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Toonami: Anime for Insomniacs

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On 8/20/2017 at 3:54 AM, Sandman87 said:

Outlaw Star notes:

Aaaagh! I had forgotten what a raging rocking ear-worm "Through the Night" is, and now I can't get it out of my head: "semeNAI de, kesaNAI de, makeNAI de..."

Absolutely.  I can still recall English lyrics - is there any chance it was subbed in its original run?  I know they wouldn't do that nowadays.  

I remember one line was "I don't have time to quibble with you!", which I think is pretty inventive for an anime theme.  

Caught the first episode from last week. Eyecatches? Gone. End credits? Shortened. Opening credits? Shortened. Is "blasphemy" too strong a word? You do not shorten "Tank!"! EVER!!!

Still don't know if Cowboy Bebop is worth setting up a forum. It's old and limited, but I think it holds up. I'm thinking that's why we got Outlaw Star in the lineup . . . for an hour-long space western block.

16 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

I still have no idea why this is so popular in Japan. Usually I can account for cultural differences but this is just gory, dumb and downright incoherent at times.

Grain of salt and all that: From what I've read, some of it can be attributed to the popularity of the manga, which is supposedly somewhat better than the anime.

19 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Per Wikipedia, next week is the last episode of Tokyo Ghoul. I still have no idea why this is so popular in Japan. Usually I can account for cultural differences but this is just gory, dumb and downright incoherent at times.

Zero interest in IBO. Would prefer Assassination Classroom or My Hero Academia.

I think Tokyo Ghoul was better than Parasyte the Maxim. I mean, I don't see Shinichi cosplayed at all. Meanwhile, people like getting Kaneki's mask.

@Vermicious Knid: while I did like IBO, I agree with your alternatives. I've seen bits of My Hero Academia from Funimation and WatchMojo, and I believe that I was wrong in thinking it to be a kiddy show. I'd rather see Koro Sensei, though.

ETA: On my cable system, the second Ghost in the Shell anime is On Demand. Also, I'd like One Piece to come back, sooner rather than later.

On 9/24/2017 at 6:15 AM, Vermicious Knid said:

Per Wikipedia, next week is the last episode of Tokyo Ghoul. I still have no idea why this is so popular in Japan. Usually I can account for cultural differences but this is just gory, dumb and downright incoherent at times.

Zero interest in IBO. Would prefer Assassination Classroom or My Hero Academia.

Assassination Classroom is honestly one of my favorite animes and the dub is pretty good.  My Hero is also a solid choice although that one is still ongoing in Japan so I'm not sure how easy it would be to get the rights.

Remember my mild puzzlement about how the second Ghost In The Shell anime wasn't on the schedule? Well, S.A.C. 2nd GIG will be coming back at 3:30 a.m. starting October 21. I don't think Toonami will screw with the credits, but they are pretty good. Judge for yourself.

I know, "Rise" doesn't really rank as high as "Inner Universe," but I think it holds up.

Poked around Toonami Tumblr. DBZ Kai marathon will be running on November 25. In case you want to take the weekend off, here's the basic gist: big pink glob monster destroys everything, turns people into candy and eats them. Because Japan. Also, Vegeta kinda goes out like a punk.

Any word on schedule changes? Still wondering/hoping we get something offbeat down the line. Once again: I think Iron-Blooded Orphans is interesting for a Gundam series, but I'm still pulling for something offbeat. Also, I'm fifteen volumes into the Assassination Classroom manga, and I learned the origins of Koro Sensei. Come on, if we could have goofy-ass Death running the school in Soul Eater, why not the yellow tentacle monster?!?

Funny story: I went to an anime convention today, and I visited a Funimation panel, where they basically showed clips. One of them was from Black Clover . . . and look what I just saw on the Toonami Tumblr. From what little I saw, it seems like something for the block. I think "Wizard King" gets said a lot, though. Starting December 2, it goes into the 11:30 p.m. slot, pushing DBS and DBZK back by 30 minutes each, making Toonami run from 10:30-4:00. Didm't it get clipped down last time it got that long?

Here's the clip if you're piqued.

19 hours ago, Matt K said:

Sad if that was the show they picked up when there's so many better options (My Hero Academia and Assassination Classroom being my first two choices).

If there was an hour-long gap for Toonami in September, they could plug in both for a "Back To School" mini-block.

I reckon Nichijou is off the table, since it's more "slice of life" than action-based. But then there are scenes like this, and you start getting a craving for the anime.

ETA: Also this . . . but I don't know if an English dub could be as hysterical.

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Heck, I'd be willing to watch Nichijo again. It's one of those "widget" shows (a show that can only be explained by shrugging, shaking your head, and saying "it's Japan...")

Maybe Toonami should set aside a half-hour slot, whichever slot already has the worst ratings for them, for things that don't fit the shonen action mold. They could use it to experiment a little, and maybe learn what other things their viewers like. Who knows? They might learn that there's a demand among viewers for magical girl anime, or for iyashikei shows.

Once, I thought Adult Swim would dedicate the 4-4:30 weekday slot to an anime, but I don't think they would. I was thinking along the lines of "One Piece from the first episode," because the dub is from Funimation, and I reckon new viewers didn't love it right away when Toonami started from the Davy Back arc.

I have Spectrum, and there are a few options for anime on demand, but I never get around to those. If you have Starz, they have good stuff . . . including Death Note, which I'd recommend to anybody, especially though who ddn't like the American version.

11 hours ago, Sandman87 said:

Watched the first episode of Black Clover.

Character development: zero.

Originality: zero.

Number of likeable characters: zero.

Visual quality: eight. (Pretty good)

Volume level: eleven.

I'm not surprised from what I heard (its actually one of the few new series I've seen discussed where nearly everyone hates the show, apparently the manga is better if you can stand the protagonists).  It was described as everything that's bad about Shonen (sp?) anime in one series (for contrast My Hero Academia has been described as everything good about Shonen anime in one series).


As for Mob Psycho it's pretty good 12 episode series.  Mob is a middle schooler who has super OP esper abilities (Mob is a nickname for how forgettable he appears to be) but like One Punch Man, it's not what the series revolves around.  He also works after school for a exorcist who is essentially a fraud and uses Mob when he actually encounters a spirit.  But he's actually a good mentor for Mob so he's not entirely one note (and some of the people he helps usually aren't being haunted and his secret techniques do help them).

The series isn't entirely off the wall but it has its moments, some pretty funny moments as well and some pretty good characters.  Also it really gets going in the back third of the show.  It would be a good pick for Toonami but then again there are a few shows that are top notch and are licensed to Funimation that haven't shown either (My Hero Academia and Assassination Classroom for instance) so I have no idea what their criteria is.

23 hours ago, lathspel said:

Black Clover is the story of Rock Lee’s life, as far as I can tell. 

I'm thinking a mix of Naruto and Blue Exorcist. "Oh, shit, the only boy in our world that is incapable of using magic has the mark of the Five-Leaf Clover! We were in awe of his brother getting the Four-Leaf Clover, so this is a total and utter mindblow!! Who would have expected this?!? Oh, right, this is a shonen anime, and those favor the underdogs. Man, I am a one-dimensional dick!"

Honestly last week I watched Dragon Ball Super and Kai and then went to bed.  I used to stay up until HunterxHunter but with that gap now being an hour and a half and with a bad show (Black Clover), a show I don't care for anymore (JoJo) and a show I'm not interested in (Gundam) it's just too much.  I kind of hope they pick something better up for that middle slot (and to replace Kai when it's done since it only has 25 episodes left).  I've given some suggestions since I've seen those show, but I'd be more willing to rewatch them than any of these shows.

Here's a clip from Funimation. I think I can guess the breakdown of the world of Black Clover.

Irredeemable Assholes: 60%

Plucky Underdogs: 39.2%

People whom you wouldn't be able to accurately judge five seconds after seeing them : 0.8%

ETA: I was wondering what marathons Toonami would have for December 23/24 and 30/31. Well, the first one is Cowboy Bebop. Safe pick, though they'll probably run the most recently aired episodes. And keep the opening credits cut, which is straight up blasphemous.

ETA2: DBS for December 30/31.

22 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Also, there's a "Avey Tare - Ms. Secret" listed from midnight-12:05.

ETA: I have no idea what the last thing is about.

Looks like it's about five minutes.

But seriously, it's probably a music video. There's a musician who goes by the name Avey Tare, and "Ms. Secret" is a track from his most recent album.

Checking in again. Are there any anime on the schedule reaching a conclusion? I mean, Lupin the III Part 4 is good in some places (though characters gaining the ability to Keanu/Neo away from bullets is weird), but shouldn't it end soon? Thinking about it, the only other anime I can think of is Dragon Ball  Kai, because they're compressing the Buu arc, which was the last one of the series. That should make a slot available, because I cannot see Dragon Ball GT Kai being a thing.

It's kinda sad that Toonami is action-based. I see bits and pieces of other anime online, but they don't involve the amount of intensity Toonami wants. Like Nichijou. Or Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto. Or Yuri!!! On Ice. If Adult Swim even thinks of running that, some hardcore fans might protest, because that's basically yaoi. I mean, it's heart-warming yaoi with an English theme song ("WE! WERE! BORN TO MAKE HISTORY!!"), but Toonami caters mostly to guys. If women watch as well? Awesome, but we ain't getting that or, I dunno, Ouran High School Club.

Oh, and I'd like One Piece back. Just sayin'.

ETA: Toonami Tumblr seems to be fixated on multiple GIFs in one post. Also, a Christmas-themed Cowboy Bebop picture, which is cute. If there had to be an episode based on that, I would it to be boiled down to "Ein Saves Christmas." Because Corgis are adorable, and I don't think Ein did that much in the anime.

On 1/6/2018 at 11:13 PM, Sandman87 said:

Tonight's Black Clover: Asta and Yuno get a good look at the Captains of the 13 Court Guard Squads...uh, I mean the Magic Knights, and Asta nearly gets killed by Kenpach...the Black Bulls captain. The fight at the end of the episode was a textbook curb-stomp. That was actually entertaining for a change.

Don’t forget, Noble Guy with Fashionable Hair and Icy Demeanor puts down his Kid Sister (probably it will turn out that he has a Tragic Back Story).  I loved Bleach, but this imitation is trying too hard.

No one ever realizes that tearing down the aspirations of the Shonen main character is the number one way to power them up, so they?

9 hours ago, lathspel said:

No one ever realizes that tearing down the aspirations of the Shonen main character is the number one way to power them up, so they?

I see what you did there with the stealth Bleach reference.

I would argue that it's the number two way. Number one would be handing the protagonist a non-lethal defeat, which is the leading cause of training-from-hell powerups and trying-twice-as-hard powerups.

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Four episodes, and people underestimating Asta is getting old. "Remember when we became friends in the past few hours? Well, now I'm gonna humiliate the one guy with no skills and get one step closer to my long-term goals. Tonight, I will mash my meager meat at the joy of fucking a bumpkin over. Ummmmmm . . . where did you get the giant fuckoff sword?!?"

Big question: is the anime worth a forum?

I haven't made a move only because I would want to put up fitting titles, and I've only seen the four episodes. Also, we're getting the episodes two months after they air in Japan, so there aren't many spoilers. Also, I'm not versed on clover-based creativity. On the other hand, I could put in "Episodes from Shonen Anime #18326-B" or something.

Also, it looks like we won't be getting any changes on Toonami for the foreseeable future. I know Stardust Crusaders is 48 episodes long. I should check the count for Iron-Blooded Orphans. My concern is that Toonami would plug in a less-compelling Gundam series in its place.

Re: Black Clover

In this episode the captains fall all over themselves to select Yuno while only crickets are heard when it's Asta's time to get picked or not. That is, until Capt. Piccolo...er...Yami decides he likes Asta's moxie. Also, Asta feels it necessary to inform practically the whole stadium about the effect purple lizards on a stick have on his lower gastrointestinal tract.

I kind of like that we condensed all the weirdos in Bleach into one squad on this show.  It tells me we’re not going to spend a lot of time watching rank and file shinigami run away from the big bad.  

Also, anyone else notice that the demon in the intro sequence has an upside down cross on his chest?  (And, the Bulls logo has an upside down star?)  Symbolism overload!

13 minutes ago, lathspel said:

I kind of like that we condensed all the weirdos in Bleach into one squad on this show.

Yeah, and some of them seem to combine multiple characters in one. Efficient! I can think of three or four Bleach characters that the goth-looking guy might be filling in for, but I'm going to call him Simon (after Killface's mumbling kid in Frisky Dingo). The flirty alcoholic woman seems to be a combination of Rangiku and Yoruichi. And so on...

Lupin III Part 5 debuts in April over in Japan. I'm guessing that'll find its way to Toonami in about a year. I have to be honest . . . Part 4 was pretty good. Ongoing narrative, new supporting characters, and a Leonardo da Vinci clone running around with deep and sinister plans.

If you want to post about Space Dandy, come over here.

One again, Space Dandy gets rerun tonight. Also, if you like quirky stuff, we got "Mushroom Samba" from Cowboy Bebop. That's the one where Ed and Ein go looking for food, and the adults get gooned on mushrooms. Good times.

ETA: Shippuden at 1:30, followed by Outlaw Star, and then Space Dandy.

Edited by Lantern7

Black Clover: It turns out that if you crank the volume up you can sometimes make out what the mumbling guy is saying. When Asta wanted to know what the Knights do, he said something like "I could tell you, but I don't want you to be scared, because we're friends." And when the Captain went off on his "Important Mission", his response was "Don't be gone too long. Captain. I'll be waiting for you." So he's basically saying boring normal things that a real person would say.

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