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S07.E02: A Tale of Two Cities

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Rayne meets her blind boyfriend, Chidi, for the first time; Tigerlily struggles with cold feet; Loren lands in the Philippines; Brian puts Ingrid to the test.

➡️Air date: 9/8/2024



Season 7 Couples: Names and Locations

(Can't remember who's who? See the topic for S07.E01 for photos of each couple)

Tigerlily, (Texas) & Adnan, (Jordan) 

Rayne, (New Mexico) & Chidi, (Nigeria) 

Loren, (Nevada) & Faith, (Philippines)

Niles, (Alabama) & Matilda, (Ghana) 

Joe, (Florida) & Magda, (Poland) 

Brian, (Illinois) & Ingrid, (Brazil) 

Veah, (Florida) & Sunny (South Africa)

Vanja, (Florida) & Božo, (Croatia)

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I know it was just a preview, but did anyone else watch Rayne's "Let the chicken live!" freak and think of Carol Burnett's Eunice, "It was a seven!"

Stevie Wonder could see this woman is certifiable.  And all that flying around thinking of the great love ahead, and pffft.  I'm not buying that Chibi's exactly pure as snow, though.

I wish I could afford a glam squad!  Heck, I wish I could tote my hairdresser Tony around 24/7 on call.  I feel great in the chair, then get back in the car and...Arkansas humidity!  What Tiger needs is a common sense squad-er, army. 

What more can I say that hasn't been said?  He's 22 like I'm the Queen.  32, more like it, and that's generous.  Has Tiger not thought once that if a non-controlling, feminists-minded spouse is what she wants, a conservative Muslim in Jordan is probably a poor bet.

I like both Faith and Ingrid (I didn't know Ingrid was a common name in Brazil-maybe she has Swedish roots?)  Both could do 1000% better than loser Loren and sinister Brian.  Faith does remind me of a stronger version of Cleo, in danger of settling for less to have" love" because it's harder for her. I hope to heck these two jerks don't break their hearts.

Three of eight couples and I'm flabbergasted at their life choices already?  We've got miles of stupidity to go before the tell-nothing, folks.  Please let Bozo in Croatia be normal (ha), else he get the obvious nickname I'm sure we've all thought of.

Edited by AR Traveler
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Even after watching a lot of these episodes, I was shocked at Tigerlily whining about her mother-in-law, and the brothers attending her wedding. 

Rayne is so selfish and out of control.  Does she really think a relationship will change Chidi from devout Christian to aliens and woo-woo believer?   

Loren is such a phony, and I feel so sorry for Faith.   I don't see that working at all when she finds out everything about him, and his intentions. 




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That preview of Rayne threatening violence on her host family because they want to buy a chicken to feed her dinner is crazy. That woman would be out of my house that night, her bags thrown in the street, and no help getting to the airport.

By the way, I don't remember hearing she's vegetarian. Is she driven to this violence only when she sees the animal looking cute before she eats it? 

Edited by Tango64
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2 hours ago, Tango64 said:

That preview of Rayne threatening violence on her host family because they want to buy a chicken to feed her dinner is crazy. That woman would be out of my house that night, her bags thrown in the street, and no help getting to the airport.

By the way, I don't remember hearing she's vegetarian. Is she driven to this violence only when she sees the animal looking cute before she eats it? 

Once you put a diaper on a chicken, you can't eat it!

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On 9/9/2024 at 2:50 AM, AR Traveler said:

I wish I could afford a glam squad!  Heck, I wish I could tote my hairdresser Tony around 24/7 on call.  I feel great in the chair, then get back in the car and...Arkansas humidity! 

***Off Topic***

Psst...get a wig! You can get decent synthetic wigs for not a lot of $ and the synthetic hair they use now can be styled with a flatiron or curling iron — just look for those that say they're "Heat Resistant."

Really, having a couple of wigs to choose from on those days when you know the heat and humidity is going to destroy your carefully styled hair within 10 minutes of stepping outside is a terrific time-saver. Plus, knowing that nothing Mother Nature can throw at you can destroy your perfectly coiffed hair is bound to make you feel like you can take on the world! 

Even if you could afford to pay Tony to be an on-call hairdresser for your every waking moment, think about how much time you'd lose having to sit still while Tony corrects the damage the heat and humidity has done to your hair several times a day. If you had a wig, you'd put it on in the morning, look great all day, and not have to give your hair another thought until you take it off in the evening before bed! 

I just ordered a wig online. It's a cheap one, but I want to see how I look with silvery-grey hair. My own hair has "turned grey," but not really; it's a horrible mixture of mousey light brown interspersed with grey (about 50/50) and I know it's going to stay that way, because that's what happened with my mother's hair. It's not at all flattering. I've been coloring it cinnamon brown for years, but stopped during COVID and let it all grow out.

The wig will help me decide whether I want to go back to covering up the grey with a shade of brown, or go to a salon and have the mousey brown bleached and tinted to match the grey. 

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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On 9/9/2024 at 7:16 PM, Peppermint said:

Thought I'd have to forgo the guilty pleasure [???] of watching this season because of TigerLily's voice. Found a work-around. Activate CC for the program, then hit Mute when TigerLily rears her peroxided head.

Now, is there a work-around for b@t-sh%t crazy, which afflicts at least one of each of the couples ??

Sorry--there's no way to avoid the crazy on this show! It's going to get worse the deeper we get into this season. I feel like we've only seen the tip of the iceberg with Rayne. 

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I am finally watching my recordings (after my holidays) and I have to say that Tiger Lily is just trying to be Kourtney Kardashian's doppelganger.

You can tell she's had a ton of work/botox/ fillers (and who knows what else)? AND she's using her voice to sound  exactly like Kourtney, which sends me over the edge!

I don't understand why she's pretending to be so dim witted? Even Kourtney says the occasional smart thing.

And I am OVER this show introducing Eastern characters who perpetuate the stereotype of conservative gaslighters, who instantly want to change their women after being drawn to them because of who they are.

Edited by Chalby
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Has anybody noticed that Tigerlily appears to be left-handed?  I can't wait until someone notices that she was shoving food into Adnan's mouth with her left hand.  That's got to be a cultural no-no.  And I can't WAIT until Adnan lowers the boom on what she can & cannot do.  He's going easy on her so far.


So, Rayne eats chicken.  But only the prepackaged kind from the grocery store. That way she doesn't have to even think about it being related to her dear clucking friends.  I know I wouldn't want to kill my own chicken or even watch it being killed, but I can put 2+2 together to know where it comes from.

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Yeah, Brian was really pushy and assuming they'd have sex the first night and we all know what they say about assuming! I didn't like that he popped half a 'blue pill' in anticipation of sexy times. I mean wouldn't you have discussed that before you flew over? Honestly? I hope Ingrid hears his back story and decides to take a flaccid pass (hard pass didn't seem right in this context!). I'm guessing he was a drug dealer or something like that and he got shot in a gang war ir some drug deal gone bad. Either way Ingrid, it's your get out of Brian Jail Free Card so please girl, take it and run like the wind!

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20 hours ago, Kath94 said:


So, Rayne eats chicken.  But only the prepackaged kind from the grocery store. That way she doesn't have to even think about it being related to her dear clucking friends.  I know I wouldn't want to kill my own chicken or even watch it being killed, but I can put 2+2 together to know where it comes from.

Sort of off topic:

I worked for a major commercial airline for several decades, beginning when I was 21. In the first few years, I had fewer financial responsibilities and so could afford to travel more frequently.

Early on, I fell in love with Puerto Rico. So I would trade shifts with other employees so I could have a 4-day weekend every 5-6 weeks, and a coworker friend of mine and I would fly to San Juan on a Friday morning, stay Friday/Saturday/Sunday night, then fly home on Monday.

On one of these trips we met a guy in the Army stationed in Frankfurt who had come home on leave. He was staying with a buddy in San Juan, but wanted to see his family in Ponce but he didn't have a car. He said if we rented a car we could all go, and he would drive. (I have a disability and can only drive my own car - not a rental).

So that's what we did. My friend and I were really excited, because we'd never been outside of San Juan.

The drive through the beautiful countryside was wonderful. As soon as we arrived in Ponce, I knew these were not rich people. Many of the homes were little more than tin-roofed shacks.

But everywhere I looked there were flowers! Beautiful tropical flowers in every imaginable color, growing everywhere! And there were children laughing and playing in the streets, while their mama or sometimes an older sister or brother kept an eye on them.

Our first stop was the soldier's mother's house. She had not (yet) remarried after her divorce, and shared the house with her mother and grandmother. Also living there was an adult daughter and her two children: 5 generations all living together! 

We were all welcomed with open arms, served cold drinks, and chatted for awhile.

Then it was time to visit his father, who lived with his second wife in a small, one story house just a couple of miles away.

This house has a small, nicely tended fenced side yard. The fence was covered with flowers and vines, but I could hear some chickens clucking away and occasionally caught a glimpse of one through a small opening between the vines on the fence. 

The soldier's stepmother brought out a tray of cold drinks for all of us, and we settled down on the porch to chat. A short time later she got up and said she'd be back in awhile; she was going inside to make us dinner.

We proceeded to sit, sip, relax, and chat with the father for another hour and a half. Then the door swung open, and there was the stepmother holding a huge tray with a large bowl of rice, a pot of beans, and a platter of...fried chicken!

She filled out plates with food, and I sat there for a moment, looking at that fried chicken. I may have been only 23, but I knew exactly where that chicken had come from and it wasn't a supermarket. I said a quick little prayer thanking the chicken for its sacrifice, and took my first bite.

It was the most wonderful chicken I'd ever eaten. It was hot, moist, and the skin was deliciously crisp, yes, but it was the meat! It had flavor! And it wasn't the flavor of anything it had been soaked in, injected with, or had rubbed on it; the chicken itself had its own taste, and was like nothing I'd eaten before or unfortunately, since.

When I went home after that trip and told my mother about going to Ponce and the dinner, she knew exactly what I was talking about because she had been raised on a farm with her nine sisters and brothers, and all the chickens they are had been raised on the farm right next to them. She had told me many times how much better - and how different - home grown chickens taste, but it really is something you have to experience. Words cannot convey!

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Rayne (I can't help but pronounce it Rain in my mind) is certifiable. Which I am here for, as I think Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (CCBB) is one of the biggest scammers in this franchise's history, and that says a lot. I LOVE that she called him out on the spot about the celibacy bullshit. OVER 5 YEARS and this subject never came up? No, I am sure there was a lot of sexy time video calls, texts and photos exchanged over the years. Yet, when she packs up and invests her time and $ to fly half way around the world to meet the man, suddenly sex is a sacred act only between spouses. Give me a f&*(ing break. No doubt she has been sending him $$, and others as well....hell, with being blind, he probably pulls in more $ than your typical yahoo boy. The scene in the market was bonkers on its own, but then you add in the fact that she EATS CHICKEN from a supermarket, and yes, she is a nut job. Sister CCBB took it all in stride---nothing will get in the way of harvesting that American dollar. 

Adnan was a virgin, please......no way no how. just as he is not anything under 30 if he is a day. Again, another family who will overlook any transgression (where is the familial angst about her being divorced with kids?) to get that $$$ . 

Love Ingrid and glad she was as uncomfortable with all the medical stuff as we were to watch it. He seemed to get off on pushing her boundaries. Run girl, run. 

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On 9/18/2024 at 8:18 AM, Stuckathome said:


Adnan was a virgin, please......no way no how. just as he is not anything under 30 if he is a day. Again, another family who will overlook any transgression (where is the familial angst about her being divorced with kids?) to get that $$$ . 


Tigerlily was ridiculous:  "don't men just know what to do?"  She is either pranking us or she is a complete dope.  Hmm.  Two things could be true

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