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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I'm leaving early tomorrow morning so Happy Christmas to all because there's no Internet where I'm going.  Should the ZA strike over the holidays, I'll already be in place: the middle of nowhere with horses, shotguns and people who know how to use them.  The former neighbours were hoarders who just abandoned the place so there's lots of junk that can be used as improvised weapons still lying around.  Best of all, I'll be with my friend's son, and he and I have been planning our survival since the kid was old enough to appreciate a good zombie movie or even a bad one.  I might have been a bad influence there!  I'm away through Boxing Day and then have another week of vacation.  You cannot believe how much I'm looking forward to sleeping past 6.30am.  Have a great holiday, guys, whatever you're doing.  I'll be eating too much, drinking too much, sleeping too much and feeding carrots to horses.  And then sleeping some more.


You'll never know how much I envy you right about now, Irish.  I miss Boxing Day.  And horses. :-(

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I'm leaving early tomorrow morning so Happy Christmas to all because there's no Internet where I'm going.

And you're sure you want to go there??!


Heck, I keep a list of places like that for vacation.  I learned a while back it doesn't matter if I'm on leave or not; if my job can call me they WILL call me, again and again and again.  So I plan my vacations around locations which are internet- and cellphone-inaccessible.  Bird sanctuaries are good for that - no cell towers allowed in the vicinity.  :)


Have a blast, Irish!  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kicking Kwanzaa, whatever applies.

Edited by Nashville
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I went shopping at Target on Monday night (about 7 PM). I knew it was either that, Tuesday at 11:30 AM, or Wednesday morning as early as I could drag myself out of bed. The 2nd and 3rd choices would have been hell, I'm sure. Monday evening was fine -- no real problem with parking, plenty of people in the stores, but not crazy-crowded, and people seemed pretty happy and laid-back.


There was one thing I couldn't find and I had to go to the drug store for it today, but that was right in my town and taken care of while my kid was at the dentist. Easy.


Did we all air our grievances on Tuesday for Festivus? ;)

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Well, I've seriously fucked up this holiday. I have psoriatic arthritis, and it's relatively new to me--lots of pain and side effects from the treatment. That on top of some lingering problems from a spinal cord injury in my neck a couple years ago, and, long story short (too late!), I have practically nothing done for Christmas and it's Christmas Eve. It's hitting me hard this year that I pretty much have to give up on doing things I love because I require every drop of strength I have at this point to stay employed.

I've been telling myself I'd put up a tree once I gave the apartment a good cleaning, but every night after work I just drop, find myself asleep on the sofa when I wake up the next morning. The place is still a mess. Presents are bought (thank you, internet!), but nothing is wrapped. I have to work today, then meet family, then church. My mom's twin sister passed this summer and I swore I would do all I could to make everyone's holiday good this year to get us through the hard parts, but my mom's coming to stay tonight and I don't even have a bed ready for her.

I know I have to give myself permission to let it all go, but it's all hitting me right now what I have to try to make happen today. I woke up out of a sound sleep in a panic and I'm glad you guys are here to give me a laugh, 'cause I'm too sore to get up and get started just yet. Sorry for the whiny post--but it made me feel better reading that I wasn't the only one not ready for Christmas. I hope you all have a great holiday, and that it won't matter what we got done but how much time we get to spend with the people we love.

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BrokenRemote - I feel your pain, truly.  I got messed up with a string of cumulative work injuries and hung on to my job as long as I could while downing copious amounts of pain meds and further exacerbating my problems.  Finally took early retirement and tried to heal myself without drugs (except my magic green herb!).  Haven't been able to do shit around the house or yard for years without putting myself down with pain for days, so I live in filth and disrepair.  The up side is that the herniated discs in my neck finally wore themselves down so my right arm doesn't go numb whenever I move, which is an enormous relief.  And I have a very good excuse for not doing housework or putting up any Xmas decorations.  :-)


Wanna feel even better for yourself?  You have family close.  I don't, and my Mum in Canada has suffered a series of illnesses and injuries and was unable to make the trip down to visit.  Before y'all get feeling all sorry for me, I am a hermit and like being alone (except for Mum, nobody visits), and I've actually found humor in my predicament and discovered true joy in the little things in life. 


You have a tough time ahead, so if you ever need a friendly ear and someone who understands chronic pain, please don't hesitate to PM me.  I'm always here - can't afford to go anywhere, eh!  ;-)


Sorry about the bummer talk, folks.  Hope you all have a lovely holiday season.  I wish you Peace.

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Did we all air our grievances on Tuesday for Festivus? ;)

My family is in the Advanced group; we air grievances all year long. Feats of Strength? Not unless you count finger-pointing and eye-rolling.



Well, I've seriously fucked up this holiday. I have psoriatic arthritis, and it's relatively new to me--lots of pain and side effects from the treatment. That on top of some lingering problems from a spinal cord injury in my neck a couple years ago, and, long story short (too late!), I have practically nothing done for Christmas and it's Christmas Eve. It's hitting me hard this year that I pretty much have to give up on doing things I love because I require every drop of strength I have at this point to stay employed.

I've been telling myself I'd put up a tree once I gave the apartment a good cleaning, but every night after work I just drop, find myself asleep on the sofa when I wake up the next morning. The place is still a mess.

Presents are bought (thank you, internet!), but nothing is wrapped.

My mom's twin sister passed this summer and I swore I would do all I could to make everyone's holiday good this year to get us through the hard parts, but my mom's coming to stay tonight and I don't even have a bed ready for her.

I know I have to give myself permission to let it all go, but it's all hitting me right now what I have to try to make happen today. I woke up out of a sound sleep in a panic 


Sorry for the whiny post--but it made me feel better reading that I wasn't the only one not ready for Christmas. I hope you all have a great holiday, and that it won't matter what we got done but how much time we get to spend with the people we love.

I'm very sorry to hear about your condition.

The fact that you are still working is amazing. Maybe you can get some relief from that? The doctor can start tracking for disability?


You don't have to make anything happen today! It's just what you said, time you get to spend with people you love, and their time to spend with you.


That waking up in a panic is rotten, been there, Please remember if they just wanted to be around a perfectly tidy decor they could spend Christmas at RoomsToGo. If they came to see you, there you are, and they should be satisfied.


Don't underestimate your family. My sis with the husband (RIP) who had a terminal illness was too ashamed to let us over or let us do things because she was trying to do it alone and so everything else went. The place was a mess---but my Mom and I were happy to plow in and take care of this---because it let us feel that we could help, and we could show love for her, and finally get her to understand you can't do it all alone. There's no shame in saying it's overwhelming. Laundry, shopping, mopping and vacuuming and repairing was something we could do and it made us all feel better. You may be surprised.



BrokenRemote - I feel your pain, truly. I've actually found humor in my predicament and discovered true joy in the little things in life. 


You have a tough time ahead, so if you ever need a friendly ear and someone who understands chronic pain, please don't hesitate to PM me.  I'm always here - can't afford to go anywhere, eh!  ;-)


Sorry about the bummer talk, folks.  Hope you all have a lovely holiday season.  I wish you Peace.

I remember in the book Small Sacrifices where the detective says that when he came back from Nam he couldn't understand how people weren't happy just to have food to eat, a roof over their heads, and nobody shooting at them. Not to compare TV shows to war, but I've often wondered how our TWD group can't be content with water, food, and shelter and stop poking hornets nests everywhere. All their places would be good enough if they'd learn to appreciate the simple things.

I've had several family members pass in recent years, and other downers, and I have no interest in shop-til-you-drop or big parties or anything. I'm content just when life runs along without the roof falling in. You always have such a great sense of humor walnutqueen, it means so much to the rest of us and I hope brokenremote can draw strength from your experiences with chronic pain and life obstacles.


Maybe the reason this forum is so different than the other TWD forums that devolved into shmoopie shipshit is that we all found each other: a bit cynical and snarky tempered with humor and real thinking and getting our rally caps on.


Have a great holiday everyone of every persuasion; wishing a better new year for us all, never forget you always have framily here! Love to all!

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Thanks, kikismom.  You all keep me pretty grounded, and laughter is a wonderful analgesic.  The BEST medicine I've found is with the animals.  From the mosquito fish in my swamp pool (honeymoon suite for a pair of wild ducks every year for 8 years, now gone), the wild birds at the feeders, feral cats I've raised and semi-tamed, skunk, possums and especially "my" raccoons,  Momma knows there's always good cat food and treats here, so she raises her babies in & around my overgrown back yard every year.  Seeing those cute little faces peering out at me from the bushes, getting bigger and bolder by the day, and discovering the joys of their first hot dog bite or playing with my huge windchimes and listening in blissful rapture (think Stevie Wonder skyward head sway) ... it's an instant antidote to depression and despair.  There's nowhere on earth I'd rather be, and nothing else I'd rather be doing.  Now, if I could just figure out a way to supplement the insufficient funds, I'd be unbearably happy and intolerably smug!   :-)

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Now, if I could just figure out a way to supplement the insufficient funds, I'd be unbearably happy and intolerably smug!   :-)

Wouldn't we all!



Not to compare TV shows to war, but I've often wondered how our TWD group can't be content with water, food, and shelter and stop poking hornets nests everywhere.

Aw kikismom, they did try at the prison, I can't completely blame that one on them.  You know, stuff and thangs :)


Sorry BrokenRemote and walnutqueen, medical conditions are a total drag.  Been having either a severe allergic reaction to something or some other kind of sinus issue (not infection) since summer and have been trying to save to see a specialist, it is the suck, as they say.  


i gotta agree that the holiday isn't about the perfect house or having a tree (thankfully, since I have neither LOL) but spending time with those you care about and yes animals count too.  I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and that I can sit under it and look out the window and watch the birds.  I should see deer soon and I don't know when the turkeys go away?  They tramped through yesterday. It was awesome a few months ago when the chicks were little and something startled them, they hid under the bushes in front of my porch.  Better than TV I tell you. 


I hope the holiday and new year bring peace to everyone and relief from whatever ails you, physical or no.  

Edited by raven
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2014 sucked the big brown bear, CarpeDiem54, and none of my cats even died this year, either.  Sheesh - I'm ready for 2015, already!  (I'd say it can't get much worse, but I know better than to wave a red cape in a bull's face).  :-)


Shaking one's fist at the proverbial Fates is like the old redneck joke:  "What're the last 2 words a redneck utters?"  .... "Watch this".  (insert appropriate TWD accent here).


No offense to our resident rednecks, I do blonde jokes, too.  :-D

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Well, I'm burning off a couple of weeks of use-or-lose leave, so I want 2014 to hang around as long as possible. Come 2015 I have to go back to work. :)


In that case, I'm happy to delay 2015 on your behalf, Nashville.  Because the workers of this world are the unsung heroes, and I embrace and commiserate with you all.


I made the effort to contact every customer service type peeps I could think of this week (especially the Shopping Channel and Tech Help phone reps) to let them know how much I appreciate them.  Hey, I may not be able to afford presents these days, but a kind word of praise is free and always graciously received.


How the HELL did I ever get into this spirit of happy holidays?!  It's a fuckin' Crispness miracle, y'all!



ETA - Of course, you all have my eternal gratitude and thanks for giving me another reason to live and hope, so in case you missed it - THANK YOU.

Edited by walnutqueen
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Here - you can have the rest of my 2014. Oh, wait...I have to be out of my Mom's house by January 10th and can't find a place to live. Nevermind.


Are you in any way inclined towards a Grey Gardens hovel in SoCal?  'Cause I'm looking for a tolerant animal loving heir with some handyperson or housekeeping skillz to corrupt.  :-D

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Are you in any way inclined towards a Grey Gardens hovel in SoCal?  'Cause I'm looking for a tolerant animal loving heir with some handyperson or housekeeping skillz to corrupt.  :-D

Oh, hell, I'd be there in a minute! A hovel full of animals? Heaven! I have power tools and know how to use them. And I could learn to drive a front-loader to clean up. ;-)

Unfortunately, I'm in Colorado, so it's a no go. :-(

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Oh, hell, I'd be there in a minute! A hovel full of animals? Heaven! I have power tools and know how to use them. And I could learn to drive a front-loader to clean up. ;-)

Unfortunately, I'm in Colorado, so it's a no go. :-(


Now you're just trying to turn me on with your power tool talk, aren't you, you fucking tease, you!


Probably a good thing for us both, since a front loader would only fit up my driveway, and no further in this overgrown "landscape" and bordering on goat trail den of indoor "treasures" (Gollum voice).  Still taking applications for the position, though - us barren hermits need a contingency plan for feeding the critters, ZA or not.   heh. :-)

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Now you're just trying to turn me on with your power tool talk, aren't you, you fucking tease, you!


Probably a good thing for us both, since a front loader would only fit up my driveway, and no further in this overgrown "landscape" and bordering on goat trail den of indoor "treasures" (Gollum voice).  Still taking applications for the position, though - us barren hermits need a contingency plan for feeding the critters, ZA or not.   heh. :-)

Speaking of goats, I'll just bring a herd of them for landscaping. I have a friend with a goat farm to whom I'm running during the ZA. She has a huge garden, chickens, makes her own soap, etc. I'll pick you up on the way.

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Thanks for the nice words, guys, especially you, WalnutQueen. Turned out nothing I didn't get done mattered because I spent most of the afternoon and evening at the ER with my mom anyway. (She'll be ok, but she's pretty sick, making Christmas kind of not matter anyway.). Here's definitely hoping for a better 2015. I hope everyone gets lots of the good kind of eggnog tonight! At least we're not living in a prison with a bunch of filthy zombie-hunters!

I want the equivalent of an advent calendar, but it counts down the days to new episodes of The Walking Dead! And behind each little door would be...what? An ear for assembling a fascinating necklace for the celebration? A TWD action figure? A bullet?

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Still taking applications for the position, though - us barren hermits need a contingency plan for feeding the critters, ZA or not.   heh. :-)

Sounds like we're all coming! I'll pick up Carpe Diem on the way, pick up in what I don't know but I think I'll study the 2pac/dre/snoop video California Love for inspiration. It'll be like ZNation, only dodging state troopers instead of walkers.

Road Trip!!



ETA: oops had to switch videos

Edited by kikismom
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I'm down for it, kikismom.  But all you need is some classic California Dreaming,  Pete Seger's This Land  and some Muskrat Love but with raccoons; and let us not forget the penultimate driving song Radar Love.  Gotta have a soundtrack. eh.   :-)


I have an old Kevlar vest, pump jacks and a vintage crate of big nails in my garage. and a "decoratve" crossbow (ooh and beautiful curved Robin Hooddie unstrung bow!) just sitting here mocking me - who knows what else might be unearthed under the rubble.  I find forgotten loot at every turn!


Now I just know you will start a new game/diversion : Songs for the ZA Exodus, 8 Track to Sanctuary.

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BrokenRemote, sorry about your mom in the hospital; glad she will be OK, but time in the hospital is not fun.


Can I suggest Chevy Van for the road trip?  I love 70s hippie music, perfect for driving and singing at the top your lungs.  Not a hippie but I swear I was supposed to be a nomad...


Oh and there's Me & You and a Dog named Boo LOL nostalgia.  Doesn't really get you in mood for zombiie slaying though.

Edited by raven
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Thanks for the nice words, guys, especially you, WalnutQueen. Turned out nothing I didn't get done mattered because I spent most of the afternoon and evening at the ER with my mom anyway. (She'll be ok, but she's pretty sick, making Christmas kind of not matter anyway.). Here's definitely hoping for a better 2015.

I'm awful sorry to hear about your Christmas going sideways, but I know your mom is glad to have you there. Be sure and tell the hospital people if you need anything.

We're all thinking of you.

I second your wish for a better next year. It's gotta be.


On that thought, and also thinking of road trip songs, I nominate CCR Up Around The Bend

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You mean we're not going to use Emily Kinney's new album as our road music? *ducks and covers*

( Thanks again you guys for making me laugh and for being generally awesome).


Lest y'all happen to take pity on a young hitchhiker (and I was one, back in the day) along the way, and don't leave her for zombie chow so you can pilfer her backpack, you may have to include some "iconic" music that has a singular appeal to a younger generation.  I seem to remember Little Red Riding Hood (Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs) and Wild Thing (The Kinks) being my introduction to the TRANSISTOR RADIO magic of my early youth.  And you are all creating the soundtrack of my ever-loving DREAMS!  You ooh ooh ooh, Thrill Me ....


BrokenRemote - my Mum in Canada was in the hospital with a life threatening gallbladder attack last Xmas, came home only to have a  fall that broke her hip, pelvis & wrist and set her back decades.  Yesterday she was weeping and despairingly suicidal.  The milk of human kindness (grocery Brad, Save-On Foods, Sumas - you are my hero) and a new Dawn gave us both a new lease on life, and today was a Happy Christmas, because she has some decent food in the house.  Like I said - it doesn't take much to make me appreciate life all over again.  Take heart, my dear - it IS sometimes darkest before the dawn.


And that Mum?  Living with emphysema and diabetes for decades, arthritis, gallbladder diseae, pneumonia, abdominal aortic aneurism, lung cancer and near-amputation leg wound - I'm not even going to mention the secondary ailments.  That generation is made of stronger stuff than we are, methinks. 

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Y'all make me feel good. 2014 has been the suck. I have several friends who are having near death scrapes with the parents. Sooner this holiday crap is over the better. I go to the movies and avoid my friends because I don't want their invites so I can be the odd non-relative. I don't want your turkey, sweet potatoes or punkin pie.

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nachomama - now we're talkin' turkey.  Which I hate, except the skin.  Can't eat sweet potatoes to save my life, marshmallows make me queasy, ixnay on the cranberry jelly sauce & pumpkin yuck, and barely lukewarm to green bean casserole.  I suffered through 21 years of that obligatory American Thanksgiving dinner as a gracious guest, but I an DONE.  All that's missing is the fork sticking out of my corpse.  :-)


Pete Martell - my fondest wishes are coming your way, because I always enjoy your posts.  We are only "mean" in the best of teasing ways, and I hope that continues.  This is a pretty good place to roost for a while, eh?!

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My favorite Christmas meal ever was when I was a kid. We were new in town, just my mom and us two girls, and a lady my mom worked with invited us to eat with her big, awesome Italian-American family. Ever since, lasagna or stuffed shells or eggplant parmesan or some equally delicious pasta dish will always be my preferred holiday meal. Who wants the same meal you just had at Thanksgiving?

Edited by BrokenRemote
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I'm so sorry to read that so many of you are having a hard time this year. The second half of 2014 has pretty much blown chunks for me. I try incredibly hard to remain grateful for all the blessings I have in my life. This time of year is always a struggle for me.

Thanks for making these boards a fun place to indulge my zombie obsession and to just hang out and schmooze. Oh, and my ultimate road trip song is "Radar Love."

Merry Christmas!

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Here is something in a lighter vein


Just laughed myself sick at those. Thanks! "I'm sure Mom would appreciate a horny man." As would we all, dear.


Kind of a crappy year here too, and I feel for all of you who are having a tough go of it. The way I feel is that as long as I can laugh, I'm not doing so badly. This forum certainly helps in that way!

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This holiday is even better today.  My Mum called in the middle of the night to tell me she won $75 on last night's lottery draw.  That is a HUGE deal for us poor people, and I am ever so glad I convinced her to splurge some of her Christmas cash on Chinese food and a lottery ticket.  :-)


Hope everybody has a wonderful day.  The sun is shining, birds are happily feeding, and the cats got special treats yesterday and again today.  My wind chimes occasionally ring with a lovely sound reminiscent of church bells (which I love, for some reason).   And soon I have another TWD marathon to look forward to.  Life is pretty darned decent at this particular moment - and you all are a big part of that.  Thanks again, everyone!

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"I want the equivalent of an advent calendar, but it counts down the days to new episodes of The Walking Dead! And behind each little door would be...what? An ear for assembling a fascinating necklace for the celebration? A TWD action figure? A bullet?"


An individual pudding cup, the ones that don't need refrigeration. All together, they still wouldn't be the size of Carl's mega-pudding roof snack, but close enough. I'd choose chocolate. I think that's what Carl's was, plus that's the yummiest.


I also have a weird health issue that saps my strength, but I'm lucky in that I'm a stay-at-home mom of kids who are in school on weekdays and old enough to get their own food if adults are busy/unable to help. Also, my husband is understanding of my limitations -- I guess he takes "in sickness and in health" seriously! Broken Remote, I cut myself a ton of slack; I don't expect to get much done in a day. If you're at work all day, don't worry if that's all you can do. Making it through that day of work is huge. Are you aware of The Spoon Theory? A woman with lupus wrote it, but it applies to all kinds of medical issues that can make each day difficult. It's useful for everyone to read, but I think for those of us with illnesses, whether chronic or temporary, can learn from it.

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Oh, and my ultimate road trip song is "Radar Love."


Three songs most likely to get me pulled over:

  • Free Bird (especially during the guitar solo)
  • Radar Love
  • Detroit Rock City (original Destroyer version, with direct segue into "King of the Night Time World")
These three songs have cost me something in the neighborhood of $400 over the years.

Too Late Kev - thanks for sharing that Spoon Theory story.  It hit the mark.

Hit the mark, hell - it just hit my Facebook page.

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This holiday is even better today.  My Mum called in the middle of the night to tell me she won $75 on last night's lottery draw.

Yay! Tell your Mom that all your PTv friends are doing a happy dance for her! Congratulations!



Three songs most likely to get me pulled over:

  • Free Bird (especially during the guitar solo)
  • Radar Love
  • Detroit Rock City (original Destroyer version, with direct segue into "King of the Night Time World")

Oh yeah---and I would add Jump Into The Fire (Harry Nilsson) which lyrics have nothing to do with driving but the we can make each other happy makes me feed gas to the carb and the whole thing just shoots forward, Officer!


Edited by kikismom
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Totally off topic.

For a laugh, check out this Bubba couple arrested for stealing lawn ornaments. The woman looks like an escapee from that old SNL skit about the Toad Throat People.


he'd be gone and I thought he croaked or he was a peeper but he'd raaaabit home and there'd be more decorations in the yardYARDyardYARDyard.

Edited by kikismom
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Hey guys, I made it back from the wilds yesterday afternoon with a small fortune in book store giftcards because everyone knows I read so it's an easy and much appreciated gift.  Santa also hit The Body Shop and put a giftbasket under the tree.  The fact that I half-assed Christmas shopping went unnoticed since people actually liked what I got them, especially the teens with the $ in the cards.  It's not often I get to walk into a store and ask 'do you have any bull penis?' but my friend's dog really loved it so hitting that pricy pet store paid off.  He's a funny dog; everyone was opening presents and he was wandering around looking concerned that he might not get anything until my friend handed him the stocking with the treats in it.  After that, happy dog. 


Much to everyone's surprise, the hoarder house sold and the new owners are cleaning it out.  They already disposed of the junked cars and are making inroads through the interior.  Apparently they're going to use it as a weekend cottage.  I don't know why.  The house is on an acre of land and most of it is protected wetland.  The nearest towns are miles away and the closest summer community is a lakeside beach town which is a half-hour drive from the house.  My friend's mother owns the rest of the acreage and, because of the horses, they don't allow people to just wander around.  It's also posted so there's no hunting on the land, again, to protect the horses.  It a pretty boring cottage area.


So, on the surviving the ZA scale, the loss of the hoarder house was balanced out by the fact that I met a woman who lives even further off the highway and learned to hunt at her father's knee.  She owns a shotgun, some kind of rifle (she told me about it but my eyes glazed over) and a crossbow.  She's scarily accurate with all of them.  Once I explained to her what a ZA was, she agreed she would kick its ass.  She doesn't own a TV but I piqued her interest and she's going to get the DVDs to watch on her computer.  I tried to explain streaming to her but her eyes glazed over.  I'm certain we each thought the other was the weirdest person we ever met! 

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Hello Everyone!


I haven't posted in quite awhile. I got tied up with all of the holiday stuff, then I attempted this experiment where I limited my internet time in order to spend more time with Hubby. It was nice and we had fun, but every once in a while I would wonder what everyone here was up to. I haven't even been here that long and I missed you guys!


Now Hubby has a few new PlayStation games (courtesy of "Santa" of course!...I would never gift Hubby with something to free my time to post here and read books. Never! So definitely Santa!) and I am once more free to spend a little time with all of you.


I'm looking forward to chatting with you again, and I can't wait to discuss new episodes with all of you!

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Shandee - my ex had a gun hobby that kept him in the garage and out of my hair, and he got guns or reloading equipment every birthday and Xmas from me.  They were selfish presents that also delighted him, so win-win.  :-)


I splurged and ordered myself a present - 3 cute sonic toothbrush sets on sale at HSN.  Love that I can brush my teeth without so much arm pain, and that my teeth won't be so neglected.  Even better than the awesome sale price ($30) was the included 12 month subscription to Self Magazine has an opt-out coupon I can send in for a $12 refund!  Sweet.  It doesn't take much to get me doing the old happy dance - I'm a cheap thrill.  :-)


Next good thing - I am finally watching The Wire, so daily marathons are giving me good TV now through the New Year.  Not much longer until TWD marathon starts, and I'll probably watch it, too, because I cannot wait until the new episodes start up again.  I need my fix.


Glad to see everyone's survived the holidays, and hope that 2015 brings good things to you all.

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walnutqueen, you're the best. I got those HSN toothbrushes lurking on the Shopping channel thread when you mentioned them. I was actually able to give Christmas gifts to my co-workers and a girlfriend. I didn't think I'd be able to afford anything. Everyone loved them. I also had one left over for myself to replace my dying ancient electric plug-in one. And that $12 refund coupon I didn't notice in the box made my day!

ETA - I bought two sets of those toothbrushes so that's 5 nice gifts (plus one for me) for under $50. Sqweee!

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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