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S07.E14: Hitched

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Another good episode - usually I’m not a big fan of hostage style episodes but this was good, had enough twists and turns throughout to keep the pace going and the story never dragged at any point as is sometimes the case in these type of episodes. I liked how it started with Maggie and Scola investigating the murder and how it tied into the plot, and I liked the work from Jubal and the others at headquarters. I figured at the end OA would talk the mastermind down, but it was a better plot that she killed herself and OA stopped the train. I liked how they got the perps to turn on each other. This show is consistently solid and has a very good cast of characters, so glad it’s been renewed and I’m still disappointed the other two FBIs have been cancelled.

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I was curious at first as to why the FBI got involved with the murder.  Seems like a city crime to me, but oh well.  It was necessary for the plot.

It was a good, tight episode right up to the point where they threw in the railyard full of di-ethyl-methyl-killusol, or whatever it was.  That was too much of a ripoff of 'Unstoppable'.  Most everyone in the war room got to contribute something, although I cringe when they pick out so much data on everything.  I almost did pick the schoolteacher as a hidden conspirator after she grimaced when OA said "You'll see your husband soon."

I would have loved to see a couple of agents in the back of the crowd at the war room after OA stops the train, one passing a $20 to the other.

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My favorite line was when the wannabe hero tried to enlist OA into taking down the hijackers: 
     Look at you... you're like an MMA fighter.


Comfort Clinton's (Gemma) limited acting range was not helped by the directing when she went from bleeding-out-from-gunshot-to-abdomen-should-be-unconscious to standing unassisted while delivering to OA a lengthy Titanic-esque goodbye.



10 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

It was a good, tight episode right up to the point where they threw in the railyard full of di-ethyl-methyl-killusol, or whatever it was.  That was too much of a ripoff of 'Unstoppable'. 

Mileage varies (especially for runaway trains?😉) but I liked that tacked on bit, maybe because I watch and read and listen to way too much news.



10 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:


1 hour ago, Broderbits said:

Much respect for coming up with this term!

Agree! 👏 🙌
"di-ethyl-methyl-killusol" is the new handwavium!

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Comfort Clinton's (Gemma) limited acting range was not helped by the directing when she went from bleeding-out-from-gunshot-to-abdomen-should-be-unconscious to standing unassisted while delivering to OA a lengthy Titanic-esque goodbye.

I literally laughed at this -- like, what, it's a miracle!!???!!!

Edited by MerBearHou
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This was a great episode. Right up until OA got the front separated from the remainder of the train. At that point, he should have gone with the others and the derailer could have been used on the head terrorist.

There was a moment earlier when OA said to the other terrorists. "Give me your guns!" The moment they complied, he should have shot each of them in the kneecap.

The little shit in the suit who decided to take on the baddies resulting in Wossername getting gut-shot? Did we ever see him again? I don't recall him getting killed, so maybe he was keeping quiet in the background after that. If so, after kneecapping the two terrorists, OA should have kneecapped him too.

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That’s TC from Magnum PI as Simon Briggs. It’s sooooo good to see Stephen Hill again!

Zibell’s fans must be thrilled with their warm hug at the end. 😆

Watching “Hitched” is like watching the cheaper version of Idris Elba’s Hijack (only with train) with OA trying to emulate Liam Neeson’s stunt.

This episode has some good actions but it’s tainted by cringey lines and illogical stuff — the “this isn’t goodbye” conversation is quite nauseating. We have Maggie and Scola talking on the phone (on speaker) while standing very near to a helicopter that’s trying to land, couldn’t care less about interference etc. Then there’s Gemma who can magically stand up and walk to another train car after getting shot in the stomach as if she’s cured by the tampons. 🙄

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New ad campaign: "Tampax: Control your periods AND your gunshot wounds!"

I did find this to be an engaging episode, despite some cringe lines (and my not really caring about OA's girlfriend--I cared much more about the effect it would have on Maggie to lose him). Also, could he have just jumped off the train once the woman was dead and they had the derailer in place? Though I guess it's probably not safe to jump off a train going 80 mph...


Edited by MarylandGirl
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