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S11.E03: Fortune

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I feel like until I really get familiar with all these guys, I'll be mixing up my Alone Arctic and Alone Australia

Dusty's Soup Kitchen - takin' the britches off squirrels outside his LOG CABIN. For a minute, I thought he was making himself a little taxidermy friend, but the squirrely sack might be worse. I feel like he'll do okay.

MIchela's Cree History Hour -

Michela: "I've taken so many years to study these plants. Oooh, burdock!"

Show: "ACTUALLY, she's harvesting arctic dock..." And then goes on to suggest she'll be shitting her brains out soon if she eats too many.

Oops, nope, purging the other end.

Peter's Trauma Processing and Fishing - "Mom was a party girl who raised me in a drug den and taught me to suppress my emotions and now I teach my children to do it! Because if you suppress it, it's like you're actually happy! Right?!" Nice haul of pikes to smoke, at least. Hope you get some therapy, dude.

Dub's Livin' for Today Philosophy - Screw preserving food; this bounty will last forever!

Isaiah's Forever Home - This boy's building out a HOUSE. That's a lot to keep warm in the winter unless he's going to break it up into rooms.

William - Love the subtitles. Nice fridge-hole, but I don't know that food will last there for long with all the predators/scavengers around.

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1 hour ago, CoyoteBlue said:

William - Love the subtitles.

I thought William was hard to understand - until they introduced Dusty.  I swear that dude doesn't even move his mouth when he speaks.

I see the show still loves a good fake-out.  Raise your hand if you thought the rescue boat was coming for Michela.  Raise your other hand if you thought she was vomiting blood. 


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Yet another early tap out from a man that never felt of faced his feelings and got hit with them like a ton of bricks when being alone made him unable to find ways to avoid them. He's right that the show is not just about survival, but I've always said that part of survival is being right with yourself, not just having all the skills to keep yourself alive.

It does seem to be more of a guy thing to be in that category. It's similar to the ones that tap after a couple of weeks because they didn't realize how much they'd miss their family.

I saw something similar happen with a friend. While he was focused on career and kids he was able to avoid grieving as his older family members passed one by one. When the last one passed and his career slowed down and kids grew up and moved out he was unable to avoid that grief any longer and had to go into therapy to deal with the flood of emotions which were almost too much for him to handle for a while. I hope Peter gets himself a good therapist like my friend did.

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I was rooting for Peter.  I think he proved that "book learning" is valuable as a survival tool.

IMO, he should feel no more shame about leaving than those who physically injure themselves.  He is emotionally injured, and it makes more sense to get help - as he recognized - before taking a chance that staying out there might make things worse for his family in the long run.  I wish him the best.

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Too bad Peter tapped out. He was my runner-up imaginary boyfriend! And I really wanted to see how good his shelter would be in the deep winter. All that fish he smoked was for naught. And in other thoughts, Michela wasn't aware of the purgative value of arctic dock; now she knows in case she eats something that is poisonous or debilitating in some way.

Dub annoys me for some unknown reason. Is he a show-off? Too much self-esteem? I don't know but I am not a fan. 

Isaiah has something to prove, and he must wear his hat for all special occasions! I like the way he's digging into the land for his shelter, but boy it looks like it's gonna be too big!

Dusty seems extremely competent but I think he's too skinny and he's not used to real cold so I don't think he'll go the distance. We shall see.

William with his charming Newfie accent, just quietly competent, snaring a rabbit! No drama, love him!

I am impressed that the locations are bountiful with nice big fish and small game. I hope that continues, but cold weather will certainly have an effect on that.

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Peter was my favorite at first but I was sick of his whiny introspection long before he tapped out.  He had to know that everything he was saying might end up on TV to be seen by his family, friends and neighbors.  I hope the catharsis was worth it.  He needs to get some help for himself and possibly for his kid(s) also.

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I think this will be the season of "What did the winner say?"

I think Dusty and William are the ones that will go the distance.

I found it funny that Michela thought she knew so much, but oops, you don't know everything.  And it totally did look like blood.  Mr. Max actually thought it was until I reminded him of the berries.

I still don't understand why these people go on this show thinking they won't have to, I don't know, think?  Did Peter expect he would be so busy all the time that he wouldn't have time for introspection?  Did he not watch the show?  It always bugs me because I think of that 11th contestant who didn't get in because someone didn't realize they'd be alone with their thoughts or that they would miss their family.

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3 hours ago, madmax said:

  And it totally did look like blood.  Mr. Max actually thought it was until I reminded him of the berries.

Before the episode aired and assuming it was a fake-out of some kind, I thought it might be fish guts. 

it's interesting that on this show as well as the Australian version, contestants frequently say "Oh, the native people ate this!" and then the chyron will say "Native people used this as medicine."   

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I can't say I even understand what it was Peter was complaining about.   He's always suppressed his emotions, and couldn't empathize with his son, or his family again, and now his emotions have come back and he's upset about it.  Can't say I relate, but I guess it's better than leaving because he misses his family because he didn't know he'd be alone on a show called Alone.  

A lot of people have made fun of the people who left for non-survival reasons, but Peter put quite plainly that the show isn't about survival, it's about being alone with yourself (or whatever he said).  Apparently he's right, from what we've seen.  At least for some.

It's interesting, as @Yeah No pointed out, that the women seem to be less likely to be affected by this.  And it's mainly family men, as opposed to single men.  But it seems to be mostly family men who go on this show, for some reason.  You'd think single men would be better suited.  

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Ah, I was rooting for Peter. I guess in all that time in the library he didn't read any psychology books, cuz no one recommends stifling your feelings as a way to get over them. 😬

I guess now I will root for the moose. 😁


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18 hours ago, rmontro said:

Can't say I relate, but I guess it's better than leaving because he misses his family because he didn't know he'd be alone on a show called Alone.  

This is what I don't get.  The show is called Alone.  You will be Alone.  You don't think you're going to have a lot of time to..uh...think?

It just irritates me when people tap because they're alone.  Duh.

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