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S02.E09: Scents & Sensibility

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So the boss is going to be the "ugly American" trope.  Not only that, they pull out the constantly eating pregnant woman trope.  Ugh,  And I guess we're supposed to be on Sylvie's side with the way her sexual choices have interfered with the way the company is run but giving a guy a break on rates because you're fucking him is something her bosses have the right to think is not great. 

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Hoo boy.  Everyone seems to have an issue with boundaries this episode ... except, for once, our pal Emily!  Good for you, Emily!  And Alfie was a mature adult, simply addressing things with Emily upfront.

But everyone else -- geez: Mindy using Em's bed for sex (hope she changed the sheets!); Mindy's bandmate selling her out to a Chinese journalist and then being a dick to her; Madeline with the pushy behavior and chewing food in everyone's face for the whole episode; Luc touching Madeline's stomach without waiting for her to say it's ok and gossiping about Em and Gabriel to Alfie, a man he just met (at least he had enough shame to panic and run away swearing, lol), etc.  

Technically, Madeline is in the right about how Sylvie has been handling Antoine's account and she is the boss and has a right to swoop in and take charge .... but.  I just couldn't deal with her this episode, and for the pettiest reason ---  I hate, hate, hate people chewing loudly or talking with food in their mouth, especially in film or TV, it drives me into a rage.  Also, leaving food all over Sylvie's desk, insisting on discussing a raise in rates at a client's event which is just obnoxious and bad client management.  On top of the ugly American and snooty French stereotypes, we now have the "pregnant ladies always eating!" stereotype.  

On to the fashion: Emily's black and white dress at the end, even with the crazy patterned overcoat for outside ... probably her best outfit but it was meh for me.  The navy/red/white mini-skirt outfit with the weird ... vest ... thing -- with those oversized pearls and high-heeled boots, she looked exactly like a Barbie doll.  

Everyone else looked relatively normal and nice this episode, ..... except .... wardrobe seems to be dressing Camille in pajamas now, or maybe that was a baggy yellow shorts jumpsuit thing at the beginning, but seriously WTF and was she wearing rain boots with it on a sunny day??   We get it, wardrobe, you hate Camille!!

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I'm guessing the reappearance of Madeline is to show the audience just how much Emily has grown and learnt about the way the French operate, especially in business? And how much Emily likes her new social/work group?

Out of all the tropes this show likes to use I hope they don't use the trope that the original 'hot' guy is the lead's OTP. I much prefer Emily with Alfie than Gabriel. I don't want Gabriel to disappear, I just don't see any spark between him and Emily apart from the puppy eyes he keeps giving her.

And I know I should care about Sylvie's dodgy business decisions but honestly, handling of finances and business decisions is one step below organized crime in stuff I want to watch in my entertainment. I'm expecting that Madeline's power move is not going to end well for the Gilbert Group.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I still think Alfie is an asshole, but I like the bromance he has going with Gabriel.

So tiresome. They might as well have gone whole hog with the Ugly American trope and had Madeline punch the mime. Heh.


As someone who had wife and several other friends who were preggers more than once. The women constantly eating is a cliche on TV. Yes, some do, but many others... don't. Hell I kept expecting my wife too and the only thing that was regular with her was the mood swings and needing naps. 

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Every time this show has another American character show up, they are so over the top they seem to exist to make Emily look like less of an Ugly American in comparison. Her boss makes some decent points about Sylvie letting her affair affect what a client is paying, but she's just so rude and annoying its hard to really take her complaints seriously. 

I am so glad that Alfie actually confronted Emily about her relationship with Gabriel and they actually had a real, mature talk about it without it becoming a huge thing where they break up or he storms off in a huff. I didn't much care for Alfie at first but he has really grown on me, he and Emily make so much more sense as a couple and he is so much more likable. Ironically, I like Gabriel's friendship with Alfie way more then his relationships with Emily or Camile, it seems much more natural and showcases his personality more. 

Mindy is always the best dressed character in the show, her dress when her boyfriend found out about her past looked amazing.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Alfie. Yowzers he’s hot, and likely the second fiddle to Gabriel because Emily still makes googoo eyes at him. Gabriel told you he wanted you, so it’s your own damn fault you’re not with him. And Alfie will likely get screwed.

I’m not minding Mindy’s singing storyline. I am hoping to see her dad in the final episode, but that may be more drama they are holding off for season three.

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On 12/28/2021 at 10:09 AM, SlovakPrincess said:


Mindy using Em's bed for sex (hope she changed the sheets!)

I'm binging seasons 1 and 2 this weekend, and have been wondering about laundry from the beginning. Have we ever seen Emily go to the laundromat or dry cleaners? Not that it would be riveting tv, but sheesh, that wardrobe would require upkeep!

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