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S13.E02: Operation: Fang


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Man, Ray could not catch a break today. Not only did he botch the mission, but every single animal was hell bent on punishing him for it. Ryan the tapir, a snake, a hippo, a spider. And I forgot that he had robot legs, so RIP to that, too. The leader should clearly be Pam. The rest are either too incompetent or full of themselves to lead everyone.

"A tapir, not MY tapir! You can't own something that majestic!" Archer and loving cute, exotic animals, name a better duo.

"If syphillis were a person" was certainly an apt way to describe Fabian, as is Cyril being "the opposite of a gun." Should've known the whole mission was to kill off the good warlords that killed off the previous warlords. Fabian is that much of a turd.

So...is the gang stuck in the jungle? Again?

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I'm really hoping Fabian gets killed by season's end. The team needs a foil, but Fabian is way too powerful, and he will get off on jerking "The Agency" around over and over again. The lady kicking Archer off the helicopter was the cherry on the shit sundae.

Damn, karma kicked Ray's ass for being a snitch. Naturally, the others fail in trying to fill the leadership void. I think they work better as a mob. And even with his flare gun gesture, Cyril wasn't as sad as Ray . . . who is down one-half of a bionic leg. You'd think we'd see some awesome shit from him by now. with those legs.

Awwww, cute tapir. I think Archer would orgasm with happiness if he came across a capybara. They like sitting round being chill and doing next to nothing . . . not unlike Archer, when you think about it.

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I'm calling it, the hatred of Fabian will eventually lead to the team covertly taking over IIA as a group (because hatred will bond them beyond all else). These latest seasons are so short though, so I suspect it'll be a few years.

And yes, Pam should be the leader. She's firm, lovable, and smart. She may not be scary like Mallory, but I do not see Archer being willing to majorly undermine her just for the lulz. I think she may be one of the only people he respects. As for the rest, they all know she can and will beat them up if she has to.

I mean I guess technically Lana should be leader as the most competent agent. The problem is she's abrasive and pretty clearly has no respect for anyone else on the team, and I mean with these people that would just lead them to doing the opposite of what she says to spite her. She's good at her job, but she's not a leader. Archer actually scores higher than her on that skill set.

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20 hours ago, PinkRibbons said:

I think she may be one of the only people he respects.

Archer respects Lana, but she gets under his skin because of their history. Here, Lana snapped at him about Mallory, and he got into action, but he was really mad about it.

Archer probably wouldn't p-a Pam like he does Lana. Even when Pam and Archer were hooking up, he was fairly cool with her. And if the coma seasons have any meaning to them, Pam was always Archer's partner. I liked that Pam pointed out she's a field agent just like they are and basically holds the same rank. The problem with Archer if Pam was leader is still Lana and him with their issues. 

I thought maybe Archer going on his own was getting him kidnapped for a multi episode plot, and then the tapir was there and I totally died. 

I am interested in what's in that medical case though. I hope this plays out for a few more episodes. If this leads them to taking over IIA after getting out of the jungle, I'm all for it. 

I also liked that the hippos were realistically mean and aggressive. Sorely disappointed we didn't get a hungry hippo joke. I hope they're sitting on a really good one. 

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On 9/1/2022 at 1:19 AM, PinkRibbons said:

I'm calling it, the hatred of Fabian will eventually lead to the team covertly taking over IIA as a group (because hatred will bond them beyond all else). These latest seasons are so short though, so I suspect it'll be a few years.

I dunno. You’d need to be loaded for that kind of effort. The only ways I can see the Agency getting huge money would be:

a. From Robert, who is as big a scumbag as Fabian at this point. Maybe he could be swindled out of his riches before Pam introduces him to Mr. Thresher.

b. From Cheryl,  but  I don’t think the others would want her bankrolling them. I mean, it might be fun to hear her scream “I AM YOUR SUPERVISOR!” . . . but probably not.

c. From Malory. I dunno . . . back in the day, ISIS had amassed a literal metric ton of cocaine, so hiding money wouldn’t be too big of a stretch. Maybe that would be her final act . . . letting her son and his idiot friends suffer before throwing them a life preserver. As unlikely as I think that is, that would qualify as “classic her.”

On 9/1/2022 at 1:19 AM, PinkRibbons said:

And yes, Pam should be the leader. She's firm, lovable, and smart. She may not be scary like Mallory, but I do not see Archer being willing to majorly undermine her just for the lulz. I think she may be one of the only people he respects. As for the rest, they all know she can and will beat them up if she has to.

I don’t see her as a precision instrument like Archer and Lana (and sometimes Ray). She’s a club. I can’t see her as the definitive leader. Yeah, she qualifies more than half of the team, but it’s more fun to have her as support. As always your mileage may vary.

Edited by Lantern7
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2 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:


I also liked that the hippos were realistically mean and aggressive. Sorely disappointed we didn't get a hungry hippo joke. I hope they're sitting on a really good one. 

I thought Cheryl's "Oh my god, this hippo game is so much more fun in person!" as she and Krieger were pulling Ray away from the hippo trying to eat him was their game reference, no?

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Ouch, not a fan day to be Ray. He botched his first mission as team leader, the rest of the team is still pissed at him, he got bit by a spider AND a snake, and he lost one of his robot legs! I hope that every episode they try a new character as the new team leader, I hope that the next one is Pam. A Pam led team would be wild

Aww that tapir was adorable, Archer is never more likable than when he bonds with some random cute exotic animal. 

Of course Fabian was there to steal from the guys who actually overthrew the dictator, he's the absolute worst. Syphilis as a person is a very apt description. 

11 hours ago, giovannif7 said:

I thought Cheryl's "Oh my god, this hippo game is so much more fun in person!" as she and Krieger were pulling Ray away from the hippo trying to eat him was their game reference, no?

Ah totally missed it and went back to watch. Brilliantly subtle. Sometimes when Cheryl screeches I miss what she's saying. 

13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

c. From Malory. I dunno . . . back in the day, ISIS had amassed a literal metric ton of cocaine, so hiding money wouldn’t be too big of a stretch. Maybe that would be her final act . . . letting her son and his idiot friends suffer before throwing them a life preserver. As unlikely as I think that is, that would qualify as “classic her.”

On 8/31/2022 at 11:19 PM, PinkRibbons said:

I vote this. Having one more tip of the hat to Jessica Walter would be sublime. I can't see this agency surviving independently, but they can't work for anyone either. Maybe they'll get back into the CIA?

I was dying at Pam having a coffee and the two guys had ice packs on their crotches. 

I'm always going to be pro-Pam. As wild as she is, she's a way better fit for leader than Lana or Archer. Just keep her away from cocaine. The others don't cut it. She had the idea about the goat kisser that got the ball rolling here. (Did anyone see the actual goat later?!) I think she's more willing to listen than the others. Archer's skills are beyond compare but he's best when everything goes sideways and he has to improvise. Lana is great at picking up on that. The king of the train last episode epitomized this. 

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On 9/2/2022 at 12:40 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

Ah totally missed it and went back to watch. Brilliantly subtle. Sometimes when Cheryl screeches I miss what she's saying. 

I vote this. Having one more tip of the hat to Jessica Walter would be sublime. I can't see this agency surviving independently, but they can't work for anyone either. Maybe they'll get back into the CIA?

I was dying at Pam having a coffee and the two guys had ice packs on their crotches. 

I'm always going to be pro-Pam. As wild as she is, she's a way better fit for leader than Lana or Archer. Just keep her away from cocaine. The others don't cut it. She had the idea about the goat kisser that got the ball rolling here. (Did anyone see the actual goat later?!) I think she's more willing to listen than the others. Archer's skills are beyond compare but he's best when everything goes sideways and he has to improvise. Lana is great at picking up on that. The king of the train last episode epitomized this. 

Did you say you have cocaine!!

Archer and animals is always a winning combination.  They either are trying to kill him or bonding with him. 

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