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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"


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Mary Margaret mentions in 5A that Emma saved everyone. I can't remember the episode. So, now it's explicit in canon why Emma did what she did. 


Didn't they also have Mary Margaret snipe at Regina in the 4B premiere that Emma did it to save Regina?  And then I think it was the next episode, MM said Emma saved everyone.  The Writers can't even keep it straight.  Or they have her say both so it's ambiguous as hell.

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The Writers can't even keep it straight.



There shouldn't be anything ambiguous about it. The Apprentice said that the darkness would consume everything. It just happened to be Regina stuck in the swirl of evil. This is what JMo was going off of. if she hadn't taken the darkness on, then Regina and everyone else, including their son would have likely been killed. 


I feel bad for her, she doesn't deserve this. Even at ComiCon when Eddie said she sacrificed herself for Regina, I wanted to reach into my screen and slap him because he co-wrote that episode.

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The attempted trend is #FixOrCancelOUAT tweeted to ABC, with the accompanying hastags #OutlawQueen #Snowing #Rumbelle #SwanQueen. By the ship-focus rather than character fan focus, and the noticeable exclusion, this appears to be the reincarnation of #StopOnceUponAHook, which I gather most forumers here did think worked for a while with Hook just sort of being around for S4. If that were true, I wonder what changed the minds of the Powers That Be from that to the Dark Swan arc lasting 0.02 seconds and being a fake out for Dark Hook?


The hashtag ultimatum is appallingly entitled, anyway. Viewers have the power to quit watching, and that's about it. Some things, umm...can't be fixed. Pacing, brand recognition parasitism, and characterization across the board is several of them. Shipping Wars are way down on that list.

This show has been good to the actors. It has been good for their fave. Like or hate Once, like or hate A&E, this show has put a bunch of actors on the map, and that includes Lana. I think it sucks that they're doing this on a day that the show is celebrating a huge milestone. 


I don't think anyone will ever say that this show doesn't have problems, I mean this is what we do here, we discuss those problems at length, but the people who work on this show are proud of it, and the actors are proud of what they put out.


At this point, some "fans" need to reconsider their life choices. If something makes miserable, just go. It's unhealthy.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I doubt Lana is going to thank them for essentially wanting to get her fired. I think some of those deluded "fans" believe Lana is a breakout star whose career will explode (in rainbows) even if OUAT gets cancelled. Which may well happen, but you know--a bird in hand, etc..

I don't have the energy to do it, but if somoene starts the #thanksfor100ouat rival trend attempt, I will join. Not that I fear the haters it will make any difference, but the writers, cast, and crew don't deserve to be at the receiving end of such blatant spite.

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Wait... I thought the Home Office was Neverland. This show, these writers. What the fuck am I watching?


Huh? What's the context behind this post? It came out of nowhere.


And yeah, the Home Office was Neverland, or more specifically the Lost Boys. (I loved the usage of "Home Office" as its codename, btw, since "Home Office" is a reference to the British government, so it was a clue in advance that John Darling, obsessed with the British government as he is, named it such and that the story of Peter Pan is thus involved.)

Edited by Mathius

Poor Leanne is going to wake up to a shit storm after accidentally using the wrong hashtag...


I feel bad for these non-fandom people who clearly mean well, but don't have an urban dictionary of the thousands of words/hashtags fandom comes up with. Her video guy (who is totally new to the Once fandom) clearly just meant Leanne got the only Colin and Jen selfie of the night. And now her comments section is a bunch of people claiming she is a terrible person for supporting the #Colifer hashtag.


It reminds me of when Jen used the #SaviorQueen friendship hashtag and got mauled by fans because "how dare you not understand the intricacies of fandom and clearly you support a toxic hashtag, you're a terrible person." (Ironically, if you support a friendship-only Emma/Regina pairing, you're not allowed to use the SwanQueen tag. So basically, SQ rooted out all fans who might support the friendship and only allow members who support it romantically.)

Edited by Curio
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Going through the people who responded with "You're a horrible person for using that #colifer tag. Respect Helen!" it's pretty obvious most of them are SQ fans. Geez, they're negative just to be negative, aren't they? Including "protecting" an actor whose character they loathe. But it just makes no sense. Why would they come out to supposedly support Helen like that when they don't even want Colin on the show?


And am I following the wrong people on tumblr? Because I haven't seen any negativity in my tumblr feed towards Helen and quite a few Colin fans have seemed sweet and supportive of her last night. Once again, a certain part of them fandom proves they really don't care about anything except being negative.

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Geez, they're negative just to be negative, aren't they? Including "protecting" an actor whose character they loathe. But it just makes no sense. Why would they come out to supposedly support Helen like that when they don't even want Colin on the show?

It's because they respect and like Colin. In fact, they like him so much that they want him fired. 




To those CSers who believe, that ending CS would end Colin's career. WTF? It's more likely that if he continues with that abusive pirate role, it will end his career. Cause what possible benefit could this awful role bring him? Nothing but bad rep. Colin IS talented and it is sad, to see such a talent go to waste, for such a badly written role. If they would have let Hook be a pure villain, with no forced love interest and "redemption" that'd be something else. I in example liked hook in season 2...he was snarky, mean and just a selfish prick. But it was AUTHENTIC and believable. So please... This thing on your shoulders is called a head and used for thinking! And stop looking for any more reasons to blame swan queen and swen. (and no! I'm not hating on colin! I actually really like him!)


Clearly, this role has done nothing but harm to his career, like giving him a steady paycheck, Hollywood name recognition, new work friends, and having his face plastered all over ABC Studios to promote this season. We'd all see the light and realize this if we just used that head on our shoulders that's used for thinking.

Edited by Curio
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Ah yes. Sounds like the BA that I occasionally check in on to see how the other half lives.

so a show with plummeting ratings on a network in such ratings trouble that they just fired the head just half-assed their way through their milestone party, passing up an obvious opportunity to promote the hell out of their show?

they are either cancelling it this season or have a hard end date next season. in either case, between that and their other slipshod PR (among the other things that have gotten MUCH more sloppy) it’s clear somebody’s decided it’s no longer worth it for them to put money into it.

So just to reiterate -- ABC spent a bunch of money last night to promote the 100th episode with people like the new ABC chief and John Lasseter, head of Disney Pixar, because they are bad at PR and passed up an obvious opportunity to promote the show? And because ratings actually held steady and are still much better than 90% of the stuff on ABC right now, they're going to cancel the show? I seriously would like to meet the person who approved the budget for last night considering they decided long ago not to put money into PR for this show.


And holy crap, PR that has gotten sloppier this season? This person has obviously never seen the horrible promo pics that come out year after year and yet, the show is still successful! WTF?

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They have really lost it. OUAT makes money for ABC, ABC is not going to cancel it when it's one of their steady ratings series. Scandal has plummeted in ratings also you think they are going to cancel that show? You're kidding yourself. Also? Colin playing Captain Hook has only made him be known to the American public. I've never seen such delusions or I guess ignorance?

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Going through the people who responded with "You're a horrible person for using that #colifer tag. Respect Helen!" it's pretty obvious most of them are SQ fans. Geez, they're negative just to be negative, aren't they? Including "protecting" an actor whose character they loathe. But it just makes no sense. Why would they come out to supposedly support Helen like that when they don't even want Colin on the show?

And am I following the wrong people on tumblr? Because I haven't seen any negativity in my tumblr feed towards Helen and quite a few Colin fans have seemed sweet and supportive of her last night. Once again, a certain part of them fandom proves they really don't care about anything except being negative.

I hope leanne doesn't get too bothered by it, or at least is smart enough to know that it's the BA's trying to stir up trouble.

So happy the positive HAPPY 100TH OUAT tag was really successful yesterday. It trended Worldwide, U.S., Brazil, UK, Italy, Mexico, Russia & France that I saw. It trended WW pretty much all day.


The people who complained about the use of Colifer are also many of the same people who trended Morilla, so....

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[Fan asks Jennifer Morrison a question about OUAT ships.]


Jen: I'm not touching that topic with a ten foot pole.

Jen: ...

Jen: But on a completely unrelated note, let me wax poetic about Emma's motivation to go the Underworld and how brave it is that she openly loves Hook so much and I'm so proud of Emma for opening herself up to someone like that.


Only this fandom.

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Oh great, here we go again...


I don't know what he originally said because he deleted his tweet, but it sounds like he disagreed with one of Jen's comments about Emma's characterization.


Adam should stick to only posting the episode script titles and behind-the-scenes photos and stay out of fandom drama. It would be a different story if he gave a lot of insightful comments about the filming and writing process on his Twitter, but that's not the case.

Edited by Curio

He keeps pandering to the people who hates his show. He can't disagree with Jen saying that Emma couldn't live without Hook when he not only had her suck the Dark Curse in him to keep him alive but has her going to the Underworld to get him back. WTF does he think Jen will think of Emma's purpose? Also? He wrote Snow wanting to stay in Neverland with David, risk her life, Davids life and their unborn childs life to keep David alive. Its just something she and her mom have in common. You wrote it Adam. Good lord.

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I guess I can "see" why Adam disagreed - it's not very "feminist" for a woman to say she would rather die than be without her boyfriend, and Adam wants Emma to be seen as feminist - but what does he expect when he writes a woman literally marching into the Underworld, without any certainty that she'll be back, to get her boyfriend back? It's not choosing "death" over being without him, but it IS choosing a like 99% likelihood of grave deathly danger. It's just that Adam sees it as a writer ("Of course she's not choosing death! She'll succeed!") while Jen is putting herself in Emma's shoes (who is not aware she's the protagonist of a fairy tale show and so does not know she's gonna survive).

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I guess I can "see" why Adam disagreed - it's not very "feminist" for a woman to say she would rather die than be without her boyfriend, and Adam wants Emma to be seen as feminist - but what does he expect when he writes a woman literally marching into the Underworld, without any certainty that she'll be back, to get her boyfriend back? It's not choosing "death" over being without him, but it IS choosing a like 99% likelihood of grave deathly danger. It's just that Adam sees it as a writer ("Of course she's not choosing death! She'll succeed!") while Jen is putting herself in Emma's shoes (who is not aware she's the protagonist of a fairy tale show and so does not know she's gonna survive).

With all the noise about how the Feminist Emma (fEmma-nist?) that took a chainsaw to Regina's tree wasn't the same Emma who would use Belle to blackmail Rumpel and do the Underworld journey for a guy...I feel like, in saying that Emma's Underworld Journey turns her into some anti-femmanist embodiment, they're conveniently forgetting that similar rescues have traditionally been done by dudes to damsels. Orpheus, Hercules, Izanagi, even the Sleeping Beauty and Snow White fairy tales could be considered Orphic Rescues by their respective princes. Underworld Emma has agency. Hook's missing in action due to currently being dead, so he is the one without agency in this dynamic, and isn't it refreshing to have a show where the guys are usually love interests in need of rescue? Emma Swan still has a long way to go before she has the same track record as Dean Winchester or James Bond when it comes to expendable love interests, but it's a start. What's this anti-feminist nonsense just because the main character's main motivation is a guy? That's how the show started, with Henry being the motivation. Watch Sparkle Dark Rumple cackle about his machinations with co-conspirators Jefferson and Frankenstein, that moment was less feminist than this upcoming arc's premise.

I'm just so irritated by specious, parroted reasoning in fandom. So basically, I'm irritated by fandom.

Edited by Faemonic
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It's definitely a double standard. If Emma was going to the Underworld to save Snow, no one would be calling out Emma's behavior. But now people are saying Emma isn't a feminist anymore because she's going to the Underworld to save Hook? Being a feminist doesn't mean hating men, and it frustrates me to no end that that's what the term is morphing into.

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I don't know if it's really the idea of Emma embarking on a rescue mission per se that's rubbing people the wrong way. I think what Morrison said about her character not wanting to live anymore without her boyfriend caused a bit of a reaction on social media yesterday. And that I can relate to because it is an unfortunate statement or an unfortunate message for the writing to transport, even if we take Emma's history of losing loved ones into account. Kitsis and Horowitz made the decision to use Hook of all characters available to them as their segway into the Underworld and in this specific way, though, so Adam really has no business distancing himself for what Morrison said. And as much as parts of the fandom sometimes like to hide behind social issues to just blatantly hate on the show or certain aspects of it, the writers do invite that with their often clumsy or downright clueless way of writing for their women or minority characters.

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Kitsis and Horowitz made the decision to use Hook of all characters available to them as their segway into the Underworld and in this specific way, though, so Adam really has no business distancing himself for what Morrison said.

No, he doesn't and she's 10 episodes into filming this arc, so I think she knows what's going on with her character.


I love how people forget that Snow was going to stay in Neverland with David, or that she split her heart with him while she was PREGNANT with no regard to the baby she was trying to save 30 seconds before. In fact, she didn't even wanna do the heart crushing even though she knew the baby was in danger, until David convinced her.


And Regina risked her life to save Robin from the fury, and she did that with no regard to her life, or how Henry would be without her. And she was helped by MM and David who are parents to practically a new born.


This is canon. How is that okay vs a comment from the actress about what might be Emma's state with Hook's death so fresh in her mind. And it's not only that he died, it's also that she is the one that killed him. 


I'm pretty sure that when someone dies, a whole lot of people wonder how they will go on without them. 


Here's everyone else, and then there's JMo who gets jumped on with both feet because she dared say something that's a very human reaction to loss.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Kitsis and Horowitz made the decision to use Hook of all characters available to them as their segway into the Underworld and in this specific way, though, so Adam really has no business distancing himself for what Morrison said.


I think what frustrates me about the situation is that this isn't the first time Adam or Eddy have appeared to disagree with Jen's opinion. There was the whole "Emma Saved the Town" vs. "Emma Saved Regina" fiasco that was handled poorly over the summer, but I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the writers because technically both stances are correct depending on your point of view. But I'm starting to feel bad for Morrison because now it's becoming a trend where the writers continually disagree with some of her interpretations, and as an actress who spends so much time researching her character and is so eloquent when she explains Emma's characterization, that has to sting a bit. Obviously, Adam & Eddy created the character of Emma, have known her character for years, and know where her end point is. But at this point, I'm almost more inclined to side with Jen's opinion about Emma's character over the writers because she actually embodies the character every day and thinks about Emma on a deeper, more personal level than the writers do.

Edited by Curio
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I'm pretty sure that when someone dies, a whole lot of people wonder how they will go on without them.

But wondering how you'll go on or even doing literally everything in your power to save someone you love is still different from implying that you'll turn suicidal without your boyfriend/husband/significant other. And that's why I said I don't think people are responding to Emma trying to save Hook that way per se, but rather to the implication that if the mission were to fail... she'd rather take her own life than spend it without him. It's one sentence out of a longer reply that's put into the focus as if that's all she said and I do see your point about the timing and Emma's emotional state. I also don't think it should be turned into a  massive deal since we already know how this will go and the show won't even put Emma in the position where she'll have to consider what to do with the rest of her life without Hook by her side because he'll be saved and then we'll move on to the next big action plot very quickly. But I can also understand why implicated or even openly expressed suicidal tendencies in female characters over the loss of a boyfriend/significant other is something that irks people or brings unfortunate other examples from pop culture for this type of scenario to mind.

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