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Small Talk: Chili's

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I think a few of them can pass as both comedy and drama.

Definitely. I picked Transparent as a favorite because I love it, and I know that it's officially considered a comedy, but I do not usually find it funny or even very light so it always seems a little weird to me to describe it that way. Whereas Jane the Virgin is very funny a lot of the time, but I don't think I had it categorized in my own head as a comedy. Catastrophe is pretty serious for a comedy, too, though it's definitely very funny.

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Yeah, these issues of "is it a comedy" vs "is it a drama"  - let's all remember the Golden Globe for Best Comedy feature last year was The Martian.  Hollywood doesn't know how to categorize light-hearted, mixed bag drama. "Dramadies"  Ergo the issues with OITNB, Transparent, etc.  And I know I'm making the polls, but I'm relying on what info is on the net on how shows are categorized.  A huge # of these shows I listed, I've never watched and don't know.

eta: One of the reasons I thought to do these polls, is when Orphan Black ends its season in 2 weeks, and The Americans this week, I was curious what else the people here like. I'll have my MLB Directv and catch the Red Sox plenty, and OITNB starts up soon (I think?) but considering what else to maybe pick up. 

What we REALLY need is Battle of the Network Stars vs Cable vs Streaming. Make it happen, Capt'n!

Edited by King of Birds
just rambling some more
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What we REALLY need is Battle of the Network Stars vs Cable vs Streaming. Make it happen, Capt'n!

I have been advocating for this for a while. I have such fond memories of Battle of the Network Stars-- the dunk tank, the obstacle course, CBS always winning the tug of war because of Lou Ferrigno.

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It wasn't on any of these poll lists, but will anyone check out the new game shows? I didn't know this was a thing, but Donald Faison is going to host "Winsanity" on GSN. Then, ABC is doing Celebrity Family Feud (hosted by Steve Harvey) Match Game (hosted by Alec Freakin' Baldwin!) and $100,000 Pyramid (hosted by Michael Strahan).

And I think I missed it, but 500 Questions ran recently. But that one was a "swing and miss" for me last year.

Faison was on the radio show (Kevin&Bean!) that I catch in the morning, otherwise I never would have known about this GSN.

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I can't remember the last time I watched a game show. I used to watch Jeopardy!, but haven't for years.  When I was in my teens, I used to watch game shows after work. I especially loved Match Game.

Another lovely day here.  This spring has been 12 degrees above the normal average temperature for this time of year.  And my lilac bush bloomed like crazy this year after nothing last year (I had pruned it back ruthlessly in 2014), so I have a nice bunch of lilac blooms scenting my living room.  

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@MichelleAK Match Game! Charles Nelson Reilly forever. Seriously, that dude was amazing. I watched GSN religiously as a teen.  

Jeopardy had Louis CK on recently, and I'm pretty sure that episode will stay on my DVR forever. 

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I only watch game shows on snow days. I can't be the only one. Snow days and being home sick from school/work. I know there is a game show network, and I could watch them whenever-- but I have no desire to. That said, Pyramid was my favorite and the only game show I ever wanted to be on, so I could meet some c list celeb and win some cash.

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On 6/5/2016 at 4:17 PM, Pixel said:

I never watched Freaks and Geeks, but Guilfoyle reminds me of a guy I used to work with who I had a raging thing for (that was never realized because I was and am married).  But watching Guilfoyle makes me think of him all the time.

If you're looking for a show to watch - definitely check out Freaks and Geeks. It's barely a season, but I love it so much. 

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2 hours ago, Glory said:

If you're looking for a show to watch - definitely check out Freaks and Geeks. It's barely a season, but I love it so much. 

I don't know if my heart can stand falling in love with a show that only lasts one season.

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4 hours ago, Pixel said:

I don't know if my heart can stand falling in love with a show that only lasts one season.

I second @Glory's recommendation. I think if you know it's only one season at the beginning, it's easier - for me, at least. I'm quite a bit older than the main characters, but I still related to them. And it's really fun to see well-established actors in their first big roles (Jason Segel, James Franco, and Seth Rogen, who don't do much for me; Linda Cardellini - have been watching her in Bloodline; Busy Phillips, whom I've been enjoying a lot in Cougar Town, which I'd never seen before but have been catching in syndication - it's my "watch while ironing" show).

And I LOVE Bill! He probably won't give you the same types of feels as in Silicon Valley, though.



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On June 5, 2016 at 11:34 AM, King of Birds said:

Okay so here's your next poll category. Since I did current dramas, it only makes sense to ask What's your favorite current comedies? Again, I tried to peruse broadcast, netflix, amazon, cable - these are your choices. Since there are far more comedies on the list, you get TEN, count 'em, 10 choices!  Have fun!

I watch 7 of those and voted for 6. Was glad to see that my very favorites were the most popular here, too. Two other favorites (black-ish and Fresh Off the Boat) weren't options.

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I post this video solely for the reason that the band's name is ... perhaps the best band name EVER. Plus, this song rocks, even if it came out 7 years ago so I'm WAY behind the times (per usual.) 

12 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

 That said, Pyramid was my favorite and the only game show I ever wanted to be on, so I could meet some c list celeb and win some cash.

I wanted to be on Pyramid too. As an Angelino, the only game show I ever auditioned for was Classic Concentration back in ...1988 or so? I didn't make the cut; my roommate did, got on and won - a chandelier worth $600. That's what a recent college graduate needs, right?

Edited by King of Birds
just 'cause
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12 hours ago, Glory said:

If you're looking for a show to watch - definitely check out Freaks and Geeks. It's barely a season, but I love it so much. 

Oh wow, it's not even a season long? Given the hype I always thought it was much longer. I might give it a try and just know I'll be disappointed with it ending so soon.

12 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

I only watch game shows on snow days. I can't be the only one. Snow days and being home sick from school/work. I know there is a game show network, and I could watch them whenever-- but I have no desire to. That said, Pyramid was my favorite and the only game show I ever wanted to be on, so I could meet some c list celeb and win some cash.

I can't say I've ever done it (I don't even have a way of watching them) but I remember on sick days growing up my Mum would watch the soaps. She really liked Bold and the Beautiful for some reason and would catch up (as we know these shows move quite slowly) on months worth in a few days and then not see it again until she was next home.

2 hours ago, King of Birds said:

I post this video solely for the reason that the band's name is ... perhaps the best band name EVER. Plus, this song rocks, even if it came out 7 years ago so I'm WAY behind the times (per usual.) 

I wanted to be on Pyramid too. As an Angelino, the only game show I ever auditioned for was Classic Concentration back in ...1988 or so? I didn't make the cut; my roommate did, got on and won - a chandelier worth $600. That's what a recent college graduate needs, right?

The song is pretty good. I have to say I wasn't expecting much.

Today I had my 2nd B12 shot, I can't say whether it's doing anything or not but do think the iron supplement is doing a world of good (I actually feel awake these days). Although, (TMI time) it really makes your poo weird.

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14 hours ago, Glory said:

I have no shame. Bill got hot. 



This is the guy who shows up to the class reunion in a helicopter Romy and Michelle style

Hells yeah.

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If you're looking for a show to watch - definitely check out Freaks and Geeks. It's barely a season, but I love it so much. 


Oh wow, it's not even a season long?


Well, it's a network tv season-- so I think it's 22 episodes (that's practically two cable seasons). Joe Flaherty (the dad) was my dad (with perhaps a smidge more Gene Hackman gruffness.)  

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So, I don't have my full licence. I never got it when I was a teenager (I got my provisional licence - not sure if that is a thing over there - and never renewed to a full licence) and let my "P's" expire. So 2 years ago I got my learners again. Over here you need to do a written knowledge test first and then you can get the licence. I did that but let the licence expire (only good for 2 years).

I went to renew it today and found out I have to do the test again! I wouldn't mind so much except that the test is at another location and there are only 2 locations in my entire city. Further to that it annoys me that I have to do a road knowledge test twice in 2 years meanwhile a driver in their 60's who never had a knowledge test and hasn't had one since getting their licence doesn't need to do one after 40+ years of driving...

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19 hours ago, King of Birds said:

Yeah but, you're the one only going in for a learners or provisional licenses. The 60 yr old is crankin' around Canberra 'cause she was thinking long-term. Also, @Kalliste, I think I figured out a way we (you and me) can band together and make some dough, if we can find a way to smuggle you some avocados.

True but I have driven before and would know the rules better than the 60 year old :P I have no issues with this system if I was a 16 year old with no experience but I'm not.. I'm just lazy :D if I had known my knowledge test had an expiry of 2 years I would have renewed my licence within that time to save having to do it again.

Lol if you can work out getting avocados to me through customs I will start going to markets and selling them :D I didn't realise the prices of avocados were so crazy here, I don't like them.. so you can trust I won't eat our product :D

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9 minutes ago, King of Birds said:


Everyone just bingeing on OITNB this weekend?

I, uh... forgot about it :P Now you mention it though.. probably not. I tend to space out my shows, even if Netflix releases them all at the same time.

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20 hours ago, King of Birds said:


Everyone just bingeing on OITNB this weekend?

I'm on episode 3. I guess that's binging, although I'm trying to space it out a bit this time.

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I've been trying to wait, because I've been super-busy and I know once I get started, I will want to watch the whole thing and it will interfere with sleeping and other responsible behaviors. Also, I am hoping the Netflix congestion will die down and I won't have to deal with a lot of buffering if I wait a week or two.

I also realized why there's less new TV this summer than last. I am thinking it's probably because this is an Olympic summer-- probably no one wants to debut new shows opposite that. And for sure any channel owned by NBC won't, since it's airing "The Games" up and down the dial-- no time in the schedule for anything else.

I'm going to catch up on stuff this summer, or so I am telling myself.

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I haven't started OITNB yet because I'm waiting for my husband to get home. I don't binge, anyway, so it will probably take me several weeks. I am looking forward to it and have heard it's a good season.

I'm curious about the buffering issues you mentioned, @possibilities. Does it just happen for OITNB (or other new, popular shows) when they're released or is it Netflix-wide when there's heavy traffic? I almost never experience buffering and have been watching Bloodline. Of course, now that I think about it, it's probably because I watch Netflix around 11:00 p.m., which is between 2:00 - 5:00 a.m. mainland time.

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Re the Netflix buffering, I have only had it intermittently, so I can't say for sure if it's a widespread issue. It's not as bad at Netflix as I've had with other services at times (the BBCA and ABCgo websites are the worst of the worst for this). I have always guessed it happened when traffic was very high, but I can't really say for sure. I'm sure the traffic overall is much less in the middle of the night, so that would definitely help you avoid it.

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Is it your service? I've never had a buffering issue with Netflix, and I watched 12 hours of OINTB over the weekend. Not a slowdown or glitch to be had.  

Do people still watch the Olympics?  I haven't watched them since I was a kid.

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9 hours ago, Pixel said:

Do people still watch the Olympics?  I haven't watched them since I was a kid.

I watch a little bit of the Olympics.  Winter- curling is amusing to watch in bits. I watch some of the hockey games usually. Bobsled and luge look amazing but ... you watch the clock more than the riders. Who the hell can tell who's winning when it sometimes comes down to hundredths of a second?  Summer - team rowing, all the swim stuff, women's volleyball  ;-)  and have you ever seen the Asian nations compete at badminton and table tennis?  Crazy.

But you're right - I don't watch nearly like I did for the '76 or '80 Olympics.

@possibilities I know you've had your tech issues, being out in the wilderness, but most buffering issues are related to wifi, and you can check your wifi. Let me know and I'll PM you a site if you want.

eta: some other things on my mind: @Kalliste  - you don't like avocados? There's another demerit point for your permanent record.

I haven't watched any OITNB yet, so - no spoilers! (unless you can tell me if there is more Crazy Eyes fanfic?)  I'm just about done with Kimmy Schmidt. Some friends of mine say I should watch Peaky Blinders, which I didn't even have on my drama pick list. Anyone like PB?

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I've never even heard of Peaky Blinders. What is it about?

I don't use wifi at all (my connection is wired). I actually managed to get upgraded to a decent satellite connection. The dial up is history and even the crappy antenna we were stuck with for a while failed. The satellite I got from Hughes is actually working really well most of the time now. Apparently they did some kind of upgrade and my neighborhood finally has pretty good service. It's not FIOS, but it's working really well for my purposes.

I was sick today and not getting anything serious done, so I decided to start OITNB and have not gotten any buffering. Still doesn't explain why I can't get BBCA or ABCgo to work properly, but at least I'm doing OK with Netflix and Hulu and usually with YouTube.

But thanks for the offer of a consult. I am hoping that I never have to deal with wifi because everyone I know who uses it has no end of problems. The portability is not worth it to me, so I have cables all over the place and mostly I don't mind.

I like avocados. Yum.

Some years I get Olympic fever and watch a lot. But this year and last time I haven't paid much attention. I like to see people do things no one else can do, but at the same time, I can only watch passively for so many hours of my life and most of them are already filled with other types of things. So I like to watch, but I don't like it enough to prioritize doing it.

I do think the one-legged downhill skiiers are fabulous though. I'm in awe of this one woman who skis in kind of a T position-- bent over at a right angle and with her arms out for balance-- I wish I could remember her name. That's the paralympics, though, and a winter event. It's not always possible to see the paralympics on TV but often you can get the events online.

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We have everything wifi and don't have any real issues, but we also live within 32 miles of Chicago, so I imagine our services and coverage are pretty much as up to date as possible. 

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19 hours ago, Pixel said:

Is it your service? I've never had a buffering issue with Netflix, and I watched 12 hours of OINTB over the weekend. Not a slowdown or glitch to be had.  

Do people still watch the Olympics?  I haven't watched them since I was a kid.

I barely watched the games as a kid let alone as an adult. I prefer the winter olympics if I had to choose and usually only ice skating. I can't think of an event in the summer ones but Australians generally go crazy for the swimming.

@King of Birds I can deal with them  but I'd prefer not to. I couldn't even tell you what I don't like about them, the taste maybe. I just don't :P

I also haven't watched any oitnb, I'm still plodding through Parks & Recs, mid way through season 5. I hear oitnb is a bit darker this season which I'm ok with. As long as Vee doesn't return I'm ok with anything.

Are these available where you live? Milka with Oreo and Milka with Chips Ahoy - I don't think we can even buy Chips Ahoy here so I assume this is probably available in the US.

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4 hours ago, Kalliste said:

I barely watched the games as a kid let alone as an adult. I prefer the winter olympics if I had to choose and usually only ice skating. I can't think of an event in the summer ones but Australians generally go crazy for the swimming.

@King of Birds I can deal with them  but I'd prefer not to. I couldn't even tell you what I don't like about them, the taste maybe. I just don't :P

I also haven't watched any oitnb, I'm still plodding through Parks & Recs, mid way through season 5. I hear oitnb is a bit darker this season which I'm ok with. As long as Vee doesn't return I'm ok with anything.

Are these available where you live? Milka with Oreo and Milka with Chips Ahoy - I don't think we can even buy Chips Ahoy here so I assume this is probably available in the US.

I also don't like avocados, except sometimes in guacamole.  Part of it is taste, part is texture.  

Kalliste, we don't have Milka here, except in some import stores. Those look great, though.  My favorite that I found when on a British Isles cruise last year, though, was the Maltesers Teasers bar.  I grabbed a dozen in a convenience shop in Scotland, and they lasted for the rest of the cruise. I may have to find a place online to order them. I can get the Maltesers in a local shop, but not the candy bar version.

I haven't ever watched OITNB. It is one I plan to go back and watch, now that I have more internet capacity.

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I've seen one episode of this season's OiTNB. It's not something I watch with kids around, and it's summer, so that kind of limits the bingeing unless I squirrel away in my sewing room, which I just haven't yet (too many non-sewing things to do at the moment).

It's been a while since I've been here, sorry. So...I picked 6 comedies. One was Brooklyn Nine-Nine, because I've liked what I've seen of it and I know if I full-on watch it at some point, I'll love it.

Jeopardy is the only game show I watch. It's on my tivo, so I tend to watch it a bit delayed (before tivo, I hated seeing all those medical & political ads). It's great for when kids are around because it's even educational, and I can learn about what my kids know and what they've never heard of (they never have a clue on biblical topics, for example).

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Anyone like PB?

It didn't grab me-- despite the fact that I adore Cillian Murphy. I really wish I liked it. (It's about Irish gangs in post WW I England).  I will probably give it another try at some point-- Netflix keeps telling me I should. 

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18 hours ago, MichelleAK said:

I also don't like avocados, except sometimes in guacamole.  Part of it is taste, part is texture.  

Kalliste, we don't have Milka here, except in some import stores. Those look great, though.  My favorite that I found when on a British Isles cruise last year, though, was the Maltesers Teasers bar.  I grabbed a dozen in a convenience shop in Scotland, and they lasted for the rest of the cruise. I may have to find a place online to order them. I can get the Maltesers in a local shop, but not the candy bar version.

I haven't ever watched OITNB. It is one I plan to go back and watch, now that I have more internet capacity.

Oh, we have malteser Teasers here. Assuming they're the same thing. I can sometimes buy them for $1 each if you wanted me to grab some and send them out your way next I notice them on special.

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4 hours ago, Kalliste said:

Oh, we have malteser Teasers here. Assuming they're the same thing. I can sometimes buy them for $1 each if you wanted me to grab some and send them out your way next I notice them on special.

Yep, those are the ones.  Thanks for the offer!  I'm going to check Amazon first, since shipping from Australia can be pretty high. However, I will take you up on your offer if I am unsuccessful. 

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@Pixel do you mean on the homepage of forums? It means there are unread posts. I customized my homepage so I only see the shows I mod/read for fun. Orange title means it has new stuff. I haven't yet tried to make an activity stream, though it has more to do with overcoming inertia than difficulty.

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On 6/21/2016 at 2:21 PM, sacrebleu said:

It didn't grab me-- despite the fact that I adore Cillian Murphy. I really wish I liked it. (It's about Irish gangs in post WW I England).  I will probably give it another try at some point-- Netflix keeps telling me I should. 

Huh, I got no pitch like your "Irish gangs in England" synopsis. And - Cillian Murphy? I usually hate him.  I still may give it a shot, we'll see. I may start OITNB in the next day or so.

Today for lunch I hauled up to Simi Valley and met up with @LiberryLady.  Went to one of those 'make your own pizza on thin crust' places.  Bored her to tears most likely as I randomly spout out thoughts, but it was good to see her.

You know back a page, I linked that We Were Promised Jetpacks song/ video? I swear I've listened/ watched to it 100x since I found it. It's a good pace for the treadmill.

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I watched the first episode of Peaky Blinders and was not sucked in. I would likely have watched more than one to see if it drew me in eventually if there weren't so many other shows I haven't watched and want to and so many shows I'm way behind on. 

Speaking of which, my project for the summer is The Americans

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