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Would You Rather?

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Ben's. I'm not changing an adult diaper until it's my own.

ETA: Oops, posted at the same time. I'll take banging Sonny; he may get me pregnant, but he won't facilitate my rape.

Would you rather date Molly or BE Molly?

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Arts and crafts with Heather.  I'm sure she'd show me how to make something lethal.  And that'd be cool.


Would you rather or be another one of Luke Spencer's kids or another one of Sonny's baby mamas?

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Be a Luke kid. Apparently if you move overseas, his enemies forget you exist.

Would you rather have Jake's late 90's cellphone, or get allow a prison inmate to give you a manicure?

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oh God. That's a hard one. Can I ditch Franco once I'm on the outside? Or am I stuck stuck with him? Cause then I choose prison and Sonny, I'm a homebody anyway.


Have to watch Nikolas and Lucky's jazz act at the Nurses Ball or Luke and Felicia's Swanee River act?

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I never want to see Lewq & Felicia on screen at the same time together again.

Would you rather display the Dragon & the Phoenix prominently in your living room,, or hang a Franco original in your bedroom?

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I'll hang the Franco. No crazies will bust in my house with guns trying to steal it, no weird blondes will barge in yelling. Those toys are cursed.

You can only beat one PC resident with a broom handle. Would you rather beat Patrick or Sonny? You can tell them why you're beating them as you teach them respect.

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Oh, Lord, um...Patrick. No, Sonny. No, Patrick. Gah, so hard to decide! Does Patrick have to watch while I beat Sonny? That way he might learn something too.


Would you rather listen to Carly whine about Franco




Watch her be all smiles and giggles with Jakeson?

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Smiles and giggles with Jakeson because Billy Miller is pretty and I can eventually see the sick burn when Sam walks in and they have that hate fuck love chemistry. It's a double burn because Patrick gets burned too.

You can only destroy one annoying GH trope. Would you rather smash the Happy Meal toys known as the Dragon and the Feee Heee Heee Niiix or Sonny's Infinite Supply of Orange Soul Glo? Choose wisely.

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Be Maxie. Ain't nobody got time to date that. She's cute, but nobody is that cute.

You are presented with two magic pills. You take the red pill and Jason stays dead, but so does Robin, but Alan comes back to life and so does AJ. You take the blue pill and Dr.O dies, Nina dies, but Jason stays alive and Sonny and Franco are heroes and Robin gets blamed for everything. Would you rather take the red pill or the blue pill?

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I would rather be driving the van with the Pentonville four in it. That way, when I run it off the road, they would be killed in the crash and I would live.


Would you rather have to listen to 487 monologues from The Nina about her horse, or have to listen to Spencer say the word "townie" 5.012 times?

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487 Nina monologues about Allegra. That's a tale as old as time. Neigh!

You're handed another set of magic pills. You take the red one and Carly died via Rock, Sonny went to prison long ago, but The Dragon and The Phoenix are live action characters and Sabrina and Michael Q are a power couple. You take the blue pill and Jason Morgan stays dead, Patrick gets punched in the face by Robin, but Spencer gains ownership of Kelly's and we get year long kiddie quad with back from the dead Jake and SORAS'D Avery. Choose wisely.

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Both are extremely tempting, but in the end I can't trust that Helena and O aren't going to make mincemeat out of me, so Anna and Jordan.


Stuck in a basement with corpse Bill and a bomb or stuck in a van with Franco and Sonny?

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OMG, the corpse.  Obviously.   (which person smells like candy??  LOL.   I must have missed this reference in all my hatewatching-via-snarky-forums-while-mostly-being-on-the-Barge.)


Which would you rather see:  (a) Helena get eaten by a polar bear while wearing that white fur get-up; (b) Faison fall into a well and die while being forced to listen to Alanis Morisette's "Isn't It Ironic?"

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Helena get eaten by the polar bear, as I'm picturing the polar bear from Lost or an evil version of the Christmas Coca Cola bears.

You're stranded on a deserted island off the coast of Bolivia. You have Sonny, Patrick, Franco, Nina, Carly, and Kiki with you. Would you rather kill Kiki, Carly, and Franco first for peace or Sonny, Patrick, and Carly to be able to leave the island? (The deaths last!)

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Kill Kiki, Franco & Carly. When Keeks and Freakco are in the mix and death is an option, it is always the answer.

Would you rather shove Franco out of a moving van, or Jason in front of one?

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Considering that Jason survived Ava hitting him with a car, I'll shove Franco out of the back of the van. Maybe he'll get run over by the vehicle behind us.


Would you rather for Helena to slit Carly's throat or Patrick's?


You cannot have both, so choose carefully.

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Helena, slit Carly's throat. Clearly, Carly is the root of all evil. If we off Carly, we have a chance of offing Sonny. Patrick can be stopped by a mere chastity belt. Or a doorknob.

An alligator with magical powers is in front of you to give two options. He will eat two citizens of Port Charles, but magically replace them. Would you rather he eat Sonny and Julian, but bring back AJ and Lucky or eat Franco and Nina, but bring back Courtney and Levi? Choose wisely.

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I could never turn down a chance to get rid of Franco AND Nina, no matter the cost.

Your a primetime star set to do a one episode guest stint on GH and Uncle Frank gives you a choice between two scene partners. Would you rather act opposite Michelle Stafford or Nicholas Bechtel?

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Michelle Stafford. I'll use it as a reason for my decent into drug addiction later.

You are Shonda Rhimes and you have to take two GH stars to put on one of your shows. Do you put Maurice Bernard and Tequan Richmond on How to Get Away with Murder, Michelle Stafford and Laura Wright on Scandal, or Jason Thompson and Ryan Paevy on Greys?

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Thompson and Paevy on Greys - that show is already on it's last legs, anyway.


How do you want to die: (a) freezing in the Cassadine weather machine; (b) going boom in a black limo like Lily; or © jumping off of a roof after Heather injects you with LSD and you go apeshit with the hallucinations.


Death is not an option!  Oh, wait, yes it is ...

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Adella. Those Spencers & Cassadines have a pesky habit of coming back to life.

You got tickets to the Superbowl. Would you rather sit between Spencer & Sonny, or Franco & Nina?

Edited by Tiger
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Franco and Nina. I made a vow long ago to never choose Sonny. I will never break my vow.

You are at prom. The choices for King and Queen are Jason and Sam or Jason and Liz. The winning couple is thrown off the Passionate Prom Boat (hosted by FonDuke Entertainment ). There may be shots. Who's your pick?

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Jason & Sam definitely need to be thrown overboard for inflicting those happy meal toys on us.

There's a housing shortage in Port Charles. Would you rather sleep on the CarSon sex couch or on the floor of the Q crypt?

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Uh. Eeesh. I guess I'd eat ribs. Maybe Sonny will choke to death on one, while I point and laugh.


Would you rather for Robin to come back and kick Patrick in the balls repeatedly, or for Sam to have been stringing him along all this time before running back to Silazzzzzzzz?

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I guess I'll take my chances on Shawn, really not a football fan 


Would you rather 


Get Sbu back as Jason but JE,WK,LC,JZ all leave




Get back JJ's Lucky but RH and MSt have extended airtime and Franco and Nina the new super couple

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SBu back. Even he didn't enrage me the way The Staff and RHo do.

Uncle Frank wants to create a new opening credits and has asked you to choose between the final two options. Would you rather see:

A) an updated version of "General Hospi-tale" sung and danced to by Kristin Alderson, or

B) Chad Duell doing a striptease to "You are not alone" sung by Sonya Eddy?

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Sabrina's bff. I can't say you're so great Sam that many days with a straight face.

Ron lets you ReRon one story. Do you ReRon Clink Boom (for the 3rd time) with Carly and Sonny as the couple, but you have Kiki singing a montage of love songs as Michael sexes up Sabrina in another scene, while Nathan dies and Johnny drinks champagne or do you ReRon Dock and Roll with Nathan, Maxie, and Spinelli, while Fluke sings songs and Kiki dies and Carly gets slapped by Sam, while Jason punches Sonny in the face?

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