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X-Files Episode Elimination Game

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Whereas I think, even though Roland (for example) was being controlled, his character informs my opinion about that villain, at least as far as my interest in the story goes. So I don't think I can ignore the "host" (if you will) completely.

I see your point. I suppose it's because in this case I really only have Roland himself to go on, and since he's not the episodes "true villain", a villain I have no recollection of, I feel I have to vote for him.

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Wow, this is really tough. I thought I was going to pick the Mars face from Space but that's at least a semi-interesting wtf idea in a completely boring episode.  


Whereas I think Vance from Miracle Man and Parker from Shapes (really, a werewolf?) are totally boring, so I'm picking them first.  I'm shocked. 

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I'm first eliminating the villains I can barely bother to remember sooo..


Deputy Lyle "Werewolf" Parker (Shapes)

Charlie Morris through Michelle Bishop (Born Again)


At least the stupid Mars face was bad enough to make it memorable!

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Awarding two points for a "most want gone" vote and one point for a "second-most want gone" vote, we wind up saying goodbye first to Deputy Lyle "Werewolf" Parker from Shapes (five points).  But we have a tie for the next gone, so we'll say goodbye to both Leonard Vance from Miracle Man and Mars Face WTF from Space with four points each.  Warren Dupre lives on within Jack Willis' body for another day with three points.
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
The Jersey Devil (The Jersey Devil)
Howard Graves through Lauren Kyte (Shadows)
The Eurisko computer (Ghost in the Machine)
Parasitic glacial worms (Ice)
The Eves (Eve)
Cecil L’Ively (Fire)
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
Brother Andrew (Genderbender)
Warren Dupre through Jack Willis (Lazarus)
John Barnett, AKA the salamander hand guy (Young at Heart)
Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls)
Charlie Morris through Michelle Bishop (Born Again)
Dr. Arthur Grable through Roland Fuller (Roland)



Vote for the two episodes you want eliminated, in the order you want them booted.

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Dr. Arthur Grable through Roland (Roland)

Warren Dupree through Jack Willis (Lazarus)

What can I say, I always responded to Michelle Bishop and her dead eyes.

Edited by joelene
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I don't remember exactly what these two were doing or why, so I can't give them sympathetic motivation points, and I'll thus pick them for using the people they did:


Charlie Morris through Michelle Bishop

Dr. Arthur Grable through Roland Fuller

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With Charlie Morris it seems he didn't choose who to reincarnate into/possess/whatever-he-did so I don't mind he didn't give a fuck about using Michelle's body in his purely revenge driven quest for those who wronged/killed him. And Michelle always looked kinda creepy to me so that helped with enjoying that scenario, and with these big tough cops being scared of her.

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Yeah, I guess that's the risk of only being a name and maybe a face in a framed photo on a mantle piece. The creepy kid you inhabit to seek your vengeance is totally gonna steal your thunder.

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Once I get through the ones I can't remember (which certainly disqualifies them from being interesting) but before I get to the group of compelling villains, I'll be interested in analyzing the middle section of my list, with random things like the Ice worms, Darkness Falls bugs, GitM computer, etc. 


My plan is to do two seasons at a time going forward; I wanted to do the first season alone to work out any kinks and make sure we all still like the idea of voting on villains.

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We're going to say goodbye to three villains again today.  Warren Dupre through Jack Willis (Lazarus) and Charlie Morris through Michelle Bishop (Born Again) both got five points.  Right behind them is Dr. Arthur Grable through Roland Fuller (Roland) with four points, so we'll send him packing as well.  Those three got all but one of the votes cast this round.  Note to season one villains: don't possess other people's bodies, it's not nice.

Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
The Jersey Devil (The Jersey Devil)
Howard Graves through Lauren Kyte (Shadows)
The Eurisko computer (Ghost in the Machine)
Parasitic glacial worms (Ice)
The Eves (Eve)
Cecil L’Ively (Fire)
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
Brother Andrew (Genderbender)
John Barnett, AKA the salamander hand guy (Young at Heart)
Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls)


Vote for the two you want gone, in the order you want them eliminated.

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My first vote will go to the last of the villains I barely remember, and then I can finally start voting on levels of interesting:


Brother Andrew

John Barnett - creepy, but not in the good way

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Howard Graves through Lauren Kyte. I've always sympathised with and liked Lauren, but as with so many of these dead people Howard himself was never that interesting.

The Jersey Devil. Sucks to be her, but it's all kind of a shrug to me. I could never take it very seriously (except at the end when Mulder gets all sad).

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Does anyone remember Brother Andrews motivation? Did he want to kill those people or was that just a side effect and not enough for him to give up his genderbendering party ways?


I just always took it as a side effect and that he didn't care enough to give up his wild and crazy ways over it. 

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We'll say goodbye to three baddies again today.  John Barnett and his salamander hand tallied up eight points while the very-dead Howard Graves came in with six.  But Brother Andrew was the clear next choice, with almost all of the remaining points, so we'll go ahead and send him packing now.


Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
The Jersey Devil (The Jersey Devil)
The Eurisko computer (Ghost in the Machine)
Parasitic glacial worms (Ice)
The Eves (Eve)
Cecil L’Ively (Fire)
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls)


Vote for the two villains you want eliminated, in the order you want them gone.

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You know, I meant to change "The Jersey Devil" (which is what I'd put down in my initial list where I tried to put something next to each episode) to "That beast woman" (because I can't look at "beast woman" without hearing Scully say, "Keep it up Mulder, and I'll hurt you like that beast woman"), but obviously forgot all about it.


I'll change it in the list for next round, if she's still here.

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The Eurisko computer is almost unanimously unplugged, with 11 points.  We also bid adieu to the Ice worms with five points.  That beast woman from Jersey is just behind them with four points, so we'll send her packing as well to set up our penultimate round -- vote for the two you want gone, in the order you want them gone, and tomorrow we'll have our final three to rank.
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
The Eves (Eve)
Cecil L’Ively (Fire)
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls)

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I keep re-ordering my top three.  Boggs probably should be the third most-interesting, since the Eves and Tooms are more unusual, but Brad Dourif just does such captivating things with him.  And it's surprising the Eves are in contention for the top slot, because two of them are kids and I can't stand kids, but those girls are perfect.  And then, of course, there's the wonderful Harriet Sansom Harris.

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You know, I know I should be focusing on the girls, and I do after a minute, because they're great, but the first thing I think about when I read "The Eves" is Harriet Sansom Harris in her cell. She's awesome. I don't get why she isn't on my television more. I was thrilled when she popped up on Desperate Housewives and The Lost Room but that was ages ago.

Edited by joelene
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Same as everyone else...


The bugs



As a biologist, long dormant bugs from the rings of an old growth tree is sort of a fascinating idea, but no where near as great a villain as Boggs or Tooms or the Eves.  I too love that scene with one of the Eves in her cell. 

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Oh yeah, I have to admit that when thinking of the Eves I wasn't even considering the kids but just the older ones, as played by Harriet Samson Harris who, I agree with others, is just fantastic.  The kids are creepy and effective, though so even considering them the Eves remain a favorite villain.  


I really don't know which of the top three I'll choose.  They're all fantastic.

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Both Cecil L'Ively and the phosphorescent bugs wound up with 11 points, but the bugs got there by way of 8 votes to Cecil's 7 votes (although Cecil got more first-choice votes).  So the difference between fourth and fifth place is narrow, but it will be the bugs in fifth and Cecil in fourth.


So, here we go.  Vote for your most-interesting villain of season one:
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
The Eves (Eve)
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)

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