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Would You Rather?

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Slap Spencer so hard that Courtney feels it.

Its almost Christmas in Port Charles (even though yesterday was Thanksgiving and the day before that was Halloween/Election Day). Would you rather buy Dr. O a copy of "He's Just Not That Into You", or Morgan some Rogain?

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Sonny's. At least you dont need a powerpoint presentation to understand it.

Would you rather be imprisoned and impersonated by Faison in a WSB mask, or be imprisoned and replaced by your evil back-from-the-dead look-a-like cousin?

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Faison. He is starting to lose it, so itd be quicker to comb. Though, he still has more cranial coverage than Morgan. Heh.

Would you rather spend 24 hours on bedpan duty working side-by-side with Felix, or give captured!Luke a sponge bath?

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Take Liesl's advice. If she didn't like my advice, she may overpower me and inject me with propofol or pull out her Helena knife and push me off a parapet.

Would you rather have Kiki's head shape, or Morgan's hairline?

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Morgan's hairline. At least you can slap a wig on it. (Although to be technically it's not his hairline that's the problem - it's the back, poor boy!)


Would you rather go holiday shopping with Heather Webber or Olivia?

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Olivia, sure we'll be looking at baby stuff till the cows come home but I wouldn't have to worry about her stabbing me, or poisoning me or doing something creepy


Would you rather


Celebrate Christmas with an amnesiac who may be mind controlled --gee only on a soap!




Celebrate Christmas with an impostor who is a fake who may or may not be wearing another fake mask?

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Would you rather give Lewq a job at your company, or ask Delia for help?


Ask Delia for help. You didn't say I'd have to stick around and here the answer!


Would you rather have to fire Anna from the PCPD or give Dr. O an ironclad contract extension to run General Hospital for five more years?

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Nina excised from the show, not even Jordan's clothes can make up for her sticking around.

Would you rather eat a bag of bees or sleep with Sonny once?


As much as I hate Sonny, at least sex with him wouldn't last nearly as long as eating a bag of bees. Even a very small bag of bees.

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Would you rather have to fire Anna from the PCPD or give Dr. O an ironclad contract extension to run General Hospital for five more years?

Fire Anna, because Ms. Devane is a rational woman and won't attack me in retaliation. Plus, it would give her more time to sex up Dante.

Would you rather Frank ban TG from using an accent, or RHo from using woobie face, or MSt from repeating her lines?

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The Mooch & The Captain. They may be stupid, selfish, and lazy, but they aren't a psycho and a seriel killer.

Would you paint Frank's office gray, or watch Dr. O walk in on Nathan going down on Anna?

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This is hard but not why you think. I happen to like all these choices. hummmm... I guess I'll take Heather and Nina. It could be really fun and I wouldn't even kill anyone.


If you could pick(instead of Alexis) would you rather have sex with Julian or Ned?

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Jordan's clothes b/c I'm built similar to her in a non-soapstar(not nearly as fierce) way.


Would you rather be the only one in the room not kissing on New Year's or have Carly plant a wet one on you?

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