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I'm curious about next week - Countess used to have a beautiful voice, so I'm curious about what's going on with it now.



Countess can barely speak if you ask me so it doesn't surprise me that she's having trouble singing.  Her voice sounds like that of a very heavy smoker and boozer.  I'm anxious to see how that turns out also.

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I just watched this episode and it is crazy that this season is going to be filled with the "business" side of The White Sistas.  I thought we were done with that mess.  I didn't know they were actually trying to pitch it for a full-blown feature.  And of course no one engaged an attorney before starting.  So what if all of them are veterans in the entertainment industry.  I guess they figured it would be a better storyline this way.


Overall, Paula, Forrest and Golden annoy me.  Lisa does as well but not as much as the others because I think she is just following the reality show script.  Paula's mother, though, continues to bring the real.  She has no problem telling the truth about her daughter's situation.

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Elise returns from her out of town play; the ladies meet to finalize plans for the White Sistas project; the friendship between Elise and Golden takes a serious hit; Forrest seeks to ask Paula an important question.  Bring it!



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As usual Lisa is trying to hold on to the White Sistas for dear life.  Give it up girl!  It's dead! 


I wondered earlier if Countess had thyroid problems and she confirmed that she does. 


Golden is obviously still pissed off about the comment Elise made about not wanting to have children until she is married.  What a petty bitch Golden is.  And if I was her date I would be running for dear life like yesterday!  She's basically calling the guy fake for just trying to take her on fun dates.  Golden, as boring as you are he needs all of the props, bells and whistles he can get his hands on to stay interested in you.  Get off of your stuck up high horse.  You aren't such a prize for real.


Paula and Forrest...Zzzzzzzzzz...

Edited by swankie
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Golden is the worst! 

When I first started watching this show I was looking forward to seeing her scenes because I loved Girlfriends. 

But Golden is just the worst. Stuck up, snobby, argumentative, shit stirrer, and fakeeeee.


All this episode did is ensure she'll be single and jobless for even longer. I couldn't imagine any man wanting to put up with her nonsense. 


She's almost as bad as Paula. Well, maybe they're equally bad, just different types of crazy. 

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Why is Forest's broke ass in a jewelry store? A re-commitment ceremony for two people who never should've been married in the first place, smh...he did this for the show to seem like less of an asshole.

Can somebody mail Elise and Golden some wig spray and a brush?  No reason why their hair is always greasy, stiff, and dry every damn week.


Lisa's butt looked ridic in those white pants and not in a good way. I don't know why she's so gung-ho about dragging this White Sistas thing out. Did she not re-watch that shit? But it's funny Golden wants to blame the pilot for the rift between her and Elise when it was her sensitive baby mama ass.


I like Countess and I can still hear some voice in her, but I think her voice has come and gone. Hopefully that vocal coach can help her out.


I know Kobie gotta be on some kind of scammer list . He's one of those that likes to talk a big game and sound intelligent, finesse you for a few months with fancy food and gifts, and then you find out this dude has three kids and two baby mamas and/or a wife and no job. Just seems real shiesty.


Golden better not ever leave the house with no damn bra ever again. Has it not crossed her mind that Elise could be offended over her trying to police her ovaries and the age shade she threw at her at the panel? You ain't been too friendly yourself lately. Side note: I notice a lot of pale folks at her little launch party...-side eye- She had to resort to personal insults because she knew she was wrong. Nobody will ever check me over my opinion on something just because they're sensitive over their life choices and why should I have to sugar-coat it because you wanna be butthurt?


So Elise agreed with the girls to ditch the White Sistas but is talking to Paula and Forest about re-doing it? For once Paula seems to have told the truth. Shame smh.

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So much word to everything y'all have already said!



Golden better not ever leave the house with no damn bra ever again. 


This!!  And also, wear appropriate undergarments with the clothes you have on.  I couldn't believe when she turned around and had that damn white bra showing in the back of her dress at her party.  Did she not have a stylist?  It just looked so damn tacky.  If she couldn't go without a bra, which from the front of the dress it looked like it had some shaping built into it to accompany being braless, she could have at least had someone sew a strip of fabric across the back to cover it, or something.  I don't know.  It just bugged.


I loved that you could see the moment Elise went rationale to ratchet in that last scene with Golden.  That shit was funny and sad.  Golden needs to work out her baby daddy issues with a therapist.  It's not Elise's fault that DB don't want you, girl!


I'm so tried of them fighting over The White Sistas.  That shit is awful, awful, awful.  I was all, "thank god!" when they decided to let it go, only to suck my teeth when I saw Elise do a complete backstab to move forward on it with Paula and Forrest.  


And producers, I also don't want to see Paula and Forrest get remarried.  There's a reason they keep saying, "it's just going to be a ceremony with the two of us and no one else needs to come"; it's because no one else wants to be involved in that dreck of marriage.

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So much word to everything y'all have already said!




This!!  And also, wear appropriate undergarments with the clothes you have on.  I couldn't believe when she turned around and had that damn white bra showing in the back of her dress at her party.  Did she not have a stylist?  It just looked so damn tacky.  If she couldn't go without a bra, which from the front of the dress it looked like it had some shaping built into it to accompany being braless, she could have at least had someone sew a strip of fabric across the back to cover it, or something.  I don't know.  It just bugged.


I loved that you could see the moment Elise went rationale to ratchet in that last scene with Golden.  That shit was funny and sad.  Golden needs to work out her baby daddy issues with a therapist.  It's not Elise's fault that DB don't want you, girl!


I'm so tried of them fighting over The White Sistas.  That shit is awful, awful, awful.  I was all, "thank god!" when they decided to let it go, only to suck my teeth when I saw Elise do a complete backstab to move forward on it with Paula and Forrest.  


And producers, I also don't want to see Paula and Forrest get remarried.  There's a reason they keep saying, "it's just going to be a ceremony with the two of us and no one else needs to come"; it's because no one else wants to be involved in that dreck of marriage.

I couldn't believe that bra either. I didn't like the dress in the first place; I thought it looked cheap. That plain old white bra slashing across the back made it even worse. Either sew some support in the dress, get a strapless backless bra (I have one), or find a different dress. Tacky! I did think it was funny when Paula and Countess were all about Kieffer (who I didn't think was cute, but whatever).


And while I'm on Golden, I totally agree that she needs to work out her baby daddy issues. She is clearly very, very sensitive about being a single mother. I LOVED when Golden was like "​The White Sistas is tearing Elise and I apart!" and Elise was plainly like "No, not The White Sistas." I love it when people call Golden on her shit. Countess did it too.


I do think Countess's voice as we knew it is gone, but there's still something there. She won't be able to get back what she had, but maybe the vocal coach can bring the best out of what she has now.


Things about which I do not care: Paula and Forrest's recommitment ceremony, any more fights over The Damn White Sistas (do they not know it's terrible? I saw the trailer; it is terrible), and Golden dating.

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Forrest and Paula recommit to their marriage, and Lisa throws them a surprise reception.  But the celebration becomes intense when the ladies don't get along, and it puts a shadow over their future relationships and projects.  So what else is new?



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I didn't realize this was the season finale. Does anyone know if there's going to be a reunion? Because there was quite a bit of shady shit happening all throughout this season, both in small groups and talking heads, that I would love to see addressed in person now that everyone has seen it for themselves. I'm looking at you at Elise, Forrest, and Golden straight up lying about shit!

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I didn't realize this was the season finale. Does anyone know if there's going to be a reunion? Because there was quite a bit of shady shit happening all throughout this season, both in small groups and talking heads, that I would love to see addressed in person now that everyone has seen it for themselves. I'm looking at you at Elise, Forrest, and Golden straight up lying about shit!


I have seen previews of a reunion and it looks like Paula is going to go off on somebody.  (So what else is new!)  lol

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Why did Golden show up at that reception (that was the saddest reception I've ever seen) with no pants on?


I think she did it to aggravate Paula.  Last season Paula accused Golden of trying to get with Forrest (Delusional much Paula?) and I think this is Golden's way of sticking it to her.  Also it's a way for Golden to get attention.  Personally, I think it was a major fail.  Golden is not pretty or sexy if you ask me.


You are right about that reception being sad.  Paula and Forrest must not have very many friends.  I kept wondering why they had so many tables for such a sparsely attended party. 


I wonder how Countess feels about that burger comment Forrest made about her?  I hope she brings it up at the reunion.

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Paula is such a joke!  I wonder if her ass is jealous of the shit that's coming out of her mouth! (tm Tamra RHOC)  And this reunion host is even more useless than Andy Cohen on any of the Real Housewives reunions.  They need somebody who can shut people like Paula down when she tries to talk over everybody else.  We want to hear all sides, not just Paula's.  As usual, nothing is resolved because it keeps ending in a free for all of people screaming at each other.  smdh

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I am happy that Countess is,sounding more like herself again. I could not take the four pack of cigarette 6 pack a day and two shots of gin Aunt Billie at the corner bar voice. It irked my soul.


I'd be really surprised if Elise is back next season. She was completely checked out and over the whole thing, and she was killing me softly with this Diahann Carroll Dynasty wig…LOL.


So Paula got her butt done but skipped her teeth ? Forgive me Jesus. The Founding Mother of Plastic Surgery? Ok, Paula. I feel like Paula and Forest be going on drug binges. They need to forget about The Whites Sisters and write a story about their high asses.


They didn't have to do Shar like that she could have stayed on the stage. I mean they could have sent her away during commercial break.

Carlos is soooo mean spirited. Ugh.


Golden can kick rocks, but baby I hollered at that last comment towards Paula, 

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I'm out of the country and can't watch for 2 weeks. Can some kind soul please give me a quick recap??

And word, WhitleyTrillbert! I would think if they came into plastic surgery type money, they'd go get a three-fer deal to fix the mouths of the entire Parker/Forrest family.

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Figured out how to change my DNS server or whatever it's called so the websites in the US still think I'm in the US, so I was finally able to watch. 


What a mess!  Paula really creeps me out with that Cheshire grin she always has plastered on her face like she doesn't realize they're all laughing at her not with her, or she does realize it and she's plotting some evil revenge type shit.  It's also really annoying that she talks and yells over everyone and that that awful host, who is messy as hell himself, allows it.   


Interesting that they didn't show the clips of Elise talking out of both sides of her mouth in regards to cutting people out of the stupid ass White Sistas.

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The Divas reunite to discuss Season 2, but they are divided and emotions run on edge.  Lisa leaves the stage in tears, Golden is questioned about her friendship with Elise, and the fate of the White Sistas is decided.  So the MC is also one of the producers of the RHOA!  Who knew? 



So the last part of the reunion is all about the MC/producer.  Yawn!  Who cares?  We didn't see him all during the season so why should we care about him?  NEXT!

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After viewing the Carlos clips, I know have a much better understanding of why he and Nene had a falling out. He can certainly out diva Nene anyday. And based on the clips of him chewing out the Hollywood Divas for avoiding their "reality show" purposes and addressing things they sad on camera, Nene probably didn't appreciate being put in her place by a lowly producer.

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Paula is insane. And they'll keep bringing her back because she is insanse. The problem is, she's not too insane to not recognize this, and it leads to her and her also insane husband to act up even more.

And word to whoever said Paula is on something. She and Forrest are definitely sharing the same pipe of something, and it's not tobacco.

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And word to whoever said Paula is on something. She and Forrest are definitely sharing the same pipe of something, and it's not tobacco.



Forrest is a punk.  The way he grabbed that ketchup in that confrontation with Rashaun was such a girly thing to do.  He will never be the breadwinner in that family.  That's sad for them because although Paula has landed a few gigs here and there, her heyday is long gone and she doesn't have the personality to do any kind of prime time TV stuff and I think her movie days are over.  There's only so many "loud mouthed skanky ho" parts being cast these days.

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You can't copyright ideas.  You can only really copyright how you put together ideas and organize them or the actual written product.  You may be able to copyright a character, but its VERY, VERY difficult - generally graphic characters because there is a physical representation of them making them more than an idea.  So, as crazy as it sounds I think Paula is right.  I think that Forest owns the script.  

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Man, Paula has that crackhead logic -- deny, deny, deny and make up stories that don't make any sort of sense.  "Do I smoke crack?  Never.  Was that me you caught on tape buying crack?  No way.  You have my identification on tape after the UC officer asked for it?  Someone must have stolen my ID.  Is that my crack pipe in my vehicle?  Not at all, clearly someone threw it in my car window when I wasn't looking.'


"Did you steal the idea Countess brought to you, on camera and you turned around and presented a few weeks later?"  "No, look, I have a piece of paper that says I wrote it before you told me about it, and I wrote it in 2012.  But I've had the idea since 2008!  But I thought it was a terrible idea when you said it."


"Did we all contribute to the White Sisters project?" " No, I have this piece of paper that says I thought it up in 1998!  I would never falsify a document, clearly if it a document I'm shaking around on a reality TV reunion says I own the concept I clearly do!"

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Really, with the ask Carlos segment? What in the narcissistic hell?!! And hell to the naw naw to having a 3rd season where The White Sisters is a topic!!!!!

I truly think that White Sisters is a myth or urban legend.  I would be less surprised to see the Loch Ness Monster.  Although Forrest sounds barely literate so I would love to read a script he wrote.  It would probably be in crayon.



I also wonder how displaying her and her hubby's bat shit crazy behavior for the world to see on this show might impact their ability to continue getting jobs.


I think they are probably only getting jobs where someone is capitalizing on their nutty behavior on a third tier reality show.

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Didn't realize there was a season 2 until today's marathon before season 3!

Where did Forrest come up with $400 for this ring? My husband makes good $ and I'da thrown a fit he broke off this kinda $ for a ring. If he's not gonna work, he can be a househusband. Ain't no shame in that. 

I went to Golden's pillow website and only saw the 1 pillow and 1 candle for $170 and $60, respectively. It said other items were coming soon... guess we're still waiting.

However, Golden and Paula appear to at least be steady working actresses, even if it's low budget, low visibility projects. So, I don't understand how Paula and Forrest look like they're barely surviving. As long as they're not breaking off stupid $ for rings and other depreciating assets, they should at least be comfortable.

I really like Countess with the short, Halle Berry wig.

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1 minute ago, anadyr21 said:

Didn't realize there was a season 2 until today's marathon before season 3!

When is season 3 starting??

1 minute ago, anadyr21 said:

However, Golden and Paula appear to at least be steady working actresses, even if it's low budget, low visibility projects. So, I don't understand how Paula and Forrest look like they're barely surviving. As long as they're not breaking off stupid $ for rings and other depreciating assets, they should at least be comfortable.

Paula had a pretty large recurring role on Family Channel/Freeform's Recovery Road. Unfortunately, the show wasn't renewed.  Also, Paula was horrible on it - she had this awful Jamaican accent.  Despite that, I do see her on a lot of stuff.  She stays busy working; but I guess when you have a bum of a husband who doesn't do shit and is steady spending your money everywhere, it doesn't help.

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2 hours ago, anadyr21 said:

Didn't realize there was a season 2 until today's marathon before season 3!

Where did Forrest come up with $400 for this ring? My husband makes good $ and I'da thrown a fit he broke off this kinda $ for a ring. If he's not gonna work, he can be a househusband. Ain't no shame in that. 

I went to Golden's pillow website and only saw the 1 pillow and 1 candle for $170 and $60, respectively. It said other items were coming soon... guess we're still waiting.

However, Golden and Paula appear to at least be steady working actresses, even if it's low budget, low visibility projects. So, I don't understand how Paula and Forrest look like they're barely surviving. As long as they're not breaking off stupid $ for rings and other depreciating assets, they should at least be comfortable.

I really like Countess with the short, Halle Berry wig.

I'm not trying to be funny, seriously. But I get drug ride or die couple from Paula and Forest. That is a horrible rumor to start, so I am saying I do not know, but that's the vibe I get. 

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I'm still watching the episode, so the answer may be at the end in the credits, but isn't this the show Kandi's husband was producing with Carlos King? If so, I did not see his name. Just Carlos' and someone elses's.

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Never heard of the new chick but if she's a Kardashian hanger-on, that's why. I avoid them.

What job did Golden get? IMDB isn't showing me anything. She's still really extra.

Countess looks good - she's lost more weight. Her talking head look is crazy though. Fix that wig, C. She hates Golden, which I enjoy.

No more rapping; my ears were bleeding. I don't want to her Paula's nasty lyrics. She can yell "I AM A REFRIGERATOR!" all day though.

Not feeling the new production. It's overdone.

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35 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Never heard of the new chick but if she's a Kardashian hanger-on, that's why. I avoid them.

What job did Golden get? IMDB isn't showing me anything. She's still really extra.

Countess looks good - she's lost more weight. Her talking head look is crazy though. Fix that wig, C. She hates Golden, which I enjoy.

No more rapping; my ears were bleeding. I don't want to her Paula's nasty lyrics. She can yell "I AM A REFRIGERATOR!" all day though.

Not feeling the new production. It's overdone.

The new chick is deep in Kardashian ass. She's basically a reality tv whore. Such a terrible phrase but this is like # 4. 

Also, yeah Paula is way out there. Far out. What is she talking about?

Golden is ridiculously extra and bitchy. Extra bitchy. If she lost her new job, I feel bad for her. She was so happy. 

Countess looks good.

Lunelle! What a way to make an entrance. Good to see you though. 

The makeup looks good this season.

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36 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

The new chick is deep in Kardashian ass. She's basically a reality tv whore. Such a terrible phrase but this is like # 4. 

Also, yeah Paula is way out there. Far out. What is she talking about?

Golden is ridiculously extra and bitchy. Extra bitchy. If she lost her new job, I feel bad for her. She was so happy. 

Countess looks good.

Lunelle! What a way to make an entrance. Good to see you though. 

The makeup looks good this season.

Wait. Let me stop you there...

Golden's foundation still looks busted. Her face doesn't match the rest of her body. Not only is it too light, but it has the wrong undertone; yellow-orange when her skin is more reddish. And her lips look like she put foundation on them instead of nude lipstick.

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10 minutes ago, NowVoyager said:

Wait. Let me stop you there...

Golden's foundation still looks busted. Her face doesn't match the rest of her body. Not only is it too light, but it has the wrong undertone; yellow-orange when her skin is more reddish. And her lips look like she put foundation on them instead of nude lipstick.

Ok, how about highly-contoured maybe?

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12 hours ago, announcergirl said:

I'm still watching the episode, so the answer may be at the end in the credits, but isn't this the show Kandi's husband was producing with Carlos King? If so, I did not see his name. Just Carlos' and someone elses's.

yep! maybe he was out for season 3, which would explain Phaedra's shadiness about his jobs....Did you see a TTucker Productions though?

Edited by Watermelon
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21 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

When is season 3 starting??

Paula had a pretty large recurring role on Family Channel/Freeform's Recovery Road. Unfortunately, the show wasn't renewed.  Also, Paula was horrible on it - she had this awful Jamaican accent.  Despite that, I do see her on a lot of stuff.  She stays busy working; but I guess when you have a bum of a husband who doesn't do shit and is steady spending your money everywhere, it doesn't help.

Season 3 started yesterday!

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8 hours ago, Watermelon said:

yep! maybe he was out for season 3, which would explain Phaedra's shadiness about his jobs....Did you see a TTucker Productions though?

They still had TTucker productions listed on the Season 3 website.

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I'm surprised they got rid of Elise.  Or maybe Elise got rid of herself?  So I guess Da White Sistas is no more.  And what about the resolution to the black witch series/movie???

Still can't stand Golden.  She did not look good in that black lacey dress. Funny enough, the lead on Young and Hungry wore that same dress in this week's episode and looked absolutely amazing in it.  And she's so rude bringing up Lisa's business like that just out of the blue.  I bet if Lisa had responded, "so why doesn't D.B. Woodside ever talk about you?" she would have lost her shit.

Paula needs to be in a psych ward.

Countess looks great.  Guess her surgeries paid off. 

Had to laugh at Malika's response to Khloe's questions about what they [the Hollywood Divas] do: "Um, we just kind of hang out."  Yeah, y'all are taking great strides to reboot your acting careers....

Edited by luckyroll3
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I already hate Malika. I only recognized her after she mentioned having a twin. If Sky High was the highlight of your career, you can't trip about the other ladies "hanging out" all day. And I don't know what you call her type of accent/speech, but it drives me absolutely bonkers. I hope she wasn't brought in like that crazy Stacy chick from R&B Divas to stir up ish. That would make this completely unwatchable. 

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5 hours ago, anadyr21 said:

I already hate Malika. I only recognized her after she mentioned having a twin. If Sky High was the highlight of your career, you can't trip about the other ladies "hanging out" all day. And I don't know what you call her type of accent/speech, but it drives me absolutely bonkers. I hope she wasn't brought in like that crazy Stacy chick from R&B Divas to stir up ish. That would make this completely unwatchable. 

It's called I wanna be a Kardashian accent. She's just a hanger on.

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What job did Golden get? IMDB isn't showing me anything.

Golden had the Trish Murtaugh role in Fox's upcoming Lethal Weapon reboot but like Forrest said, she was fired after the first read and replaced by....wait for it....Keesha Sharp (ex-Monica, Girlfriends)!!

I liked the other opening theme better, not into the new stuff.

Paula should keep her hair curly if all that were hers at the salon, it was fierce.  Still crazy as a loon though.

Did not find Luenell falling funny at all....bitch could have broken a hip and while she has put on some weight, that fall could have gotten nasty.

Countess does look great but I wonder if the weight loss was organic or via surgery.  She is still the clapback queen though, love her.

Are we going to have to hear about Ed Hartwell marrying Keisha Knight Pulliam without consulting Lisa all this season?  I'm still trying to process her hurt....while she and Ed share a son, Ed's personal life should no longer be Lisa's concern.  Bottom line, their kid is happy so let it go.

Malika - Don't like her!  I like Khloe but wrong station bitch....take your BFF with you.  Like Lisa's situation, is she going to whine about Countess being less-than-warm to her all those years ago?  And she could have at least waited until they got to know each other before bringing that up, what was Countess supposed to do?  Apologize profusely?  FOH.

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"I rebuke you, demon! Get out of my face." Paula stays crazy.

Countess's throat doctor was fine as hell. So is Malika's friend, but he is also really rude and nasty.

Golden continues to leave the house without any pants on, and wearing foundation two shades lighter than her face. No God, honey.

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