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S04.E06: The Web of Yesterdays

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Speaking as someone who just fast-forwards through all the spider stuff in Lord of the Rings, this episode had far, far, far - FAR - too many spiders. The joy of watching Nick and Ace team up to catch a ferret can only mitigate the spider stuff so far.

Other things:

1. Was nobody - nobody - concerned about having a FERRET running around in a RESTAURANT, and potentially among the food supplies in said restaurant? Nick, you are the part owner of the place! I know it regularly gets infested by ghosts and blood and whatever but that's not a reason to be this casual about a ferret potentially snacking on your restaurant supplies!

2. Did Ace ever get around to eating that sandwich or was he just too ferret focused?

3. And speaking of ferrets, there are ferrets, and then there are ferret metaphors that are like weasel ferrets chewing through your skin. I got it, show, I got it.

4. At the risk of having everyone on this site hate me, I gotta say, Tristan is probably the best of the alternative love interests so far - certainly the best since Tamura, possibly the best since Owen. And while given the are you kidding me that was Gil Bobbsey and the blandness that was Agent Park, that might not be saying much, I gotta say, I....kinda like the guy? Takes time travelling in his stride, provides some fairly decent advice, and is willing to jump through a portal to save someone he doesn't know all that well from haunted spider bites. Also brings flowers. And falls on Ace. 

Almost, how to put this, too good, don't we all think? Suspiciously good. Especially given his acknowledged connections to people who were more than willing to kill Ryan and Bess. Yeah. Definitely suspiciously good.

5. Watching him fall on Ace and not Nancy was hilarious, though, not going to lie. 

6. Speaking of Ace, this is what happens when you tell the love of your life that you don't want to keep fighting your curse, Ace! Learn from this!

7. The main thing that bugged me this episode? George. I get that she's doing the whole legal thing to stand up against bullies - but George has also always been pragmatic - that's one of her fundamental character traits - and she's very eager to work with/learn from attorneys. I get wanting to make the letter sound more forceful/reflect Bess's true feelings, but I think George would probably have talked to Carson about it first, not had Bess type up a new letter under Carson's name. That entire subplot just felt entirely off.

I assume it is leading somewhere - I suspect this whole "Bess could get deported!" thing will be coming up again, but that doesn't improve it much.

8. Mostly, though, go epic team-ups between Nick and Ace. I hope we get at least a couple more of these before the end of the season.

9. Along with an update about the cat!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAT?

(And for a certain segment of viewers less worried about the cat and more worried about, shall we say, other aspects, I'll note that in between discussing WGA strike stuff, writer Jennifer Vestuto


took a moment to reassure Nace fans that "408 is filled with great moments that I think you all will enjoy." And although I have every reason to believe she genuinely loves the show and her work, I also have every reason to believe that she's not particularly happy with the CW or CBS Studios just at this moment, and no real incentive to promote the show/lie to fans, so...two more episodes, Nace fans!!

(it's not very spoilery, but just in case!)

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Sorry, this episode made me very RAGEY. It's just what I was dreading when I first read that Nancy was getting a new love interest. I really don't get why they had to go about it this way, since I bet The CW pretty much gave them carte blanche with it being the last season. 

Nancy's relationship with Tristan just seems like a big retread of Park. She can't be with Ace due to Amanda/curse, so she's heartbroken. But then there's a good-looking guy (Park/Tristan) she keeps finding herself with and then suddenly she's seemingly forgotten about Ace and is making googly eyes at the new guy. Granted, this time there is no power imbalance in their dynamic and Ace did break up with Nancy, but when you have a life and death curse to deal with, do you really need to shoehorn in a love triangle too? Especially when it's the last season and there's only 13 episodes to wrap everything up in? 

The writers/producers just really disappointed me with this one. I guess I gave them too much credit because I will really be pissed if they wait to put Ace and Nancy together till the last episode. If there was even the possibility of another season, then fine. But we know there's not. I want more than just a "happily ever after." Yeah I know that's what fanfics are for, but is it really too greedy to want to see your couple be in an actual relationship before the show is over?

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3 hours ago, Shorty186 said:

She can't be with Ace due to Amanda/curse, so she's heartbroken. But then there's a good-looking guy (Park/Tristan) she keeps finding herself with and then suddenly she's seemingly forgotten about Ace and is making googly eyes at the new guy.

This. And it might be less maddening if they'd built up an attraction to Tristan over time. But with so few episodes left, they had to shoehorn it in almost immediately. Just last week, Nancy was utterly heartbroken, and now she's slow dancing with someone new? They should have dropped the new love interests idea with so few episodes to go.

Edited by the-grey-lady
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In some fairness to the writers, they said they only got the official confirmation that they were cancelled after they started breaking the finale - that is, presumably while they were filming the last episode and prepping/rehearsing for this one post network-notes. And although it's certainly possible that the CW just told them, eh, whatever, Nancy Drew gets network notes from the CW, CBS Studios and various WB executives, and like other CW shows, apparently gets most of its revenue from streaming, not initial CW broadcast - so I don't think we can assume that the writers had total freedom here.*

And sure, given that this is the CW, we can say they should have known - but given that this is also a relatively cheap CBS Studios production that apparently is doing decently on HBO Max/Max streaming and has some international licensing, and that decision came down before Paramount started rapidly dropping streaming shows, I can see why the writers would have hoped for just one more season, and wrote at least the first half of the season towards that hope. Especially since, as said, Nancy Drew apparently gets most of its revenue from streaming, and they broke the season prior to David Zaslav's decision to start dropping HBO Max shows left and right, allegedly for "tax reasons." 

In terms of Nancy rapidly moving on....well, I noted in the thread for the last episode why I found that mildly unlikely, but I will note that in this case, she was infected by a spider egg and nearly died again, and although this happens to her a lot (Tristan was right about that thing), she still seemed pretty traumatized, and none of her friends appeared to be around, so it's not entirely surprising to me that she chose to deflect by slow dancing with an attractive guy who brought her flowers.

What I found a little less credible was that she was able to hear Ace's car leaving, but not arriving. But I guess that's a minor quibble.

1 hour ago, quarks said:

In some fairness to the writers, they said they only got the official confirmation that they were cancelled after they started breaking the finale - that is, presumably while they were filming the last episode and prepping/rehearsing for this one post network-notes. 

Wait, omigod. I just had to Google check and found out I've completely misremembered when they announced the cancelation. I have been thinking in my head that they announced it with the S4 renewal news. I had no recollection it happened during the S4 filming. Wow.

Okay, I guess I can give the writers a tiny bit of leeway on not knowing from the beginning that it was the final season. BUT. Why repeat the same Nancy-Ace-"insert name"love triangle dynamic of Season 3? That just seems lazy?

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Shorty186 said:

Wait, omigod. I just had to Google check and found out I've completely misremembered when they announced the cancelation. I have been thinking in my head that they announced it with the S4 renewal news. I had no recollection it happened during the S4 filming. Wow.

Okay, I guess I can give the writers a tiny bit of leeway on not knowing from the beginning that it was the final season. BUT. Why repeat the same Nancy-Ace-"insert name"love triangle dynamic of Season 3? That just seems lazy?

Even if they didn't know for sure, the CW had been sold, and the new CEO had announced they were going to move away from scripted programming. They had to have had a really good idea they wouldn't be getting a season 4, and planned accordingly.

And you're right, we've already seen Nancy and Ace jealous of each others' dates. There's no reason to do it again, especially with so few episodes left. They already know they love each other, and that that love is requited; there's no reason to introduce other people for drama, not when they have the curse to contend with.

And with such a compressed time frame, it looks like Nancy got over Ace, her person, the man she was willing to die to be with last episode, in about three minutes.

Edited by the-grey-lady
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I found this episode kind of confusing and disjointed. I also found some lines hard to understand/hear. Maybe it's because there's a heatwave here and my A/C was blasting away but a few times I had to rewind because I missed a line, and even upon re-watching, I still had no clue what was being said. 

Why did this spider thing decide at the career day to create a portal to suck Nancy into 1972? This was her high school, right? Why didn't it do this years ago when she was still a student. 

Why was the ferret acting so strangely? It was behaving like a cartoon. Also, ferrets are pets and at least here are not found in the wild. Releasing it into the wild can have severe repercussions on the local wildlife. And, it's cruel to release a domesticated pet into the wild. 

Also, when George used the crowbar to open the locked historical society, did we even see her break the chain? I feel like she just touched it to the door and suddenly it was opened. Again, it felt disjointed and the pacing felt off to me the entire episode. 

Also, I hate, HATE spiders. Blech. 

  • Like 7
1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:

Even if they didn't know for sure, the CW had been sold, and the new CEO had announced they were going to move away from scripted programming. They had to have had a really good idea they wouldn't be getting a season 4, and planned accordingly.

I think they could have and probably should have gotten a very good idea after the CW cancelled, what, eight shows last season and announced that this would be the absolute last for The Flash.

But given the very specific people and context involved here, I can see why they ended up engaging in what turned out, alas, to be unwarranted optimism. One of the producers/showrunners is Josh Schwartz, who has a long, long, history of working with shows that seemed to be on the verge of cancellation, only to get an unexpected renewal, often more than once. (The O.C., Chuck, Gossip Girl, Dynasty, Runaways.) Another one, Melinda Hsu Taylor, wrote for Medium, a show that found a new home on CBS after getting dropped by NBC. I suspect the others either have similar stories or know plenty of similar stories. And given that CBS Studios is part of Paramount Global which owns, among many many many many other things (too many other things but that's a different topic for a different time), Simon & Schuster, which just happens to own the rights to develop new Nancy Drew books/material, and given that as of last year, Paramount seemed to be interested in finding low cost streaming content with an existing, dedicated fanbase, and given that Nancy Drew is/was apparently performing well for HBO Max, I can see why they might have hoped for a pickup from Paramount or HBO Max, and written with that in mind. 

And to be fair, if David Zaslav hadn't taken over Warner Bros Discovery, that optimism might even have worked out for them - in which case, we all would have been yelling "why did you wrap things up so tightly in season 4! It's wrecked season 5!"

Meanwhile, regarding the "the CW had been sold" - well, not quite. Nancy Drew started pre-production for season four in mid-June, and filming in mid-July 2022, strongly suggesting that they broke the season at some point in early May 2022 (possibly April 2022) with a draft script of the initial episode (the one that set up this whole Ace/Nancy/Tristan thing) written in May 2022, in order to get network notes/a shooting script ready for June preproduction. 

At that point, of course, rumors were flying that Nexstar was looking at buying the CW - but that official announcement didn't come until August 2022, almost a month after Nancy Drew started filming.  That announcement also stated that Nexstar was only purchasing 75% The deal wasn't closed until October 2022. At that point, new owners Nexstar fired several CW executives - and then Nancy Drew got the official cancellation notice, while they were filming - quite possibly this episode, or next week's episode - and while they were breaking the finale.

Which is to say, from their perspective, they were one of the few shows that the CW renewed; they blocked and started writing and filming the season before the CW was officially sold and were still filming when the deal was finalized. So I don't think it's entirely fair to say that they knew the CW had been sold when they started writing this plotline.

I do think it's entirely fair to criticize the plotline!  Because:


4 hours ago, Shorty186 said:

BUT. Why repeat the same Nancy-Ace-"insert name"love triangle dynamic of Season 3? That just seems lazy?


this strikes me as a very valid question.

Do I think it was laziness? No. But I do wonder about the reason. My guess is - and I stress that unlike my outline of the history of the CW/Nexstar, this is just a guess - is that it might be because here we are in season four, and despite all of the alternative love interests, the show hasn't presented any really viable love options for Nancy other than Ace, or shown Nancy in any sort of romantic relationship with actual potential with, again, anyone other than Ace.

Think about it. It's not just that Nancy wasn't exactly honest with Nick when they were together, or that Nancy also, at one point, suspected Nick of murder and distrusted him, while still dating him, but that Nick then dumped Nancy after this and slept with one of Nancy's best friends, who also happened to be her boss at the time and had previously slept with her biological father. This is a lot, and while it says a lot for both Nancy and Nick that they've managed to create a solid, valid friendship after this, it was also at best pretty dysfunctional.  This was followed by Owen, another relationship with issues even before Owen got murdered, and then Gil, a toxic relationship that only happened because Nancy was haunted by a shadow creature, and then Park which, even leaving aside the slight issue that Park was sort of a nonentity of a character, wasn't much, was it? 

This all might have been different if Tamura's actor had agreed to stick around for season three, as a real rival/potential interest, but he didn't, so instead we got the very brief presence of Park. Which also means that we haven't really seen Nancy be a girlfriend or in any sort of real potential relationship.

In contrast, we've seen Bess in two viable relationships; Nick in at least one and arguably 1 1/2 viable relationships (I'm counting George as one and Jade as a half of one); George in one (and one non-viable one); Carson in one, arguably two (his marriage and Jean); Ryan....well we didn't actually see it, but we know Ryan had one, plus his marriage, plus various other non-viable ones (wow, Nancy really is his biological daughter); and Ace in two (Laura and Amanda).

So it's at least possible that part of the idea here is to try to address this, and give Nancy a genuine alternative - to make it feel like in the end (or in two or three more episodes, whichever) - she is really choosing Ace, not just settling for Ace because the other options were either non-starters, deeply dysfunctional, barely there, or very dead.

Or I'm overthinking it. Which is certainly possible.

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  • Useful 3

I always said that the only things creepier than giant-ass spiders are giant-ass ghost spiders!

Disappointed that they are going the obvious route with making Tristan a love interest for Nancy.  While he's not the worst love interest she's ever had and the actor works well enough (although, knowing who his parents are will always put me on edge), it just feels like more drama that is needed for what is going to be the final season.  And even if it wasn't a complete disaster or anything, I just kept thinking how different it would have been if, say, it was actually Ace that was caught in the web with Nancy and the potential that was there with diving more into that relationship, instead of this just being the typical "falling for one another" thing.  Either way, I don't see it being long term and I'm still clinging on to believing that Nancy/Ace are endgame, but I just wish they went in a different direction with the romantic drama.  Probably doesn't help that Nick and George are more or less done for (for now?), so we don't have any of the main couples that are currently in a good place, unless we count Bess and Addy.

Love you, George but it was obvious that your tactics was just going to blow up in everyone's face and I don't blame Carson for taking her to task for it.  Sure, in a perfect world, maybe being more blunt would be nice but in a precarious position like this, that's just going to make things worse.  So, now the Historical Center is shutdown, but since they had to break in to save Nancy, Bess is taking the fall and might get deported if she is convicted for it.  Time to get your lawyering skills to work, Carson!

Ryan's car vacuums continue to be the heroes the Drew Crew never knew they needed!

Was the ferret biting Ace just some kind of metaphor or is something sinister going to come from that?

  • Like 5
1 hour ago, quarks said:

But given the very specific people and context involved here, I can see why they ended up engaging in what turned out, alas, to be unwarranted optimism. One of the producers/showrunners is Josh Schwartz, who has a long, long, history of working with shows that seemed to be on the verge of cancellation, only to get an unexpected renewal, often more than once. (The O.C., Chuck, Gossip Girl, Dynasty, Runaways.) Another one, Melinda Hsu Taylor, wrote for Medium, a show that found a new home on CBS after getting dropped by NBC. I suspect the others either have similar stories or know plenty of similar stories. And given that CBS Studios is part of Paramount Global which owns, among many many many many other things (too many other things but that's a different topic for a different time), Simon & Schuster, which just happens to own the rights to develop new Nancy Drew books/material, and given that as of last year, Paramount seemed to be interested in finding low cost streaming content with an existing, dedicated fanbase, and given that Nancy Drew is/was apparently performing well for HBO Max, I can see why they might have hoped for a pickup from Paramount or HBO Max, and written with that in mind. 

Wow, this is really good info. Thanks so much for writing all this out!

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Yeah, if your afraid of spiders, this is an episode that your going to want to hold onto that fast forward button for, gross! I don't even particularly mind spiders and even I was cringing, especially when they were pulling that giant spider egg out of Nancy! Double Gross! 

Although, I was cringing even more watching Nancy get flirty with a new love interest than I was with the giant spiders. We all knew this was coming, no one wants it, but I was still so sad watching Nancy having this whole romance plot with Tristan. This show is so great at so many things but it struggles so much with its main romance and dragging it out. I know that the writers presumably didn't know for sure how many more seasons they would get, but knowing that this is the last season just makes this even more frustrating. Whenever they try to give Nancy a new love interest they never really seem like real competition for Ace, its always felt like they were always meant to be but its only external factors that lead to them not being together and every person either of them get together with other than them just feels like a placeholder. Tristan is a decent enough character, he's certainly not such a loser that Nancy needs an evil life sucking spirit to give him a shot, but I just want to watch Nancy and Ace be together. 

I love how Nancy is such a hard no on time travel despite all of the other batshit crazy things that have happened, and I love that everyone was way more confused by the idea of Nancy going to prom than her being stuck in a magic spider 70s time bubble, Tristan really should have led with that! The Drew Crew can handle magic 70s prom but prom?!

The reference to Tom Swift makes me wonder if he'll come by Horseshoe Bay for a visit now that his show is over.

I admire George's fire, but I don't blame Carson at all for being pissed at her. Its annoying but there are reasons why you have to use super polite legal jargon in these situations. In general I liked most of the plots and that we got some mixing of typical pairings, like Nick and Ace hunting for the ferret and George and Ace hunting spiders, the time travel stuff was fun even if it was sort of confusing and it was all a part of the stupid Tristan and Nancy hijinks, it was generally a solid episode just it was really hurt by them continuing to drag this love triangle stuff out.

Now that Ace has been bitten by the ferret, will he become a were-ferret? 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Like 3
On 7/7/2023 at 1:20 AM, quarks said:

I think they could have and probably should have gotten a very good idea after the CW cancelled, what, eight shows last season and announced that this would be the absolute last for The Flash.

But given the very specific people and context involved here, I can see why they ended up engaging in what turned out, alas, to be unwarranted optimism. One of the producers/showrunners is Josh Schwartz, who has a long, long, history of working with shows that seemed to be on the verge of cancellation, only to get an unexpected renewal, often more than once. (The O.C., Chuck, Gossip Girl, Dynasty, Runaways.) Another one, Melinda Hsu Taylor, wrote for Medium, a show that found a new home on CBS after getting dropped by NBC. I suspect the others either have similar stories or know plenty of similar stories. And given that CBS Studios is part of Paramount Global which owns, among many many many many other things (too many other things but that's a different topic for a different time), Simon & Schuster, which just happens to own the rights to develop new Nancy Drew books/material, and given that as of last year, Paramount seemed to be interested in finding low cost streaming content with an existing, dedicated fanbase, and given that Nancy Drew is/was apparently performing well for HBO Max, I can see why they might have hoped for a pickup from Paramount or HBO Max, and written with that in mind. 

And to be fair, if David Zaslav hadn't taken over Warner Bros Discovery, that optimism might even have worked out for them - in which case, we all would have been yelling "why did you wrap things up so tightly in season 4! It's wrecked season 5!"

Meanwhile, regarding the "the CW had been sold" - well, not quite. Nancy Drew started pre-production for season four in mid-June, and filming in mid-July 2022, strongly suggesting that they broke the season at some point in early May 2022 (possibly April 2022) with a draft script of the initial episode (the one that set up this whole Ace/Nancy/Tristan thing) written in May 2022, in order to get network notes/a shooting script ready for June preproduction. 

At that point, of course, rumors were flying that Nexstar was looking at buying the CW - but that official announcement didn't come until August 2022, almost a month after Nancy Drew started filming.  That announcement also stated that Nexstar was only purchasing 75% The deal wasn't closed until October 2022. At that point, new owners Nexstar fired several CW executives - and then Nancy Drew got the official cancellation notice, while they were filming - quite possibly this episode, or next week's episode - and while they were breaking the finale.

Which is to say, from their perspective, they were one of the few shows that the CW renewed; they blocked and started writing and filming the season before the CW was officially sold and were still filming when the deal was finalized. So I don't think it's entirely fair to say that they knew the CW had been sold when they started writing this plotline.

I do think it's entirely fair to criticize the plotline!  Because:



this strikes me as a very valid question.

Do I think it was laziness? No. But I do wonder about the reason. My guess is - and I stress that unlike my outline of the history of the CW/Nexstar, this is just a guess - is that it might be because here we are in season four, and despite all of the alternative love interests, the show hasn't presented any really viable love options for Nancy other than Ace, or shown Nancy in any sort of romantic relationship with actual potential with, again, anyone other than Ace.

Think about it. It's not just that Nancy wasn't exactly honest with Nick when they were together, or that Nancy also, at one point, suspected Nick of murder and distrusted him, while still dating him, but that Nick then dumped Nancy after this and slept with one of Nancy's best friends, who also happened to be her boss at the time and had previously slept with her biological father. This is a lot, and while it says a lot for both Nancy and Nick that they've managed to create a solid, valid friendship after this, it was also at best pretty dysfunctional.  This was followed by Owen, another relationship with issues even before Owen got murdered, and then Gil, a toxic relationship that only happened because Nancy was haunted by a shadow creature, and then Park which, even leaving aside the slight issue that Park was sort of a nonentity of a character, wasn't much, was it? 

This all might have been different if Tamura's actor had agreed to stick around for season three, as a real rival/potential interest, but he didn't, so instead we got the very brief presence of Park. Which also means that we haven't really seen Nancy be a girlfriend or in any sort of real potential relationship.

In contrast, we've seen Bess in two viable relationships; Nick in at least one and arguably 1 1/2 viable relationships (I'm counting George as one and Jade as a half of one); George in one (and one non-viable one); Carson in one, arguably two (his marriage and Jean); Ryan....well we didn't actually see it, but we know Ryan had one, plus his marriage, plus various other non-viable ones (wow, Nancy really is his biological daughter); and Ace in two (Laura and Amanda).

So it's at least possible that part of the idea here is to try to address this, and give Nancy a genuine alternative - to make it feel like in the end (or in two or three more episodes, whichever) - she is really choosing Ace, not just settling for Ace because the other options were either non-starters, deeply dysfunctional, barely there, or very dead.

Or I'm overthinking it. Which is certainly possible.

When I saw they were tanking Nick and Nancy and drifting towards sparks with Axe..I was upset but not surprised...but it's season 4 and I know the idea is they are endgame..but it's starting to feel like they haven't actually worked for it..and if we're gonna have to slog thru a few episodes of her waffling with Tristan only to get a HEA with Axe ill feel they didn't do anyone justice unless they do an okie doke and the two of them realize..we were just really good friends who assumed this was the logical next step....but I imagine that type of outcome may cause a riot...not that I'm a huge fan of obvious things endgames...Bones still feels the worst for me..

59 minutes ago, UnoAgain said:

When I saw they were tanking Nick and Nancy and drifting towards sparks with Axe..I was upset but not surprised...but it's season 4 and I know the idea is they are endgame..but it's starting to feel like they haven't actually worked for it..and if we're gonna have to slog thru a few episodes of her waffling with Tristan only to get a HEA with Axe ill feel they didn't do anyone justice unless they do an okie doke and the two of them realize..we were just really good friends who assumed this was the logical next step....but I imagine that type of outcome may cause a riot...not that I'm a huge fan of obvious things endgames...Bones still feels the worst for me..

Auugh, Bones.  I don't know if it was the worst, but it certainly wasn't good.

But back to Nancy Drew - from my perspective, at least as of episode 7, Tristan really hasn't been all that much of a thing. He's only appeared in 3 episodes - for under five minutes of screentime in two of those episodes.  Even in this one, the one episode where he appeared for more than five minutes, Nancy still had moments with Ace, and Ace spent most of the episode trying to save Nancy, talk about Nancy, or catch a ferret for Nancy.  He's been briefly mentioned in a couple of other episodes, only for the narrative/script to shift right back to examining what is or isn't happening with Nancy and Ace.

In contrast, by this point in previous seasons - that is, episode 7 - we had already seen considerably more of alternative love interests Owen (season 1), Gil (season 2) and Park (season 3). 

So, yeah, for me, Tristan, not much of a thing. I clearly don't speak for a good portion of the fandom here though!

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