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Nigella Bites & Other Nigella Lawson Shows - General Discussion

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Nigella has published ten cookbooks. I thought we could share our experiences with the books. I have two of them: How to Eat and Nigella's Christmas.

I haven't really had the time to go through the How to Eat (trade paperback), but I really love the Christmas (hardcover) one mostly because of how big and wonderful the photos are. I have about 30 cookbooks and it is the one I enjoy browsing through the most.

Which of her books do you enjoy the most? Which have you 'used' the most?

My copy of Forever Summer definitely gets the most use. There are several things in that one that I make all the time, usually from memory. I had it out this morning because I was watching an old episode I recorded off Cooking Channel. The Forever Summer series was only eight episodes,each one themed around a color. This one had lots of limes and mint and salad in it, so it must have been the Green episode. I looked up the zucchini fritters and the coronation chicken salad. They looked so good, I am going to have to make them soon.

Sorry to reply to myself! I've been recording the old shows on Cooking Channel. They are showing Nigelissima, Forever Summer, Nigella Bites and Nigella Kitchen weekdays at 1:00 pm Eastern Time. Anyone else watching? Anyone made any recipes from those shows or the books they are based on?


I am making the Greek Salad from Forever Summer tonight. It's my husband's favorite and I've lost track of how many times I've made it. I usually serve it with pita and hummus, to make a quick Mediterranean meal.

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Nigella Kitchen is on Tuesday, Nigellissima is on Wednesday, Nigella Bites is on Thursday, and Forever Summer is on Friday. All at 1:00 Eastern time.

Today, I watched the Black episode of Forever Summer, in which she cooked black rice with shrimp in a Vietnamese dressing, then I watched an episode of Nigellissima, in which she also made seafood over black rice, except with different seasonings to make it Italian. Just a weird coincidence, but I got the two books out and each recipe is in the book for its series.

Within the last week or so, I made the chocolate olive oil cake from Nigellissima and the pork chops with mustard-cream sauce from Express. Both delicious, as always. Watching the old episodes on Cooking Channel has really inspired me to pull out the books and look through them. So many great looking recipes, probably not enough time to ever cook all of them.

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I just used regular flour. On the show or in the text that accompanies the recipe (I really can't remember which!), Nigella said that ground almonds makes a heavier, more decadent cake, while flour makes a lighter, more everyday style cake. I imagine using nuts would probably make it more fudgy? It was pretty light, not too sweet, and had an interesting flavor due to the olive oil. I bought some pure olive oil just to make this cake, because I think extra virgin would overpower the other flavors.

The recipe is actually on BBC Foods and you can use almond flour or plain. It also specifies regular olive oil. I've used extra virgin in baking before and it's... strange and overpowering. I'm more likely to use the flour version because of the expense of the ground almonds, but it does seem like a great gluten free cake.

I finally acquired some za'atar today, so I made Nigella's flatbread pizzas. I still haven't found haloumi, so I used feta, tomato, olive oil and dried mint on one, and olive oil and za'atar on the other. I had some pocketless pita breads in the freezer, so that's what I used for the crust. Really good and different than anything I've tasted before. I'm glad I kept looking for the za'atar, which I'm going to use to make this next week:  http://www.thehomechannel.co.za/food/forever-summer-with-nigella/zatar-chicken-with-fatoush-salad/ I think I have all the ingredients on hand for the fatoush salad, since it has a lot in common with Nigella's Greek salad, which I make all the time.

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Nigella recently tweeted that a new show and book are coming in Autumn 2015.


I'm curious to find out what the theme is going to be. She did hint at something Scandinavian-themed a while back, but I don't think the Italian-inspired Nigellissima was a successful as her previous books, so perhaps it'll be something a bit more varied like Kitchen or How To Eat.

@zbornak Thanks for sharing. I've gotten into Scandinavian style stuff the last couple of years; it's an interesting food culture. They have good bakes and I enjoy their seafood styles. I don't know if Nigella could put her spin on it though. If she couldn't do it with Italian food, I don't know another cuisine she would really work on now. Her more general shows were fun and accessible. 

The UK publisher has issued a press release about the new book in Autumn 2015:


SIMPLY NIGELLA: FOOD TO NOURISH BODY & SOUL, an inspirational and practical cookbook from one of the nation’s bestselling cookery writers, will be published in autumn 2015.


SIMPLY NIGELLA is about cooking food that makes our lives easier, the sort of cooking that can be incorporated into our daily lives and celebrated without any stress, food that will make everyone feel better, both in body and mind. In SIMPLY NIGELLA there will be everyday recipes that are lighter and easy to prepare and cook, but also indulgent dishes for special occasions – the message is simple: balance is all!


Containing 150 recipes for nourishing oneself, friends and family, SIMPLY NIGELLA will include: breakfasts and brunches; fast, easy and light suppers; a cooking for crowds chapter for entertaining; and a section dedicated to ‘Bowlfood’, to be eaten in comfort with a fork or spoon, from light soups and near-instant stir-fries, to pasta and one-pot dishes. There will also be a wide array of sweet treats – including fabulous dairy-free and gluten-free recipes.


They also say that there will be an accompanying TV series (no date mentioned).


Flatiron Press has announced via Twitter that they will be publishing the new book in America, presumably at the same time as the UK release.


Did anybody catch "Nigella's Christmas Bites?" It was on The Cooking Channel at some ungodly hour this morning. I would not have known if I hadn't been on the prowl the past weeks for holiday specials. I'd never seen it before. (I'm used to the one that airs every year with the cocktail sausages and gingerbread bites.) I really enjoyed it. I waited until the end to see when it was made, but the DVR cut off too soon. Given that Nigella looked a lot thinner, it was difficult to tell how old it was.

Did anybody catch "Nigella's Christmas Bites?" It was on The Cooking Channel at some ungodly hour this morning. I would not have known if I hadn't been on the prowl the past weeks for holiday specials. I'd never seen it before. (I'm used to the one that airs every year with the cocktail sausages and gingerbread bites.) I really enjoyed it. I waited until the end to see when it was made, but the DVR cut off too soon. Given that Nigella looked a lot thinner, it was difficult to tell how old it was.


Thank you!  Looks like it's going to be on Cooking Channel again Tues, 12/23, at 10am (PST) for an hour.  Says it was "released 2012" & I don't recognize the dishes described.  How nice to have this to look forward to!

Good! It's worth watching again. So the show is only two years old? Now I'm confused. There are brief glimpses of Bruno and Mimi and they are quite young. It shows Nigella tucking them into bed with their Christmas stockings before she hosts her big dinner party. (I won't spoiler any more for you!)



My on-screen guide says that the show was "released" in 2012 -- maybe that means it was made years earlier but not available for showing in the USA until 2012?  You're right about her children, I'm pretty sure they're in college now.


If it's the actual "Nigella Christmas Bites," it was made ten years earlier around 2001. It was her first Christmas special I believe. Her last one was for Nigellisima in 2012 where her kids are clearly teenagers.


Did the Bites special look like this below?



I also moved some posts from the books and recipes topic to here in All Episodes Talk.

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"Did the Bites special look like this below?"


No. That is a completely different recipe. What was on TV was a potato dish with garlic and rosemary that she put in the oven. Actually, she spent very little time on it. The recipes listed on TCC's website are what were on the actual show.


I checked the website and it is definitely the 2001 Christmas Bites special which they may have cut down or edited for American TV. The one listed on website and this is a clip from the UK version for the Cranberry, Orange and Almond Pudding:


Yep. That's one of the recipe's you'll see. Doesn't look like anything was cut out.


I'd gladly watch 4-5 more minutes of Nigella than that godawful "Christmas is a Marshmallow World" commercial that TCC plays endlessly. What? Scripps was too cheap to produce something new this year?


Yeah! A new Nigella show to discuss. You guys are going to love it.

A bit late, just found the subforum. SO and I have a Christmas tradition now: I put on Nigella's Christmas Kitchen as the background sound while we decorate the tree. I'm not sure if both seasons of it aired in the US, I'm pretty sure I had to download some, but I have six episodes total. I also have the corresponding book and have made quite a few dishes from it.

(Longtime Nigella lover.)

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I skimmed through the sample pages of the cookbook and wasn't that keen on what I saw. LOTS of Asian- and Indian-inspired recipes. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I longed for the good old comforting Nigella foods of the past. Oh, well. Good to see that she's evolving and that most likely keeps it fresh and challenging for her. Not to mention, a whole lot healthier!


Hope the new TV series makes it's way across the pond.  Given the crap that FN's been churning out lately (has-been hacks) we're probably going to be in for a L-O-N-G wait...

So the first episode was on last night (Yanks can download the hola ap for chrome and firefox to access the BBC website) Nigella looks wonderful--trim without being really skinny (i hated it when she got almost skeletal.) The food apparently was heavily influenced by her trip to Thailand. The first episode was pleasant enough. Her sister and family (instead of actors?) joined her for dinner--although her sister could barely be glimpsed, LOL.  

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Yeah. That's right. They used to show endless repeats of "Endless Summer," "Bites" and "Express." (Even I was growing bored and weary...) Now, you can see Nigella's shows occasionally at some awful hour like 6 a.m. Maybe The Cooking Channel will repeat some of her holiday specials. Those are always worth a watch again once a year!

I haven't watched episode 3 of her new series yet, but so far I am unimpressed (guacamole on toast for breakfast?) Meh, I think she has run out of ideas and is going through the motions...and the use of old Motown tunes as background muzak is driving me bonkers!

Edited by LiveenLetLive

I haven't watched episode 3 of her new series yet, but so far I am unimpressed (guacamole on toast for breakfast?) Meh, I think she has run out of ideas and is going through the motions...and the use of old Motown tunes as background muzak is driving me bonkers!

Nigella apparently used the word "drape" to describe how to put the avocado on the toast.

I was particularly unimpressed by her chocolate cake recipe - after describing in purple prose how the icing was such an enhancement and showing not once but twice, a food porn shot of the icing being poured over the cake, she neglected to give the actual recipe for the icing,  Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.  I had to watch Martha Bakes before my universe was again on its axis.

I don't know if anyone comes here anymore, but I stole kieyra's idea and played three hours of Nigella's Christmas Kitchen while I decorated my Christmas tree on Saturday. I'd love to have CDs of the music that was played in the shows. The jazzy familiar tunes really added to my decorating experience.

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