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S02.E07: Light

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Bette takes a big swing with Pippa, Shane leans on Tess when she’s suddenly forced to harbor a secret, and Alice’s run-in with someone from her past throws her for a loop. Meanwhile, Dani must examine what’s holding her back in her personal life as Sophie is pushed to question Finley’s maturity and Angie worries that things have taken a turn between her and Jordi.

Original airdate: 9/20/21

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I was sure Finley and Sophie were about to get into a major accident, because Finley may not have been as drunk as Sophie but she didn’t seem completely sober, either. So getting pulled over instead was a bit of a surprise. From the look on Finley’s face at the end, I’m wondering if she has a suspended license or something.

Speaking of Finley: OMG @ her conversation with Dani. Seriously, Finley, you expect Dani OF ALL PEOPLE to give you advice on how to grow the fuck up?! Read the room, dumbass.

Bette was a bit bitchy to Carrie with that line about it being Carrie’s issue. But she wasn’t wrong, either, and IMO Carrie’s right that she’ll never fit in with this crowd. And it was over-optimistic and a bit presumptuous of her expect to spend the evening bonding with Bette. Another case of “read the room”. Also, anyone else wondering if she was lying to Shane about the AA/OA thing?

Shane was, as usual, awesome, with her advice and with getting Carrie home safely. It’s kind of ironic that in the original series Shane was basically dynamite to anyone she got involved with, and now she’s the most level-headed person in the show—but of course she’s had plenty of time to grow up since then. (But then we have Alice, who doesn’t seem to have learned much since then… Nat again, seriously?! Poor Tom.)

Best line of the episode: Alice telling Sophie and Finley to Febreze the couch. (Are these two exhibitionists or what? Having sex in the green room where anyone could walk in, and at the house where any of the roommates could have walked in. And then we have Alice and the sunroof… wow.)

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anyone else wondering if she was lying to Shane about the AA/OA thing?

I think she was lying. The only time I have ever felt anything other than irritation about Carrie was right at the end, when she said she never felt good enough. Also the only time I've been impressed by Rosie O'Donnell as an actor. I really think she is stunt casting on this show and it doesn't work for me.


Are these two exhibitionists or what? Having sex in the green room where anyone could walk in, and at the house where any of the roommates could have walked in. And then we have Alice and the sunroof… wow.

Is this a Los Angeles thing or are people just having way more sex in public than I'm aware of. Seriously - Finley/Sophie in the green room, the apartment family room and the car while driving home; Bette and the artist lady in the museum; Alice and Nat in the car and in the bar bathroom... 


Bette was a bit bitchy to Carrie with that line about it being Carrie’s issue. But she wasn’t wrong, either, and IMO Carrie’s right that she’ll never fit in with this crowd. And it was over-optimistic and a bit presumptuous of her expect to spend the evening bonding with Bette. Another case of “read the room”.

Maybe? But honestly I did think it was presumptuous of Carrie to assume that she'd spend the evening "bonding" with Bette and when Bette politely told her that she was there with a date, Carrie should have left it at that. 

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Is there some reason why Carrie even has to be friends with Tina's friends? It doesn't seem like Tina spends any time with them these days. Doesn't Carrie have any friends of her own? Maybe a lesbian who dresses more like her, since there's plenty of them, if doesn't feel pretty around this crew? It's a group of friends who don't know you, Carrie, chances were you'd feel like an outsider with them.

19 hours ago, purist said:

Ugh, Bette Porter is the WORST. I can't stand her 'I'm better than everyone else' attitude and was disgusted at her treatment of Carrie, who seems like a good person.

Eh, she also likes to tell people who difficult Bette is, so it's not like there's no animosity on her end. 

It's just weird, like it feels like Carrie has no life outside of somehow being in a relationship with Tina instead of somebody who has her own life besides that. She herself tells Tina that Bette's still in love with her, so why is she going to Bette for approval as good enough for Tina? Or assurance from Bette's friends that she sucks? Just be civil to each other.

At first it seemed like Carrie was being set up to get her heartbroken when Bette and Tina got back together, but now it seems like she's being written to sabatoge the relationship and blame Bette.

Edited by sistermagpie
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Eh, she also likes to tell people who difficult Bette is, so it's not like there's no animosity on her end. 

Especially Bette's friends... Carrie should know they aren't going to be a receptive audience to her complaints.

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On 9/20/2021 at 11:53 PM, sistermagpie said:

At first it seemed like Carrie was being set up to get her heartbroken when Bette and Tina got back together, but now it seems like she's being written to sabatoge the relationship and blame Bette.

I agree with this. I wonder if Tina knows that Carrie has a drinking issue and is going to AA.  Approaching Bette at the charity event to hang out and bond and then acting like a disappointed child when Bette brushed her off due to her date was childish.

Disappointed with Findley.  Sex at work in the green room with Sophie, approaching Dani and then driving under the influence.  

I was getting a bit of a vibe that the producer/owner of the station that spoke to Alice and Sophie may want to sub Sophie for Alice for a more youthful vibe to the talk show? Maybe just me?

Alice going back with Nat even for casual sex was stupid.

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On 9/19/2021 at 4:21 PM, CarpeFelis said:

(But then we have Alice, who doesn’t seem to have learned much since then… Nat again, seriously?! Poor Tom.)

I was disappointed in Alice.  I kinda thought she was starting something with Tom, and definitely don't think she should be Nat since nothing ahs changed about what each wants out of a relationship. 

With all the various relationship combinations among and between Alice/Nat/Gigi/Bette/Dani/Sophie/Finley I'm finding it hard to keep track of which relationships are hook-up, flings, or affairs, and which I'm supposed to take seriously.

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1 hour ago, izabella said:

With all the various relationship combinations among and between Alice/Nat/Gigi/Bette/Dani/Sophie/Finley I'm finding it hard to keep track of which relationships are hook-up, flings, or affairs, and which I'm supposed to take seriously.

Yeah - reminds me of that huge chart Alice had in the original series mapping out all the relationships.

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OMG, I literally said out loud, "Where's Alice's damn chart when you really need it?" It's seriously getting ridiculous. 

I could use that - I didn't watch the original series so I'm trying to piece it together.


I'm finding it hard to keep track of which relationships are hook-up, flings, or affairs, and which I'm supposed to take seriously.

I can't take Finley and Sophia seriously, even though I know they were supposed to have been close friends before their relationship turned romantic. We only ever see them having sex and while I get that they are in the honeymoon stage, so to speak, I just don't really feel substance in their relationship. In fact, when they get close to a serious conversation, they jump into sex, almost like they know that if they dig deeper, it won't work.


I was getting a bit of a vibe that the producer/owner of the station that spoke to Alice and Sophie may want to sub Sophie for Alice for a more youthful vibe to the talk show? Maybe just me?

Ooh - I hadn't thought of that! I wonder what it would mean for Alice's reputation and credibility as the host of a queer show if she were to be in a relationship with a man. I know that she is bisexual but I wonder if the producer would hold a heterosexual relationship against her?

Also, I hate Alice's logo. I can't help but think of her as "Alips."

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On 9/22/2021 at 9:35 PM, CarpeFelis said:

Yeah - reminds me of that huge chart Alice had in the original series mapping out all the relationships.

Having sex once or a few times with someone does not a relationship make.

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On 9/20/2021 at 1:16 AM, purist said:

Ugh, Bette Porter is the WORST. I can't stand her 'I'm better than everyone else' attitude and was disgusted at her treatment of Carrie, who seems like a good person.

Not even. Bette has no responsibility to give any time to Tina's group. She was civil to Carrie, but wasn't going to allow Carrie to browbeat her into hanging out. Carrie has major insecurity and anger issues, and they are obviously all pointed at Bette, since she is the woman, powerful, strong, beautiful, that Carrie could never be. I found Carrie kind of stalkerish in her hatred of Bette.

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