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Would You Rather?

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I don't disagree, re: Sam. I would choose most anyone over crazy ass Luke these days.


Anyway, I'd pick the relative-in-law, for the same reason you picked Sam. :) Seriously, Dante's relatives-in-law are friggin Carly, scary face Bobbie, screeching Tracy, crazy ass annoying Luke, dirty dodge Ethan, and lazy ass Nikolas "No I really meant to make sure my dad didn't kidnap you guys again, say just a sec I have a call to take, so Helena's enjoying shuffleboard over by the pool? cool cool" Cassadine. The only decent ones are barely seen (Lucas) or off-screen. Valerie must be a relief!

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Wait why can't I just have a new actor who does have washboard abs?...no Okay I'll take the named actor who might leave b/c with Ron's writing I might be ready for Morgan to leave in six months.


Would you rather watch Spencer pouring out his heart of undying love to Emma or Luke groveling to Sonny on loop?

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Would you rather watch Spencer pouring out his heart of undying love to Emma or Luke groveling to Sonny on loop?

Wow . . . that's downright sinister . . . I guess ill go with Spenthaw de-qwere-wing his long lost wuv to Em-wa b/c at least he doesn't have a dirty & dead animal on his head.

Would you rather give Franco stock in your company, or pay his hotel bill indefinitely?

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Well if I was LeftPhalange I'd rather strangling him with a hotel bill and stock certificates...since I'm not I'll say pay his hotel bill...less chance for him to do any real damage that way.


Would you rather find out Nina, Michael or Silas kidnapped Avery?

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Would you rather


See Nina crushed in a stampede of horses




For her to be killed off-screen by Crane?


Can't I pick both? Corpse killed off-screen by crane, so then I don't have to hear the screams of the "it's a crane! It's a crane!  IT'S. A. CRANE" recitation, and then on-screen body trampling by horses?


BTW, I'll echo another posters comments, when did we become so violent?



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This struck me as really funny b/c one would be more hairy and the other less.....bwahahaha

I'll take away Julian's Nair b/c even hairy I feel Julian would still be MEOW! sexy....balding Morgan not so much and looks are all Morgan has sadly.


Would you rather have Avery in the care of Morgan and Kiki /or Nina?

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Spencer eat Emma bc SWSNBN must not return under any circumstances.

Would you rather watch Mo do a monologue, or Duke & Lucy do a sex scene during the live episode?

Edited by Tiger
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Would you rather watch Mo do a monologue, or Duke & Lucy do a sex scene during the live episode?


I'll watch Mo. (1) It would be comedy gold and (2) I can go to the nearest alley if I want to watch cats get their groove on.


You are forced to watch one of Ron's Very Special Episodes -- this time he will be recreating a 50s sitcom utilizing GH characters!  Would you rather see Luke and Fluke in a Patty Duke Show episode, or Franco and Nina as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo?

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I'd let Morgan and Kiki care for Avery because 1.) No Serial Killer 2.) I'm sure Nina has a kid out there 3.) I'm sure it's Morgan's kid anyway and um I'm sure Kiki will die soon anyway. The UCG of Avery teaching Morgan to read will be beautiful. I just hope it's Sonny who teaches them how to feed themselves, but Micheal Easton signed a contract, sooooo I guess it's his story.

Would you rather see Spencer become a rapper to gain "street cred" or have Cameron become a skater boy and defy authority?

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For Cam to be a skater boy, because the idea of Emma singing Avril Lavigne's song of the same name is making me LOL.


You can recast a legacy character, but you can't use the original actors. Do you recast Alan  with Eric Braeden or Emily with Charity Rahmer?

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Setting Kiki's hair on fire could only improve it

Would you rather see a full Lucy/Duke love scene or 10 full minutes of Nina baby talking to Franco?

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Franco because I'm positive I can outsmart him. Fake Jake seems smarter than this Franco. My God..... this Franco cried over Carly. I'm not afraid of that.

Would you rather have Spinelli professing his love for you on loop for a day or be called Rocco for a month?

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Umily with Charity Rahmer because it's better than seeing her try to play Kiki ?


I said a legacy character. Pay attention. ;-)


And since I hate the name Rocco and don't hate Spinelli as much as some of ya'll, I'll take the first option.


Would you rather try to convince Nikolas to stop going after attached women




Teach Sonny that throwing barware is not the solution to his problems?

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Teach Sonny that throwing bars are isn't a solution.

Would you rather tell Julian that he is the father of Olivia's baby, or tell Morgan that he is Avery's father?

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track suit b/c purple is my favorite color and that hair...just no.


Would you rather have animal sex with Nik or Julian?( I LOL that Alexis couldn't put two and two together after her own relationship with Julian)

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Um...... Julian. Nik just I can't. I can't.

Death is not an option. You must either be the family therapist for the entire West/Clay / Olbrecht clan or be a relationship /sex therapist for the extended Corinthos clan (including Carly and Ric) ? Yes, you get paid by the hour if it helps your decision.

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Sex therapist for the Corinthii, only because I'd probably pick up a blunt object and whack Nina in the head when she started repeating her words while speaking in her little girl voice.

Would you rather Hayden's ex be played by Cameron Matthison, or David Gregory?

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God help me, but Sonny and Nina would be so ridiculously horrible that they might somehow be entertaining.  The stammering, the repeating, the glass throwing ... ooh, ooh, ooh, maybe they'll kill each other?!  I'm really warming up to this idea ...


Which ridiculously inappropriate stunt-casting would you prefer: Cee Lo Green as a newly undead Justus Ward?  Or Teresa Giudice (of Real Housewives of NJ fame) as Sonny's other long lost sister?

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Nathan and Ellie - Dante is only allowed to cheat with Anna.

Would you rather send some of the characters off on an adventure at the South Pole, or in the hottest desert on earth? During the adventure, Franco will be eaten by either a flock of rabid penguins or a herd of hungry camels, so choose wisely.

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Hottest place on earth because I like penguins and wouldn't want one to have to digest that RAPIST SERIAL KILLER.

Would you rather live in an castle on an island with your newly discovered cousin's half-brother and his awful child, or in a room above a diner?

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I guess either way I'd end up raising myself, so I reluctantly choose Carly. At least then I won't get shot or blown up.


Would you rather


Go on a date with Ellie, but have Spinelli horn in on your evening




Go on a date with Spinelli, but have Maxie horn in on your evening?

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Jason's ring because I'm not rubbing up on Sloane's junk.

How should Franco ultimately redeem himself: save Robin and figure out Jakeson (and save us all from this asinine story) but still be on the show. Or kill himself abruptly and never be spoken of again.

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Morgan's head. I could take a nap, since clearly there would be nothing going on.


Someone wakes up to discover everything that happened on the show in the last 10-15 years was just a dream, and all the terrible story lines and characters are erased. Was it Lucky's dream, AJ's dream, or someone else's?

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It was AJ's dream after he woke up from being drugged in the alley by Carly. So I guess I'm going back 20 someodd years. He tries to stumble to Jason's and luckily his brother finds him. Instead of being Team Carly/Sonny, Jason believes his brother & helps him. Sonny is always a dark villain, Carly is never bravestrongloveswithherwholeheart, and Micheal is raised as a Quartermaine. Tony Jones doesn't go crazy. Robin doesn't marry a douche and get kidnapped 8 million times.

Would you rather bring back Lucky and get rid of Nathan or bring back Ted King, but have to paint three more sets gray?

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I think Kelly's is the only non-gray set left. Bring back Ted King.

Would you rather see Nicholas Bechtel in a dual role as the rapidly aged StavLu baby, or Michelle Stafford in a dual role as Nina's long-lost transgender sister?

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I'll take double Spencer, it's hard enough to take MSt in one role.

Would you rather slip a disc and need Duke to give you daily baths, or have Sloane slip a disc and you have to give him baths?

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