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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Get more than one quote.

And make sure you see current contractor licenses.


And make sure they have a triple A rating with the BBB, have been doing business in your area for over 25 years, and come highly recommended by others.  Then kiss your money goodbye like I did when my new roof leaked immediately, and I found this stellar company had gone bust and the owners absconded mere months later.  :-(


I'm finding the idea of tiny house living more appealing. Although I'd be making it like tiny tank living because I'd want it all fortified and extra strength for the coming ZA. 


We got lunch from a "chinese" place today, so when we asked for hot mustard we got Guldens spicy DELI mustard, how chinese can they be if they don't understand the concept of actual chinese hot mustard?


OH! And SWEEEEEGIN cocksucka is on the new season of Ray Donovan. :D

Edited by nachomama
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Hopefully tomorrow I shall be high as a kite and feeling no pain and also hopefully no one will let me near the interwebs, and really really hope no one thinks I'm so funny that they should put me on the YouTubes. I'm sure I will not sleep and after work I'm setting about scrubbing and getting my weekend nest ready. I will be armed with remotes, laptops, phone/time waster as well as my pudding station and watering station (stuff that I shall live off of for the next week) I got my Game of Thrones marathon as well as my GoT books, I'm nearly done with book 3, also just received the Harper Lee book and I shall see if leaves me all scandalized. I have a prop up pillow in case my face is all explodey and won't let me lay down on it. Perhaps I will work on my godfather impersonation. I'm gonna make you an offer you cannot refuse. Take the cannoli, leave the gun. 

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I just broke up with Amazon - the Canadian version anyway - because the level of service I just experienced was a joke. I ordered a kid's book for a little girl because the main character in the book shared her name. I placed the order on June 7th and the book still hasn't shipped. I wrote to complain and was promised a new shipping date with a complimentary bump to expedited delivery. A nice touch, I thought, until I got the new shipping date: July 28th to August 7th. It takes the better part of the summer to ship a kid's book to a little girl? I found three copies of the book in my local Indigo so guess who's getting my cash? I cancelled the Amazon order. I've had nothing but good experiences with the branches of Amazon I've used - the U.S. and UK as well as Ca - so this was an unpleasant surprise. I'm over you, Amazon.

Take that Amazon ,,!,, and don't you be sending no drone drive by's stalking her. 


Seriously my face is so broken, I wouldn't do this again for eleventy seven million dollars. It hurts all the way up to my eyeballs, my ears are stopped up. Everything sounds like I'm coming through a tunnel, I can hear myself breathing like I'm hiking Machu Pichu, no sleep, no solid food, jittery and sinus headache. The left side hardly hurts at all but the right side I look like a Campbell's soup kid with big puffy cheek. I tried to eat a donut and had to smash it flat and it was too hard for me to chew. :S

I feel almost human today! :D I'm feeding myself like a baby, put a little bit on the spoon, shove it in my lips and scrape it off my mouth because I can't hardly open my mouth. I swear I'm an adult. But I got sudafed for the stuffed up head and I feel 1000% better. I even got maybe 3-4 hours of sleep. wheeee!


I think I've got the guy who will be doing my roof. Several estimates in one way way overpriced. 2 are close in price but this guy came with a recommendation from someone I know. Might as well suck it up and do it. 

  • Love 4

As it turns out, my room-mate is a bit of a jinx. Her sister and two nieces came for a visit and, just before they arrived, my roomie said "I hope this doesn't turn into one of those visits where they stay all night and never go home." It looked like she was getting her wish when the guests got ready to leave around 7.30. Then their car wouldn't start so the sister called her husband, explained and asked him to come pick them up. It was a pleasant evening, so we grabbed a few beers, went out to the lawn and listened to the jazz playing in the park down the street. Time passed, it started to get dark and the mosquitoes came around. The sister called her husband again. He showed up at 10.45, sat down and had a beer. It was midnight before they left and both of us work on Saturday. I felt bad about bailing so I stayed till the end and paid for it the next morning when one of the humidifiers at work cracked and leaked water all over the floor, and one of my infants has learned to sit up in the crib but can't lie back down, so I had to settle her three times before I could finally have a much-needed cup of tea!

  • Love 1

So, last week we did the first of what promises to be many trips to central/southern Illinois:

  • 7-1/2 hours for a 470-odd mile drive from our home outside Nashville to Pekin, IL to pick up her father's remains from the crematorium (trivia fact: cremated remains are referred to as "cremains"). Longest outward-bound leg of the trip; everything else is stops along the return route.
  • Stop off in Springfield to meet with and retain a local (Illnois-wise) attorney to deal with the probate.
  • Go by the county clerk's office in Springfield to search for three or four documents/wills. Found one.
  • Also while in Springfield - meet with some local cousins (who we've never met before), get some papers, get the keys to the condo and vehicles.
  • Go to the condo, search around for more papers, talk to neighbors, change locks to secure property.
  • 6+ hour, 400 mile drive back home.

We didn't want to do an overnight trip, so we left out at 4am Wednesday morning; got back 5am Thursday.

So much for the first trip.

  • Love 1

So, last week we did the first of what promises to be many trips to central/southern Illinois:

  • 7-1/2 hours for a 470-odd mile drive from our home outside Nashville to Pekin, IL to pick up her father's remains from the crematorium (trivia fact: cremated remains are referred to as "cremains"). Longest outward-bound leg of the trip; everything else is stops along the return route.
  • Stop off in Springfield to meet with and retain a local (Illnois-wise) attorney to deal with the probate.
  • Go by the county clerk's office in Springfield to search for three or four documents/wills. Found one.
  • Also while in Springfield - meet with some local cousins (who we've never met before), get some papers, get the keys to the condo and vehicles.
  • Go to the condo, search around for more papers, talk to neighbors, change locks to secure property.
  • 6+ hour, 400 mile drive back home.

We didn't want to do an overnight trip, so we left out at 4am Wednesday morning; got back 5am Thursday.

So much for the first trip.



Dang it, Nashville, for this reason, and this reason ONLY, I am glad not to have younger relatives to deal with the flotsam and jetsam of my inevitable demise.  Better to have strangers rifle through my detritus; except for my critters - I will never stop looking for someone to care for them, and will probably live on stubbornly long past my expiration date to do so.  :)

So, last week we did the first of what promises to be many trips to central/southern Illinois:

  • 7-1/2 hours for a 470-odd mile drive from our home outside Nashville to Pekin, IL to pick up her father's remains from the crematorium (trivia fact: cremated remains are referred to as "cremains"). Longest outward-bound leg of the trip; everything else is stops along the return route.
  • Stop off in Springfield to meet with and retain a local (Illnois-wise) attorney to deal with the probate.
  • Go by the county clerk's office in Springfield to search for three or four documents/wills. Found one.
  • Also while in Springfield - meet with some local cousins (who we've never met before), get some papers, get the keys to the condo and vehicles.
  • Go to the condo, search around for more papers, talk to neighbors, change locks to secure property.
  • 6+ hour, 400 mile drive back home.

We didn't want to do an overnight trip, so we left out at 4am Wednesday morning; got back 5am Thursday.

So much for the first trip.



Oh man I feel your pain...My parent's died within a year of each other and they lived 9 - 10 hours away.  My Mom had everything pretty straight but then my Dad went and messed everything up.  My Mom's side had things like old family oil rights and such and it was just terrible as they should have went to us but my Dad tried to stop it and have them go to him.  He messed it all up and we almost lost something that had been in my Mom's family since the 1800's.


Keep lots of alcohol on hand, that is the best advice I can give!

Dang it, Nashville, for this reason, and this reason ONLY, I am glad not to have younger relatives to deal with the flotsam and jetsam of my inevitable demise.  Better to have strangers rifle through my detritus; except for my critters - I will never stop looking for someone to care for them, and will probably live on stubbornly long past my expiration date to do so.  :)

Aww what kind of critters??

  • Love 1

Oh man I feel your pain...My parent's died within a year of each other and they lived 9 - 10 hours away.  My Mom had everything pretty straight but then my Dad went and messed everything up.  My Mom's side had things like old family oil rights and such and it was just terrible as they should have went to us but my Dad tried to stop it and have them go to him.  He messed it all up and we almost lost something that had been in my Mom's family since the 1800's.


Keep lots of alcohol on hand, that is the best advice I can give!

Aww what kind of critters??

Oil rights?!?!  You be richy rich rich!  :-)


1 indoor cat, 8 backyard semi-feral cats, 1 raccoon who thinks she's a kitty, her 2 rambunctious & occasionally visiting brothers, 1 possum, 1 skunk, lots of wild birds, and mosquitofish in my "swamp"  Casa de Deplorable's back yard is a haven for many creatures who are far too used to being fed by Moi!   :-D

Oil rights?!?!  You be richy rich rich!  :-)


1 indoor cat, 8 backyard semi-feral cats, 1 raccoon who thinks she's a kitty, her 2 rambunctious & occasionally visiting brothers, 1 possum, 1 skunk, lots of wild birds, and mosquitofish in my "swamp"  Casa de Deplorable's back yard is a haven for many creatures who are far too used to being fed by Moi!   :-D

Ah I wish.  They've been split so many times by this point that it is not much, maybe pays for the groceries if I'm lucky :)  Hey, I'll take it.  The REAL money won't come along until they dry up - the contract with the oil company has them holding 2% to be payed to the owners, which is well over 100 years of oil.  Big, big big money which will never happen in my lifetime.  Probably 3 or 4 generations from me will be richy rich rich!


If I have an untimely death my 401 K goes to the people that are taking my dog Nitro :)  I so want to be one of those crazy ladies who leaves her shit to an animal...lol  Alas, everything else is going to the nieces and nephews. 


I'll take your indoor cat :)  The dog would not approve of the rest though and it would be animal smack down 24/7.

I AM the crazy old lady who leaves everything to her animals!  I just need an "executor" to dole out the food, treats and lurve!  :-)


By the way, the pot just got sweetened by a factor of three.  My "kitty" raccoon finally let her 3 cute little roly-poly babies hang out by my back door, and I saw them for the first time last night.  SQUEEEE!  They are totally adorbs and I am totally enchanted once again.  One of them has already learned how to ring my honkin' big windchimes, which means I'm serenaded by a sound similar to lovely church bells at night.


Sigh.  Life is good (not great, mind you, but pretty damned decent).

  • Love 2

If you say so.

We get to do another 7+ hour haul up to Peoria tomorrow.

Apparently their records system is still somewhere in the early 90s technology-wise, and there are certain records (temporary/provisional death certificates among them) you simply can't get online. You can only get certified copies online, and there's approximately a three-month backlog on certifications.

So we have to go stand in line.

  • Love 1

If you say so.

We get to do another 7+ hour haul up to Peoria tomorrow.

Apparently their records system is still somewhere in the early 90s technology-wise, and there are certain records (temporary/provisional death certificates among them) you simply can't get online. You can only get certified copies online, and there's approximately a three-month backlog on certifications.

So we have to go stand in line.

Peoria???  God be with you my child....My friend's Mom passed away in that area around Christmas and it was horrible trying to get justthe temporary death certificate!

  • Love 2

Any Doctor Who fans around here?  Just marathoned all the 'nu'Who (since 2005) episodes and specials about a week ago.  I can dig it.  But then again, I've always been a bit of a sci-fi nut when it comes to fiction, so that really helps.  Also, to this shallow-minded pervert, it doesn't hurt that all his (female) companions are eye-candy.  [Donna aside]


Going to watch all 3 available 'series' of Sherlock on my next vacation in about a month, if not sooner.  Looks really good, too.  Am definitely intrigued.



Never having watched BBC-America, I thought it was a network to show to England's 'leftovers' to us Americans, or shows that aired live over there but only as re-runs on BBC-A.  My bad.  Will be catching the new DW and Sherlock stuff as it comes out, from now on.

I've noticed that before, nachomama, when I was surfing the channel listings guide.  I remember thinking, "For a BBC-owned station, do they show anything other than an US-originated show?", that and "Are old ST:TNG eps really all they have available to show on this station?!  Not missing anything at all then, really."

  • Love 1

I know Top Gear is very popular. And above all they show what people watch.


I watched the Zombie show from the UK, probably on BBC america. and Luthor, Brits do good detective shows, they are not alllll about blood and guts even though, clearly, blood and guts don't bother me but I like a good story. There was one about a coroner solving crimes, with John Hannah, Scottish. I dearly love John Hannah. And James Nesbitt, Cold Feet. He had a detective show. 

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Roof 90% done. Finish up tomorrow.

Anybody watch "Falling Skies"? They've just stolen story line from WD. (IMHO) one of the "team" just shaned (shaved) his head and turned rogue. Now he's settinh himself up as a new governor. Found a group of unsuspecting survivors who he will now train to go kill "RICK" aka Noah wyle.

Oh Roofers knocked my satellite out so I gotta get it adjusted. Blargh but you know I would be screaming bloody murder if it was October.

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Hey, guys. I'm off to Cuba this afternoon. Apparently it's going to rain all week so I have that to look forward to! I still need to pack and buy a bathing suit but, aside from that, I'm ready. I'll have to catch the debut of Fear the Walking Dead on demand because I won't be back until early Monday morning. If it was the Mothership, I'd be tempted to reschedule but I'm not entirely sold on Fear yet. That teaser with the kid running from the house, hiking up his pants, did nothing for me. My sister and I scrubbed Iceland because of the expense so we're meeting in Barcelona instead. That way only I get screwed by currency issues. My sister is currently gnashing her teeth on planning because I have to be back in Canada before The Walking Dead returns unless she can guarantee me I'll be able to see it in Europe. I'm not even a little bit flexible on that issue! I'll see you guys on the other Dead forum soon.

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