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Aaron Hotchner: High and Tight

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Nope. Never got one bit of sexual tension between Jordan and Hotch. I also did not get sexual tension between Hotch and Emily, as some viewers hoped for, but I did get a sense of her genuinely caring for him after he was stabbed by Foyet. I did get a sexual vibe between Hotch and Agent Kate Joyner in Lo-Fi and Mayhem, though. 

Edited by SSAHotchner
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Willowy,What about that awesome scene between Hotch and Reid in LSDK when both of them were being held hostage by the unsub.Hotch was terrific, the way he dealt with that unsub. And I loved how Reid was able to discern Hotch's plan and carry thru with his part of it.

LOL Reid telling Hotch that he kicked like a 9 year old girl.


Is there something wrong with me if I found that scene somewhat hot?

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I loved that Hotch was coaching Reid on what he needed to do while kicking him. And I love that he trusted that Reid would pick up on the message. Btw, I love the fact that his response to "Feel better?" was "I think he got the message." Which was true. LOL. I also love that Reid was comfortable enough with Hotch to joke with him. I also liked how Hotch was somewhat sheepish when he was apologizing. And loved the look when Reid said he kicked like a 9-year-old girl. I miss that dynamic now.


I would actually love for them to have a scene where Hotch comments "I've been told I kick like a 9-year-old girl".

Edited by zannej
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When it comes to episodes like this, you can tell a real difference between the actors with talent, and the cast members who are lucky to even have a job.   Thomas deserves a chance to shine more often!  

This, this this!!!! Thomas acted the hell out of this episode. I hope he's remembered come Emmy time. He's so talented yet, so underrated.

  • Love 7

The premise of Tabula Rasa was fascinating----it could easily have been the theme for a full series.  Guilt, or innocence, attached only to memory---but who's memory counts?  That of the victim or that of the one-time perpetrator?  Fascinating.  And without gore.


As to Hotch----I thought it was surprising that the judge didn't shut him down for over-responding.  But then, we would have missed the Hotchalanche, so I guess it's a good thing he didn't.


Loved Reid in this one, and his relationship with the father of one of the victims.  It was moving without being sappy, and gave him a chance to show his maturity.

  • Love 8

I agree -- it's one of my favorite episodes. They managed to show the UnSub early and integrate the female prosecutor and still show profiling by the entire team. Reid shined, as only he could in those early seasons. I love Hotch and Reid together. And even still I wrestle with the question, every time I watch it, of whether someone would actually be considered guilty if he truly had no recollection of committing the crimes.

A fantastic episode.

  • Love 3

Tabula Rasa has my alltime favorite Hotch scene. I made my sister watch that to see how awesome Hotch was. Love how he just owned that defense attorney. I miss that Hotch. I love the way Thomas played it. He could have had Hotch being smug and smarmy about it-- but he was polite and matter-of-fact. He was just logical and calm while ripping the guy apart. I did love how Reid was in the audience grinning.


Love how smarmy the guy was.. "You couldn't even predict the color of my socks"

Hotch: "Charcoal gray".


I want to see Hotch do that again.

  • Love 6

Tabula Rasa has my alltime favorite Hotch scene. I made my sister watch that to see how awesome Hotch was. Love how he just owned that defense attorney. I miss that Hotch. I love the way Thomas played it. He could have had Hotch being smug and smarmy about it-- but he was polite and matter-of-fact. He was just logical and calm while ripping the guy apart. I did love how Reid was in the audience grinning.


Love how smarmy the guy was.. "You couldn't even predict the color of my socks"

Hotch: "Charcoal gray".


I want to see Hotch do that again.

Me too, Z! I've seen criticisms of TG's portrayal of him as "too wooden," and I've seen people describe Hotch as boring. Are we even watching the same show? Maybe it's because I've watched it from the beginning, but I find find Hotch (almost) as interesting as Reid. And it probably would not be thus were it not for Thomas Gibson's brilliant depiction of him.

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Hotch is just very reserved and he can make a joke with deadpan delivery. For some odd reason, the deadpan delivery reminded me of something on saw on TV and then the internet-- some guy in Yorkshire called 999 (equivalent of 911) becuase his girlfriend let their cat eat the bacon. The dispatcher asked what he wanted the police to do about it and he said "I want to press charges" and the dispatcher just deadpanned "Against your girlfriend or the cat?" I do now know how she said that without laughing.

I could picture Hotch answering a question in that manner as well.

  • Love 6

please, if someone has seen the pictures of Thomas Gibson while they are filming 11x02 and 11x03, could tell me if it's just me of has he done something to his face? it seems he gained weight, but what worries me it's his face, it had less expression lines, it could be just the make up, I hope it's just the make up, please Lord let it be the make up

Edited by smoker

I hope you're right that it just is the makeup, smoker. Part of Hotchner's identity to me is his perfectly lined face!


I don't know if this was ever posted here but I came across it and it just fueled the flames (ahem) of my Gibson love:



  • Love 2

I hope you're right that it just is the makeup, smoker. Part of Hotchner's identity to me is his perfectly lined face!


I don't know if this was ever posted here but I came across it and it just fueled the flames (ahem) of my Gibson love:



thanks for the link, I had already read it but it's a good interview so I did it again 

not very subtle Mr. Gibson: "We’ve been lucky to have people like Rachel and Lola, and even Mandy"


Edited by smoker
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I just watched a few random episodes of Dharma and Greg for the first time. While my expectations of the show were pretty low, I am totally swooning over Thomas Gibson in this role! Greg is supposedly uptight, repressed and intense (sound familiar?!), but he's also just so charming, witty and sweet. It's obviously a very different role on a VERY different type of show, but I can't help it---there's part of me that really wishes we could see TG get to be just a little bit more animated and happy as Hotch now that I see just how lovely TG is in this role and the greater range he's capable of. *wistful sigh* 

Edited by amensisterfriend
  • Love 4

please, if someone has seen the pictures of Thomas Gibson while they are filming 11x02 and 11x03, could tell me if it's just me of has he done something to his face? it seems he gained weight, but what worries me it's his face, it had less expression lines, it could be just the make up, I hope it's just the make up, please Lord let it be the make up


I'll be happy if he's put some weight back on. It scared me when he was so gaunt in season 7. If he is looking heavy in the face, maybe he's on some medication that might cause that. I don't know because I haven't seen him yet. But if he's not showing any lines, it's probably botox. :( I can understand why folks on TV feel the need to do that, but he doesn't need it IMO. He is handsome no matter what. 

  • Love 2

I'll be happy if he's put some weight back on. It scared me when he was so gaunt in season 7. If he is looking heavy in the face, maybe he's on some medication that might cause that. I don't know because I haven't seen him yet. But if he's not showing any lines, it's probably botox. :( I can understand why folks on TV feel the need to do that, but he doesn't need it IMO. He is handsome no matter what. 

I know!!!

well Morgan is using it, I remember his acrobatic eyebrows, now they are barely moving.

but I think it's sad, I understand genetic is a bitch and some people don't age well but when you do, in my opinion, they should let it be, I not saying you can't do something to slow the effect of years a bit, but with self-control and a good counsel (and not botox!). I mean, they are actors, not singers, they need express emotions, you can't do that without a expression in your face.

I love Paul Newman, he lit up his scenes with his presence, even more in his maturity years, 

I think in people like Helen Mirren, Holly Hunter or Emma Thompson, they look and act great.


anyway,  he looks normal here, so I'm going to assume it's the heavy make up  :D


  • Love 3

Four years before TG was Greg, he played Beauchamp Day in Armistead Maupin's Tales Of The City, which was the first thing I ever saw him in. Beauchamp was about as far away from stoic Aaron Hotchner as you can get, and if you ever get the chance, you should try to find it on DVD.

That's when I first noticed TG, and he was great in that role. I loved both the mini-series based on Tales of the City (yes, find the DVDs my lovely PTV CM-ettes) and I read all the books, too!


And I also love TG's speaking voice. It's like buttah!

  • Love 3

It's comforting to know I'm not the only one obsessed with TG's voice :) 


I just rewatched the first two episodes of the series for only the millionth or so time and am always struck all over again by how different Hotch was initially written/directed/acted even compared to later on that same season (and therefore before things went south with Haley.) He was still Hotch, of course, but a lot happier, more charismatic/charming and practically warm and fuzzy...by his standards. I'm convinced that he smiles more in those first few episodes than in the remainder of the 10 seasons combined. (Maybe I'm exaggerating...but not by all that much!) 

  • Love 5

I agree -- he's a different person in those episodes. I like to assume it's because of the depth of his concerns over Gideon, the team, his marriage, etc., that he changes and becomes the stern, stoic Hotch, but if you've viewed the entire series from the beginning, it just adds to the dimensions of the character. TG could read the phone book as Hotch and I'd probably still be enthralled.

  • Love 3

Amen, yeah, I do think the change in Hotch was possibly deliberate on the part of the writers in those early days. Hotch was second In power only to Gideon, whom we know was already heavily damaged by the Job. Morgan was a Young Turk, brimming with ideas how to save the world. Elle was a tough cookie who wanted to prove she could be as effective as anyone. Reid was the ultimate protege, the Golden Egg, as far as Gideon was concerned. Hotch was the one who aspired to have that cake of a lovely, ideal family, and eat it, too, by saving lives and putting predators down.

I think, over ten years on a show with an ultimately fairly stable character base, the arc of one of the main ones realistically has to be burnout (Gideon), one probably loses his family/support system to the job (Hotch), and others are chopped to pieces in various ways, to be reconstituted partly or wholly. Perhaps Hotch is one of the more realistic character arcs in the series.

  • Love 6

Obviously the writing for everyone was superior in the earlier seasons, including Hotch. But...where he's at now? It makes sense and feels mostly "earned" (in comparison to for example the zigzag writing for JJ or when they wrecked Prentiss with that Super!Spy! nonsense, or infantilizing Garcia and Reid) even though it could be written better at times (but at this point this is not a Hotch specific complaint...). The rather softer, open character of season one starts changing in season two with Gideon going off the rails, he takes on an air of sternness and authority that IMO isn't there in the first season. Then Gideon and the divorce add further intensity in season three. Then every time he's getting lighter again...trauma strikes (Kate Joyner, Foyet...Foyet some more, Haley's death).  It makes sense that the character got harder and grimmer in those seasons. The kind of innocence of season one can't ever be recaptured. I think that's pretty realistic.


Then in season six there were indications of putting things back together and moving on, but overshadowed by the various hiring and firing clusterfucks and the stress that Hotch had to deal with as a consequence of that. Then you had Beth and it was a nice little storyline, it wasn't some grand love, they both knew it, but it was one way of moving forward with life. And now we have decently thought out scenes with his family, or hanging with Rossi and trying casual dating. They've also eased up a bit on his workplace demeanor, though it makes sense that he's a bit jaded, tougher and closed off  and stays that way. It's growing older, growing wearier, surviving trauma and grief...all of that takes its toll and is reflected in the character as he is now. His development seems plausible to me. In a way it doesn't for some of the others (or total lack of development when it comes to Garcia...or even regression?).

Edited by katha
  • Love 5

About the Hotch and figuratively raped part, was it just figuratively? The reaper implied he was going to prove he wasn't impotent. 



Foyet said something about the use of a knife being considered a substitute for the sex act after he'd stabbed Hotch a number of times, and he pulled off his shirt and showed Aaron his own scars from having injured himself during the supposed attempt on his life. He might have asked something like, So do you think this means I'm impotent?, but I don't think the implication was meant to be that he intended to sexually assault Hotch.

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I got a teensy chill from reading that! Foyet was one mean UnSub!

I think there's something to be inferred from what he said; I'm just not sure I know what it is -- lol. It's kind of ambiguous, and if you squint, you might see that it was left open to explore down the road (not that the writers would, however. 1) I just don't know if they'd heap that trauma on Hotch at this point, nor do I want them to; and 2) they're not exactly great at tying up loose ends).

  • Love 4

He said


Maybe he's showing how it's not a substitution for the sex act and that's he's just doing it for funsies? What does everyone else get from that? 


I had the same vibes than you qwerty

I can totally see Foyet torturing Hotch (or anyone) sexually as a part of his twisted mind game, rape is a way of torture after all, now, there is a chance Foyet was fully erect, exicited for his own sadism but without perform the act. So we can say it's  kind of ambiguous as Droogie said.

the other chances are in the hands of the writers and producers, I just posted it in "Elle's chatroom" I don't know how to repost in different places, sorry, and I don't want to bore you with the same thoughts, at least not so close in time and space :)

Edited by smoker
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What makes it worse is that before Foyet killed Haley, Hotch told him over the phone, "If you lay one hand on her..." And George interrupts him to say, "Be gentle? Like I was with you?" *shudder*

Great memory Cobalt! 

it's true! way to be subtle about so sensitive issue

it almost seems a sneaky writer's trick to aboid a morbid explanation and still get a point

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I always thought that Foyet meant he wasn't impotent and was actually "excited" while stabbing Hotch. 


I just really grossed myself out...


I think that's one of the angles to read the situation, but being a psycho craving for control there is a high chance he raped him, Hotch didn't show him fear, so doing that Foyet would leave Hotch powerless or at least that's what I think he was looking for

And thanks to Cobalt who remembered their phone talk it looks like the writers had some ideas about it and they let them aside

  • Love 3

I would say that it looked like Hotch's pants were still on fully-- so I don't think it was necessarily a sexual rape-- although I think normasm is right that maybe Foyet was aroused and letting Hotch know it.


Of course, after Mr Scratch, the unsub could have planted false memories in Hotch that left him even more traumatized. Maybe he got Hotch to talk about what happened with Foyet and maybe he said things to make it worse.

  • Love 2

I would say that it looked like Hotch's pants were still on fully-- so I don't think it was necessarily a sexual rape-- although I think normasm is right that maybe Foyet was aroused and letting Hotch know it.


Of course, after Mr Scratch, the unsub could have planted false memories in Hotch that left him even more traumatized. Maybe he got Hotch to talk about what happened with Foyet and maybe he said things to make it worse.

After I thought more about it, I wondered too if Mr. scratch hadn't touched on something related to Foyet. Because after all, besides Hotch's team getting killed, what would affect him more but his attack by Foyet and Foyet's subsequent murder of Haley?

In would love for the writers to address that in (what will surely be) a follow-up to Mr. Scratch. Pleaseohpleaseohplease!

What makes it worse is that before Foyet killed Haley, Hotch told him over the phone, "If you lay one hand on her..." And George interrupts him to say, "Be gentle? Like I was with you?" *shudder*

I had forgotten this! If they wanted to end the series going down a dark dark road, and if they would invest more than 42 minutes on it, they definitely could reveal that Foyet's attack on Hotch was more than we initially thought. They did leave the door open. Not that I want to see Hotch suffer any more than he already has, or come to understand that his pain was even greater than it appeared -- I'm just saying it's an option.

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I just saw this photo and then thought of this comment. I normally don't look at pictures of actors/go to their websites/look at other things they're in so maybe I'm just not used to looking at his face as not Hotch but it still looks like there could be a tiny difference. 


agree, and I can't hit the nail on the head with this question and I'm crazy about it. Obviously, he is a bit heavier than last season, and his face still has expression lines, but the mythical bags under the eyes are smaller and I don't like it. Aging naturally it's awesome, I don't like cosmetic surgery, at least it's for something really necessary.

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