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Small Talk: The Library

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One of the main reasons I mostly hate seasons 6 & 7 is Buffy's attitude. God, she was such a downer. I also can't help but associate Buffy's attitude with SMG. You just got the impression she didn't want to be there.


7 years is a long slog, especially when you have all the heaped drama of sick mom, dead mom with new sister, own death, rising from the dead, humilating abusive relationship with Spuffy.

The most amount of joy and fun that SMG got was when she played the Buffybot. It has to be hard to play that kind of role, when it gets so ridiculous.

I think there were some Joss related tensions too, which wouldn't have helped. 

I can't exactly blame her for the lack of joy. But she is certainly making up for lost time on th social media circuit.


7 years is a long slog, especially when you have all the heaped drama of sick mom, dead mom with new sister, own death, rising from the dead, humilating abusive relationship with Spuffy.

The most amount of joy and fun that SMG got was when she played the Buffybot. It has to be hard to play that kind of role, when it gets so ridiculous.

I can see that.  That's one of the reasons I loved "As You Were", she actually seemed to be having fun.  It was the return of a somewhat happy Buffy.  You had her singing the Doublemeat Palace theme, "I have a cow on my head.", "Did you die?" "No" "I'm gonna win.", the Troublemeat Palace joke, and "You smelled the smell?".

She showed more life with Riley than Spike in the final 2 seasons.

And yes, I am one of the 7 Riley fans.

My project until the boards go offline is to make a list of the t-shirt sayings. I might even DO something with said list, once it is compiled, but I don't want to get too crazy with that.

In many ways I am the worst kind of fan, I allowed myself to go where the show wanted me to, Buffy+Angel? Yes! Buffy+Riley? Sure, why not. Buffy+Spike? Okey dokey. As I recently told someone who pushed me to pick a Buffy couple, "I choose Buffy. In her un-baked, not yet finished, cookie dough self. Why? Because, love and partnership are great, but everything sucks if you don't love yourself."

Edited by Barphe
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Ah, Barphe, nicely put. My 'ship is Buffy and Angel - that's even what's behind my moniker - you Spuffy fans always make me feel idiotic for liking the epic, doomed romance - but I liked Riley too, and remember being excited with Buffy and Riley finally kissed in Hush. 

Spuffy on the other hand…parts of Season 7 were okay, but it ended with Spike saving the universe and just NO to that on Buffy's show. 

I think it's groovy that lurkers are delurking. :) Maybe the TWoPocalypse will end up being a good thing, bringing more folks into the Buffy vortex. Or something, I dunno, I can't metaphor today. Heh.

My 14- year-old son, the F-ster, is now 6 feet tall and wears bigger shoes than his dad. And his skin, oy. He's doomed, since both his dad and I had terrible acne. But anyway, I don't think I told y'all about him doing online school. Did I? I can't remember. Oh yeah, even as I type this, I recall...oh well, anyway, it is working out really well. His grades are up, he's getting taller by the second (which I wonder if might be related to the fact that he can now get 10 hours of sleep every night. Biology, hmm) and we spend more time together. It is good.

Anyone got any good news, or good stuff happening? I think we could all use some cheering up, heh.

I am so glad to know of this. Really really, since I was one of the naysayers. This itself is cheering up news. 

I liked Riley too.  He was the perfect guy in a generic, what everyone thinks they want way.  He likes and respects women (and others), he's not bad to look at, he's all superhero-y, in acknowledging his lack of sense of humor he sort of has a sense of humor, he's kind, he's not duplicitous, and your mom even likes him.  It's just that in life, sometimes the perfect person isn't the right person.  Riley's cheating by seeking out the vamp-for-hire revealed a character flaw, but it also reflected (to me, anyway) that the Buffy-Riley pairing was as doomed as the Bangel pairing (and soon, the Spuffy pairing).  
I, too, fell into the writers' trap, liking the cookie dough Buffy best, because I think it's important to learn to stand on your own and be comfortable with yourself; even though Buffy had plenty of crap thrown at her that taught her the former, she always had support in the way of the Scoobies and the vampire/man of the moment.  I might be wrong in saying that, but off the top of my head, that's how I recall it.  Corrections are welcome, of course. 

My Buffy paramour ranking is 1) Cookie dough; 2) Spuffy; 3) Biley (?); 4) Bangel.  I just didn't feel the Bangel thing.  

I saw The Grand Budapest Hotel and highly recommend it.  Lots of silliness and fun, beautiful to look at, excellent performances.  If you hate Wes Anderson flicks (Moonrise Kingdom, Rushmore, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Royal Tennenbaums, for example), please disregard my recommendation.


Edited because duplicitous is exactly what Riley was with that vampire for hire.

Edited by harrie
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but it ended with Spike saving the universe and just NO to that on Buffy's show

I get what you are saying romantic idiot and it is even worse if you consider that it is really WR&H saving the universe.  But in my mind, Spike is saving himself and Buffy is saving the universe.  YMMV.

I'm not familiar with Wes Anderson films but would like to see The Grand Budapest Hotel as well.

I think SMG preferred Bangel because it was healthier than Spuffy and she may have had the hots for DB as well.  Perhaps SMG's new-found warmth to BtVS fandom is due to her growing up and realizing how truly special the show and her role was.  That and the fact that JW still makes well-received movie.  I watched two episodes of her latest show and couldn't stand it. 

Riley was OK.  Anybody would have been the wrong guy at the wrong time post-Angel.  And I must credit him with the fabulousness of "I'm going to stand right here.  Yup, not moving." 

Well, I have to head to Costco and do some other errands.  Are we all going to collectively no longer post at the other place and just do here from now on?

*gets off the safe boat, touches the ground* I made it! I'm safe at last! New place, new people. I'm still a little shaken. I'll get used to it, I'll be alright. You're all here, that's all that matters. You are all here, right? We didn't lose anyone, did we? 

Scandale is not Italian. It's scandalo.

I lost my underscore. I couldn't save it. It's still me, though.

Edited by trudi-tru
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I don't think we've lost anyone, but some folks may be a little slower to get here.  And I think we've picked up some new folks, which is awesome.

Yay on the prom drama almost being over with once the prom is over!

trudi, I lost my spaces between my name.  Too many characters and I didn't want to be "Kitten Poker Chea."  People might think I was a weird chia pet.  

And I thought long and hard about my nickname when I delurked at twop.  I thought about just Kitten Poker, but I'm 12, and wanted to avoid mockage for as long as possible.

It was so rainy/windy last night I the the rain being lifted off the streets and blown further uptown.  I lost my hat, but seeing that kind of rain (instead of snow) made it worth it.

Other than "kubler-rossing" about twop, how were people's weekend?

In many ways I am the worst kind of fan, I allowed myself to go where the show wanted me to, Buffy+Angel? Yes! Buffy+Riley? Sure, why not. Buffy+Spike? Okey dokey. 

Yeah, I was the same way with them, I didn't really have any strong feelings about Buffy's relationships, so I just went where the show took me. Now... Willow I loved with both Oz and Tara, Tara ultimately being my favorite, but I HATED Kennedy with flames on the side of my face. 

  • Love 3


We just came from brunch at Grandma's. It was bacony goodness. ;)

Sounds wonderful, grandmas and bacon - two of my favorite things :)


I didn't want to be "Kitten Poker Chea."

Hee, that would be odd.  I feel as though I should change my name here as well.  I changed when I moved from the parenting board to the other place.  And now having moved here perhaps I should change again?


On-board with the Kennedy hate, and the Oz and Tara love.

I didn't hate Kennedy as a potential.  Even when she was going all drill-seargent on the other potentials.  After all, she never had a Giles.  But I do so adore and miss Tara. 

  • Love 1

Amber Benson had a crappy agent?

As to not coming back, I believe that she would rather people remembered Tara as good rather than as a manipulation if the First Evil torturing Willow. She says that she knew the impact that Tara had on so many fans, especially her death, and she didn't feel comfortable giving them more pain.

I just watched the 'Veronica Mars' movie. What a lovely love letter to fans ("they always said school was built on a Hell Mouth" heh). I'll keep it spoiler free, but the last five minutes pissed me off in (quick count) five or six different ways. But, you know, I never liked Spuffy...

Edited by Erratic
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I am glad I made the move here even though the reason hurts. I may lurk sometimes, but I don't want to lose contact completely. This already happened to me once on another beloved board and there was no warning. I found a couple of the people someplace else, but.  

Newswise, my mom's off on a trip for a week. And I'm looking forward to a trip we'll take together in May: Wiscon! The Wisconsin feminist speculative fiction convention. I've been wanting to go for years and all the panels under discussion sound so good.

Spuffy fanfic? Who are you people???


And cko not finishing BtVS? Superflyse hating on OMWF? The TWoPocalypse is infecting people now!

I made it! I'm safe at last! New place, new people. I'm still a little shaken. I'll get used to it, I'll be alright. You're all here, that's all that matters.


That's right trudi_tru! That's what matters most.  Hey, without your underscore I didn't recognize you ;) But I put in back!  Glad you made it over here.It must have a been a real shock while you were away and then finding out about the other place.

Now... Willow I loved with both Oz and Tara, Tara ultimately being my favorite, but I HATED Kennedy with flames on the side of my face.


* bear hugs Zenlizzy*

Hi and welcome all the new people who are joining us from TWoP,delurking or wherever. It's very cool we're mixing the old with the new. You know, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Remind me not to post here when I'm using my tablet. I almost reported Hostile16 to the moderator because I touched the wrong icon. I meant to hit the "like", but hit the triangle symbol. I'm was like, oh crap,what did I just do?!!!  I Damn those tiny icons on those tablets and my inability to look what I'm doing. Luckily there was a "cancel" button. Whew.

Am I the only one who is seeing advertisments?

  • Love 2
Superflyse hating on OMWF? The TWoPocalypse is infecting people now!


Overrated, I think it is overrated.

Oh wait, I guess that is hating on it. I thought it said hating.

I like Riley. I just like him more at the begining of season 4, when he was awkward and nerdy and not all American Army man, and I kind of shipped him with Willow. The scene in the Freshman where Riley and Willow geek out over psychology? I wanted more of that.

Newswise, my mom's off on a trip for a week. And I'm looking forward to a trip we'll take together in May: Wiscon! The Wisconsin feminist speculative fiction convention. I've been wanting to go for years and all the panels under discussion sound so good.


That sounds amazing!

I'm not sure what it entails, but I'm excited for you.

  • Love 1
I'm going to say it, Once More With Feeling is just as awful as the reason of seasons 6 and 7, it just has prettier smoke and mirrors to hide behind.


I like the soundtrack about a million times more than the actual episode. Don't even ask how often I've listened to it; the answer will frighten you all :) 

And since we're confessing BtVS UOs:

I think The Body is the most overrated episode of the series. 

I prefer S6 to S5, which I actually dislike almost as much as S7. 

I can't stand Faith, and not in a 'love to hate!' way. Combine that with my irrational hatred of the Xander/Willow tryst, and you have my UO that S1, S2 and S4 are all much, much more enjoyable for me than the understandably lauded S3. 

You know those super cheesy episodes that most people justifiably mock, like Teacher's Pet, I Robot You Jane, Some Assembly Required, Reptile Boy, Bad Eggs, Go Fish and Beer Bad? Those are all among some of my most rewatched favorites. Sadly, I'm not kidding! 

  • Love 1

I like Riley. I just like him more at the begining of season 4, when he was awkward and nerdy and not all American Army man, and I kind of shipped him with Willow. The scene in the Freshman where Riley and Willow geek out over psychology? I wanted more of that.

Douglas Petrie mentioned in the commentary for "The Initiative" (an episode I loved), during the scene where Riley and Willow are on the couch, that they had to be careful due to Marc Blucas and Alyson Hannigan's chemistry.  They had such great chemistry that people thought Riley and Willow would wind up together.  So that's probably why those scenes started to disappear.

Although before season 6, Riley had chemistry with everyone except for Buffy.  The guy interacted naturally with everyone, except for the girl he was supposed to love.

I can't stand Faith, and not in a 'love to hate!' way. Combine that with my irrational hatred of the Xander/Willow tryst, and you have my UO that S1, S2 and S4 are all much, much more enjoyable for me than the understandably lauded S3. 

I don't agree with your Faith hate, but season 4 is my favorite season of the show.  It didn't have as good of an arc as season 3 (which would be my second favorite), but episode quality wise I give it the edge, and it's so much fun.  I like every episode, and "Beer Bad" deserves rewatches just for CaveSlayer, and Xander and Giles teaming up.

Didn't Giles go blind because

Willow said "You don't see anything" or something like that?

  Of course I thought of that after I got it wrong. 

I completely forgot the

Praying Mantis lady

, but spent some time deciding whether

Cordelia was truly evil or just a girl who knows what she wants

.  Plus, I didn't consider

falling into the bug lady's trap going out with her

, but it's all semantics, I suppose. 


Edited because at first I was afraid I spilled too many beans, but then I just started having fun with spoiler alerts.

Edited by harrie
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I certainly would. I would say

Ms. French, Ampata, Season 3/4 Anya, Faith Season 3, and Aaliyah. So definitely five, and just because that collection of murderers sets the bar quite high, Cordy gets a free pass. Just


I have to fire someone. And it is going to be *very* unexpected. So obviously I can't do it tomorrow, as there is nothing worse than having to convince someone that you are firing that it *isn't* actually an April Fool's joke. Ugh.

Happy Baseball season to valny, cko, and you other baseball fans in here. Enjoy your peanuts and cracker jacks and Jeters.


Edited by Erratic
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Given the reason for our migration, I am VERY happy to see the ads and as a marketing professional (as I like to think of myself) I love the placement. 

I watched two episodes of her latest show and couldn't stand it.  


Aww - I like The Crazy Ones. It's sweet and optimistic and I adore the opening credits. In fact, it's sacrilege but I prefer TCO to Agents of SHIELD - which has been a huge disappointment this season. 

Re: The VM Movie - I was lucky enough to get a look as well. The fan service was nice, the banter was nice as well. Not as good as Serenity, or VM Season 1, but decent. The ending was disappointing, but then, in line with the whole "noir" theme and how Season 3 ended. 

Also, I guess I have another confession to make. I can do without Faith. I mean, I don't dislike her, but I've never seen what the rest of the fandom saw in her either. 

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Happy Baseball season to valny, cko, and you other baseball fans in here. Enjoy your peanuts and cracker jacks and Jeters.


Why thank you Erratic! So nice you remembered.  Looking forward to opening day tomorrow for my Yankees,They play on the road in Houston and it's a night game, so I will be home to watch. Most times opening days are day games.  But the Yankee home opener will be next Monday in the afternoon, so I'll listen on the radio at work.

Adding a grrrr argh to that trivia question #8 today. Are you effing kidding me?!!

Hey- does this place keep a total of our posts?

I'm re-delurking (if that's possible). Wanted to drop by and say hello to you all. You may not remember me, but I remember most of you from when I posted regularly in the Buffy and AtS forums at TWoP quite some time ago. I still visited and read the site daily but posted less frequently over the years. I found it difficult with my schedule to keep up with the pace of the forums. Going to give it another try though.

So how difficult is this trivia quiz you have going? I haven't rewatched the series in a while. If I fail miserably, will all see the results?


The thing is, Endeavor, a number of us fail miserably at trivia on a regular basis, so no biggie.

Thanks, Barphe. That gave me the courage to give it a shot, but now this...

The topic of trivia changes daily to really spread the suck around.

This I didn't realize. I thought it was strictly Buffy.

Don't worry, Endeavor, pretty sure I've got the bottom spot in today's quiz locked up.  You should be golden.

Thanks, harrie! That was very kind of you. Heh. I'm right there next to you in the results.

Edited by Endeavour
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