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S02.E08: The Decembrist

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They might as well have given Reddy and Berlin capes with giant supervillain collars, because only superpowers allows you fly into Putin's Russia, blow away the freaking Finance Minister and just walk out with no one even saying "boo" to you then kidnapping the Deptuy Director of National Intelligence in broad daylight in Washington DC. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's being utterly freaking ridiculous and I think we know on which side this show falls.


I love how Liz is surprised the Justice Department isn't going to fly her to Moscow to interrogate the Russian Finance minister almost as much as how much I love that the task force HQ never gets any busier no matter what's going on, be viral epidemic or the daylight kidnapping of a US Government official.

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I actually enjoyed this episode even if I didn't understand it. Nothing made sense, like Tom working for both Berlin and Red, but it was good mindless action. I like Lizzie being badassed in the time-lapse-Tom questioning but then couldn't figure out why she did nothing when Tom was strangling the boat snooper. But, like I said, nothing made sense anyway. Ressler is now drug-free thanks to Lizzie giving him the side-eye last episode, so good on him. I couldn't help but wonder who cleans that box where Alan Alda blew up. Last time we saw it, more brains got blown up on it.


If Tom was working for Red, what was up with the scene outside Lizzie's Dad's hospital when Dad was dying where they talk like they don't know each other. But, like I said, I don't understand anything about the continuity of this show. It's just a mindless one hour on Monday nights. So ... never mind.


I don't care about any Tom/Lizzie relationship. But maybe Red vs. Tom will be interesting next season. In fact, I thought this was the end of S2, but it's only a hiatus? Oh.


More Ressler, please. Maybe with a new partner as Lizzie has become increasingly stupid this season. Does anyone really care if she is Red's daughter? Does anyone care about Lizzie at all?

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I couldn't help but wonder who cleans that box where Alan Alda blew up. Last time we saw it, more brains got blown up on it.


"The self-cleaning feature on your MX5000 reinforced safety box allows you to clean the inside of your box without using harsh chemicals or spending any time scrubbing the box."


I actually enjoyed this episode even if I didn't understand it. Nothing made sense, like Tom working for both Berlin and Red, but it was good mindless action.


See, that's how I felt about that light show in 2001: A Space Odyssey. I figured that the sense was there but I just didn't get it, and the lights were cool so what the heck. With The Blacklist though, I'm pretty sure I am getting what the writers want me to get, and a lot of it simply is ridiculous in any reasonable universe. It's like they think that their viewers (that is, me) are not smart enough to enjoy stories that make sense, so they don't even need to try a little harder to come up with a better product. Yeah, I'm pretty much hate-watching at this point.


I love how Liz is surprised the Justice Department isn't going to fly her to Moscow to interrogate the Russian Finance minister


I was rolling on the floor with that one. Why did she think he was going to talk to her even if she were allowed to go there? Imagine that the situation is reversed, you are a US government official, your aide come in and goes: "Sir, there are some Russians at the door, they demand to interrogate you."  Right, sure, whatever they wish, clear my schedule...


Re: the Finance Minister, I loved how he was walking around with a menacing facial expression, surrounded by goons and indistinguishable from a garden-variety mobster. Where were they going to when they got ambushed, to shake down a bank or something?

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I can't believe Lizzie let Tom murder an innocent and then let him go.  That is just so sociopathic.  BTW Who got rid of the body?  I didn't see that.

As was pointed out the daughter should have been older if she was dating a dicedent in 1991That's 23 years ago.  That is a loooong time.

IF a guy were smirking at me while choking a guy to death I would have no trouble shooting him.  What the HELL was that?  She's an FBI agent.  She's supposed to protect people.  I forgave the actress' limited range but I  am not forgiving the character's complete lack of morality. 

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As was pointed out the daughter should have been older if she was dating a dicedent in 1991That's 23 years ago.  That is a loooong time.


Even weirder part is that the actress playing Berlin's daughter, Zoe, is 33 in real life -- which would have made her 10 while dating dissidents in 1991.  Because she didn't look a day over 35, let alone mid-40ish.

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IF a guy were smirking at me while choking a guy to death I would have no trouble shooting him.  What the HELL was that? She's an FBI agent.  She's supposed to protect people.  I forgave the actress' limited range but I  am not forgiving the character's complete lack of morality.

I know. She could have taken a pipe to Tom's head or mid section, or shot him in the shoulder if she could stand the reverberation inside that crappy boat. Instead, she just stands there and yells at him. The heck? Lizzie goes from being portrayed as tough assed to wimp. I think the body was just left there, for Red to find and "take care of" later with his cleaning crew. That had to be ripe days later, inside a closed-up rusty iron room. To say nothing of how rank Tom must smell. Yeah, Lizzie is one piece of work. I wish Ressler would turn her in.

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That actually felt like...a finale. Red kills Berlin and Fitch, Lizzie resolves the situation with Tom and then Red tells Tom to bugger off. Aside from the whole "father" thing...all the storylines were wrapped up in a neat bow.


Reminded me of Alias in a lot of ways... a chance for a complete revamp of the series (mini-finale when SD-6 gets raided, Syd goes to CIA) and the whole Fulcrum talk reminded of Rimaldi stuff, in a weird way. 



I can't believe Lizzie let Tom murder an innocent and then let him go.  That is just so sociopathic.  BTW Who got rid of the body?  I didn't see that.

Mr. Kaplan was on that detail, according to Red, IIRC.

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Terrible mess this was. I couldn't believe the "hey Fitch, homeland security, hop in," bullshit. Then the agent in the backseat gets shot? So he didn't realize that his partners were switched out with baddies?

Lazy writing.

And Boone yelling in the boat was cringeworthy.

I welcome the hiatus. Now only if The Americans would hurry back....

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Well, I think one thing you have to leave behind when watching this show is that none of the characters are particularly moral. None of the main players, anyway. Which is why I always shake my  head at the Lizzington shippers who call Tom names. As if Red wouldn't kill Lizzie if it served his purpose? I know some would disagree, that he never would do such a thing, but I think that's who Red exactly is.

He's the biggest murdering thug among the bunch, and having affection for someone won't stop him if he feels killing them is the best way to go. Many have speculated that while Red has affection for Lizzie, he'd off her in a minute if it served his agenda, and I 100% agree. She's USEFUL to him. That's why she's alive. The fact that he may or may not have affection for her, I don't think that enters into the equation when he decides to off someone. And I also don't think he considers any promises he may or may not have made, to protect someone.

He didn't get where he is by being sentimental.


With that said, CRAP. I can't believe I forgot to tape this on Monday night. And yes, Tom Keen remains the most interesting character. And NO, it's not because he's "Cute".  Ressler is "cuter", from a generic good looks perspective. But Ressler also has the personality of cardboard.

And JS, though I love him, can be so limited or even one note as Red.  I personally think Tom beats Red right now in the "I want to know MORE" department.


I have a strange feeling this is one of those shows that will, by the end of the series, turn people's opinions to the exact opposite of the initial impressions and reactions to the characters by the end. JMO

Edited by IWantCandy71
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"The self-cleaning feature on your MX5000 reinforced safety box allows you to clean the inside of your box without using harsh chemicals or spending any time scrubbing the box."

LOL. You win the Internet...and, as a janitor, I'd love to have a product like this.

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Forgot to mention that as far as the hospital scene from last season, I only watched it once and immediately got the feeling that RE especially, played the scene "gray", as in Tom may or may not have known who Red was, and I think Red obviously knew who Tom was. In fact, someone on another site mentioned that if you go back and watch that episode, the dialogue is very telling. Something about Red telling Tom that he knew what his "job" was-to keep his wife safe, or something along those lines.


Interesting, if so, because that means the most seemingly "brush off" moments will have clues in them.

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I actually enjoyed this episode even if I didn't understand it. Nothing made sense, like Tom working for both Berlin and Red, but it was good mindless action. I like Lizzie being badassed in the time-lapse-Tom questioning but then couldn't figure out why she did nothing when Tom was strangling the boat snooper. But, like I said, nothing made sense anyway. Ressler is now drug-free thanks to Lizzie giving him the side-eye last episode, so good on him. I couldn't help but wonder who cleans that box where Alan Alda blew up. Last time we saw it, more brains got blown up on it.


Great commentary.  Also, the Mossad agent reappeared.  I figured she had been killed or something offscreen and then, there she was, no explanation.


Lizzie is stupid and irritating, shows emotions at inappropriate times (did anyone believe her when she cried about Tom and Red held her?) and acts like a mindless bot.  I also intensely dislike her skinny jeans.  They seem incredibly unprofessional to me.  Then again, I suppose whoever likes them is taking any entertainment they can get, at this point ...


I agree that Tom is the most interesting character.  I'd be perfectly happy if they turned this into the Tom and Red show.


I'm relieved the show has gone on hiatus.  It is a bit of a chore to watch it.

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I can't remember if it was The Decembrist or if it was the previous episode (sorry I watched them back to back), but i am curious if anyone knows the name of the castle/extremely large home that was used in the scene where the guy that Red was talking to was wearing basically nothing but a towel. (sorry can't  remember the characters name). 


Hopefully someone can help me out.


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