or several-- best theme song. You could choose songs for the actual quality of the song (Mission Impossible theme, Movin' On Up from The Jeffersons) or relevance to the actual show (Sit right back and you'll hear a tale...)

or general ear-wormy-ness (I Dream of Genie? Facts of Life?)-- or best tone setting theme (X-Files, The Sopranos)

Man, we could do brackets and everything, I've put too much thought into this.

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I zapped @sacrebleu already (since PTV was down for a chunk of time this afternoon when I tried to reply) but I've spent too much time thinking about a poll/ bracket for Best Theme Song.  This may be the crowning glory of the Chili's thread. This will BLOW YOUR MIND.

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3 hours ago, Babalu said:

It's *obviously* the theme to The Patty Duke Show. Why would you even need a poll? ;-)

I just had to google that.. so, they're identical cousins as in like identical twins but cousins? Except completely different and very slapstick.. I assume. I have never heard of the show :P 

The theme may be forever in my head now.

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39 minutes ago, Kalliste said:

I just had to google that.. so, they're identical cousins as in like identical twins but cousins? Except completely different and very slapstick.. I assume. I have never heard of the show :P 

The theme may be forever in my head now.

The theme is asserting its power over you.....

Identical LOOKING, but Cathy had lived all over the world and was sophisticated; she liked minuets and crêpe Suzette's, after all. Patty is a typical Brooklyn teenager and "hot dogs make her lose control." When Cathy moves in with Patty's family, there are hijacks like you wouldn't believe! (The show itself was kind of amusing, but it's the theme song that will live in my heart.) 

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 *obviously* the theme to The Patty Duke Show. Why would you even need a poll? ;-)

The theme song is catchy, but dude. Hawaii 5-0 (bah-bah-bu-bah BAAAAH-bah)


The strangest thing about The Patty Duke Show, is that she became famous for playing Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker, and they decided the best vehicle for her after that was... playing identical cousins in a sitcom?

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Well, I volunteered to do some home visits and transports for a local rescue, so maybe that will help. Thanks for all your kind and reassuring words, everyone.

In other news.... I got my own office yesterday! With a door and a window and EVERYTHING! After a decade in cubeland I have now graduated to the ranks of officed employee. Woo! It is everything I've ever dreamed of!

Edited by Glory
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The Wire theme song needs to be on the poll.  Great song, plus I loved the way they had different artists record it each season.

Other faves:  MASH, The Rockford Files (hell, most Mike Post themes--they were almost all winners), Game of Thrones, The Jeffersons, and Buffy.

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Re theme songs on Netflix, I just fast forward if I don't want to hear it over and over again during a binge. I tend to like to hear the theme if I haven't watched the show in a while, but if I'm watching several in a row on the same day, FF it is.

I don't know most of the themes being suggested for the Chili's Theme Song Emmy. I think most of the shows I watch nowadays don't even have theme songs. When did that happen? I remember when it seemed like every show had one.

Veronica Mars had one. Crazy-Ex Girlfriend has one. I think iZombie has one, but it's wordless IIRC.

And I like the H5-0 song even though I no longer watch the show. I actually think they might have brought the show back for a re-make solely due to the song!

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I forgot a couple of themes from cartoon and/or kid's shows.  The theme from the 70's Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner show ("Overture/curtain, lights"); the theme from Daria; The Muppet Show theme; Scooby-Doo (the original).

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4 hours ago, possibilities said:

Veronica Mars had one. Crazy-Ex Girlfriend has one. I think iZombie has one, but it's wordless IIRC.

Good ones! I love both the Veronica Mars and Crazy Ex Girlfriend theme songs. iZombie does have words, but the only ones I can remember are, "I'm already dead," or something like that.

8 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

The theme song is catchy, but dude. Hawaii 5-0 (bah-bah-bu-bah BAAAAH-bah)

Excellent point! 

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I think it sets the mood well. And I am happy for a long theme song- I didn't mind what LOST did, but a good theme song is worth gold to a show.

I love a good theme song. I'm pretty neutral on the one for OITNB--I like the song and Regina Spektor in general and I do think it sets the mood for the show, but I think if we got a shorter segment of the song it would probably be preferable.

Speaking of OITNB, I took my time with the new season but just finished the last few episodes this week and found it awfully hard to watch and very very sad.  I took a two-day break after the second-to-last episode and even then the finale hit me hard enough that I had to watch an episode of Veep before going to bed just to get my mind off OITNB.



Considering the time wasted of watching opening themes makes me think about how Buffy initially had 2. At the very beginning of the episode there was a thing about the slayer and then after the first few minutes was the opening theme. Overall that made it about a minute long and there were 144 episodes of Buffy.. that's like 2hrs of my life watching a theme because at the time it aired I couldn't skip through it!

The Buffy theme song is one that I always immediately think of when considering what shows had good themes. That song just got me so pumped up for the episode every time. I watched the show mostly on DVD but never skipped the theme song.



The Wire theme song needs to be on the poll.  Great song, plus I loved the way they had different artists record it each season.

Every season I'd start out thinking, "Ugh, this version isn't nearly as good as the last one." And by the end of every season I always changed my mind and loved that version. So basically they're all awesome. 

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You guys, I got a chance to peek at the "blueprints" of the bracket/poll that @King of Birds put together, and it seriously is epic.

Like, perhaps the poll of the century. Bigger than any poll that KOB has ever polled before. Get pumped.

And yay for the office, @Glory! Windows mean everything at work. 

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15 hours ago, MichelleAK said:

The Wire theme song needs to be on the poll.  Great song, plus I loved the way they had different artists record it each season.

Other faves:  MASH, The Rockford Files (hell, most Mike Post themes--they were almost all winners), Game of Thrones, The Jeffersons, and Buffy.

I liked that Weeds did that too (as far as I watched anyway). I also like that theme song.

As far as 'what happened to theme songs' it seems as though most Netflix shows have them. Maybe HBO too. Granted, all I can think of at the moment is Deadwood and Flight of the Conchords.

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Heh, @Setlist epic is exactly how I described it when I saw a draft-- I sent a few suggested edits. We're both hunting for an online site that will let us do an interactive bracket. 

Get ready folks-- this thing is happening.

Congrats @Glory on the real office. I got an office at my last job, but it had no door and the walls were glass-- so not much in the way of privacy. 

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All the Normal Lear shows had theme songs. Good Times, All in the Family, The Jeffersons.... I still have those in my head from when I was a kid.

I love windows. I hope yours open, Glory. Light AND air are the ultimate combo.

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I keep thinking of more shows with theme songs, but I won't keep saying their names. Don't want to break anything.

However, it was driving me crazy about the iZombie song, so I looked it up:


What's funny is that I remembered the visuals, and Babalu remembered the words.

Also, I found this iZombie/Friends mash-up, which I find very amusing:


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Yes, iZombie is going to start its 3rd season, presumably this fall (couldn't find a premiere date). It's good, but not as good as Veronica Mars. I wasn't going to watch it because I don't like zombies at all, but my husband saw the pilot and thought I should give it a shot, so I did because of Rob Thomas. I'd watch it just for Ravi, the Medical Examiner/Liv's (the main character's) boss. It's also fun to see a lot of Veronica Mars actors show up in cameos. Season 1 is available on Netflix here, but I don't know about Australia. I'm guessing they'll add Season 2 before too long.

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Don't sell yourself short @King of Birds Even with a few technical issues, it's looking pretty amazing.


Like @Babalu I tuned in to i-Zombie because of my deep appreciation for Veronica Mars, and it drew me in. And the actor who plays Ravi is totally worth watching, he reminds me of an Indian John Krasinski if you can imagine that. 

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1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

Like @Babalu I tuned in to i-Zombie because of my deep appreciation for Veronica Mars, and it drew me in. And the actor who plays Ravi is totally worth watching, he reminds me of an Indian John Krasinski if you can imagine that. 

Not only can I imagine that, that's what we've been referring to him as in my household since the first episode.

I've  been out catching Pokemon for two days now. The bowling alley by my office is a Pokestop!

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we have 3 pokestops on our street and a gym. It was so weird to see people out on Friday night, with rain looming, lurking in the park defending the gym. It went from red to blue while we were there. What team did you side with?

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