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S26: Spoilers (Including Elimination Information)


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In contrast to the current season, the upcoming teams mostly failed to color-code themselves; they consist of nine (sic) M/Fs, two M/Ms, and either one or zero F/Fs, depending on whether there are eleven or twelve pairs total.


  1. aforementioned African-American M/F from Tuskegee
  2. lengthy-haired and plaid-skirted M/F, respectively, reminiscent of TAR9's Nerds Dave-Lori
  3. blonde TAR15 winner Meghan-Cheyne lookalike M/F in light-blue
  4. Laura, Californian television consultant, and Tyler, Floridian tech entrepreneur, blind dating couple
  5. interracial M/F couple, Asian-American lady with African-American gentleman
  6. Jeff Weldon, former casting applicant, with female companion assumed to be Christy McIntyre, both from Tampa
  7. black-haired M/F with matching dark-blue tops and yellow shorts, a la TAR20 Texans Ralph-Vanessa
  8. cross-generational M/F significant others in orange, older Jeff with younger Lyla
  9. gay M/M in gray, Jonathan Knight from former boy-band New Kids on the Block with partner Harley Rodriguez
  10. brunette M/F in black, in the mode of TARCanada2's Maritime wife/mom Jen and Prairie son Cormac
  11. other M/M in green, uncannily similar to TAR23 Okies Tim-Danny
  12. lesbian F/F?
Edited by Rusun
  • Love 1


gay M/M in gray, Jonathan Knight from former boy-band New Kids on the Block with partner Harley Rodriguez


I have said for YEARS that Jon should be on this show.  And now it's finally happening. (Though I laugh that 60% of NKOTB are now associated with CBS in drama, comedy and now reality shows.)


My fangirling cannot be contained. 

  • Love 1

Nine coed teams?  A record, as the highest number they've had in season up to now has been eight (in TAR6 and TAR8).


But really, if they were going to go with a season full of couples, they really should've cast more gay and lesbian couples.  At least two of each.  All of these possibly-interchangeable couples won't be good for the show.

For this February's unprecedented "season premiere followed by the second episode less than 48 hours later" - and curiously unlike the TAR15 opener treatment - Leg 1 will return to Japan to visit not only Tokyo, but also Nagano, host of the '98 (Winter) Olympics.


As of the start of Leg 2, there's photographic evidence at Narita Airport of three teams definitely still in the running: Laura and Tyler as well as both M/M teams. In addition, a witness's testimony mentions a quick exchange with the interracial couple. (All four pairs were trying to connect through Bangkok to the next destination, Phuket.)


With regards to teams spotted in Thailand proper, a video shows three more pairs: the long-haired man with the plaid-skirted woman, the blonde couple in light-blue, plus Jeff and Christy, the latter of whom asks, "Who else got in?!"



Edited by Rusun


Laura, Californian television consultant, and Tyler, Floridian tech entrepreneur, blind dating couple

This is probably an incredibly stupid question, but is one or both of them actually visually impaired?  Or did they meet on a blind date?  OR, oh!  Is *TAR* one very long blind date?  ;)  I know it's probably the second scenario, but I don't think we've had a visually impaired racer, and that could be interesting, so I had to ask.

Edited by Lovecat
  • Love 2

This is probably an incredibly stupid question, but is one or both of them actually visually impaired?  Or did they meet on a blind date?  OR, oh!  Is *TAR* one very long blind date?  ;)  I know it's probably the second scenario, but I don't think we've had a visually impaired racer, and that could be interesting, so I had to ask.


As far as jfgate knows, it's indeed the latter. :D

  • Love 1

As of the end of Leg 3 - likely having taken place in Bangkok - there exists camera evidence at Suvarnabhumi/BKK Airport of several safe teams: green (a.k.a. not NKotB) M/M, interracial couple, blondes, Jeff and Christy, and long-haired guy with plaid-skirted gal are standing together while the male racers of Team Shorts (tattoo/bandana) and brunettes-in-black (backwards TX cap) are in one image with a woman who appears to be Lyla. In addition, a passerby mentions the aforementioned green M/M openly talking about Laura and Tyler.








Edited by Rusun

The racers journey to the Australian island-province of Tasmania for Leg 4, where the interracial couple's alleged antagonistic presence at Bangkok Airport continues in full force:


November 22, 2014 at 3:01pm
... hobart, Tasmania!
Anyway the interesting thing is we saw contestants of The amazing Race this morning at that Saturday market. They were fighting over the clue because the chinese girl and her boyfriend said the other team cut their queue. I was so stupid cuz I didn’t realised it was The amazing race till D told me.
They also asked us to google for drive directions to Cradle Mountain -

Edited by Rusun

I have said for YEARS that Jon should be on this show.  And now it's finally happening. (Though I laugh that 60% of NKOTB are now associated with CBS in drama, comedy and now reality shows.)


My fangirling cannot be contained. 

It might be when you learn of this.  The F8 were spotted at the start of what appeared to be leg five, and he and his boyfriend were not one of those teams.


Ironically, the black Tuskegee couple, the first team officially spotted by RFF, might've also been the first team out.  The May/December team of Jeff & Lyla were more than likely second.  Jonathan & Harley were the third team out.


It might be when you learn of this.  The F8 were spotted at the start of what appeared to be leg five, and he and his boyfriend were not one of those teams.


Ironically, the black Tuskegee couple, the first team officially spotted by RFF, might've also been the first team out.  The May/December team of Jeff & Lyla were more than likely second.  Jonathan & Harley were the third team out.


Precisely to all of the above.


In addition, Leg 9 or 10 will be in Amsterdam with Tyler and Laura safe once more as well as Rochelle and Mike:





Edited by Rusun

Unable to edit previous findings, so here's a mass up-to-date revision!


In contrast to the current season, the upcoming teams mostly failed to color-code themselves; they consist of nine (sic) M/Fs, two M/Ms, and either one or zero F/Fs, depending on whether there are eleven or twelve pairs total.


  1. aforementioned African-American M/F from Tuskegee
  2. Rochelle "Rochella de Ville" Nevedal and Mike "Mikey Zeroe" Dombrowski, roller derby gal and wrestler promoter guy from Kalkaska, Michigan *
  3. blondes in light-blue
  4. Laura, Californian television consultant, and Tyler, Floridian tech entrepreneur, blind-date couple
  5. interracial M/F couple, Asian-American lady with African-American gentleman
  6. Jeff Weldon, former casting applicant, with female companion assumed to be Christy McIntyre, both from Tampa
  7. black-haired M/F with matching dark-blue tops and yellow shorts, including muscular tattooed male
  8. cross-generational M/F significant others in orange, older Jeff with younger Lyla
  9. gay M/M in gray, Jonathan Knight from former boy-band New Kids on the Block with partner Harley Rodriguez
  10. brunette M/F in black, with male wearing backwards Texas cap
  11. other M/M in green
  12. lesbian F/F?



* Team_Beard_Plaid.jpg


For this February's unprecedented "season premiere followed by the second episode less than 48 hours later" - and curiously unlike TAR15 - not only will the Wednesday opener return to Tokyo, but the Friday episode will also stay in the country for its first ever double-leg and visit Nagano, host of the '98 (Winter) Olympics.


As of the start of Leg 3, there's photographic evidence at Narita Airport of three teams definitely still in the running: Laura and Tyler as well as both M/M teams. In addition, a witness's testimony mentions a quick exchange with the interracial couple. (All four pairs were trying to connect through Bangkok to the next destination, Phuket.)


With regards to teams spotted in Thailand proper, a video shows three more pairs: Rochelle and Mike, the blonde couple in light-blue, plus Jeff and Christy, the latter of whom asks, "Who else got in?!"





As of the end of Leg 4 - likely having taken place in Bangkok - there exists camera evidence at Suvarnabhumi/BKK Airport of several safe teams: green (a.k.a. not NKotB) M/M, interracial couple, blondes, Jeff and Christy, and Rochelle and Mike are all standing together while the male racers of Team Shorts (tattoo/bandana) and brunettes-in-black (backwards TX cap) are in one image with a woman who appears to be Lyla. In addition, a passerby mentions the aforementioned green M/M openly talking about Laura and Tyler.










Leg 6 or 7 marks a dramatic jump to Monaco, another brand-new Mediterranean country - and fittingly visited the week that Malta aired - with Tyler and Laura as well as the interracial couple safe!




User "nomii" from SurvivorSucks saw the interracial couple on his/her flight from Spain to the United States, which means that they're going to South America alongside Tyler and Laura plus New York guy with unidentified female companion:


I was in Madrid Airport (Terminal 4S), and saw the above pic happening also. It was an asian girl and a black guy, and another generic white couple, along with some pretty hot cameramen.

They were boarding some flight on Iberia Airlines around 1pm on Decemeber 3rd (I was running to a different flight so couldn't get further details).

Terminal 4S is typically used in Madrid for non-Shengen flights, so they're out of Europe most likely.


Anyways, here's my flight info:




If that pic was from some other airport then most likely it just means that its some other set of racers? It was definitely the amazing race though since the asian girl was giving an interview, the snippet of conversation i heard as i went by mentioned the word elimination. So it wasn't some other reality show.

If I am reading that last spoiler correctly, they were NOT on the same flight to the U.S. from Spain, as the poster had said that was her flight info but they were on a different Iberian Air flight.


Precisely, nomii encountered them at Barajas Airport en route to Peru during the former's return trip back to North America.


So do we know who the final three are?


Nope, since zero finale sightings have surfaced (i.e. been uploaded) as of yet, but at least two of the following teams confirmed to make F5 will compose the F3:


  • the interracial couple referenced earlier in this post
  • Tyler/Laura
  • Rochelle/Mike
  • Tattooed NY Muscles in Shorts with purple-wearing and dark-haired female partner
Edited by Rusun

Well!  Apparently, TAR26 is trying something very new!


According to RFF, the penultimate leg is a TBC, and the final leg features a F4, but with a mid-leg elimination.


The F4 are apparently Tyler & Laura, Rochelle & Mike, the black man and Asian woman, and an as-of-yet-unidentified coed couple.


Sounds like both gay couples were eliminated before the F5, because the fifth-place team was confirmed as another coed team.

This is probably an incredibly stupid question, but is one or both of them actually visually impaired? Or did they meet on a blind date? OR, oh! Is *TAR* one very long blind date? ;) I know it's probably the second scenario, but I don't think we've had a visually impaired racer, and that could be interesting, so I had to ask.


Edited by Lovecat
  • Love 6

Again, unable to edit previous findings, so here's another mass up-to-date revision!


In contrast to the current season, the upcoming teams mostly failed to color-code themselves; they consist of nine (sic) M/Fs, two M/Ms, and zero* F/Fs.


* Based on the official season preview aired immediately after the TAR25 finale.


  1. African-American M/F from Tuskegee
  2. Rochelle "Rochella de Ville" Nevedal and Mike "Mikey Zeroe" Dombrowski, roller derby gal and wrestler promoter guy from Kalkaska, Michigan
  3. nurse Hayley Keel ? and unidentified blond male, blind-date couple
  4. Laura Pierson, Californian television consultant, and Tyler Adams, Floridian tech entrepreneur, blind-date couple
  5. fashion lawyer/blogger Jenny Wu ! and unidentified African-American male, blind-date couple
  6. Jeff Weldon, former casting applicant, and Jackie Ibarra ~, one-time Miami Heat dancer/cheerleader, blind-date couple
  7. black-haired M/F with matching dark-blue tops and yellow shorts, including muscular tattooed male from NY
  8. cross-generational significant others in orange, older Jeff with younger Lyla
  9. Jonathan Knight from former boy-band New Kids on the Block with partner Harley Rodriguez
  10. Alyson Dudek {, short-track speed-skater, and Steve/n Langton }, bobsledder, both bronze (Winter) Olympians
  11. other M/M in green, blind-date couple


















Tyler and Laura cleared the Netherlands and got spotted at Lima's Chavez Airport alongside fellow F5 contestant Tattooed Muscles in Shorts, who's apparently from NY and tired of resting at flight terminals (according to witness David Loughnot):


Edited by Rusun

Feasible Boot Order by Leg:


  1. Tokyo: Lyla/Jeff eliminated in 11th place
  2. Nagano: Tuskegee eliminated in 10th place
  3. Phuket: F9 NEL or Jonathan/Harley eliminated in 9th place
  4. Bangkok: F8 NEL or Jonathan/Harley eliminated in 9th place
  5. unknown destination: F8 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 8th place
  6. Monaco and la Turbie: F7 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 7th/8th place
  7. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: F6/F7 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 7th place
  8. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: F6 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 7th place or remainder thereof eliminated in 6th place
  9. Amsterdam: F5 NEL or remainder of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 6th place
  10. Otuzco: NY Fitness team eliminated in 5th place
  11. Trujillo/Huanchaco: F4 TBC *
  12. Dallas: Finalists Mike/Rochelle, Hayley with BD-BF, Laura/Tyler, and Jenny with BD-BF









"This was taken on dec 5th almost midnight, they arrived from Trujillo at 23:00 pm, all of them were on the lobby [of LIM] and other places inside the airport waiting their flight, i left the airport almost 1:00 am." - Rocio Milagros, the local Peruvian source for these four photographs via Instagram

Edited by Rusun

More probable scenarios between Legs 3-9 in bold with explanations in italics (based on paradigms since TAR14):


Feasible Boot Order by Leg:


  1. Tokyo: Lyla/Jeff eliminated in 11th place
  2. Nagano: Tuskegee eliminated in 10th place
  3. Phuket: F9 NEL (night leg) or Jonathan/Harley eliminated in 9th place
  4. Bangkok: F8 NEL or Jonathan/Harley eliminated in 9th place (precedents in TAR17/22, to counter overuse in TAR16/20/23/24/25)
  5. Munich: F8 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 8th place (TAR14/18/21 as sole extenuating exceptions)
  6. Monaco and la Turbie: F7 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 7th/8th place (precedents in single country legs e.g. TAR14 India, TAR20 Azerbaijan, TAR21 Turkey, and TAR23 Austria)
  7. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: F6/F7 NEL (precedents in all sub-Saharan African double-legs besides special case TAR17 Ghana) or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 7th place
  8. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: F6 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 7th place or remainder thereof eliminated in 6th place (TAR14/15/18 as sole extenuating exceptions)
  9. Amsterdam: F5 NEL (precedents in recent even-numbered seasons) or remainder of Jeff/Jackie, Steve/Alyson, and male green team eliminated in 6th place
  10. Otuzco: NY Fitness team eliminated in 5th place
  11. Trujillo/Huanchaco: F4 TBC
  12. Dallas: Finalists Mike/Rochelle, Hayley with BD-BF, Laura/Tyler, and Jenny with BD-BF
Edited by Rusun

Well, with the teams finally revealed, here's the perceived boot order:


11th: Jeff & Lyda.

10th: Lebya & C.J.

9th: Harley & Jonathan

8th: Jeff & Jackie/Aly & Steve/Bergen & Kurt

7th: Jeff & Jackie/Aly & Steve/Bergen & Kurt

6th: Jeff & Jackie/Aly & Steve/Bergen & Kurt

5th: Matt & Ashley

F4: Mike & Rochelle, Jelani & Jenny, Tyler & Laura, and Blair & Hayley.

Updated Boot Order by Leg:


  1. Tokyo: Lyda/Jeff eliminated in 11th place
  2. Nagano: CJ/Libby eliminated in 10th place
  3. Phuket: F9 NEL
  4. Bangkok: Jonathan/Harley eliminated in 9th place
  5. Munich: Kurt/Bergen eliminated in 8th place
  6. Monaco and la Turbie: F7 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie and Steve/Aly eliminated in 7th place
  7. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: F6 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie and Steve/Aly eliminated in 7th place
  8. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: F6 NEL or one of Jeff/Jackie and Steve/Aly eliminated in 6th place
  9. Amsterdam: F5 NEL or remainder of Jeff/Jackie and Steve/Aly eliminated in 6th place
  10. Otuzco: Matt/Ashley eliminated in 5th place
  11. Trujillo/Huanchaco: F4 TBC used on Mike/Rochelle
  12. Dallas: Finalists Mike/Rochelle, Hayley/Blair, Laura/Tyler, and Jenny/Jelani

Again, not sure where to post this...Do we have a gossip section?!

Anyway, I've been told by a little birdie that Kurt has been wanting to quit since Leg 1. Bergen has been trying to motivate him, but he finally gave up on this leg. There's really only so much one can do when your partner refuses to continue. I'm surprised they lasted this long.

On a juicier note, apparently Hayley tried to sleep with Blair on their first pit stop but was rejected. This is the reason why she went from annoying to vicious. None of the other cast members can stand her and she is exactly as she is in real life as she is on the show.

Jenny & Jelani barely tolerated each other, since Jenny did have a bf even before she went on the race (which production knew, but they needed their token Asian!).

And at least one blind date couple have hooked up.

  • Love 4

I was reading something interesting this morning on a site about the history of the show. Sometimes, roadblock segments are edited out. For a variety of reasons. I had never heard this before, but they cited one that got deleted because tourists took photos and posted them online.


Complete tasks have been known to be cut from an episode, usually due to the lack of impact on race standings for that task. Roadblocks are most commonly edited out should teams depart in the same order as they arrive, though evidence for these Roadblocks can be found from footage still shown, interviews with racers, or from spoiler information. For example, teams arriving on Mauritius for a kayaking Roadblock in Season 10 was recorded by vacationers and posted to the Internet shortly afterwards, but the entire Roadblock was removed from the episode as shown. In another case, in the first leg in Poland in Season 11, Joe & Bill confirmed that a Roadblock involving rowing across a pond to the Pit Stop was edited out. An ostrich egg eating Roadblock was edited from the first episode in Season 1 but included as part of the extras in the DVD release. In order to keep continuity with clues, editors will use sound bites from the readings multiple clues to mask the missing task.

This explains why some of the editing has seemed choppy this season. That, and the fact that production will have them re-do things if they didn't get a good shot the first time.

Updated Boot Order by Leg:


  1. Tokyo: Lyda/Jeff eliminated in 11th place
  2. Nagano: CJ/Libby eliminated in 10th place
  3. Phuket: F9 NEL
  4. Bangkok: Jonathan/Harley eliminated in 9th place
  5. Munich: Kurt/Bergen eliminated in 8th place
  6. Monaco and la Turbie: Jeff/Jackie eliminated in 7th place
  7. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: F6 NEL
  8. Swakopmund/Spitzkoppe, Windhoek, etc: Steve/Aly eliminated in 6th place
  9. Amsterdam: F5 NEL
  10. Otuzco: Matt/Ashley eliminated in 5th place
  11. Trujillo/Huanchaco: F4 TBC used on Mike/Rochelle
  12. Dallas: Finalists Mike/Rochelle, Hayley/Blair, Laura/Tyler, and Jenny/Jelani


And at least one blind date couple have hooked up.

Can confirm. (Spoiler: It wasn't Bergen and Kurt.)


I can also confirm that the blind date gimmick was forced upon the show by CBS, and despite the "It's not so bad? I guess?" general reaction to it and the callout for more solo players, it sounds as if it was such a production nightmare that the producers would rather just end the show than go through it again.

  • Love 5

They'd have done better if they'd just pulled the names out of a hat and matched them that way.

that's what I said in the beginning.  or even some sort of task, at the start of the race, that determined the teams.    But really - the original recipe is best.  include all sorts of relationships, generations, etc.  Yes, The Bachelor is a popular show -  but this is a different show.  

  • Love 3

A pox on CBS!


The idiots don't know what they have and, apparently, only want the Kardashian lovers and their ilk!


They don't really appreciate what they have in this show.


I have watched (and kvetched forever about sports) on Sunday and it has been a big adjustment to remember the show is in on Friday.......and I am a forever fan, can't imagine what the casual fans are doing - yeap I can, if they remember they watch, if they don't they fall out of the habit.


Stupid CBS


And at least one blind date couple have hooked up.

Can confirm. (Spoiler: It wasn't Bergen and Kurt.)


I commented in the episode section that Hayley is behaving like a woman who recently got laid- no stress, all happy. Maybe it was Jeff (based on the Instagram pictures) and the fact that she has started to become cranky and dismissive again since he was eliminated. Or, maybe it was a sound guy or a local, but the girl has had some stress relief. Also, what's up with Laura calling Tyler "babe" and "baby"? It was definitely edited as a one-way thing. You never heard him say that. For the two of you who heard it and confirmed it, did they hook up on the race or after?

Edited by justawatcher

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