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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I can mail you vidalias!

I never ever ever ever have successful erotic dreams. They all go pear shaped. I once dreamed the world was ending and I was the last chick and I was gonna get to do the deed with sayid from "oz" and we kept having to prep and get tests run and some weird soaking in a liquid was involved. Scientists were gonna watch, I didn't care I was super jazzed for my make out sesh and boom they found more chicks.

Oddly the most successful dream I ever had was I once dreamed I went to an art show and there was a naked painting of detective Munch from originally "homicide" then later on "svu". Aka the comedian Richard belzer and he had ginormous Unitage and that's the action I got in on. RICHARD BELZER!

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I once dreamed the world was ending and I was the last chick and I was gonna get to do the deed with sayid from "oz" and we kept having to prep and get tests run and some weird soaking in a liquid was involved. Scientists were gonna watch, I didn't care I was super jazzed for my make out sesh and boom they found more chicks.


How disappointing. I won't brag about how delightful mine was and how... realistic. Nope, won't say a word.





Umm - is that good?:o


My particular affinity was cornbread and onion sandwiches.


I was going to say that's weird, but then remembered my mother used to feed us mayonnaise sandwiches when we were kids. Just mayo, nothing else. It was a special treat for after we took our baths.

I swear there is some Australian movie I watched once (their interpretation of Pippi Longstocking???) where a whacky girl joins their class and rides a horse and has mayo sandwiches which they smear all over the floor. It gave me nightmares for years. I can eat mayo, I just can't "see" it. As in I cannot look at a commercial where someone is making a sandwich and the smoosh it with their hand and mayo oozes. I have panic attacks seeing that. So the mayo being wiped across the floor was a particular form of hell for me. 

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I can mail you vidalias!

S'allright; getting them nowadays is no problem. I got sources. ;)

When I was a kid, though, they were a rare and special seasonal treat.

Oddly the most successful dream I ever had was I once dreamed I went to an art show and there was a naked painting of detective Munch from originally "homicide" then later on "svu". Aka the comedian Richard belzer and he had ginormous Unitage and that's the action I got in on. RICHARD BELZER!

So, what you're saying is - Richard really rang your Belzers...?

I'll show myself out now....

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Ew, Ew, Ew, I have to wash my own unconscious eyeballs with bleach. 


My work here is done.

I cook with Vidalias but I aint about to bite into one like an apple which is what they claim you can do.

"Claim", nothing. Maybe it's just a family thing, but our nickname for onions was "Arabian apples". Freaked my wife out the first time she saw me eat an onion whole - she couldn't cut one without tears welling up less than a minute into the process.

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Can you teach me to do that? Please?

I would be rich if I could teach people to do it...lol  I just always have.  My pediatrician was a bit freaked out in the late 70's when I explained that I didn't have bad dreams because if they started getting scary I would just think that it was ridiculous and change the environment of my dream.  He wanted to do some kind of study type thing but my parents were always in the mindset of if it ain't broke don't fix it.


My Dad used to pick onions right out of the garden, hose them down, and eat them before he got into the house.  Ugh.

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In kindergarden our teacher had us draw our families. I drew errrrrrrbody under the sun, mom, sisters, my niece ( yes, I was an aunt when I was 4, welcome to the south), cousins, grandparents, aunts,  uncles, cat, dog, my best friend and so on. The teacher came and labeled everybody and since I was from such a small town they knew my dad was there, hadn't died, no divorce so they wanted to have a big meeting to discuss what nefarious reason I might not have drawn my dad in the picture. My mother poo poo'd it but if you'd asked me at the time, I knew my dad was my "dad" but he was the guy who lived in the room at the end of the hall. Because he'd come home from work (swing shift) and he'd go to bed and sleep all day. So he wasn't someone I hung out with like family, he didn't eat dinner with the family. My mom took him food to his room, he knocked on the wall if he wanted something. Although, if they specifically said "draw your dad" I probably woulda drawn him in his underwear which I'm sure would have rang more alarm bells. But once again, he came home, dropped his coverall/work suit thing and went to bed in his underwear, nothing weird going on. but yeah, if it aint broke, don't fix it.

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I would be rich if I could teach people to do it...lol  I just always have.



What a gift! My jealousy knows no bounds.


Ew, Ew, Ew, I have to wash my own unconscious eyeballs with bleach.


At the thought of seeing someone eat a raw onion, or at bumping uglies with Richard Belzer? (no offense if he turns you on!)


As for onions - the only way I can eat them is very well fried or as onion rings. Never raw, not even chopped or put on a hamburger. Can't stand the smell of onions on my fingers, or the aftertaste of them raw.


Nashville? Theme song?

I would be rich if I could teach people to do it...lol  I just always have.  My pediatrician was a bit freaked out in the late 70's when I explained that I didn't have bad dreams because if they started getting scary I would just think that it was ridiculous and change the environment of my dream.  He wanted to do some kind of study type thing but my parents were always in the mindset of if it ain't broke don't fix it.


Same here.

At first I never mentioned it because I didn't know anybody else as any different.

Later, I stopped mentioning it to people after I got tired of them looking at me funny.

My family already thought I was weird, so that was just another brick in the wall.

My Dad used to pick onions right out of the garden, hose them down, and eat them before he got into the house.  Ugh.

Man after my own heart.

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Everything just feels vanilla. It's watchable show but I've two major problems with it. One is the writing isn't good enough to tell the kind of story they are trying to tell. In so much that they are trying to tell a story about the psychological effects of the zombies on the survivors, as much as are just doing an all out zombie fest, and it doesn't work because they are going for the best of both worlds. The acting isn't good enough to support the former either, with the acception of Andrew Lincoln. On that note watching Sarah Wayne Callies three eye-face expressions is painful.

OK, guys and gals, I need help.


I am a completionist. No matter how bad a show gets I will watch to the end. If everyone on here says, "please for the love of all that is good and holy don't watch past season X," it won't matter. To the end or nothing. Can't help. Watched to the end of Revolution, The Event, and the Heroes reboot (your condolences are welcome).


With that in mind, should I watch Lost? I know the ending is not not everyone's cup of tea, so that is why I hesitate. Opinions?

OK, guys and gals, I need help.


I am a completionist. No matter how bad a show gets I will watch to the end. If everyone on here says, "please for the love of all that is good and holy don't watch past season X," it won't matter. To the end or nothing. Can't help. Watched to the end of Revolution, The Event, and the Heroes reboot (your condolences are welcome).


With that in mind, should I watch Lost? I know the ending is not not everyone's cup of tea, so that is why I hesitate. Opinions?

Yes, I think you should watch Lost. I loved it beginning to end. It's an experience for sure.

I liked most of lost and I'm like you, I generally see things through. The leftovers is good too but only 2 seasons so far so they could disappoint any day now. Ha!

I just fell at work. My knee is jacked. I do not want to call attention to this becUse if they go look at the tape they'll also examine how much I goof off. Ha! But this is gonna hurt like a mother tomorrow and it don't feel too good now.


I loved season one of "Lost". Then I felt that it went sideways. I stayed with it because everyone assured me that the whole thing was planned out in advance and would be AWESOME. I was hugely disappointed.


Speaking of hugely disappointed...I watched the season finale of Sleepy Hollow last night. Someone quoted something from Twitter:


The Walking Dead just had the worst season finale ever

Sleepy Hollow's response: "Challenge Accepted"


Truth. Goodbye Sleepy Hollow. We'll always have season one.


Feel better soon nachomama. Joint injuries are horrible! :(

Edited by shanndee
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I used to be a completist but Lost cured me. I clearly recall the point at which I should have stopped watching because the final couple of seasons were not enjoyable for me. Prior to Lost, I watched Prison Break long after it stopped making sense. Now I drop shows fairly regularly. I bailed on Arrow this season, as well as Sleepy Hollow and The Blacklist. Blindspot is likely next to go because Jaimie Alexander's insipid performance is ruining Lady Sif for me and "Kurt Weller" is destroying my fond memories of Strikeback. I like Ashley Johnson (Patterson) though so I'm hanging in for her. I still ship her waitress with Captain America based on the first Avengers movie!

I was browsing in my bookstore this morning and I may have struck gold. I found a book called Ex Heroes, featuring a bunch of superheroes banding together with human survivors to combat the Zombie Apocalypse. I bought it ,of course, and I hope it doesn't suck because it looks like it's the first book in a series and others were available. I'm trying to keep my expectations in check but honestly I feel like I've died and gone to nerd heaven. Superheroes and zombies. In the same book!

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I want to hear about that book too, Irishmaple!


OK, I think you guys may have convinced me not to bother with Lost. It's the kind of show I sometimes feel like I should try because it has become a part of our communal pop culture knowledge, but I think I have gleaned enough over the years to catch enough references/allusions when madde (a hatch, some sort of number code, etc.). Going to try The Leftovers, though. Much less of my life to be lost on that one.

  • Love 2
OK, I think you guys may have convinced me not to bother with Lost. It's the kind of show I sometimes feel like I should try because it has become a part of our communal pop culture knowledge, but I think I have gleaned enough over the years to catch enough references/allusions when madde (a hatch, some sort of number code, etc.). Going to try The Leftovers, though. Much less of my life to be lost on that one.


The first season or two was pretty good.

After that, it becomes a long, drawn out exercise in sucking out your soul.


Same here.

At first I never mentioned it because I didn't know anybody else as any different.

Later, I stopped mentioning it to people after I got tired of them looking at me funny.

My family already thought I was weird, so that was just another brick in the wall.

Man after my own heart.


If we had a family motto it would be "Let your freak flag fly".  People married out of their race, women owned businesses back in the 30's, and we seemed to amass quite a bit of people that never really left that whole hippy thing from the 60's behind.  I am truly blessed.

OK, guys and gals, I need help.


I am a completionist. No matter how bad a show gets I will watch to the end. If everyone on here says, "please for the love of all that is good and holy don't watch past season X," it won't matter. To the end or nothing. Can't help. Watched to the end of Revolution, The Event, and the Heroes reboot (your condolences are welcome).


With that in mind, should I watch Lost? I know the ending is not not everyone's cup of tea, so that is why I hesitate. Opinions?

I think tht binge watching Lost would clear up a lot of the problems people had with it, much like TWD.  I LOVED Lost but I did grow tired of certain things.  The ending pissed me off, but I'm still glad I watched it.

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I do envy people who discover things later and can binge. It does change how you perceive something. Yes huge part of losts issues was just waiting out the seasons. Maybe it makes more sense if you only waste a few weekends.

I do want to go back and watch many things over but never seem to have the time. I've done weekend marathon of firefly and deadwood but something with a lot more seasons is tough to squeeze in.

So far I liked "Outlander", it does turn into more romancey, soap opera, anything to cause angst between the lovers. But definitely kept me occupied for a weekend with a bum leg. I like funny accents.


I did fall asleep during "fear the walking dead" but I'm ok with that, I watched the beginning, caught the end, I got enough. sigh. cannot wait for GoT!

Edited by nachomama

I would absolutely watch LOST. Even toward the end, there were some really interesting, funky things. As someone said, the ability to binge makes some problems go away. I think this is mostly because when binging, you don't have a week in between shows to build up your expectations of how (and how well) they're going to resolve something.


LOST also has one of the best pilots ever, really. (The Alias pilot was also outstanding, and I think Alias went way more downhill than LOST.) LOST is also one of those shows people refer to a lot and if you haven't seen it, there's very few references to it that you'll get. It's up to you, of course, but you might want to give the pilot a shot and then decide whether to continue.


nachomama, are you RICE-ing? Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation? If you've really damaged the knee, like you've torn something, RICE may not be enough, but it goes a long way to alleviating pain and improving mobility. A cane can help, as needed, too. There's different schools of thought on which hand to hold cane in. I'm in the "opposite hand" group (as were the PTs I've dealt with) -- this gives the bad leg support without affecting your gait as much.

I definitely rested, iced and elevated. Didn't really wrap it, but I don't believe there's anything big permanent done. I can walk better today, what hurts more is my calf where I've now leaned so much that I made the muscle sore. If I thought there was anything seriously done wrong I would have filed something at work, but I'm willing to cut fingers and toes off if I was going to go that route. (I work with a slicer, don't know how I'd explain slicing off toes but trust me, I want out baaaaaaaaad) 

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Book review: I really liked Ex Heroes. I inhaled it over two sessions. I know I was psyched so you might be thinking I was an easy sell but I thought the book exceeded my expectations.

The author came up with a reasonably credible origin story for both the Superheroes and the zombies. He covered the spread of the contagion and the fall of civil authority. The book is set in Los Angeles but other places got mentioned, giving the scope of the plague. I give him lots of points for ambition and he almost stuck the landing. The last few sections wandered a bit into "you what now?" territory but I was caught by then and willing to go with it.

Ex Patriot is the next in the series and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it over the weekend. The author, Peter Clines, wrote for Star Trek Vogager and the one with Jadzia Dax in it so he has genuine nerd cred. Way more than me anyway. I wasn't much of a Star Trek person.

Edited by Irishmaple

One of my friends in New Mexico was musing over Vikings. They've been watching Seasons 1-3 and the gushed "OMG we gotta get season 4" so I faux spoilered them. I said "Season 4 is sooooo good, they come to America and wipe out the native population" (they're navajo) :D


I have a nemesis at work. Evil child who is a moron and does not know her ass from a hole in the ground who claims I hung up on her. I hope her birch forks and spoons give people splinters and they sue her. 



Two more of my friends are moving east for work or for the possibility of being able to buy an affordable house (which is absolutely impossible in this city). I am happy for them...but Hubby and I are going to be really going to miss them. Wow. How times have changed. Twenty years ago we moved west because there were no jobs on the east coast.


We were out tonight with some of Hubby's online gaming friends...what a great group of people! So much fun! But do they live near us...NO. They live on a nearby island or in the U.S.


Maybe it is time for us to move?...


Sorry guys. Just felling a little sad this evening.

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Hi everyone! Has anyone attended a Walker Stalker Con? There's one coming up in Chicago Memorial Day weekend that I'm thinking about attending, but it's not cheap ($100 general admission for 2 days, $55/$45 each Saturday and Sunday respectively) and I'm not rich. The last convention I've been to was a Star Trek one at least 10 years ago and I'm not sure how much things have changed.


The three Star Trek cons I attended basically amounted to a panel or two with a bunch of actors. Then there were the lines to meet and get a quick pic/autograph with the actors. Other than that there were a lot of vendor booths and not a whole lot else.


From a quick look at reviews, it looks like some of these cons also have haunted house-type setups to tour and/or a special effects workshop/demonstrations. It also sounds like you spend A LOT of time, hours even, standing in line after line, only to have to fork out even more cash.


Considering the travel expenses and overnight accommodations if we do attend both days, did you find the experience worth the expense? If you only could attend one of the two days, would you opt for the 1st or 2nd day? I noticed Sunday is cheaper; why is that? Shorter hours?


The venue doesn't matter; I'm more interested in hearing about the convention experience itself. I probably won't be able to cough up the cash for more than a couple of the actors. Who did you enjoy meeting the most/least?


Coral is the only one of the Atlanta 5 on the roster, but Abe/Eugene/Rosita will be there as well, as are a lot of current and former "also starrings". Wish at least one of Rick, Glenn, Carol, Maggie or Daryl would be there too, but alas, no. And yes, I know I'm calling them by their character instead of actor names, but you guys know what I mean. LOL


I'd really appreciate any input you folks can provide!

I went to Atlanta a couple of years ago and I had very discounted 3 day pass, no VIP. I enjoyed it but there was no way I was going to stand in a line for the meet and greet. Hyoooooooooooge lines, many hours and they didn't post up front how much it cost to get the signed pic. I couldn't afford it anyway. At the time I heard it was like $125 for Darryl or Rick, $75 ish for Maggie or Michonne and so on. The panels were good*, Sunday is a lighter day and most of the big wigs have gone home by Sunday. I'm super cheap therefore I'd never spring for VIP and if you don't then you'll wait forever for anything good. 


* I got really annoyed in panels when chicks made their kids stand up to ask questions, they would get picked first and even though everyone had been instructed "don't ask for a hug or personal shout out, that's for the meet n greets" every single damn kid did it and then the mom's snuck in a hug. 

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Hey nachomama (I love your user name BTW), thanks for sharing your experience. I'm definitely going general admission like you did, so I'm wondering, apart from the panel(s?), what else was there to do if you don't want to stand in line for hours? At the prices you're describing, I don't think I'll be able to afford any pics/autographs at all. :( Is it just vendors, or are there any other activities/displays/demonstrations, etc. going on?


RE: parents using their kids to bypass the rules for their own benefit, I totally agree it's very annoying, and unfair to everyone else (and what are these people doing bringing kids, at least young ones, to what's essentially a horror convention anyway?). Not to mention, what kind of a message is it sending those kids? You're entitled to do whatever you want, never mind other people? Ugh.


Now, excuse me while I go outside, sit on the porch and shake my fist at passersby. Get off my lawn, dag nabbit. LOL ;)

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