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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

YESSSSS! Still my all time fave ship.

SO much better than when she was with Angel. And Angel was far better with Cordelia.


I saw Rubina's name in some posts and it made me wonder ("I couldn't help but wonder" - Carrie Bradshaw) what her deal even is? I feel like I barely know anything about her or her game and I want to because she's wee like I am. Wee-er. So wee I think I'd feel like a giant next to her. I can't help having some Wee Little Lass loyalty to her.

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13 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I saw Rubina's name in some posts and it made me wonder ("I couldn't help but wonder" - Carrie Bradshaw) what her deal even is? I feel like I barely know anything about her or her game and I want to because she's wee like I am. Wee-er. So wee I think I'd feel like a giant next to her. I can't help having some Wee Little Lass loyalty to her.

These are the things I know about Rubina: she sometimes wears workout outfits that look like ice skating dresses. She likes Tucker back and they have increasingly long hugs every morning. This morning she practically dry-shaved her pits in the bathroom sink (hello me in my 20s before going clubbing) and left the mess behind (ew).

That's about it.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

These are the things I know about Rubina: she sometimes wears workout outfits that look like ice skating dresses. She likes Tucker back and they have increasingly long hugs every morning. This morning she practically dry-shaved her pits in the bathroom sink (hello me in my 20s before going clubbing) and left the mess behind (ew).

That's about it.

You know, the dry shaving is whatever but the leaving the mess behind... WE ARE NOT ANIMALS, RUBINA. CLEAN YOUR PIT STUBBLE FROM THE BATHROOM SINK.



Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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Hey, I’m just going to say it. I was always Team Xander. Please don’t kick me out of here, I’d have to join the Collective. Apparently they’re still looking for members.

Back to the game, these people are all so messy. Which I am here for. I want Cedric to “go with the majority” and put up Makensy, because I don’t see her taking her “pawn” status all that well.  And then I want a non-collective to win HOH. Except maybe Tucker. I do not get his appeal; he just seems so sleazy to me!


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36 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I was always Team Xander. 

Except maybe Tucker. I do not get his appeal; he just seems so sleazy to me!

I'm not mad, just disappointed. [/mom]


And SAME. He just rubs me the wrong way. His gloating, his DRs... I just do not like him. Not in a non-redeemable way, but still. No thanks.

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I liked Tucker in that first week but I'm over it. I mean, I'm not watching because the Olympics are on but still I just know I don't like him anymore lol. Sleazy is a good way to describe him, @Katesus7.

If Cedric noms MJ would she use her power or just stay on the block? She'd use it, right? I wonder who America would nom? 

As for the OT Buffy discussion, I always liked Xander but now everyone says he's bad so I don't know. I haven't rewatched in like probably 10+ years. Everyone hates Ross now too but I still don't so who knows.

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Cedric, Kenney, Tucker, and Cam are in the HOH room.   Tucker wants Quinn out this week, calling him a strong player.   He wants to use the veto on Angela and then beat Quinn during the arena.   Tucker will use the opportunity of going up to "expose Quinn [and his different alliances] to the house."   Quinn will then go home.  

Can Quinn change the nominees after the veto?  Or is he limited to changing nominees when the HOH names the first three? 3️⃣

Tucker also says that it is "more fun to be a pawn" than to be safe.  Tucker wants to take out the strong people early and then "coast to the end."  

Edited by Thalia
27 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Cedric, Kenney, Tucker, and Cam are in the HOH room.   Tucker wants Quinn out this week, calling him a strong player.   He wants to use the veto on Angela and then beat Quinn during the arena.   Tucker will use the opportunity of going up to "expose Quinn [and his different alliances] to the house."   Quinn will then go home.  

Can Quinn change the nominees after the veto?  Or is he limited to changing nominees when the HOH names the first three? 3️⃣

Tucker also says that it is "more fun to be a pawn" than to be safe.  Tucker wants to take out the strong people early and then "coast to the end."  

I've got to say that that's an ambitious move to make.  Problem is the HoH is Cedric, who's aligned with Quinn.  Will be there be any way to convince him to go through with it?

2 minutes ago, Rodney said:

I've got to say that that's an ambitious move to make.  Problem is the HoH is Cedric, who's aligned with Quinn.  Will be there be any way to convince him to go through with it?

Cedric said, several times, that he doesn't want "blood on his hands," and doesn't want to follow Tucker's plan.   Tucker may have convinced him to explain it to Quinn with a variation of the old My Mom Won't Let Me Go. 

Basically he said that Cedric could blame Tucker.  That Tucker told Cedric that the only way he'd use the veto was if Cedric would put up Quinn.   Not sure how that is a big threat, but maybe the assumption is that Cedric wanted Angela down.   Tucker also kept pushing the "Quinn is powerful player with fifty billion alliances" and we need to get him out now.  

Tucker seems convinced that Cedric will follow the new plan.  But as we all know, that doesn't mean much.   If he does do it, Tucker, being Tucker, is sure the women folk in the house will agree with him and vote out Quinn.  Whatever.  

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Just now, Thalia said:

Cedric said, several times, that he doesn't want "blood on his hands," and doesn't want to follow Tucker's plan.   Tucker may have convinced him to explain it to Quinn with a variation of the old My Mom Won't Let Me Go. 

Basically he said that Cedric could blame Tucker.  That Tucker told Cedric that the only way he'd use the veto was if Cedric would put up Quinn.   Not sure how that is a big threat, but maybe the assumption is that Cedric wanted Angela down.   Tucker also kept pushing the "Quinn is powerful player with fifty billion alliances" and we need to get him out now.  

Tucker seems convinced that Cedric will follow the new plan.  But as we all know, that doesn't mean much.   If he does do it, Tucker, being Tucker, is sure the women folk in the house will agree with him and vote out Quinn.  Whatever.  

It seems like Cedric might go through with it.  He mentioned to the camera that he'll need a substitute for Quinn in the Pentagon if he does that.  He also thought that it'd be good to get rid of Quinn's power so no one's HoH could be hijacked.

Sounds like he's at least considering it, which . . . good to see something happening, at least.

However, I'm less enthused by Tucker wanting Brooklyn out next, after Quinn.  Said that she's linking the women together, which is likely accurate, though I think that that's more than Leah and Makensy doing that.  Cedric wasn't enthused by that plan, either.

Still, Tucker, Kenney, and Cedric formed a "bro" alliance called the Ballplayers.  But Cedric isn't as into it as Tucker and Kenney.  But he's willing to roll with them to take out stronger players before dumping them.

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1. Team Spike allllll the way.

2. “Sleazy” is an apt word for Tucker. But also Quinn, kind of. Tucker is one of those guys who always look a little greasy to me, even though I assume he bathes. Matthew McConaughey is another. I don’t know why.

3. My husband’s half-assed attempts to clean up his beard hairs are hard enough to bear. I’d go ballistic over Rubina’s pit remnants.

4. Oh, please, Tucker, pull a quasi-Marcellus and use the veto on Angela. Then praise your own awesomeness on your way out the door.

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This could actually be an epic move. But I think at the end of the day Cedric won’t have the balls to do it. He’s been pretty adamant about getting the least amount of blood on his hands and wanting to go with his group. If Tucker was actually part of The Collective I’d think there would be a larger chance of this happening, but I think he’ll get talked out of it at the end of the day.

But hey, have Tucker be a dumbass and save Angela, then have Cedric put up someone people end up wanting to keep, because Tucker pulling a Marcellus would be epic. Although I’d also be fine with Quinn with his 19 alliances leaving.

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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

This could actually be an epic move. But I think at the end of the day Cedric won’t have the balls to do it. He’s been pretty adamant about getting the least amount of blood on his hands and wanting to go with his group. If Tucker was actually part of The Collective I’d think there would be a larger chance of this happening, but I think he’ll get talked out of it at the end of the day.

If there's anyone who could talk Cedric out of this, it would be Chelsie.  Cam seems into the idea (he just gave Leah a heads up that Quinn has a high possibility of getting nominated tomorrow),so he won't talk him out of it.  So it'd depend on how much she's either for or against it.

ETA: And as I say this, Chelsie is already back to trying to get Cedric to target Leah instead.  She hates her that much.

Edited by Rodney
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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Started watching the episode, halfway through the HOH comp, and I’ve decided I am ALL IN on this plan to backdoor Quinn. He’s that obnoxious. 

I haven't watched yet but without even having seen it, it's like... you just KNOW the way he's annoying because he's a superfan.

Why do they never cast a person who doesn't fit into the stereotype and fall into all of the cliches? It's so stupid (so par for the course for this show) because you're saying your biggest fans are... weirdo, awkward nerds? What? Surely you can find a superfan that breaks the irritating mold you've created, BB.

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Tucker is right about Quinn but Cedric seems like a wuss.  He faints at the site of "blood on his hands," gag me.

Has any of the 15 million HG's with final 2's with Quinn compared notes yet? When even Tucker knows Quinn has tons of multi-alliances where were the so-called "strong players" these past days not figuring this out?

Yeah I'd rather see Leah go but Quinn is the bigger threat.

Hey Tucker, if you take yourself down instead of Angela then you can be a sure vote against Quinn and not have to change your name to Marcellus when things go sideways fast ... at least not this week.

And yeah can Quinn hijack the HOH AFTER the veto ceremony?  I don't understand all the fine print in the ever changing rules.

I'm still Team Tucker.  The all in play whether stupid or not is sooooo refreshing compared to the icky poo oh dear I don't want "blood on my hands" typical endless boring wussy players.  Pedal to the metal and damn the cliff ahead.  Go, Tucker!

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How doth the HG's hate Lisa? Let them count the ways:

  • She flirted with everyone and she's (ugh) like 33
  • She would steal Cedric's hoodie to sleep in and not give it back
  • She would ask Cedric to spray said hoodie with extra cologne and then talk about how it smelled of Cedric's cologne
  • She kept trying to give foot massages, with lotion
  • She's a fucking liar who lies
  • Scratch that, lying is fine. She was just bad at lying, which is unacceptable.

Somehow, none of the complaints involved glitter.

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How do Cam and Cedric solve a problem like Quinn? (How do they catch a cloud and pin it down?)

Very carefully. They don't trust him, and they think he's manipulating the entire game. Cedric has had suspicions since week 1, when Quinn asked him for a final 2. But he's not ready to blow Quinn's game up. Kenney and Tucker are bigger threats right now. And how do they put a Collective member on the block? He'll blow up the Pentagon.

The only person they both trust is Chelsie. Cam is mad at Leah because he shared info with her (Mak's impending nom?) and she blabbed. He will not be talking game with her again. 

They talk about making a new alliance, maybe of athletes who can ride comp wins to the jury phase. Them + Chelsie + Tucker? Or Makensy? It's all about getting the numbers to get Quinn out. They will have to tell everyone that Quinn has been playing them all, making final twos with everyone, while also hiding his power because he doesn't trust them. 

Cam thinks maybe they should hold that card for awhile. They also seem uncertain about trusting Tucker. They need to lay low and make Quinn feel safe, while they gather numbers. Cedric will make sure that Mak knows her nom is not personal, and try to convince her to not use her power. He wants her to save it to use on him or one of their (if she joins them) allies next week.




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Even though I'm kind of sad that it sounds like Tucker's plan isn't going to happen, thinking about it, it's a very stupid plan. Not necessarily backdooring Quinn, but the way Tucker wants to do it.  Why save Angela?  That leaves him AND Kenney on the block - which are two sure votes against Quinn.  And what if Quinn wins the AI comp? Then they're fucked.  I think it's just Tucker trying to do "awesome" things more than really thinking strategically.  Although watching Quinn win AI and Tucker and Kenney realizing the situation they're now in would be kind of hilarious. 

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Is this the most fun Big Brother has been in a long long time??? Someone who doesn't care what TheHouse wants ??
I haven't been able to watch much but read all teh X's and posts. This idea is exciting, whatever the outcome. Really a shake up of playing style. Not safe at all. I love it!!!
By the way, Did Rubina betray Tucker like he thinks ??

But, by the time I check in again, Tucker will have veto'd himself.
Will be a fun veto meeting.

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Veto meeting is going on right now, but here's a highlight of something from before it.

Cedric called a meeting with the Pentagon to decide whom to replace if Tucker pulls Angela off.  Turns out that it will still be Makensy.

Cedric then revealed Tucker’s grand plan to the Pentagon.  Quinn asked if that means that he can’t trust Rubina?  Cedric replied he wouldn’t trust her personally.

Quinn said that he was going to cozy up to Tucker now and be his bestie.  Cedric told the group that Tucker would be mad.

They said if it’s Makensy vs. Tucker on the block after the AI Arena, then Tucker should go.  If Kenney's still on it and is against Makensy, then he will go.

Talk then turned to Kenney being a cop.  Then, Brookyln said that Rubina asked her for a F2.  Quinn said that he also made one with her recently.

Elsewhere, Kenney said that if he and Angela both stay and he wins the next HoH Competition, then he's not nominating Angela.  He finally admitted that he needs her more than he realized, and he's going after big targets, presumably Quinn.

It seems that Quinn has moved up the target list for a few houseguests, but if the Pentagon and the Collective solidify because of this talk, then this should at least keep him safe until the jury phase starts, but no later than that.  Meanwhile, Rubina, who'd been playing a decent under-the-radar game up until now, might've found herself right on the radar, too.

The Quinn plan may not be happening, but Tucker seemed convinced, prior to the feeds going down, that that was the case.  He'll be in for a big surprise when it doesn't.  And Cedric will be square in his sights if he ever becomes HoH.

Edited by Rodney
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Kenney, Leah, Tucker, and a quiet Joseph's mustache are going in on Quinn in the backyard. Kenney floated the idea of Quinn being America's nominee. Meanwhile Cedric is giving up a buck up, soldiers! talk to Cam, T'Kor, and Kimo. He wants them not to be scared of who gets nominated as America's nominee just in case it's one of them because he's listening to conversations in the past fifteen minutes and he knows that it's okay. T'Kor probably added the most to a conversation I've ever seen: she "mmhmm"ed five times straight.

ETA: According to Joseph, Tucker called Cedric a "scared little boy" after it all went down.

Edited by Callaphera
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I think my favourite part about this is that Cedric pretty much told Tucker this morning that the remove Angela/nom Quinn plan wasn't going to happen and Tucker essentially said, "Nah, brah, we're good, this is happening." So Tucker went through with it with  batshit delusional positivity that it was all going to work out because he wanted it to work out. Twenty minutes later, Tucker is going around to everyone saying, "Why would you blindside me?!" Is the blindside in the room with us now?

Also Cam cried because of the drama. It's just too much.

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Tucker came upstairs to explain to Rubina, T'kor, and Joseph that Cedric just didn’t want to get his hands dirty, and it is what it is.  Rubina said that she wanted to talk to him later, and he said cool, but he needs to talk to Cam first.

Joseph said that that whoever goes up is in a scary spot, but they should be fine, and all make an agreement to not vote out whomever America nominates if he or she is still on the block after the AI Arena.  Joseph’s theory is someone not really on the show could be in danger, but Rubina pushed back.  She thinks that the edit could frame Quinn.  Joseph said maybe he could go up, because he’s an asshole. This will be a fun few days as people inflate their importance to think they’re at risk.  Joseph certainly does this.

Outside in the backyard, Cam talked to Tucker and said that Cedric should’ve known that Makensy would use it.  He was trying to defend why Cedric wanted the powers out, and Tucker said that didn’t make sense, as if that were true, then he should've put up both Quinn and Makensy.  Now Quinn can still use it next week.  They said that maybe America will do it for them and put up Quinn, but Tucker says that if that’s true, then he burned his trust.

Cam said that he (Tucker) and Cedric will gun for one another when it comes to the next HoH Competition.  But Tucker said that Cedric can’t even play!  Ha!

Edited by Rodney
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Tucker is glad people are playing but he's pissed with Cedric.  He told Kenney that Cedric is now his number one target.   

According to Joseph, Tucker alluded that someone else had a power and didn't name Quinn (maybe) and that Quinn looked nervous.    Quinn is now trying to cleanup with people he didn't tell and is trying to cover his ass with T'Kor and Joseph.  

Damn No Live Feeds.  I'd love to see the Tucker Quinn/Angela fight.  Hopefully someone will post it somewhere.  

ETA:  Tucker and Quinn just hugged it out.   Tucker told him that he wants Quinn's help in getting Cedric out next week. 

Edited by Thalia
Because it is important to get names right. :-)
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Cam now admits to Tucker that he’s realizing that Angela actually was telling the truth about a lot of stuff.  Tucker says that he feels like a piece of shit for not believing her, and now he gets why she became super emotional and blew up, since she was telling the truth, but they all believed Quinn.  He knows that he owes her an apology.  (And you know what?  Fucking good for him to say that.  Very big of him.)

Meanwhile, Quinn came to T'kor, Joseph, and Rubina to ask if he could talk with them, and they said yes.  Then, Rubina got up and left!

Edited by Rodney
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During the argument between Quinn and Angela, not only did Quinn get the angriest that everyone in the house had seen but he also repeatedly smacked the countertops with his fists while yelling. Which... fair, it's Big Ang, she can probably cause a nun to smack a bitch but still.


Just now, Katesus7 said:

I think my favorite part of what Tucker apparently said during the Veto meeting is that he wanted the "hard part" out of the way first so he could just cruise.

Ha! And now Tucker keeps telling people, "At least we're playing Big Brother now." Pick a lane, Tuckster.

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I hope Tucker is booted this Thursday. How mind-bogglingly stupid do you have to be to use your Veto on someone else and leave yourself on the block?

Question: Has this ever been done before? Someone keeping themselves on the block while taking another player down?

Tucker either wants to go home, or he's another one of those idiots who's forgotten that this is all a game show and at the end of the day, everyone should be looking out for themselves first. If you're not on the block and want to use your Veto to protect someone in your alliance, fine! But don't do it at the cost of your own place in the house.

To paraphrase Private Joker from Full Metal Jacket: The people on the block know only one thing: It is better to not be on it.

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4 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Question: Has this ever been done before? Someone keeping themselves on the block while taking another player down?

Brendan won the Veto and took down Rachel way back in their second season. But at least they were banging so he had an excuse.


4 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Tucker either wants to go home, or he's another one of those idiots who's forgotten that this is all a game show and at the end of the day, everyone should be looking out for themselves first.

He believes that volunteering, being on the block, and not using the Veto on himself somehow denotes him as a straightforward game player who isn't doing shady shit in the shadows behind your back because he has to fight for it every week or some macho bullshit like that.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I think my favorite part of what Tucker apparently said during the Veto meeting is that he wanted the "hard part" out of the way first so he could just cruise.  And apparently getting out Quinn was part of that.  I don't think that's going to go over well with everyone and their egos.  

To me that was one of the silliest things Tucker said during the meeting with Cedric, Kenney, and Cam.  Tucker:  we need to get the big players out! 

Cedric [thinking -- can't make that claim for Kenney or Cam]  But you're a big player?  If you're going to be dumb enough to take out Angela instead of yourself, shouldn't we take YOU out? 

The other dumb thing was Tucker's apparent belief that he's in charge of Cedric and could order him to do his bidding.   From what @Rodney says above, Cedric tried to tell him before the Veto and Tucker refused to believe Cedric wouldn't follow Tucker's genius plan.  

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3 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Question: Has this ever been done before? Someone keeping themselves on the block while taking another player down?

Dick saved Daniele when they were on the the block together at the F4 in BB8.  He survived since he knew that Daniele would vote out Jameka over him.

Brendon used it on Rachel in BB13 soon after he returned to the house and was subsequently evicted.

Only two cases of which I know.

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Ooh, Tucker just friend-zoned Rubina. I guess I was reading those hugs wrong. Busy day in the house today.

Also my pitch to you all that can actually vote:

Please vote Quinn for the nominee because he's a Nice Guy and because it'll be fun to nullify such an OP power. And if you can't vote for Quinn, consider voting for Joseph's mustache - he believes he's one of the stars of the edit because he's played in multiple comps and because he has a wacky mustache but he's furniture and I wouldn't normally advocate wasting something like this on an end table except. The mustache. I can't. It deserves to be put out of its misery.

Thank you for your time. Happy Big Brothering.

Edited by Callaphera
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Leah calling out Cam on calling her out about making alliances while lying about the alliances he made.  He's currently lying about those alliances and being passive aggressive with her about how could she not trust him?  Even though he lied? Because he didn't really lie, those weren't REAL alliances, or they aren't CURRENT alliances, so he's completely right!  She's not having it, which I kind of love. 

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