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11 hours ago, wintrygal said:

No, I am not mixing Tucker up with Brooklynn, as he gets most of the face time in order to show off.

And to foil Murder Lady Wannabee Brooklyn at ever turn.  😂 🤣

10 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I would love to know what field of psychology Tucker alleges he has a masters in. 

Abnormal Psychology of Reality Show Players?

6 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

Why would anyone want to have an ally that has to work so hard to keep her paranoia at bay? She could turn on them at any moment over some perceived slight.

Angela is a vote in a house with just a small handful of people.  She is still more likely to vote with them then "the other side" is.

Edited by Skooma
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1 hour ago, OldWiseOne said:

Why would anyone want to have an ally that has to work so hard to keep her paranoia at bay? She could turn on them at any moment over some perceived slight.

She knows that.  That's why she's opting to talk things through with the others before she acts rather than go straight to the worst-case scenario in her head.  As I said last night, it's good growth for her that she's changed things up and is doing that instead of just acting on impulse.

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Joseph is telling Tucker that it was Brooklyn who messed up his (Tucker's) clothes in the Veto Competition, and that it was fucked up for her to let him go off on Quinn about it.

He's advocating for Brooklyn to stay the target.

Despite playing a decent under-the-radar game, it sounds like Chelsie and Makensy are catching on to Leah:

And Brooklyn is making me mad with her bitterness toward Angela:

She's won two HoH Competitions, you bitch!  That's two more competitions than you've won thus far!

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Breaking news! You guys, holy shit, this is huge!

I'm not sure if you've heard but Brooklyn? Is a mom. And she's not just a mom. She's a married mom. I am totally shocked by this news. I had no idea that Brooklyn was a married mom. You'd think the fact that she has kids and a husband would have come up at some point. I mean, being a mom - a married mom - is a big deal.

Devin has a daughter, someone is taking food from Derrick's daughter's mouth, but Brooklyn is a married mom. Wow.

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Ooh, this is interesting.

Tucker and Kimo are talking in the HoH room, and Tucker tosses out a plan.  Tomorrow night, the night before the Veto meeting, when everyone's asleep, he'll go up to Chelsie and ask her point-blank about the Pentagon.  He'll ask her what was going on among her, Cedric, Quinn, Brooklyn, and Cam and see if she lies again, as her explanation for voting Rubina was "Well, I don't know what they did."

The implication here is that Chelsie goes up as the replacement nominee (though in whose place, I don't know) if she does not come fully clean to Tucker on the spot.

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Kimo, Rubina, and T'kor have been trying to persuade Tucker to put up Makensy.  He was mostly pushing back about it.

Joseph walks in and is still pushing Brooklyn.

All of them are trying to put in a good word for Quinn and attempting to work with him.  (Why?!)  They need to settle for letting Brooklyn or Cam get evicted and keep their precious Quinn and Chelsie.  Leave Makensy out of it for now, please!  One of Cam, Brooklyn, or Chelsie needs to go.

Edited by Rodney
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42 minutes ago, Rodney said:

One of Cam, Brooklyn, or Chelsie needs to go.

I think his initial Cam plan is still the way to go. Tucker will PROBABLY need to win a POV soon, and best to get Cam out of there in case it is a physical competition. Brooklyn would be a fine pick, as well, but Makensy would just swoop in and become Chelsie's new bestie, while there is no replacement for Cam. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Kimo and T'kor are now bitching to Rubina that Tucker is thinking of putting up Chelsie instead of Makensy.

T'kor and Kimo are now saying that it shows that their alliance isn't that strong.  When three of four people are telling him one thing, and he's doing another.  It means other people are in his ear.

Or, more specifically, Kimo whines, "If three out of four people are saying the same thing, why aren't you listening?!"

It's almost like Kimo has HoHitis by proximity.

This is some bullshit.  Now, to be fair, they aren't wrong.  You would want a "majority rules" type thing in an alliance, but noooo!  Why must they insist on keeping Brooklyn, Chelsie, Quinn, and Cam intact?!  Like, uh . . . you might as well have just kept Cedric if you like the Pentagon so much!

So pathetic.  It makes it seem like that vote flip was more about teaching them a lesson and not about actually trying to progress in the game.

I get that Makensy is not on their side, but she also has zero close ties and influence on anyone, and they know enough to be aware of that. 

I almost want to blame T'kor for this.

This devolves into a petty bitchfest about Tucker.  Now Kimo's whining that Tucker told him that he'd pick him for the Veto Competiton, but then didn't.

T'Kor is indignant that Tucker hasn't apologized to Quinn for being wrong about messing with his stuff.

Rubina is just agreeing with everything, but she's likely going to take this back to Tucker the next time that they're alone.

After all the sniping, Kimo says, "This was all said with love."

T'kor's stupid ass apparently thought that she could flip a vote to save Rubina, but still just have the Collective be together or whatever.  Unbelievable.

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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I think what infuriates Quinn the most is he is not the only one who came in with a fully scripted character to play. And that the other character (Tucker) is playing his role better. 

Truth; Tucker’s performance is worthy of an (off-) Broadway role, while Quinn’s is more reminiscent of High School Musical.

Edited by Nashville
Friggin’ line breaks…. :P
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4 hours ago, Rodney said:

T'kor's stupid ass apparently thought that she could flip a vote to save Rubina, but still just have the Collective be together or whatever.  Unbelievable.


This is precisely why I didn't think Kimo and T'Kor would pull the vote flip off. It's almost MORE maddening that they (well, mostly Kimo) actually DID pull the vote flip off, only to try to go right back to the previous status quo. It's like they're trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. 

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

This is precisely why I didn't think Kimo and T'Kor would pull the vote flip off. It's almost MORE maddening that they (well, mostly Kimo) actually DID pull the vote flip off, only to try to go right back to the previous status quo. It's like they're trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. 

I think that it's mostly T'kor.  Kimo only seems to want to fix things with Quinn, but otherwise doesn't give a damn about Cam, Chelsie, or Brooklyn.  He seems to already know that there's no turning back where they're concerned.

For this reason, I feel like Kimo should acknowledge that he and T'kor can still be friends in the game, but they should just go their separate ways as allies.  It's clear that what she wants in the game doesn't align with what he wants at all.

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It’s kind of funny that Kimo and T’Kor left an alliance because no one was listening to them, only to join up with Tucker, who is… not listening to them. Although I don’t know what they expected. Tucker doesn’t stop talking long enough to listen to ANYBODY.

As for those rankings, Quinn would be devastated. He’s not most loved,  he’s  not most hated, he’s just… in the mix. Nothing special. I’m not sure he’d even make the high school musical cast at this point.

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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

For this reason, I feel like Kimo should acknowledge that he and T'kor can still be friends in the game, but they should just go their separate ways as allies.  It's clear that what she wants in the game doesn't align with what he wants at all.

They still seem to be really loyal to EACH OTHER, at least, which is sadly really important in this game, as true loyalty is pretty rare. But yeah, they definitely do seem to have two different paths in the game. 

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

It’s kind of funny that Kimo and T’Kor left an alliance because no one was listening to them, only to join up with Tucker, who is… not listening to them. Although I don’t know what they expected. Tucker doesn’t stop talking long enough to listen to ANYBODY.

Exactly this. The fact that they couldn't predict that Tucker wouldn't listen to any opinion that disagreed with his own when that is literally all he has been doing up to this point in the game is on completely on them. Tucker is, like, the dictionary definition of stubborn.

They chose to flip to an alliance that contains the two most unpredictable people in the house, slimy Joseph, and Tucker's plus one that he doesn't actually really listen to. Maybe they should have thought of this earlier. 

But honestly anything that makes the married mother angry works for me, so yay. 



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I was checking in to see if married mother icon, Brooklyn, is still a married mother and instead I found out that married mother Brooklyn has divulged her deepest, darkest secret: she is a former Mrs. America - and also a wife and a mother. Mrs. America is different from Miss America because you can be a married mother while also holding the title of Mrs. America.

This has been your married mother update.

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2 hours ago, Jillibean said:

They chose to flip to an alliance that contains the two most unpredictable people in the house, slimy Joseph, and Tucker's plus one that he doesn't actually really listen to. Maybe they should have thought of this earlier. 


I think it was still the right call for them. Yes, they're on the bottom of this alliance, as well, but you're still better off being on the bottom of an alliance when there are two strong alliances going against each other, as opposed to being on the bottom of the alliance that is dominating. The dominating alliance is more likely to win, and then start picking off the bottom of itself, while if there are TWO alliances, then they'll have to go after each other, and you'll be floating along as it happens. 

Nicole in BB21 is a perfect example of someone who was helped when the dominating alliance broke up, and she went from being an easy boot to "Why waste a boot on her when we have bigger targets?"

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think it was still the right call for them. Yes, they're on the bottom of this alliance, as well, but you're still better off being on the bottom of an alliance when there are two strong alliances going against each other, as opposed to being on the bottom of the alliance that is dominating. The dominating alliance is more likely to win, and then start picking off the bottom of itself, while if there are TWO alliances, then they'll have to go after each other, and you'll be floating along as it happens. 

Nicole in BB21 is a perfect example of someone who was helped when the dominating alliance broke up, and she went from being an easy boot to "Why waste a boot on her when we have bigger targets?"

I totally agree that it's ultimately a better move, but what you outlined is exactly the reason to do it--not because they're going to have more influence with Tucker and co. than they did with Chelsie and crew. If they were thinking that, they were totally off base. I continue to think that Kimo's perception is at least somewhat impacted by his crush.

The other thing I think they missed is that Quinn was actually quite invested in The Visionaries (which is his fault for not making that clear to him, really), and by flipping without him they solved a bunch of problems relating to Quinn's messy gameplay but also put someone who would have protected them and worked with them in a position to possibly be evicted this week--which they seem to now be regretting. 

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It’s hard when it comes to T’Kimo/Quinn. We know he actually was invested in that alliance but I can see why T’Kimo didn’t trust that based on his actions. No one should ever trust Quinn lol. Also, Quinn was invested in that alliance because he believed he was smarter than/a better player than them. He saw them as his minions. And clearly T’Kor doesn’t vibe with being in that type of alliance, which I get but at the same time you can work that to your advantage.

And honestly, sadly, for Kimo I think literally everything he’s done so far is solely due to his crush on Tucker.

The real thing T’Kor should be worrying about is the fact that Kimo (and Rubina) would sell her out in a second for Tucker.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Post veto ceremony could be fun since Tucker plans on ‘exposing everything.’ Now it’s all shit everyone (except MJ lol) already realizes but it’s one thing for everyone to know and quite another for it all to be exposed openly in a meeting.

Just now, Kimo pitched MJ going up but Tucker didn’t bite so he dropped it for now.

Tucker also told Kimo not to let Quinn know he’s taking him down and in that same moment Rubina was telling Quinn Tucker might take him down lol.

Now Joseph is cam talking and saying Tucker is crazy but he loves him and he is sticking with him, that Tucker has his back and no one else does.

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I dunno, in modern BB, it seems like dudes just Beast Mode their way to the end every year now, so I can see why you'd want to stay on their good side. 

And yeah, @Jillibean, the thing that fascinated me last week about Quinn's game play is that he legit WAS into his little Kimo and T'Kor alliance, but only so long as it benefited HIM. Which is fine, of course, as that's what all the good players do, but he then made it pretty CLEAR that that was his position, which is just shitty, shitty game play. "No, no, it's all good. I trust you guys so much, and you can help me get to the end." 

Can you imagine Dan letting Keesha know that he was clearly just planning on using her to get to the end? No, because Dan was a good player, and Quinn is not. 

That, though, goes back to my point a while back about how I think Quinn is probably not a bad guy in real life, just a shitty gameplayer, while Dan was an amazing gameplayer, and yet seems to be kind of slimy in real life. 

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20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It probably helps to be slimy in real life to play this game well. So many of the winners are pretty shitty people lol.

I think being slimy in real life helps when your gameplay is based on constantly lying to people's faces and manipulating them, yes. 

I think you can win the game WITHOUT doing that, but I'll admit that I sort of admire the players who DO play that way the most, because it's SO FUCKING HARD TO DO.

But yes, I can't ever imagine wanting to be Jun's friend, for instance, but she was a master in the game in a situation where she had the deck EXTREMELY stacked against her. 

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Okay!  Good afternoon!  Here are the day's happenings!

As @peachmangosteen said, Kimo has already been in HoH today, angling for a Makensy renomination.  He pitched that she could beat Brooklyn and Cam since she won an AI Arena already, but Tucker said that she barely beat Rubina (per Rubina's account), so she’s not as strong as people want to think.  Tucker didn’t seem interested in biting, and Kimo threw out some random apologies for not telling Tucker stuff before they were aligned.

Joseph was in afterwards and warned him that T’kor and Kimo would pitch Makensy to him.  He said that the issue with Makensy is that she’s believing everything that Brooklyn and Chelsie say simply because they’re all religious, but she doesn’t know they’re lying, anyway.  Tucker said that they tried to get something going a couple of weeks ago, but Joseph said that that’s when the girls tried to turn her against him and get the whole house targeting Tucker.

Tucker sounded like he said that he will still blow up the Collective and Pentagon to Chelsie.  Joseph said that regardless of what Tucker does with the Veto, he thinks Quinn should “stay,” but I think that he meant stay on the block.  He followed up by saying he didn’t trust Quinn at all, and Tucker said that he’s given him three outs, and he hasn’t taken any of them.

Joseph went into the Have-Not room alone after that and said that he loves his F2, so he really is in with Tucker.  He said that if Quinn tries to spill them having a F2 of their own, then he’ll just deny it.

Joseph thinks that he's playing such a slick game.  Problem is that people are actually already on to him.

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While Joseph is totally overestimating his gameplay, I think he actually IS in decent shape, in the old "Why would you get waste an HOH on Joseph?" sort of way. 

In other words, he thinks he is in good shape because he's such a slick player, but he's actually in good shape because he's NOT a slick player, and everyone dislikes him, but probably won't "waste" an HOH on him. 

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At the same time that this was happening, there was a cut to Quinn being a dumbfuck with T’kor and Kimo.  Quinn says that Angela hates him, and Kimo says no, she doesn't.  She speaks very kindly of him.  Quinn then explains how after Tucker yelled at him, Angela hugged him and said that she didn’t think he did it and he was like, “Yeah, I know I didn’t!”

His and Brooklyn’s one-sided hate fest with Angela is embarrassing.  I'm telling you.

Quinn’s whining is tragic.  Said that he was excited to flip and was building his alliance, and then people came to him and built that.  But then, he got flipped on, and that’s sad, because he wanted to flip!  Said that he wants to trust T’kor and Kimo to build from here like they’re saying, but it was tough.

Cry us a river, Quinn.

T'kor said that she understands now the impact of her actions, but it really was a whispered thing, and she’ll adjust accordingly so he never feels like that again.  Blech.

Before that exchange, Kimo had told Quinn that what Rubina told him is true -- that they don’t have an alliance.

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Kimo tells T'kor that he tried to talk about the replacement nomination, but couldn’t remember what their strategy was to get Makensy up.  He said Tucker is still wanting to do Chelsie because of a long talk he had with her, and that she told Tucker some stuff, but not everything.

T'kor saying their argument is about the votes, which makes no sense, as Chelsie would be a guaranteed vote for Brooklyn to stay.  Kimo saying that they need to be more in his ear.  T’kor argues again that they need Chelsie’s votes, and Tucker can build with her or Makensy, but they can trust Chelsie’s vote if she’s off the block. Shut up, T'kor.  Tucker won't buy that.

T’kor comes around to saying that at the end of the day, it’s Tucker’s HoH and he gets to do what he wants to do.  She’ll tell him that and she’ll support his decision, but if Chelsie is the final target on the block, then she (T'kor) will not vote for her to go.

Go ahead and show those cards for no reason!

T’kor asks Kimo if he thinks that it’s possible that Makensy really will be the nominee.  He seems to think not and said that Tucker wants Makensy on the jury, at least, for his game.

T'kor said a moment ago that they have to watch the outliers in their group (presumably Sixth Avenue).  She said that she’s comfortable talking with pretty much everyone now except Makensy and kind of Brooklyn now, as that’s a little awkward.

T'kor said that she’s focusing on good relationships with Cam and Chelsie, because she wants them both to be there next week if all goes according to plan.  Kimo said that unfortunately, now there’s a natural divide, and Chelsie fell on the wrong side of that divide.  Said “the game does what the game does,” and T'kor said that they’ll lose people to whom they’re close, Kimo says that they just have to adapt.

It seems that Kimo accepts that there's no rebuilding things with Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie -- at least now or not yet -- but T'kor is having a hard time grasping that.

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Angela tells Tucker that she thinks that he's clearly trying to produce a good season of television more than he's trying to play the game.  She can't shake the feeling that Vetoing Quinn is going to backfire on him in a big way.  He's not going to gain an iota of loyalty from him for doing this.  Luckily for her, Tucker assures her that he already knows this.  He just wants to focus on getting at least two or three Pentagon remnants out before he gets rid of him.  He certainly wants to get rid of him before he can regain any footing in the house.  He just has bigger fish to fry in Brooklyn and possibly Cam first.

Brooklyn and Chelsie talked game later on.  Brooklyn wanted to approach Tucker with a deal to remove her with the Veto.  Good luck with that.

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Brooklyn and Chelsie rehash the vote again.  Chelsie says that she thinks that T’kor and Kimo emotionally flipped at the last minute, and Leah and Joseph fell in line.  She says that they’re not smart enough.

Chelsie says that her order to boot women is Leah first, then Angela, T’kor, Rubina, and Makensy.  But Rubina may be collateral damage due to Tucker.

Brooklyn says that she’s after Angela.  Also mentions Joseph.

Okay.  I smelled "pick me" girl vibes from Chelsie early on, though I'm surprised to see those qualities in a black woman.  But now she's confirming it by wanting to only target women if she becomes the HoH next.  (Well, after Tucker, at least.  But still . . .)  I'm okay if she goes sooner rather than later now.

Edited by Rodney
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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Joseph thinks Rubina, Angela, and Kimo would vote for him over Tucker at F2. Girl what?! He has no idea what’s happening lol.

There's more.  He was camera-talking about fifteen minutes ago, saying that someone in there had a crush on him, but he’s there to win.  And he thinks that he can beat Tucker in the end.

Whom does he think has a crush on him?  And man, this guy is delusional!

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In the backyard, in the hammock, Kimo and Angela are talking about Brooklyn and Chelsie.  They're worried that they can talk Tucker out of targeting Brooklyn.  They know that they're going to talk to Tucker later today or tonight, and they fear that they can talk their way out of Tucker's crosshairs, because both of them -- especially Brooklyn -- are good talkers.

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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

In the backyard, in the hammock, Kimo and Angela are talking about Brooklyn and Chelsie.  They're worried that they can talk Tucker out of targeting Brooklyn.  They know that they're going to talk to Tucker later today or tonight, and they fear that they can talk their way out of Tucker's crosshairs, because both of them -- especially Brooklyn -- are good talkers.

If Kimo tells T'Kor that, she'll say, "So we should keep them, right?"

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Brooklyn is doing her best to talk Tucker into keeping her.  She's playing it surprisingly smartly, being very calm and collected.  Her body language is deferential without being weak.  She's speaking well, as befits a pageant girl.  Tucker admits that she presented a pretty convincing argument (though he could just easily just be blowing smoke up her ass), but he's not making any promises.

The funny part about Tucker potentially Vetoing Quinn is that Quinn is immediately going to pop off about Tucker being scared of seeing him in the AI Arena or some dumb shit, which would set Tucker off again.

He's got the attention span of the dog in Up.

After meeting with Tucker, Brooklyn meets with Chelsie, and they have a chat to make fun of people.

They said that Cam needs to play in more Veto Competitions to get some clothes, because he wears the same thing every day, as he didn't pack enough for this three-month experiment.

They laughed at finding Leah lying alone in a room.  Leah said that she was taking a moment to practice patience. They laugh at this, because they guess that she is upset that Cam is not hitting on her.

Chelsie says that Makensy has become paranoid and will not leave her alone, especially if she (Chelsie) is talking to Rubina.

Man.  These two . . .

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Chelsie is having a complete fit over all the empty drawers in the rock bedroom, because someone's clothes are still in the suitcase.  Probably Cam's.  Then again, the way she's complaining, it comes off like she's totally performing for the camera.

As she sweeps, she muses, "I'm sure this is dust from his buttcrack.  It has to be."  Cam walks in the room, and she cracks up.  He walks right out again when he sees that she's cleaning.

It's stupid the way that Chelsie, Cam, and Brooklyn have separated themselves from the others.  This is the time to buddy up to them, make them regret having them on the block.

. . . Oh, I guess that Chelsie heard me.  She's meandering up to the outside balcony to join the rest of them.

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On 8/17/2024 at 8:23 PM, Callaphera said:


Devin has a daughter, someone is taking food from Derrick's daughter's mouth, but Brooklyn is a married mom. Wow.

Is this where I can add that Rockstar was betrayed on her daughter's birthday? (because I love bringing that up)


23 hours ago, Nashville said:

Truth; Tucker’s performance is worthy of an (off-) Broadway role, while Quinn’s is more reminiscent of High School Musical.

Now go practice a slow-descent down the stairs while clapping.

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50 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Is this where I can add that Rockstar was betrayed on her daughter's birthday? (because I love bringing that up)

I may have been a little disappointed Liz Wilcox from the most recent season of Survivor wasn't recycled into the house this summer because she would've been excellent feeds for the week or two she might've lasted*. I saw an ad for Applebee's and immediately thought, "HOW DARE YOU TAKE THAT BOURBON BURGER OUT OF MY DAUGHTER'S MOUTH ON HER BIRTHDAY?!?" But none of my RL friends watch both Survivor and BB, so my Derrick/Rockstar/Liz mashup would've gone over their heads. #alas

*Liz and Angela together would've been a lot, though. 

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Wow.  T'kor kind of being bossy with Kimo, telling him to hurry up and have a conversation with Tucker before he goes to bed.  "It kind of addresses your paranoia," she says.  Kimo has been pushing back a bit, but she sounds more determined than I've ever heard her.  She's talking more loudly, for sure.  Girl, why are you insisting that Kimo do this work for you?  You can do that yourself.  

Kimo thinks that Brooklyn's mood is different now.  He says that they should all talk to him (all of their alliance, I guess).  He says that he's just observing, and T'kor says that she is, too.  She thinks that if she talks to people, then she can get the facts.  (Girl, have you never watched this show?)   Otherwise, she seems to have a decent read.  But really, she's being a little imperious here.  I've never seen this side of her.  This makes me think that she'd be a bitch as HoH.

Tucker says that he is going to bed, and if people want to talk to him, now's their chance.  Kimo and T'kor follow him.

Kimo then has his mandated talk with Tucker.  Tucker is kind of mad about things.  He seems frustrated.  Kimo is being a sponge again, just listening and letting Tucker rant.  One thing that's clear: although he admits that she was very convincing in her tone, he didn't buy a word of what Brooklyn was saying earlier.  So her pitch to him didn't work.

Kimo flat-out asks Tucker if he's going to use the Veto.  After a long pause, Tucker says that he is, but he (Kimo) can't repeat it to anyone, including T'kor.  He's still saying that he'll Veto Quinn, and he thinks that that'll make Quinn work with them.  (Has he never seen this show?)   He thinks that Quinn is done with "that fucking Brooklyn."  Kimo is his usual non-judgmental self.

And just so everyone knows, the pitches to nominated Makensy in Quinn's place did not work.  Tucker is replacing Quinn with Chelsie.

Tucker is good at reading people in the present and in the moment, but bad at predicting their future actions.

Tucker goes on to say that his Veto meeting speech tomorrow is going to be a long list of grievances that he wants to air.  It sounds like it might be like a twenty-minute speech recapping everything from week two through today.  Yikes.

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On 8/17/2024 at 7:08 PM, Callaphera said:


James "Revenge Porn" Huling was apparently the comp host. Yay


Sounds like he was caught posting revenge porn (I will take your word for it). First I’d heard of that. This is why I don’t follow news about these people (or any show business people, really) outside of the show. It’s too depressing

Edited by Eyeland Baby
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On 8/17/2024 at 6:47 PM, Katesus7 said:

And she shouldn’t be coddled because of this rampant paranoia. I get that everyone has bigger targets right now, but it must be so exhausting to be in alliance with this woman while always having to wonder if she’s going to lose her shit at any moment

She’s the definition of a goat: whoever successfully drags her along to final 2 wins. She’s a much more entertaining watch, for the viewers, than other goats from the past (who sometimes ruin a season for me because they’re so horrible or boring, but aren’t getting voted out because their goatness is valuable to their competitors) 

and she also has to be “handled” so she doesn’t go from goat to ape and start flinging figurative poo all over whomever she fixates on as a threat next

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On 8/17/2024 at 6:49 PM, Brian Cronin said:

It's really shocking how poorly she has played her position here. I think she just desperately wants to be with the "cool kids,"

This is my impression also. Once CCC were ID’d as the cool kids, Makensy would consider no other partnership. It will ironically work out for her if “the house” flips again and she happens to still be around. But it’s immature of her to need that image more than any visible strategy. 

Edited by Eyeland Baby
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2 hours ago, Rodney said:

And just so everyone knows, the pitches to nominated Makensy in Quinn's place did not work.  Tucker is replacing Quinn with Chelsie.


I mean, as a fan, I love people getting removed at the POV ceremony for maximum chaos, but I love that Tucker is just adding removing a guy who hates him to now give a FOURTH person reason to hate him. 

It doesn't change anything, as they were all going to nominate him either way, it's just funny saving Quinn and nominating Chelsie doesn't do anything for his game (unless somehow Brooklyn and Chelsie turn on each other dramatically, which I doubt they will - they're much more likely to turn on Cam). 

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