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S02.E08: It's Not Over

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With the future of Three Rock in jeopardy, Station 42 and Three Rock host Edgewater's 22nd Annual Firefighters' Ball in an effort to impress the governor (Catherine Lough Haggquist) and save the camp. Meanwhile, Gabriela's mom, Roberta (Paola Nunez), makes a surprise appearance at the event, on FIRE COUNTRY, Friday, May 3 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+


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This show likes talking about bringing the fire...


Manny really brought the fire. So did Paola Nunez, Gabriella's mother Roberta. I could totally buy they were once young, passionate lovers whose love fizzled out because they were both impulsive, pushy, intense and awfully stubborn. The kind of people who'd fall in love with each other instantly and go all-in, only for that spark to fizzle out when they realize they both drive each other nuts.

It was fun, all of it, and I think I'd be down for more of it.

I also want Luke vs. Manny in Hell in a Cell. Make it happen, WWE...

The rest of the episode was rather uneven. I mean, it was great seeing everyone- especially Gabriella, Roberta and Sharon- dressed to the nines, though I wonder why the Three Rock inmates couldn't have been given some nice threads so they don't look out of place in their jumpsuits.

Alix West Lefler did great as Genevieve, and Jordan Calloway sold Jake's awkwardness. They also have a cute handshake.

We also got some rousing speeches from you-know-who...I have to wonder if a speech really would sway a Governor, but this is Hollywood, after all.

The big letdown was Vince.

OK, Vince has his reasons...they're actually good reasons in that tremors and a heart condition would be the end of Vince's firefighting career.

...but...gosh...it still felt like Vince was being stupid for the sake of the plot.

I know there's stubbornness...but this is next-level stuff. Stupid stuff. Vince could have died, and playing with the heart is no joke. It's extremely risky of Vince to say "just shock me and I'll be OK", because there really is no guarantee that he will be.

Again, I understand that Vince was worried about his job if he went to the hospital, so his actions still made sense...but that doesn't mean he still wasn't acting incredibly stupid and being reckless with his life.

I also don't buy that whatever heart condition Vince has that Sharon wouldn't know about it. They've been married for too long...even if Vince is undiagnosed, he said the tremors and the arrhythmia happened before, so I doubt Sharon would never have noticed it before.

Regardless, it's Vince's turn to be stupidly hiding something from his wife, just like Sharon stupidly hid something from her husband. Full circle, but...

Episodes like this display the frustration with this show- they can make some real magic sometimes, especially when they let the characters drive the story (as what Roberta did tonight).

They just fail to find it, mostly because they force it too many times.

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I couldn't stand Gabriella's mother! But Manny has also been insufferable lately. And of course Luke, who pretty much always is.

But I liked a lot else this episode. 

Sharon didn't even annoy me, and also I thought she looked amazing. I seem to have developed a liking for sparkly clothes. 

Vince was stupid. And Gabriella going along with it is also stupid. 

Is it really true that if he's injured, his career is over? Couldn't he go on medical leave and then return if his body recovers? Sharon sure returned after her kidney transplant. I get that if he's too impaired to do the job he'd be out. But if he's dead he's out, also. So grow up and get treatment. I'm sure Bode would rather have a live father than fight fires together briefly and then have a dead one. And fighing fires together was not even a thing if they were closing 3 Rock. Vince is not thinking clearly. Also, it looked to me like the actor was embarrassed to be saying his lines.  

Gen is charming as hell. I like her better than either of her dads. But Jake is really good with her. Bode is still too sulky but I like that he tries not to put it on her directly, and he basically behaved okay with her even if he was a jerk with Jake.

Now they have to develop some of the 3 Rock characters more, so it's not just all about the non-prisoner personalities and the vague nameless felons who everybody talks about but gives no dimension to. 

Gabriella should talk to her mother before the wedding but not at the gala. Her fiance overstepped by inviting G's mom, and did we see mom talk to him like she talked to everybody else? Maybe he left to fight the fire and she didn't get a chance. But they are clearly minimizing the window on his character. It's too bad. I liked that he was warm to Bode. He seems not petty, generally. But his character must be assassinated to pave the way for Gabriella to do what her mother said to do, and get back with Bode (and by implication also forgive and reconcile with her mom, right)? I roll my eyes.

I'm being critical, but I actually liked the episode, mostly.

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Being that Edgewater is a pretty good sized town, wouldn't it have been better to hold the gala in the high school auditorium or somewhere?  All the Simple Green and Boraxo isn't going to clean an apparatus bay and get that We-just-got-back-from-a-fire smell out of the place.  I'm not wearing my sparkly clean clothes in there.  

The one major rager wildland fire I went to where the Governor showed up (it was Ahnold), the inmates were hustled out of camp and hidden away from view.  Food service was done by firefighters.  You don't want to take a chance on something happening, and I don't mean a drapery fire.  By the way, nice fireproof drapes you got there.

Yeah, Vince, wait till next symptoms appear.  You mean, a full cardiac arrest like this time?  Plot devices aside, AEDs, 1) Don't shock in asystole (no rhythm), and, 2) They keep a record of all shocks delivered and for that matter any use at all.  Gabriella would get terminated for not sending that information in afterward, and the EMS authority would want to know everything possible about the patient.  I am curious as to why there wasn't a standby ambulance crew there for any kind of an emergency.

Eve's statement that "all the dozers in the world can't do what crews do".  Sorry, Eve, I beg to differ.  By the way, once again, if she is in the back with the crew, who is driving the crew bus?

I guarantee you that Luke and Manny would be on the carpet at the Regional Office within a day, trying to explain why they shouldn't be at the very least suspended from duty for assault on another employee.

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I like Gabriella fiance, she actually seemed to have fun dancing and being with him. At least until her mom came.  

Interesting character her mom. 

I liked seeing everyone in different clothes and atmosphere than normal. 

Does Bode know the kid isn't his? He has no reason to be mad at Jake.  

Luke sending his own nephew away, wow.  

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I couldn't stand Gabriella's mother! But Manny has also been insufferable lately. And of course Luke, who pretty much always is.

I have a feeling we weren't supposed to like her, and that we were supposed to get a sense as to why her and Manny didn't work out.

I will say Paola Nunez seemed to have a lot of fun playing the character. For that reason alone I want to see her again.

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4 hours ago, Artsda said:

Does Bode know the kid isn't his? He has no reason to be mad at Jake.

Does the kid know Bode isn’t her dad? She seemed real happy to see him. She also seems really happy with Jake, which is nice, and their handshake routine was definitely cute. I like the actress

Oh Luke

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I hate storylines where someone hides their medical condition from their family. Gabby is not a doctor and should have just called an ambulance for Vince. I do like the character of Gen and think the actress does a good job. I thought Sharon’s dress was unflattering and made her chest flat. Gabby and her mom looked great! It was a pretty good episode overall except for Vince and Gabby playing doctor.

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On 5/4/2024 at 9:43 AM, Artsda said:

I like Gabriella fiance, she actually seemed to have fun dancing and being with him...

 Does Bode know the kid isn't his? He has no reason to be mad at Jake.  


I also like Diego - so far, he seems like a decent guy; of course I'm waiting for them to assassinate his character so as to make brooding Bode look better 🥱

Yes, Bode does know that he's not Gen's father; they showed him getting the DNA results last week and it was also on the "previously." I have no clue why he's mad at Jake. I don't know if Gen knows that she's not his daughter - I have a feeling that she doesn't.

 Vince and Gabby are so stupid; heart conditions aren't trivial matters, especially if he's had arrhythmia before. I understand him wanting to fight fires with Bode but he can't fight fires if he's dead. Gabriela should have called an ambulance and gotten him to hospital.

Yes, Luke is a complete slime bag but I always enjoy seeing Michael Trucco.

First there was the awful, denim jumpsuit, now the unflattering gold dress; do the costume people have it in for Diane Farr? 

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So Roberta was young and immature when she had Gabriella.   Well ok but that was well over 20 years ago. She’s now a cultural anthropologist. She should have grown up by now.  Her behavior was terrible.  

Vince was stupid. If any of his firefighters did that, they’d be suspended immediately.  Gabriella has a duty to report him as being unsafe to work, which trumps his threats about HIPPA. 

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On 5/3/2024 at 9:53 PM, possibilities said:

Now they have to develop some of the 3 Rock characters more, so it's not just all about the non-prisoner personalities and the vague nameless felons who everybody talks about but gives no dimension to. 

This "The Bode Show" -- the other crew at 3 Rock are just props.

On 5/3/2024 at 11:57 PM, Danielg342 said:

I have a feeling we weren't supposed to like her, and that we were supposed to get a sense as to why her and Manny didn't work out.

All the characters on this show are cartoons, and if one is bad, they have to be Eeeeeevil!

On 5/5/2024 at 7:56 PM, christie said:

I have no clue why he's mad at Jake.

Jake has something that Bode wants (Gen's custody and affection) and That Cannot Stand.  I'm sure that he'll be made the Daddy (with Gaby as his wife) before too long. 

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