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S03.E07: I Need a Man

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Kim and her family teach Lana the art of snagging a man. With a makeover from Sweetie and Kim, who can resist the beautiful, Bulgarian nanny? Thanks to a little happy hour coaching from the pros, there’s no way Lana can fail. Or can she? Kim throws a baby shower for her soon-to-be-mommy friend, Jen.

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For the money Kim spent on that cake, she could have hired someone to decorate, instead of what she did to the columns. I just can't watch this family sit around in the kitchen eating out of fast food bags. Especially Kroy. I wonder if his coach watches this? LOL, no, I think probably not.

But Kim doesn't curtail her cussing in front of the kids, with that ugly wig on her head (I just cannot get past the black roots) and it's like watching white trash who's won the lottery.

The nanny and the housekeeper crack me up. I could watch them alone and be happy.

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This was the best episode so far.  That was funny in the bar when Kim and Kroy are coaching Lana via a hidden earpiece, only Lana can't get the hang of it.  I'd much rather watch scenes like that instead of family scenes with cursing toddlers.

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I agree - seeing the dynamics with all their "help" is hilarious, because they get very close to the people who work for them. There are definitely some boundary issues there. But watching Lana trying to pick up men with Kim whispering in her ear was so hilarious! Everything Kim was saying was making her laugh - all of those men probably thought she was wasted or stupid. Or both. And by the end she seemed pretty darn inebriated. 

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Is the dress Kim wore to the baby shower the same one Nene wore to couples' night on RHoA?

Thank god someone else noticed that!  I thought the same thing.  Didn't look any better on Miss Kimmie either.

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This was the best episode so far.  That was funny in the bar when Kim and Kroy are coaching Lana via a hidden earpiece, only Lana can't get the hang of it.  I'd much rather watch scenes like that instead of family scenes with cursing toddlers.


IA.  This episode was hilarious, especially Kim & Kroy trying to Cyrano de Bergerac Lana. 

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Please file this under: "Bit players that pop up in reality shows that you recognize from other reality shows. "


Re: the last guy at the bar with Lana. He said he was from California and he had on a plaid shirt.


His real name is Seth Frye. I recognized him from a one season reality series on VH-1 way back in 2007-2008 (?). The show was called "Kept" and it starred Mick Jagger's ex, Jerry Hall. The plot was a bunch of guys had to impress Jerry Hall in a series of stunts and challenges each week (almost like a Bachelor type show), then the winner would be chosen to be her "kept" man and live with her and escort her to stuff. Seth was the winner and he won $100K . See link below for what really happened to him after winning. By the way, the interview/link says he is now involved with producing other reality shows. That said, I wonder if he is part of DBT for the P show production. 


If you are interested, I recently posted on the Botched forum where I also recognized a patient going under the knife with Terry Dubrow. She was one of the many gals from the old Flavor of Love. 


I really need to get a hobby. 


His interview:



Original "Kept" series opener. Go to :55 to see Seth being introduced. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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You've got a mind like a steel trap, Bossa Nova.  I can't believe you'd remember a guy from that Jerry Hall show - that was ages ago!

Reality TV is an incestuous quagmire.


Thank you kindly, walnutqueen. I so agree about the reality tv quagmire and how it clutters our brains. ;)


That said, you know the term gaydar? Well I have a pretty good "celebrity-dar", ....not that the guy pointed out above is a real celeb but I always spot people n the background in movies and even in real life when my hub and I go to NYC. I always spot the celebs on the sidewalks, in restaurants, etc.  

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For the money Kim spent on that cake, she could have hired someone to decorate, instead of what she did to the columns. I just can't watch this family sit around in the kitchen eating out of fast food bags. Especially Kroy. I wonder if his coach watches this? LOL, no, I think probably not.

But Kim doesn't curtail her cussing in front of the kids, with that ugly wig on her head (I just cannot get past the black roots) and it's like watching white trash who's won the lottery.

The nanny and the housekeeper crack me up. I could watch them alone and be happy.

People who cuss are white trash? Well shit, I never fucking knew that. Learn something new every goddamn day.

I cussed in front of my kids. Like I've said before, they knew there were words only adults could say and they never cussed out a teacher or anything. I don't think its a big deal to cuss in front of kids at all. It sure doesn't make somebody a bad mom or white trash.

She seems like a great mom and despite what people hope, she and Kroy seem really happy and in love to me and I don't think it has a damn thing to do with money.

They get along great, have the same sense of humor,seem to actually like each other and seem to have good communication. I like them as a couple.

And its their money, they can do whatever the hell they want with it. I wouldn't want somebody telling me how to spend my money.

I like Kim. She seems to treat the people who work for her like they're part of the family and the employees seem to be very happy.

WalnutQueen, I totally agree. I love that big, brassy broad too. She seems like she would be so much fun.

Edited by Maharincess
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Here's the thing about her cussing. She's doing it so much that her preschool (!) children have picked up on it and are doing it too. That's not cute and it's not funny. Kim just has no filter - no bueno!

Edited by peaceknit
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I haven't seen every episode but wasn't it just one kid who said one word one time? Big deal, even kids who's parents never cuss will hear a cuss word from somewhere and repeat it.

Edited by Maharincess
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I think Jen's husband is way cuter than Kroy, especially when Kroy has the lump of chew in his lip.  So funny to see Kim full on making out with him with that shit in his mouth when you know she would be doggin out anyone else for it.  I only dated one guy that dipped, it lasted exactly 2 dates and ended when he went in for a kiss and I could still smell the dip that he had spit out two hours prior.  I was young, dumb, in high school and he was sooo cute, but the dip absolutely killed it, dead.

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Mini-Persnickety caught this episode on a repeat the other day and is now a die-hard "fan" of trashy Kim (in that point and giggle and snarkalicious way).


She talked me into watching this episode, although I loathed this twit on RHOA and had never watched it before.


I think I should turn myself into the Snark Police.


I laughed my ass of at this episode.  I find her much more tolerable in this venue than RHOA.  


I shall now go hang my head in shame as I admit I think I'll be watching this show again.  


(Reminder to self:  Never say Never)

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I haven't seen every episode but wasn't it just one kid who said one word one time? Big deal, even kids who's parents never cuss will hear a cuss word from somewhere and repeat it.

Wasn't it KJ both times? Called someone "dumbass" and said something "fucking" something? Edited by tvallthetime
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