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S06.E08: The Natural Grip, Priority One Canine, Man-PACK, Bottle Breacher


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For $20,000 I'd expect a well trained personal protection dog to be able to do a demo without his electronic training collar. If you watch closely you can see the box on the collar under the black "bandana" and the trainer has the remote in her hand. The dog business was a real stretch at being Shark Tank material. I agree with Phillip, theme shows don't work well on Shark Tank.

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And speaking of the theme, dumb ol' Lori said to one guy, "I could tell you were in the military..." No shit; maybe it was because you were filming the VETERANS' EPISODE.

(Yeah, I realize they may not film the segments in the same order they show on TV, but she and the rest if the Sharks had to have known there were a group of veterans that were going to be featured. I just really dislike her, okay?!)

I don't necessarily think they did. I have no idea how they decide to edit these together in a general sense, but I wouldn't be remotely surprised if they're all from many days worth of pitches and only assembled into episode-length stuff in editing. By which I mean, even in a not-themed episode, I doubt that the pitches actually happened in the order they're presented, or even on the same day or few days in  a row.


So, if over a three week filming session they had 5 military people, and then someone later decided "do a whole military episode", I'm positive Lori had no idea at the time she was talking to the guy that would eventually be the case. I'm no big fan of hers either, but the way this whole thing was edited it was very clear to me it was a miltiary-themed episode in the sense that it was purposefully edited to be one. Not any kind of "military day of pitching" the Sharks knew about.

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The only thing that blows that theory is that all the Sharks are wearing the same clothes, Lori has the same hairstyle, etc. It would be impossible to duplicate the same look over the course of different taping days. Maybe she was just having a blonde moment. I know I have them. :)

They wear the same things pretty much the whole season for editing continuity purposes. It's most noticeable with Barbara and Lori who wear the same dress and jewelry in every episode. The episodes are shot marathon-style over the course of several days/weeks, and the pitches aren't in the order we see them. I think Barbara has described the process in interviews. So it's pretty likely the military entrepreneurs didn't make their pitches all at once.

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It's quite possible. I'd say it's likely they're required to wear the same wardrobe in tapings for months. This is not uncommon with this kind of show.


Mhmmm... check out the link below.  


"Yes, the Sharks fly into Los Angeles several times a year (often in July and October, if not more) and shoot several marathon days in which 20 or so business pitch, one after the other, with time in between to set up for the next one and get make-up touch-ups. Then the segments are mixed and matched over multiple episodes — which is why Barbara Corcoran and Lori Greiner wear the same outfit week after week. They have to for continuity, so the look will remain the same no matter when the segment airs. The guys are wearing the same clothes, too, but few people seem to notice that. Sexism!"



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I'm usually the first person to cry sexism, but I think in this case it's just "men's suits mostly look the same". Lori chose to wear that ridiculous dress with the chest cutouts, which basically screams, "Can you see my cleavage? Why don't you look and try to see!?" Along with her side-ponies and half-head french braids, woman really needs to stop and try acting grown.

I think Barbara wears a simple blue dress with a giant necklace. Daymond wears a purple tie with a tietack and diamond studs in his ears. Neither Robert nor Mark wear ties or anything else that stands out. That's all I've got from memory.

Oh, I don't think it's sexist either.  I was just quoting the article to confirm that the Sharks wear the outfits over multiple days of taping.  Like you said, it's more of a matter of men's suits looking much more similar generally than women's dresses, which makes the women's dresses more noticeable.

Well, apparently the sharks disagreed with us about the man bag. :)

Those bullet shell casing bottle openers are cool. I can see those being wildly popular with the younger crowd.

The whole time they were talking about those man bags all I could picture was Jerry Seinfeld yelling "it's European!".


The bullet bottle openers were a great idea though. I could see them selling a ton. I mean they look like they would be pretty easy to make, and they have all the ad-ons. Plus I think on top of groomsmen gifts it would be popular just about anytime you need a gift for someone you don't really know. I am thinking like retirement gifts, or if you need a gift for your boss. Or even any kind of graduation gift for someone interested in the military (or even just action movies) or someone who actually graduates military college or basic training. 


The dog thing was weird though. I am not sure why they couldn't answer the shark's questions about how they could scale the business. I mean if they get twice as many orders and it is just them, how do they train twice as many dogs? Training a dog like that seems like something you wouldn't want to rush.


I get your point, but also get what (I believe) the original poster was trying to convey: That Lori really does come across as your "Oh gosh I love it I relate I soooo understand your point of view" bestest buddy right before going out. There's a phoniness to it that I don't get from the guys -- or Barbara -- even when they do give compliments before taking themselves out of the running, and it's punctuated with a bit of a smirk. It's why I commented earlier that I wouldn't trust her as a business partner. (Or what Amarsir posted above while I was typing away!)

I agree Lori seems super phony. Every time she talks about how she will only invest in businesses she is passionate in it is like nails on a chalkboard for me. It is like the venture capital version of  "it's not you it's me", so fake. Plus looking over a list of all the stuff  that Lori has actually invested in it makes me believe it even less. I mean is she really passionate about magnetic eye glass holders, or vitamin sprays or a thing to keep stuff falling down the side of your seat in the car? Just be like everyone else and say you are not interested. 

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