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S05.E09 Hot off the press

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Lenny is so gross. He just wants his wife to disappear so he can "entertain" his girlfriend, but he wants her around to go the wife stuff like buy groceries and take care of his kids, because he can't be bothered. Yuck.

My poor husband has been very patient with me while I rant to him about what a terrible person Lenny is, but boy is he in for a rant tonight!

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I feel for Lisa and always thought Lenny was a creep. But girl, you need to dry those tears and get yourself a cutthroat lawyer. His text for groceries after he was nasty shows he thinks you'll be right there to jump for him, no matter what. File a legal separation agreement or suffer the consequences of letting that smarmy man have the power.

Sorry, but at 66 Martina is long in the tooth for raising a baby. She'll be pushing 90 by the time the kid is choosing a college.

Larsa, Adriana didn't say she doesn't like an enhanced butt.  She said you're full of shit that yours is natural...cuz, like the rest of us, she can Google your before and after photos.

Marisol is so painfully thin, her size 00 clothes (guessing) hang on her. I hope her only calorie intake isn't sucked through a straw.

Frankie is sweet and innocent. I worry when his mom encourages a lady's man vibe. He doesn't seem to pick up on social cues well, and a young woman may not be as flattered as these old ladies (who know his condition) to be slightly ogled, told they look beautiful (sometimes repeatedly) and long-hugged. Alexia wants so badly for him to have the life he might have had before the accident (and who could blame her?), but you can't just jump there and it won't be quite the same. Maybe start with an assisted living facility that works on life skills to reach independence. Frankie might meet a nice girl and make some new friends there.

Edited by J80134
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Larsa you know damn well you don't just let people in your house and around your kids and such so your offense to Nicole last year saying that she just doesn't let anyone in her house and she had to get to know you holds no water you just wanted an excuse to be upset ... and you MUST think about what those people "told" you because it rolled off your tongue so easily she “allegedly”(I added cause it’s just gross thing to try to slut shame her like that out of nowhere )slept with every doctor there ... I would have reached across that table and slammed your head into it I give Nicole all the credit for holding it in 


ps you did exactly what you are accusing Adriana of, you bought your whole body (yes ASS included cause we all know it’s NOT natural) to look like your ex best friend .. you just end up reading yourself with that 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Anyone else listen to the WWCL episodes for Miami? Sometimes I think Ronnie and Ben sound more like Larsa than Larsa does. 

Frankie is so sweet, you just want to protect him from this world. 

Since Julia and Martina have money and aren't trying to get pregnant, I don't think having another kid idea is a terrible idea. I know ideally you have kids younger, but a child is better off with a loving family of older parents than none at all. Julia in particular seems to just want to love and care for children and animals for the rest of her life. It's not the worst thing.

I love that Julia isn't into botox and not all plastic like so many Housewives. I think she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She better be careful with that stunning face of hers. 

Is the woman who sells foot picks for a buck seriously belittling school teachers and those who marry them? 

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Larsa is throwing out a lot of "I heard this" and "someone told me this" about almost all the women this season. That seems to be her defense mechanism when she's called out on something. And Nicole was actually very nice when she approached her about it. Ugh Larsa, I'm Team Nicole on this one. 

Guerdy can be a lot but I like her and Russell's relationship. They seem to balance each other really well.

Have Kiki and Adriana made up? The last time we saw Kiki she was leaving the yacht with her Burger King threatening to sue if she was in the video.

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I don't  like Larsa, I sure wouldn't  care to have her as a friend. Such a natural  girl as well. LOL

I think  Julia  and Martina  make such a sweet couple .Julia is quirky,  but I love how she loves her animals .

I prefer Marysol when she's  not around Alicia.

I'm really  just getting  to know these ladies, Adriana  and her butt lift , ouch! 

Nichole is very pretty.

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Lenny is really something else! I hope Lisa lawyers up fast. 
I can’t stand Larsa, she’s the pot stirrer of this bunch. 
I don’t like needles either so I had to shut my eyes during Adriana’s butt injection lift or whatever it was. 
I think it’s a good idea Julia and Martina adopt an older child, definitely not a baby. 

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Larsa is full of shit. She bought her ass so she could twin with Kim K.  She even talks like her. (Did she talk like that in season1?)  I also hate the whole do you know who I was married to. She’s such a snob.

Julia and Martina are such sweethearts. I love how Julia cares for the animals and blamed herself for her injury instead of the dog. 

Ooooh Lenny and his side piece of shit. What kind of turd would want to get with him? He has balls telling Lisa to order him his groceries. Can’t the side pig do an insta cart for the lazy asshole? I must have missed that the side turd was married too. Hopefully side turd doesn’t have children. These people are absolutely vicious and shouldn’t be allowed to have kids. What a couple of gross pigs. 

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