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Continuity, Nitpicks, and Science FAILs


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15 hours ago, Trini said:

Additions to The List from 4.13:


  • Black Bison / Mina Chaytan [dead]
  • Dwarfstar / Sylbert Rundine [dead]
  • Kilg%re / Ramsey Deacon [dead]
  • Hazard / Becky Sharpe [dead]

Other Random People:

  • 4 Iron Heights Security Guards [dead]

Is it confirmed that all of them are dead?  I'm pretty sure the Iron Heights guards aren't dead.  They were just knocked out by the gas grenade.  The Thinker actually killed the Warden, but he didn't kill the guards as far as I saw.  Also, while he stole the others' powers, we don't know that they're dead yet, do we?  For that matter, there's no confirmation that either Becky or Dominic are actually dead either.  Dominic slumped at least unconscious but no one has yet said he's dead yet, we're all just assuming that.

Update to The List! At the end of Season 3 I predicted about 12 more for Season 4. Boy was I wrong! 27 people learned the "secret" this past season. (But the "good" bad news is that over half of them are dead now.) I think the show is treating it like a running joke at this point. I'm going to need them to at put in some actual effort next season. Will post the entire list later, alert me to any mistakes or omissions, thanks!


The Who Knows The Flash's "Secret" Identity List -- Season 4 update:
(** - indicates multiverse characters)


  • Nora Allen II (no confirmation on her full name yet, though)

Partners in Crimefighting:

  • Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man

Friends / Associates / Acquaintances / Allies:

  • **Alex Danvers
  • David Ratchet / Big Sir
  • Dominic Lance / Brainstorm [dead]
  • Izzy Bowin / Fiddler [dead]
  • Neil Borman / Fallout [dead]


  • **Breacher / Josh
  • Dinah Drake / Black Canary #3
  • Zari Tomaz
  • Ray Terrill / The Ray
  • **Leo Snart / Citizen Cold
  • **General Winn Schott


  • The Mechanic / Marlize DeVoe
  • Amunet Black
  • The Thinker / Clifford DeVoe [dead]
  • **Dark Arrow / Oliver Queen [dead]
  • **Overgirl / Kara Zor-El [dead]
  • Warden Wolfe [dead]
  • Black Bison / Mina Chaytan [dead]
  • Dwarfstar / Sylbert Rundine [dead]
  • Kilg%re / Ramsey Deacon [dead]
  • Hazard / Becky Sharpe [dead]

Other Random People:

  • **Various Earth-X Reichsmen Soldiers
  • **Various Earth-X Resistance Fighters
  • 4 Iron Heights Security Guards [dead]

Unconfirmed, but more than likely:

  • Edwin Gauss / Folded Man

The Big List of Central City's worst-kept secret has hit 100! At the end Season 4, there are 100 persons confirmed that know the Flash's "secret" identity. (63 alive, and 37 dead.) But of course there are more than that who know. I might stop keeping track after this season.


  • Unconfirmed characters, and groups where there wasn't a clear number are NOT in this count.
  • Updated the 'alive/dead' status of characters from the other connected shows.


The Who Knows The Flash's "Secret" Identity List
(** -- indicates multiverse characters)


  • Joe West
  • Iris West-Allen
  • Wally West / Kid Flash
  • Cecile Horton
  • Nora Allen II
  • Henry Allen [dead]
  • Nora Allen [dead]

Partners in Crimefighting:

  • Cisco Ramon / Vibe
  • Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost
  • Felicity Smoak / Overwatch
  • John Diggle / Spartan
  • Lyla Diggle
  • **Harrison “Harry” Wells
  • Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man
  • Eddie Thawne [dead]
  • **Harrison "HR" Wells [dead]

Friends / Associates / Acquaintances / Allies: 

  • Hartley Rathaway / Pied Piper
  • Linda Park
  • Patty Spivot
  • Clarissa Stein
  • Tina McGee
  • Julian Albert / Dr. Alchemy
  • Tracy Brand
  • ** James Olsen / Guardian
  • **Winn Schott
  • **Lucy Lane
  • **Cat Grant
  • **Iris West-Allen
  • **Barry Allen
  • **Mon-El
  • **Alex Danvers
  • Big Sir / David Ratchet
  • Dominic Lance / Brainstorm [dead]
  • Izzy Bowin / Fiddler [dead]
  • Neil Borman / Fallout [dead]


  • Oliver Queen / Arrow
  • Roy Harper / Arsenal
  • Ray Palmer / ATOM
  • Mari McCabe / Vixen
  • Jefferson “Jax” Jackson / Firestorm
  • Thea Queen / Speedy
  • Kendra Saunders / Priestess Chayara / Hawkgirl
  • Carter Hall / Prince Khufu / Hawkman
  • Rip Hunter
  • Sara Lance / White Canary
  • Curtis Holt / Mr. Terrific
  • Rory Regan / Ragman
  • Rene Ramirez / Wild Dog
  • Nate Heywood / Steel
  • Amaya Jiwe / Vixen
  • **Kara (Zor-El) Danvers / Supergirl
  • **Jay Garrick / The Flash
  • **Jesse Wells / Jesse Quick
  • **J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter
  • **Cynthia / Gypsy
  • **Breacher / Josh
  • Dinah Drake / Black Canary #3
  • Zari Tomaz
  • Ray Terrill / The Ray
  • **Leo Snart / Citizen Cold
  • **General Winn Schott
  • Martin Stein / Firestorm [dead]
  • Laurel Lance / Black Canary [dead]
  • Ronnie Raymond / Firestorm [dead]


  • General Wade Eiling
  • Grodd
  • Heatwave / Mick Rory
  • The Dominators
  • **Music Meister
  • **Abra Kadabra
  • **King Shark
  • The Mechanic / Marlize DeVoe
  • Amunet Black
  • Malcolm Merlyn / Dark Archer [dead]
  • Reverse Flash / Eobard Thawne [dead]
  • Captain Cold / Leonard Snart [dead]
  • Girder / Tony Woodward [dead]
  • Plastique / Bette Sans Souci [dead]
  • Blackout / Farooq Gibran [dead]
  • Everyman / Hannibal Bates [dead]
  • Vandal Savage [dead]
  • **Killer Frost [dead]
  • **Death Storm [dead]
  • **Reverb [dead]
  • **Zoom / Hunter Zolomon [dead]
  • Savitar / Barry Allen time remnant [dead/erased]
  • The Thinker / Clifford DeVoe [dead]
  • **Dark Arrow / Oliver Queen [dead]
  • **Overgirl / Kara Zor-El [dead]
  • Warden Wolfe [dead]
  • Black Bison / Mina Chaytan [dead]
  • Dwarfstar / Sylbert Rundine [dead]
  • Kilg%re / Ramsey Deacon [dead]
  • Hazard / Becky Sharpe [dead]

Other Random People: 

  • That Dude Who Tried to Mug Barry in Season 1, Episode 7; … and in Season 4, Episode 6
  • Several League of Assassins Minions
  • Agent Smith (from the Invasion! crossover)
  • **Various Earth-X Reichsmen Soldiers
  • **Various Earth-X Resistance Fighters
  • 4 Iron Heights Security Guards [dead]

Unconfirmed, but more than likely:

  • Tokamak / Henry Hewitt
  • Artemis / Evelyn Sharp [dead]
  • Lily Stein
  • Probably the Entire Staff of Iron Heights Prison
  • Probably Some People on That Train with Patty Spivot
  • Probably Some ARGUS Agents
  • Probably Some People in the U.S. Government
  • **Probably the Most of the DEO
  • Quentin Lance [dead]
  • Savitar acolyte Craig
  • Edwin Gauss / Folded Man [dead]
  • Love 1

Look, I know it easier (for the writers, etc.) for Barry to work alone, but they really said that he's the CCPD's only CSI. Well, now that's just even more ridiculous than usual, and makes Capt. Singh look dumb.

See, this was another reason I liked the addition of Julian in Season 3; because it made sense that Barry had to work with other people (not just Joe) at CCPD.

  • Love 2

Seriously. Central City is a large metropolis and they have only one CSI? And they don't even hire a (temporary) replacement when he is arrested for murder? No wonder there is so much crime in that city. All criminals are acquitted because forensic evidence isn't processed and the DA can't prove that the criminals are guilty without that evidence.

  • Love 2
32 minutes ago, adora721 said:

I highly doubt there's only one CSI for the entire city. Police have different precincts throughout a city. It's more likely that Barry is the only CSI for that precinct.

I would love to believe that, I really would; but in 5 seasons, they've never mentioned another precinct or anything like that. I can handwave CCPD having one big headquarters, but the show going out of their way in the premiere to show that the only person who handles forensics is Barry Allen was just a step too far for me. Before I could pretend there were other CSIs that we might not see, but not anymore.

  • Love 2

What do we think about the new suit? I think it's kind of a downgrade. I liked the Season 4 suit best. But the good things about the new Flash suit is the brighter red color, and they finally got the belt to look decent.

My problems are that (a) I think it's too monochrome, maybe the gloves and boots could be a slightly different color, or have gold piping or topstitching like before; (b) they should have used a fabric with a more interesting texture if it was going to be all one color; (c) the seams look a little amateur? They're not flat, it takes away from the sleekness of the unitard.

Then the chinstrap for the cowl is sorely missed; and they changed the shape of the cowl/mask. I think previous one worked much better.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Trini said:


The flashforward to the Flash Museum showed the Savitar suit, but Barry destroyed that at the end of Season 3.

It's most likely a replica. I think most (if not all) of the suits and weapons are just replicas just like in a lot of real museums.

Edited by adora721
  • Love 2

Anti-nitpick? I don't know if it's because it happened way too often last season, but this year not many new people have learned The Flash's 'secret' identity. Not even the main villain, who usually knows by this point.

So far it's been the new Wells, Sherloque, Herr Wells, Thomas Snow, and from the crossovers, Superman, Lois Lane, Batwoman, Brainy, and John Deegan. Can't say for sure about the new characters on Legends.

On 10/12/2018 at 2:23 AM, Trini said:

What do we think about the new suit? I think it's kind of a downgrade. I liked the Season 4 suit best. But the good things about the new Flash suit is the brighter red color, and they finally got the belt to look decent.

My problems are that (a) I think it's too monochrome, maybe the gloves and boots could be a slightly different color, or have gold piping or topstitching like before; (b) they should have used a fabric with a more interesting texture if it was going to be all one color; (c) the seams look a little amateur? They're not flat, it takes away from the sleekness of the unitard.

Then the chinstrap for the cowl is sorely missed; and they changed the shape of the cowl/mask. I think previous one worked much better.

I hate the new suit and red is my favorite color. It is the one thing from the comic that has been badly adapted to the tv screen. My biggest pet peeve is the fabric. It looks cheap and stretchy and as you point out, the seams are bulky. Of course, one of the reasons the seams are so prominent is because the fabric is too thin and stretchy.

2 hours ago, barfdonkey said:

I'm a little over halfway into S01 and there's something that's really bugging me.
Do the Meta humans in jail ever get food? And where do they go toilet? Cause it has not shown this yet 😛 Does the series ever confront these questions?

In the show, the only time they've directly addressed toilets was in Season 5 in the crossover episode; showing that, yes, the cells have toilets. Other than that, there was a deleted scene of Caitlin taking food to the prisoners from Season 1. So the assumption is that needs were being taken care of, but they never really showed it.


Watched the season 5 finale again, and while there are plot holes in every season, this time it felt like there were way more than usual with the Cicada, Thawne, and Nora plots; as well as questions brought up by those plots that never got addressed.

I'm not going to make a list since it would be long, and I don't want to spend more energy on all the mistakes of the season, but a few things that really bugged me: they never really explained Grace/Cicada's time traveling; never explained how Thawne was captured in the future; and they didn't actually address the issue of Barry disappearing in the future and how Nora was supposed to help prevent that, even though it was the main reason she why she came to the past in the first place.

Edited by Trini

Another thing, From S02 when the Harrison Wells from Earth 2 starts visiting Earth 1, he is always going out to get a big belly burger. I assume he is going out since we never see him eating the BB in star labs. Yet in S03 E06, Sicero and D.r Snow explains to Harrison Wells the novelist from Earth 19 why if he shows his face outside the lab, he will be arrested on sight.
Not really adding up.

  • Love 2
On 6/16/2019 at 4:29 AM, Trini said:

Watched the season 5 finale again, and while there are plot holes in every season, this time it felt like there were way more than usual with the Cicada, Thawne, and Nora plots; as well as questions brought up by those plots that never got addressed.

I'm not going to make a list since it would be long, and I don't want to spend more energy on all the mistakes of the season, but a few things that really bugged me: they never really explained Grace/Cicada's time traveling; never explained how Thawne was captured in the future; and they didn't actually address the issue of Barry disappearing in the future and how Nora was supposed to help prevent that, even though it was the main reason she why she came to the past in the first place.

I think of these issues more like aspects that were never explained, which is poor story telling as well as some plot holes. 

 For Grace and her time traveling, they told us that she used the time sphere.  It is the same one that Iris and Ralph used.  However, I am confused about how Iris and Ralph came back from the future. They used the bazooka to get there but how did they get back? Did they take the bazooka with them??

But, did we find out if she was working with Thawne? Was Orlin dead by the end if the season? Was she  hallucinating? 

Nora preventing her dad’s disappearance was a dropped storyline, I think. Barry not addressing his future disappearance was a sign for me that Barry was no longer the protagonist of the story. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Kate45 said:

I think of these issues more like aspects that were never explained, which is poor story telling as well as some plot holes. 

 For Grace and her time traveling, they told us that she used the time sphere.  It is the same one that Iris and Ralph used.  However, I am confused about how Iris and Ralph came back from the future. They used the bazooka to get there but how did they get back? Did they take the bazooka with them??

In addition to those questions,

How did Future Grace even know about time travel? How did she know that STAR Labs had a time travel device? And how to use it? How did she know when to come back? Or why did she pick that time? Just so many unanswered questions.

  • Love 1

This person from Nerdist has done several videos explaining the science behind The Flash's superpowers (if they were real);

Here's the first and the latest about The Flash:

Why THE FLASH Is Faster Than You Think! (Because Science w/ Kyle Hill):


The Flash is the WRONG COLOR:



But apparently he takes issue with the Flash being able to vibrate through things.

Edited by Trini

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