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Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser


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I think my favorite Claire moments in the first ep are when she orders someone (Rupert?) to "fetch me a belt,"  when she tells Jamie "That's what you think" when he says she can just fix his shoulder for him again, and all the abuse she heaps on Jamie for not telling her he was shot. I like that her field nursing instincts assert themselves and help to give her strength and purpose and keep her calm even in the face of unbelievable, confusing, life-threatening events.

Edited by WatchrTina
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  On 8/8/2014 at 1:09 PM, peacefrog said:

Talk about Claire, how she handles and reacts to her unusual circumstances.


The actress did an incredible job in handling the transition from her modern day to the past.  The look of confusion and then understanding was very well handled.


I did appreciate the voice overs.  The one line when she was talking about the vase and how the day might have changed had she bought the vase, that was pretty cool.  Lots of foreshadowing during the opening moments, but for those of us with no book knowledge at all (I didn't even see a trailer, just the description available On Demand) it was really helpful to get into the mood.


I can't wait to see more!

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I find it interesting that there is very little talk about Claire on these boards but I think there is a simple explanation.  Most of the participants in these threads are women and in the show, Claire is us.  We're seeing this new world through her eyes.  It's feels weird to comment on yourself -- makes much more sense to comment on those you meet and interact with.  Especially if one of the people you interact with is a tall, strapping, red-headed highlander with a wicked smile and a voice like fine whisky (no "e").


But, back to Claire.  I love, love, love the scene where Mrs. Fitz rousts her out of bed, gives her a cup of broth and then takes it away from her again before she's done.  The look on Claire's face is priceless in that moment.  Bravo Cait!  And the crazy curly bed-hair is something every curly-top can identify with.

Edited by WatchrTina
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  On 9/5/2014 at 2:14 PM, Sakura12 said:

It's strange hearing Caitriona Balfe speak because she has the slightest trace of an accent while also sounding like a California girl.

I noticed that when I saw an interview. Without knowing anything about Caitriona, I imagine the faintness of her accent is from being well-traveled. The company I work for has a Norwegian branch and most of the personnel I talk to have their own noticeable accents, except for one guy. He barely has an accent at all and it's because he's traveled a lot in the States. I'm guessing Caitriona has as well.

  On 9/5/2014 at 4:43 PM, kariyaki said:

I noticed that when I saw an interview. Without knowing anything about Caitriona, I imagine the faintness of her accent is from being well-traveled.


Caitriona was quite a successful fashion and runway model for many years which means she did travel a lot. I can see how her Irish accent has changed; she seems quite soft-spoken in interviews as well.

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I just love Caitriona as Claire. She nails all the facets of Claire: the internal reserve, compassion, sexuality, strength of character, even the judgmental side of Claire and her arrogance. She is by far the standout of the cast for me and I think it's easy to overlook just how good she is and how hard she must be working. Plus she has chemistry with everyone in the cast. 

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I love Claire's hair and her skin is what I dream mine should but doesn't look like in the morning after sleeping in a vat of moisturizer. If that's what the Scottish highland air and water does for skin and hair, the Scots should be packaging it and selling it to the rest of the world. I would pay a pretty penny for that look.

Speaking of looks. I love the way Claire looks 10 years younger and sweet whenever she and Jamie have their moments. Especially when she hands Jamie her blanket outside her door in Rent. It's only a few seconds but it totally transforms her face. Jamie too. They really did a great job at casting these two.

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The point in episode 105 ("Rent") when I really noticed Cait (as opposed to Claire) was in the waulking scene. When you see her all by herself surrounding my men (and some very very handsome men) it's easy to forget how lovely she is but in the waulking scene, there she is, surrounding by ordinary ladies and her height and beauty really stand out, especially since she was smiling and happy. I suspect she didn't have to do much acting in that scene -- I suspect she was having a wonderful time. Didn't it look like fun?

Edited by WatchrTina
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  On 9/9/2014 at 12:21 AM, WatchrTina said:

Didn't it look like fun?


Apparently your smell-o-vision wasn't functioning properly, because mine was off the charts nasty.


She didn't even roll up her sleeves and that urine was running off the table into her lap. Minus the availability of laundry facilities for the forseeable future I'd have stripped naked before I sat down.

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Actually I meant that Cait looked like she was having fun. I'll bet she really enjoyed sitting down with those ladies and I'm sure they used prop urine (probably weak tea.). Claire, on the other hand, probably had fun too (she's not repulsed by body fluids) but I was grossed out when she put her hand to her mouth after choking on the tipple. We didn't see her wash her hands first so, ew. And yes, it did bother me that they didn't roll their sleeves WAY up.


ETA: if you google wool waulking you'll see some drawings of it showing the women working the wool with their feet 

  Reveal spoiler

.  Using your feet seems much more hygienic.

Edited by WatchrTina
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  On 9/9/2014 at 12:21 AM, WatchrTina said:

The point in episode 105 ("Rent") when I really noticed Cait (as opposed to Claire) was in the waulking scene. When you see her all by herself surrounding my men (and some very very handsome men) it's easy to forget how lovely she is but in the waulking scene, there she is, surrounding by ordinary ladies and her height and beauty really stand out, especially since she was smiling and happy. I suspect she didn't have to do much acting in that scene -- I suspect she was having a wonderful time. Didn't it look like fun?

Ouch, this hurts my heart as a woman! Reminds me of sitting around a table in Jr. High being told we were going to vote for the "prettiest girl" at the table. Sure there were older ladies at the table but they all seemed attractive enough and one blond was, IMO as pretty as Cait, though made up to look rough and not coiffed and wearing a gorgeous costume.

Sorry, but JMHO.

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Apparently your smell-o-vision wasn't functioning properly, because mine was off the charts nasty.


HaHaHa!!! Thanks for the laugh. I noticed all the woman had their sleeves down. My understanding is not only does the urine set the dye --it can also be used as a bleaching agent? So why wouldn't the women at least roll up their sleeves? Or wear like their absolutely oldest dresses because wouldn't those dresses get bleached out? As in white spots on the skirts and sleeves?


And from what we've seen of Claire---she doesn't really have that many cloths. And they showed her "washing" at the river. basically splashing the water a bit. Sort of. So will she spend the rest of the journey smelling like piss?


I watched that scene again last night and I agree that Claire (the character) looked beautiful when shown with the other woman. She really stands out. But that's the thing about truly beautiful people --they are just that ---truly beautiful.


I really came to like this Claire in "Rent" especially because she was the most cranky and unlikable she's been so far. Drunk, piss smelling Clair trying to steal a goat? I LOVED HER!


Her being s prickly seemed a realistic reaction to her realizing how dire her situation was becoming as escape moved further from her. I imagine being around those dirty men who excluded her was not completely unlike her service in WWII. And escaping for a bit for some female camaraderie with the pee-wool ladies may have been something like what she did with her fellow nurses at the front. I think Claire was having a good time, pee and all! She's certainly had her hands in worse smelling muck.

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I don't think Claire would have been too worried about the piss, apart from the smell.  Up until a few months ago, even most doctors believed urine was relatively sterile.  Then it seemed implied that the piss was boiled considering the one woman coming back with a new kettle while the other ladies were finishing up with another bolt of wool.  Plus, she was covered in gore in her first scene of the show so she's probably used to it.  

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  On 9/25/2014 at 6:25 PM, peacefrog said:

My favorite shot of Claire in the whole series so far is her waking up hungover in "The Wedding".

It's the one with her hair over her face(reflection in the mirror) after Murtagh wakes her up.

Second favorite scene is her yelling at Rupert about the goat in "Rent".

Oh yes, I cracked up when I saw her hung over hair o' doom. There was just something about the way her hair looked that set me off into giggles.

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Caitriona just seemed to pop out of nowhere.  I read that she was considered in the top ten of high fashion models,

just behind the few model's whose names you would immediately recognize.  But as for acting, she is definitely a newcomer. 


I smiled while watching the Wedding episode for many reasons. One was when Claire is naked and begins to walk towards Jamie.

She thrusts her hips forward as she walks which is so like the high fashion model runway walk.

Actually, a good move since it thrusts your breasts upward and ....well you know.  For a tall lanky woman, she is very graceful. 


IMHO She did a beautiful job in the breakthrough scene at the Abbey in Ransom.

 Those big fat tears that roll down her cheeks.  She gave Sam so much with which to work.

 Even as they embrace Claire is still heavy in sobs.  She ( Cait) was really sobbing hard enough to make her loose her breath.  

Cait was in that zone.

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I find the character of Claire, as well as Brianna, to be so irritating with the hypocrisy and selfishness. Claire is the epitome of a doctor with God complex. As a surgeon, she wouldn't have been trained so deeply in disease, and certainly not in dentistry! That obsession she has to demand everyone bow to her vow as a doctor is pathetic  She thinks nothing takes priority over her demands that she must save, heal, cure, or stay with the sick and injured and everyone is to delay their own needs because hers are the only ones of importance. 

Not sure who thinks women were swearing like sailors in 1945, or even in 1968, but the vulgarity of Claire's constant use of fucking this and that is annoying. She is so self-centered that after she promised Jamie she would do as he says after her first capture by the English army that led to her spanking, she immediately went to Gailis against orders and got herself tried as a witch. It was her belligerent refusal to be honest about Bonnet as the rapist that led directly to Roger's beating, yet both Claire & Brianna put 100% of the blame on Jamie and refusal to accept responsibility when they caused it. 

The writers are presenting these two women as know-it-all bullies and not the strong, able women they should be. 

It's a shame that Brianna and Roger didn't get a better choreographer for their intimate scenes. Those two are really hard to watch while they try to emulate the intimate scenes between Claire and Jamie. Fergus and Marcelie are the best couple in the show and we never peer into their bed. The noises that come out of Claire when she's mad, scared, upset, etc are actually so pitiful the editors should have had someone else record over them.

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