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The View: Week of 1/2/2023


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59 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

Yesterday didn't she say Speaker is second in line after VP in the line of succession? So yesterday she knew the importance of that position and today she doesn't?


Today she said "other than being 3rd in line, it's not a very powerful position".  She does somewhat gets the importance of the position.   I think she's questioning why McCarthy is fighting so hard for the position by agreeing to dilute a lot of its power.  

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I've been busy the past few days. I did watch Tuesday when it was on and thought it was a good show. Today's was a great show, too. I'll have to watch the latter end of yesterday's show later though.

I agree with Joy that Markle probably isn't a saint, I just doubt she's a supervillain either. If you've been paying attention to the media at all the past 10 years, the level of vitriol towards her feels the same as with so many other female celebrities that it's hard not to think it revolves around her being a woman or her race to a large extent, ie Markle in some ways treated as an arrogant woman who needs to "know her place" v. the old institution that is the monarchy. Ana made a good point about the toll fame has taken on Markle's own family, too, although it's not as talked about as the royal figures that are good tabloid fodder. I'm very surprised William would've got in a physical fight with Harry over all this stuff with Markle though, and--I could be wrong--but I don't think Harry'd lie about that? Even if you think Markle is this evil woman who has him in her thrall and is telling him what all to say and do, I don't believe he'd lie about something like that.

I thought Sunny's stance when they were talking about Union was so odd. She doesn't even want Manny to tell her if he cheated. ??? Generally I agree with Sunny when it comes to going scorched earth in the hypothetical of adultery, but wanting to shut your eyes to what might be happening isn't me. I'd want to know. I still definitely don't agree with Sara and Alyssa (as far as their take that love would be worse) though. Like Ana, I wouldn't care if it was a sober or drunken mistake. The only difference in how I respond would be if you tell me v. if you lie and I find out on my own. The latter would be no holds barred for me. At first, I thought it was sad that Union would have followed in her father's same mistakes like that (re: whoever makes the money can do what they want attitude), but then they said later that her spouse had already been cheating on her to begin with, so... Not exactly the same?

Sara was hilarious when they were talking about people in front of elevators, escalators, and so on who stop in the middle of places like nobody else exists. Particularly the part where she said she hates confrontation and so if someone isn't looking around, she'll run into them and act like it was an accident to give them a 'consequence,' lol.

On 1/4/2023 at 6:45 AM, bluegirl147 said:

Might be an unpopular opinion but I enjoyed the View better on days Barbara wasn't there. I would see her come out with the other cohosts and be disappointed.  But that's not to say she didn't have her moments.  One of my favorite moments was after Rosie had some dust up with Trump they came back from their holiday break and Barbara said something like "That little little man". 

Yeah, it was that way for me, too. I had the thought as I was watching today's show, that I sort of think of Whoopi in the same way I did Barbara back then, as far as looking forward to the days she's not there. Whoopi stifles the discussion much the way Barbara would--in different ways (Barbara wanted nothing risque or too "real" IMO to be said, Whoopi wants nobody to disagree with her). They both have / had huge egos and wanted to be worshiped. They both ended up being competitive with some other women who've been on this show--although at least Barbara kept most of those moments behind-the-scenes rather than allowing it to show up on the air.

I think the difference of why I still respected Barbara despite those flaws was because (other than the fact she came from a different time in the business), well, it was Barbara's show. The others should kowtow to her considering she was the boss and her reputation helped this show get off the ground. That, and Barbara always prepared more than anyone else, so it didn't seem like a lot to ask of the people around her to put in some work. Whereas Whoopi often rolls in looking awful, ill-prepared with the teleprompter, rarely speaks comprehensibly, etc. etc., as if the show doesn't deserve any more effort from her and they're lucky to get what little they get.

4 hours ago, Haleth said:

Sara doesn’t think Speaker is a powerful position?  What?  Did she skip civics class that day?

Maybe she meant to say that the Speaker this time (whoever they'll be) will have less power than usual because of the margin being so close? IDK

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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4 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Maybe she meant to say that the Speaker this time (whoever they'll be) will have less power than usual because of the margin being so close? IDK

I hope that’s what she meant because in “normal times” (snerk) the Speaker determines what bills are brought to the floor, who serves on what committees, and what the agenda will be for the House. Pretty important stuff. Granted, Kev has given all that up on his quixotic desire for the title but these are not normal times. 

Edited by Haleth
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I kind of think that Joy's comment about the comparison between Meghan Markle and Yoko Ono isn't too bad. While Ono herself didn't force the breakup of the Beatles, it seems as though she was a catalyst for John Lennon to express himself in a way that contributed to the dissension in the group. Similarly, once Harry got involved with MM, he began to express his dissatisfaction with his life and family. It doesn't help that a lot of what he's said seems to be in "defense" of Meghan, because that puts her in the focus of the issue, instead of Harry's personal feelings about his role as a son and working royal. 

I don't think that the RF felt that William and Kate were "outshone" by Harry and Meghan. For one thing, H & M didn't spend all that long in the "working royal" role before they said they wanted to "step back".  Also, once H & M said they wanted to step back, if that was what the RF wanted (due to their overwhelming popularity), why would the RF not just gracefully accept? Why would they bother leaking (if they did leak) bad stories about Meghan? That makes no sense to me. If I'm jealous of you taking the spotlight, and you then say you'll go away, why wouldn't I be happy about that and encourage you to go? 

About Duke and Duchess of Windsor - the King abdicated because he couldn't marry Wallis and get her the title of Queen. There were options floated to him that they could marry, but she wouldn't be title Queen (the morganatic marriage proposal), but Edward rejected that idea and decided to abdicate. I think that Wallis' and Edward's inclination toward Hitler didn't help any, and all in all, it was probably for the best that they leave, but at the time, I doubt that was the biggest public objection to the marriage. Joy's suggestion that they were driven out seems like a reach.

Revealing cheating - I can agree that some people wouldn't want to know even about a "drunken mistake", because it would be very hard to let that go; you might always worry about it happening again and start to suspect your spouse when they went anywhere without you. It could eat away at you and result in deeper problems in your marriage. YMMV, of course.

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KittyQ - re cheat reveal - yeah, some coworker might innocently (who knows:) ) make your spouse a cake...& SOME folks never get over that!

I think that the royals were def jealous of the tremendous positive impression Meghan initially gave the public, compared to the much less gregarious, articulate Waleses.  Brits were not accustomed to outpoken, outgoing, career-oriented, much less Black, royal females.  Princess Catherine was willing to wait a decade to wed, maintain amazing sveltness via a well-publicized diet, the better to showcase Brit fashion, & then take a permanent backstage position to Willy.   

And as to why not give reluctant royals H & M the proverbial kick in the arse, the monarchy dislikes giving the appearance of a less than model family - although the males seem to have MUCH more leeway.  


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43 minutes ago, flummoxd said:

And as to why not give reluctant royals H & M the proverbial kick in the arse, the monarchy dislikes giving the appearance of a less than model family - although the males seem to have MUCH more leeway.  

I didn't mean to suggest that the RF would have (or should have) kicked H & M to the curb, even if they felt that H & M would outshine them. My point was that if they weren't comfortable with H & M for whatever reason, once H & M said they wanted to step back, the easiest thing would have been to accept that and wish them well; no need to tell tales of bad behavior, etc. because well, if you wanted them gone and they left, then mission accomplished, and no negative impressions for anyone. It would be the sensible way to handle things. 

I think Harry has lots of issues with his family and his designated role, and now is determined to share that with the world. Because he and his family are so well-known, it becomes a big deal, unlike everyone else who has long-standing grievances with their families.

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4 hours ago, flummoxd said:

And as to why not give reluctant royals H & M the proverbial kick in the arse, the monarchy dislikes giving the appearance of a less than model family - although the males seem to have MUCH more leeway. 

That makes sense. They ended up having the opposite effect in the end though. All I could think was the idea of a fistfight between the two brothers over the younger one's wife sounds like something off of The View's other favorite source for fluff fodder topics, the Real Housewives.

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7 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I'm very surprised William would've got in a physical fight with Harry over all this stuff with Markle though, and--I could be wrong--but I don't think Harry'd lie about that? Even if you think Markle is this evil woman who has him in her thrall and is telling him what all to say and do, I don't believe he'd lie about something like that.

SIblings have fight. FIlm at 11. I imagine there is more to the story than the one-sided version he's telling. As the old saying goes, there's three sides to every story. In this case, each brother's side and the truth. I find H&M tiresome, especially Harry, and will be glad when this book tour is over. Actually, I find the show's discussion of the royals tiresome as well and hope it's not included on the book tour.

Edited by lurkerbee
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Interesting how Sunny is NOW saying how she would have charged and prosecuted Trump last year if she was at the DOJ. All of that-to Rep. Schiff yesterday and at the table today, contradicting what she was telling Joy, all last year that it takes time and DOJ/Garland had to make sure they could get a conviction and told her and the panel to “be patient.”

2 hours ago, lurkerbee said:

I find H&M tiresome, especially Harry, and will be glad when this book tour is over. Actually, I find the show's discussion of the royals tiresome as well and hope it's not included on the book tour.

A few weeks ago, the cohosts seemed tired of their publicity tour, too. Sunny was the only one defending them saying they "needed to tell their story." Today they were all very supportive of H&M. I wonder if the change of opinion is related to the fact that Harry granted the interview to GMA. 

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I believe Joy mentioned that Charles once said to Harry (and I'm paraphrasing here) "I might not even be your father". Supposedly, Charles said it in a joking manner, but IMO, that's some cruel joke. If that's an example of Charles' sense of humor, I don't want to hear what he has to say when he's pissed off and angry. To that end, I'll bet there's a LOT more Harry isn't saying about the RF.

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Totally agree, & also, even more sadly, can easily credit that Chas., Wills &/or Phillip commented negatively re the potential coloring of H & M's unborn baby Archie (not the most royal monniker, IMO!) 

And, re possible family jealousy of Meghan's big splash in the English publicity pool, Charles was infamously envious & upset re Diana's popularity with the public, many of whom moaned when they ended up on Charles's side of the street during a royal walkabout.

Love Ana, but cringed when she (at least twice today) referred to celebrating with her 82 yr old father.  Meanwhile, our 80 yr old teen, Joy, is stting next to her.  Odd that Ana didn't mention that her husband is 75 (you know, the sex maniac...)




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16 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Interesting how Sunny is NOW saying how she would have charged and prosecuted Trump last year if she was at the DOJ. All of that-to Rep. Schiff yesterday and at the table today, contradicting what she was telling Joy, all last year that it takes time and DOJ/Garland had to make sure they could get a conviction and told her and the panel to “be patient.”

Guess Sunny (like so many of us), while fully aware of the very slow grind of the wheels of justice, is getting concerned re justice delayed.   

Edited by flummoxd
not lookin' fer trouble!
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10 hours ago, flummoxd said:

Love Ana, but cringed when she (at least twice today) referred to celebrating with her 82 yr old father.  Meanwhile, our 80 yr old teen, Joy, is stting next to her.  Odd that Ana didn't mention that her husband is 75 (you know, the sex maniac...)

Yeah, I caught that, too.  I think she forgot that Joy is 80.  And when she said her 82-year old father showed her husband how to fix a flat tire, which made it seem like someone of an older generation was showing someone of a younger generation how to do something, I'm thinking, wait, aren't they about the same age?  Isn't it just one guy showing another guy how to do something?  Lol.  

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I finally got around to watching Thursday's show earlier. I see I didn't miss much, pretty boring episode with the interviews taking up all the airtime.

20 hours ago, Blissfool said:

A few weeks ago, the cohosts seemed tired of their publicity tour, too. Sunny was the only one defending them saying they "needed to tell their story." Today they were all very supportive of H&M. I wonder if the change of opinion is related to the fact that Harry granted the interview to GMA. 

That wouldn't surprise me at all. 

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