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Oh good it’s Dean and his moon faced wife. I can’t stand this bully

“ if we are in America we wouldn’t be going though this” ummmmm hope you have good insurance there bud. I didn’t know Dean has an adult daughter 

yea she is fucking Tired Dean because she is doing all the work while you do” music”

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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43 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Tania is now designing jewelry? Witch doctor business is slow?

She needs to get a J-O-B. I doubt jewelry designing and TLC checks pay enough to live on and they certainly don't offer health insurance. And if I have to watch her "ex" (Breck Girl) keep caressing his hair, I am going to scream. What a tic that is, and so vain. Remember on "Seinfeld" when Elaine cut off that dude's hair while he took a nap? 

I feel for both Molly and Kelly. He has to let go of a dream. I hope that the surgery benefits her as she hopes. It might bring on menopause, and if you think you felt bad before...I've been in meno and then post-meno for years. 

Edited by Tuneful
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What a surprise that Tania, her sister, and her mother are all divorced/divorcing.  

22 hours ago, Tuneful said:

She needs to get a J-O-B. I doubt jewelry designing and TLC checks pay enough to live on and they certainly don't offer health insurance.

And freelance social media management.  Is that deleting troll posts from the local fudge shop’s Facebook page?

22 hours ago, Tuneful said:

He has to let go of a dream.

Although if kids were a priority he wouldn’t have waited until his 40s when he is about to retire.

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22 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Larry was a fool to give up his corporate McDonalds job. I find Jenny exhausting but Larry seems nice, his family seems nice. His son seems very smart….not to be rude but he didn’t get that from Larry.

He couldn’t afford to rent an RV spot in backwater Florida?  Don’t managers make at least $40k at McDonald’s?

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On 5/10/2022 at 8:02 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Although if kids were a priority he wouldn’t have waited until his 40s when he is about to retire.

Or maybe he was wise enough to know that the choice of mother is a HUGE deal. I say this as someone who married young and divorced after 17 years. There were numerous times we thought about trying to start a family...but it never felt right to me. Now, I am engaged to a wonderful man who has two grown kids. I would LOVE to start a family with him, but sadly at my age and with medical issues I have had, it doesn't seem to be in the cards for us. I have said the same words I heard Molly and Kelly say----I wish I had ended the first marriage years earlier and met him years ago so that we had a chance to create our own family. Kids were not a priority to me until now because I was busy getting advanced degrees, focused on my career and not with the right partner. I am sure if my ex and I had kids, I would love and adore them, but seeing how he behaved during our separation and divorce, he would be a NIGHTMARE to try and co parent with, so on that side of it, I am thankful I don't have to deal with it. 

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Evelyn looks so much better now that she no longer has that unflattering hairstyle! Although I didn't start watching 90DF until a couple of seasons after Danielle and Mohammed, I've picked up plenty about what happened and also saw them on Diaries and the Tell All. I think it's wonderful that he's become such a great and very supportive friend, one that was also able to recognize and apologize for his part in hurting her. I'm sure that's not at all the norm in the patriarchal society he comes from. It started out as her just needing closure. Given the fact that it seems like 99% of the exes from the franchise despise each other for all eternity, I find it really refreshing. So my comment to her children is, "It's a major accomplishment and she can damn well celebrate with whomever she wishes!" You'd think that by now they are well aware of how respectful and supportive he is and that she no longer appears to harbor any illusions that it will ever be anything other than platonic. Of course, it could just be producer-contrived "Oh, noes, could there be conflict at the graduation??"

Edited by Scout Finch
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On 5/6/2022 at 2:13 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Mike’s Seattle apartment was depressing.    

It looked like he has a pod apartment, AKA a micro-suite. I think it can be not a bad option for someone who's not there a whole lot, is a minimalist about stuff, and at (estimated) 200-400 sf, it rents for less. There could be a lot of quiet single people there.    

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1 minute ago, Katie111 said:

Yes and that guy they met on the cruise seems creepy.  He first says to Julia that she can start working as soon as she moves there and then says he can’t hire her as he doesn’t need a designer.  Conversation made no sense. 

Yeaaa kinda concerned about Julia in that situation 

2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Molly's puppies are cute.

Kelly seems like a very nice man. I know Olivia had some addiction issues but she seems to be doing better. I hope it all isn’t too much and the relationship works out, Kingsley seems to really care for him and vice versa

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