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Chelsie oddly says that she wants Quinn in her F5 . . . but does she?  I hope not.  She just finished telling Leah that he's in trouble this week.

Edited by Rodney
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7 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

The real question is who Leah and Angela would target if either of them win HOH.  Thoughts?

Whoever they nominate, I hope they backdoor Quinn coz it’s time. 

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3 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Chelsie is blowing smoke up Quinn's ass, telling him she still wants to be Top 5 with him.  That doesn't even get him halfway through the rest of their time in the house, lol.

I hope that it's just smoke and that she actually plans for him to be targeted next.  Because after this, she needs to get him out.

1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

That being said, GET TO THE HOH ALREADY!

That likely won't be for another hour.

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Good, this shouldn’t take long since it’s just a memory comp. I expect we’ll have a new HoH within the hour and I don’t have to stay up too late or wait till tomorrow morning to know.

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I just love how bad Quinn is at this game. Nominating Joseph was so, so stupid.

Honestly, while it probably won't hurt her, I think Chelsie has gotten a little high on the fact that she controls things, and burned Cam to get rid of Joseph and save Kimo, who she doesn't even care about either way, just sort of to show that she COULD. 

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On another note, with the AI Arena over, congrats to Leah and T'Kor for being the only two houseguests not to face it even once before its conclusion.  The other fourteen houseguests all faced it either once (Matt, Lisa, Cedric, Brooklyn, Joseph, Cam, Chelsie, and Quinn), twice (Kenney, Angela, Kimo, Makensy, and Rubina), or thrice (Tucker).

Edited by Rodney
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I am sad to see AI Arena go, because it has been the lifeblood of this season. With no last-minute curves being thrown, I'm worried that things will revert to predictability. 

But I have hope that it won't be all vote-with-the-house, because there is no "house". There's Chelsie and her shifting alliances, Quinn realizing he's lost all control, T'Kor hoping desperately that Chelsie will choo-choo-choose her, Leah and Angela as a tentative duo, Kimo and Rubina as ditto, and Makensey and Cam just trying to be relevant. There is no cohesion in this house, and I love it.

I honestly wonder if Joseph threw that comp out of blind hubris, because he was so insanely bad at it. At one point, it looked like he was just sitting there, contemplating the ropes. But at least he stayed true to form and "do you know what I mean? /It is what it is"'d his way through his interview with Julie.

I could not have scripted a more satisfying ending to Joseph's moustache that did not involve a razor.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I could not have scripted a more satisfying ending to Joseph's moustache that did not involve a razor.

My only regret is that they didn't show more of Joseph's delusions onscreen his entire run through the game.  But I guess that Grodner and the editors didn't expect him to leave around this time.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I am sad to see AI Arena go, because it has been the lifeblood of this season. With no last-minute curves being thrown, I'm worried that things will revert to predictability. 

But I have hope that it won't be all vote-with-the-house, because there is no "house". There's Chelsie and her shifting alliances, Quinn realizing he's lost all control, T'Kor hoping desperately that Chelsie will choo-choo-choose her, Leah and Angela as a tentative duo, Kimo and Rubina as ditto, and Makensey and Cam just trying to be relevant. There is no cohesion in this house, and I love it.

I honestly wonder if Joseph threw that comp out of blind hubris, because he was so insanely bad at it. At one point, it looked like he was just sitting there, contemplating the ropes. But at least he stayed true to form and "do you know what I mean? /It is what it is"'d his way through his interview with Julie.

I could not have scripted a more satisfying ending to Joseph's moustache that did not involve a razor.

This post was poetry 🥰

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I was just about to post the same thing! Where are Leah and Chelsie?? (I'm hoping Leah has it.)

Chelsie won.  Leah just told T'Kor in the Unicorn room "I'm happy for Chelsie."

Edited by HighQueenEB
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Any guesses on who she will put up? I'm thinking T'Kor, Kimo and Angela.

Edit: Oops, just remembered. Only two nominees. T'Kor and Kimo then?

Edited by 30 Helens
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Just now, 30 Helens said:

Any guesses on who she will put up? I'm thinking T'Kor, Kimo and Angela.

Well, she told Leah some combination of Cam, Quinn, and Angela.  But we'll see if she's telling too many people too many things.

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Just now, 30 Helens said:

Any guesses on who she will put up? I'm thinking T'Kor, Kimo and Angela.

Well, AI Arena is over, so wouldn't it only be 2 nominees?

I'd guess maybe Quinn & Kimo, or possibly Angela/Leah if she wants to backdoor someone.

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Well, AI Arena is over, so wouldn't it only be 2 nominees?

I'd guess maybe Quinn & Kimo, or possibly Angela/Leah if she wants to backdoor someone.

Yeah, I just corrected myself. After just complaining about the end of AI Arena, you'd think I would remember we're down to two noms.

I'm wondering if she really will nominate T'Kor, "to put a scare into her" as she said. But she'll probably hold on to that card for now. It wouldn't make much strategic sense, considering how far up her ass T'Kor is. I think Kimo's probably a lock. 

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I don’t think she’ll put her target up to minimize their chance to play and win veto. I’d say it’s 2 of Angela, rubina, kimo. I expect veto will be played since tis the season and I’d like Quinn bd’d in case you didn’t already know how I feel.

Edited by dizzyd
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Just now, 30 Helens said:

Yeah, I just corrected myself. After just complaining about the end of AI Arena, you'd think I would remember we're down to two noms.

I'm wondering if she really will nominate T'Kor, "to put a scare into her" as she said. But she'll probably hold on to that card for now. It wouldn't make much strategic sense, considering how far up her ass T'Kor is. I think Kimo's probably a lock. 

Putting Kimo up could be a way of scaring T'Kor without taking the shot at T'Kor directly.  I just don't know if she'd want to burn T'Kor like that this week.  

Best guess, Quinn is her target this week - does she put him up and give him a chance to save himself or try for the backdoor?  

Angela just joined the rest of the women in the Unicorn room.  Can they solidify their Girls Alliance right now and accept that the 3 guys are going next in some order if they can manage it?

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Just now, HighQueenEB said:

Putting Kimo up could be a way of scaring T'Kor without taking the shot at T'Kor directly.  I just don't know if she'd want to burn T'Kor like that this week.  

Best guess, Quinn is her target this week - does she put him up and give him a chance to save himself or try for the backdoor?  

Depends on if she still wants to use Quinn or not.  If she was honest about what she said to Leah, then yeah, she'll target Quinn.  But . . . I don't know.  Chelsie told people different things about what she'll do, so . . . now she has to show her cards this week.

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All the women are gathered in the unicorn room, talking about the comp and the difficulty of picking noms this late in the season. Every win comes with a loss, every rose has its thorn, and all that jazz.

In any case, they all seem very comfortable and relaxed in each other's company, and although I know it won't last, I'm enjoying this phantom women's "alliance".

At least until they started with the Brit speak. (Don't do the baby talk, Leah!!)

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Per Twitter/X, Chelsie, Kimo, Cam, and Makensy had a four-way tie among them and went to a tiebreaker.  Chelsie tried to throw it so one of the others could get a letter from home, but she ended up winning.

Edited by Rodney
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Once again, someone who didn’t need to win HOH won HOH. I would think her target is Quinn, but how does she go about it? She’s lucky AI Arena is over so it won’t be as messy for her.

But I’ll be the one happy for her. While I love good feeds, I also appreciate people playing balls to the wall and she’s doing that right now. 

Also, Chelsie? Angela makes a GREAT pawn. I’m just looking out for you, I have your best interests at heart, honestly!

Talking to Cam she’s thinking Angela and Kimo, but thinks Quinn and Leah are after her. 

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Chelsie laid out her plans to Cam.

She plans to nominate Angela and Kimo, but backdoor either Quinn or Leah.  (Probably Quinn since she already promised Leah safety before the HoH Competition.)

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Chelsie is now describing how she tried to throw the tiebreaker. She put a low number, thinking it would be wrong and that the others would do better. But her low number turned out to be the closest. She apologizes, and everyone tells her to stop.

Any chance she is playing them and really meant to win?

Now she's talking to Cam and chastising him for "going over". His response: "You know, math." So it sounds like she won Price Is Right style, where everyone else went too high with their guesses.

She tells Cam she's thinking of putting up Angela and Kimo. But she thinks Quinn and Leah are the ones who would target her. So maybe she's thinking of them for a backdoor?

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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

Chelsie is now describing how she tried to throw the tiebreaker. She put a low number, thinking it would be wrong and that the others would do better. But her low number turned out to be the closest. She apologizes, and everyone tells her to stop.

She should've just used the number one or two.

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Cam's doing his best to protect Quinn in this conversation.  Discussing replacement nom options and suggesting Leah or Rubina.

Fortunately, Chelsie seems to be hearing none of it.  At least not yet.

I'm taking it that she really doesn't trust Quinn the way she claims to him that she does.  Which is fine, because after this last vote, Quinn clearly doesn't trust her as much anymore, either.

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Cam is really pushing hard for Leah to go. Protecting Quinn, or just another bitter femme fatale reject?

I don't know why Chelsie is asking for advice from the house ottoman, anyway.

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Chelsei needs to drop Cam. Yeah he’s pretty but he has bad hygiene, he’s boring and he’s been playing a bros game and there ain’t but 3 of them left so naturally he wants to keep Quinn. Plus he has eyes for Mak so dump him already, girl, ya don’t need him. That being said she’s going to dictate this week like she’s been doing all game and will probably have another smooth as butter HoH and evict whoever she wants, hopefully for me that’s Quinn.

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I am loving this Chelsie who is arguing with Cam. She says he would keep Leah over her in a minute and he is aghast! Wounded!

I haven't been Chelsie's biggest fan but I like how she is not afraid to confront anyone about anything.

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Chelsie also calling Cam out on having a final two with Tucker, and choosing Makensy over her (awkward!) and she’s clearly pissed off both in a game way, but obviously a personal way, because she does have feelings for him and he has feelings for whichever vagina is closest to him at any point. 

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Now Cam is reminding Chelsie how he told her to target Makensey back in week 2. So it's really her fault that Makensey is still here distracting him.

Then he tries to guilt her with talk of how loyal he has been. And he also says he's smart. So I guess you can't believe everything he says.

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Speaking of Quinn, I think his safety this week will rely on how he reacts to Chelsie suggesting a Leah nomination.  If he freaks, then the target might slide past Leah and land on him. 

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So Chelsie went from confronting Cam to Cam getting defensive, then being hurt, then apologizing for losing her trust and promising to do better.

Damn, she's good.

One on one with Kimo:

He says he wants to protect her. She says she reciprocates, and knows he, Rubina and T'Kor are on her side. He is very grateful that she helped to keep him and will do whatever it takes to repay her. She says she is putting Angela up, but has no idea who the other will be.

And that's a wrap on Kimo.

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T’Kor now telling Rubina about the “Visionaries” alliance which is why she felt so betrayed by Quinn this past week because she basically chose him over Tucker but no more! Quinn is just so bad at this game. 

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I actually like Chelsie winning this week. She was going to dictate who went out this week no matter what, but this way, she actually has to get her hands dirty a bit.

Chelsie's an excellent player, and she'd be an excellent winner, but I always want people to be challenged, ya know? Cakewalks are boring AF. 

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Angela's next. Chelsie says she doesn't know what to do. Angela reminds her they had a promise not to put each other up. She suggests Quinn would be a good choice, and says how cool it would be to keep the women around. 

Angela describes herself as honest, full of integrity, and loyal to Chelsie. And again, they made that promise. She does not want to be a pawn. "Oh, I was just going to ask-" Chelsie starts. "NO," Angela responds. She also wants to be onscreen where her grandchildren can see her. They can't see her in the jury house.


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This is where I find Angela to be yucky. She’s giving her spiel to Chelsie, and it’s fine, it’s about game, she’s saying what she needs to say. But this is where she loses me. Basically  “I’m a grandma to three grandchildren and they’re watching me on this show and if I’m stuck on the jury they won’t get to watch me anymore”. NO. NO with that bullshit. 

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Mackensy talk with Chelsie. She tried to float T’Kor as a nom but Chelsie basically said that T’Kor has had her back and kept her off the block so why would Chelsie put her up? Makensy immediately backed off. So I guess it IS a two way street.

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Mackensy talk with Chelsie. She tried to float T’Kor as a nom but Chelsie basically said that T’Kor has had her back and kept her off the block so why would Chelsie put her up? Makensy immediately backed off. So I guess it IS a two way street.

I didn't think that Chelsie cared a lick about T'Kor.  Feels kind of weird to be wrong there.

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Next: Makensey! Chelsie punches her in the face and says "Stay away from Cam!"

No, not really. Chelsie assures her she's safe. They discuss Angela and Leah. Chelsie thinks Leah may be coming for her. Makensey thinks Angela is an easy target, and she'd be fair in jury. She mentions T'Kor, but Chelsie rejects that saying T'Kor has had her back. Makensy describes the house as Cam, Leah and Quinn on one side, and T'Kor, Rubina and Kimo on the other. And Makensey and Chelsie in the middle. She thinks one of those groups needs to be broken up.

Chelsie tells her Angela's going up, but she's undecided on the other. Makensey makes another soft push for T'Kor, with Leah as an alternate. Or maybe even Quinn, as a pawn?

2 minutes ago, Rodney said:

I didn't think that Chelsie cared a lick about T'Kor.  Feels kind of weird to be wrong there.

I'm not entirely sure you are wrong. Chelsie's story changes depending on who she's talking to. The fact that she can do it so convincingly is what makes her such a good player.

Hah-- Chelsie just told Makensey how she is looking forward to being in Final 8 with her. So, basically, just one more week.

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