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Season 6, Live Chat!

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12 hours ago, IvySpice said:

It's more common (and underdiagnosed and undertreated) in black moms, too. Lots of risk for Anaiya and her baby. :(

Exactly. She needs to wake up. She and her baby could both be in real danger and she's whinging about getting her nails done! I want to shake her! 

Though I don't blame her one bit for not wanting to be induced. Pitocin is terrible. Harder, faster labors, more painful contractions, and could cause distress for the baby.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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@Pepper Mostly, you're totally right about Aniyah's priorities. She's an airhead. That said, the grown adults in the room should be looking out for the minors. Aniyah is legally a child in her mother's custody. Her mom has carried multiple pregnancies to term and should have her antennae up in this kind of situation. Maybe Aniyah has been crying wolf her whole life, but her life was in danger here, and that's her guardian's responsibility. At least Aniyah had to the good sense to get a second opinion from her grandma and go to the damn ER.

Edited by IvySpice
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Every week I think these people can't get more delusional and every week I'm proven wrong...

I was hating on Anaiya's Mom telling her she's supposed to be uncomfortable.  I felt horrible at 36 weeks pregnant and everyone told me I was supposed to feel horrible.  Luckily I had an appointment that day and was diagnosed with with severe pre eclampsia and had an emergency c section a couple hours later. I tell any pregnant Mom now, if you think something is wrong get checked! 

End of rant

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3 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

I don't know about that. When I see (insert boyfriend's name here), I think if you asked him how he was doing, he'd be stumped for an answer.

True, but she's not near as mature as she thinks..

I do wonder who will take care of her little brother when Dad is working. If I remember correctly he's 10

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On 6/3/2024 at 6:29 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Right. So does she not see her mother at all? Does her father routinely call her mother shitty names around her? Just because they're divorced doesn't give him the right to talk smack about her to her child. Dear me, how priggish I sound! 

They've always talked smack to and about each other (Jenna's dad and mom) so it makes sense they're divorced. Neither one of them is equipped to take the high road, and they simply go off as soon as they feel triggered. You'd think they're 15 still. I don't blame Jenna for avoiding them.

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I'm guessing Anaiya's mom has heard her complain her entire pregnancy, and figured she was crying wolf, but you have to imagine worst scenario with a pregnant teen. How do these people know not about pre-eclampsia? 

Anaiya is so unprepared to be a mother and Dawkon (sp) is just as ill-prepared. Grammy is gonna be raising Anaiyis- guaranteed. 

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Oh, haven't heard of it! Tell me more!

Basically a woman (University Professor) is charged with sexual assault for abusing a non verbal  man she claims to be in love with and claims is able to communicate using facilitated communication…which is debunked by many professionals. She was also married with children at the time.

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Jesus, they need a crew to help decorate for a 15 year old's baby shower? What ever happened to the girlfriends and aunties and neighbors getting together in the family room or the back yard? Oh, and get off my lawn. 

Gender reveal parties, expensive showers with expensive gifts, push presents….no

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Graham needs to step up more. He’s a fucking child, for fuck’s sake.

This absolutely floors me every season. Some soon to be grandma drones that a teenage boy needs to "step up" and "provide". They can't wait to tell their kids that they need to spend their lives stacking cans at Walmart. "The sooner you learn that your future contains nothing but drudgery and misery, the better!" 

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2 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Basically a woman (University Professor) is charged with sexual assault for abusing a non verbal  man she claims to be in love with and claims is able to communicate using facilitated communication…which is debunked by many professionals. She was also married with children at the time.

TV show? What platform? I'm intrigued. 

2 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Basically a woman (University Professor) is charged with sexual assault for abusing a non verbal  man she claims to be in love with and claims is able to communicate using facilitated communication…which is debunked by many professionals. She was also married with children at the time.

I read that article! That woman seemed disturbed. 

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