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I am starting to wonder if Deirdre could be working for Stahma or Datak. They only approved of Christie because Rafe owned the mines. Now that he doesn't anymore, Christie doesn't have the connections that the Tarrs need. Christie is pregnant, but we have no idea how Stahma or Datak feel about a half human grandchild. If they want the child, then they just have to wait until Christie gives birth & then have her killed. I don't think anyone is planning on Deirdre becoming the next Mrs Tarr, if there is a plan, she would be paid off or killed I think. 

Don't think Diedre's seducing Alak is a Tarr plan.  If it were to their benefit they wouldnt hesitate but there really isn't anything in it for them and I don't think people from patriarchal societies want a father and son to SHARE a prostitute.  Datak is too much of a meglomaniac to want comparison.  Diedre however is expendable and is not long for this world.


I think (haven't seen this week's ep yet ) Kenya or a Kenya clone is in play because of Pottinger.  I think that was part of the reason he was copying Amanda's memories...to get info to make a good fake Kenya.  I think this has to do with Amanda's ex's death and Pottinger's obsession with him.  I think he thinks he'll get to the bottom of things with a fake Kenya.  

Don't think Diedre's seducing Alak is a Tarr plan.  If it were to their benefit they wouldnt hesitate but there really isn't anything in it for them and I don't think people from patriarchal societies want a father and son to SHARE a prostitute.  Datak is too much of a meglomaniac to want comparison.  Diedre however is expendable and is not long for this world.


I think (haven't seen this week's ep yet ) Kenya or a Kenya clone is in play because of Pottinger.  I think that was part of the reason he was copying Amanda's memories...to get info to make a good fake Kenya.  I think this has to do with Amanda's ex's death and Pottinger's obsession with him.  I think he thinks he'll get to the bottom of things with a fake Kenya.  

I agree about Diedre but it's hard to see Pottinger being behind Kenya.  Figure the one most likely to tell Kenya secrets about the death of Conner would be Amanda and Pottinger already has her memories.

I was right about Pottinger and the clone and the memories.  I'm less confident with my next prediction but here goes.  I think either Christie kills the hooker and goes to Stahma for help covering it up or Stahma kills her for Christie (and ultimately for herself because Stahma is all about herself when the chips are down.)  I think however that IF Stahma has a problem with Christie later on and could solve it with killing Christie (after the baby is delivered obviously) I think she won't kill her.  I think that the situation with Kenya, while it wouldn't change Stahma into a "good" person, MAY have at least made her a little hesitant to go for the poison as a first response.  Like I have no doubt that if Christie became a liability Stahma would do something but I think the Kenya thing might make Stahma get rid of her non fatally.   Personally I think if the show goes as far as having Stahma mentor Christie in the ways of the sociopath it would make the Christie character more interesting.  Not sure if the actress can pull it off but who knows. 

Personally I'd rather see Stahma and Christy actually form a kind of bond. It seems that Christy kind of idolizes Stahma. I wish she would go to her and ask her to teach her how to keep Alak interested rather than go with a kill the mistress story. Christy seems eager to learn the Casti ways and it would be a more interesting storyline IMO. It would even be more interesting for Deirdre (is that her name?) who seems to assume that she can seduce anyone into getting what she wants, when meek little Christy beats her at her own game.

[spoilerTV has a 3-min. sneak peek of the Finale, and all I can say is Holy Shit!



That was pretty awesome -- I wonder what happened to all those drop pods, because someone must have noticed a myriad of new races popping up on the planet 2000+ years ago.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

If the show is renewed for a season 3, I hope they concentrate more on good stories instead of the frat-boy sex scenes (IMO).  I like consistent characterizations where the characters sometimes step out of the box to make the stories more interesting.  The characters with their quirks are good, now support them with better writing. One more thing, if the show continues, please no baby that grows to a teen after a only few episodes. The Irisa storyline this year has been so boring.  We have been seeting an alter-Irisa instead of Irisa. Bring back Irisa.

If the show is renewed for a season 3, I hope they concentrate more on good stories instead of the frat-boy sex scenes (IMO).  I like consistent characterizations where the characters sometimes step out of the box to make the stories more interesting.  The characters with their quirks are good, now support them with better writing. One more thing, if the show continues, please no baby that grows to a teen after a only few episodes. The Irisa storyline this year has been so boring.  We have been seeting an alter-Irisa instead of Irisa. Bring back Irisa.


That's kind of been the point of her storyline this year - the attempt to reclaim her from "Irzu."

The slaughter of the Votans in the drop pods landed circa 800 BCE may be revealed as the motivator for Irzu-Kaziri's mad on humanity (Though I'm afraid I really do think it would be much more appropriate and bolder to have Irisa's anger at Nolan be the source of the homicidal urges.)


I really thought there was no other feasible explanations of the flashbacks than that they stole the keys to prevent terraforming of the planet from destroying humanity. 

But if they cobble one up, I suppose they can say Nolan is the shining example of how humanity has improved in two thousand years!

I suppose they can say Nolan is the shining example of how humanity has improved in two thousand years!

I'm not sure if that is sarcasm or not.  Either way while I think Nolan is no saint he isn't a bad guy and for someone who entered the army and learned to kill as a teen he did do something evolved.  He adopted a non human daughter.  For all his faults he really does think of her as his daughter and he does love her.  It would have been an evolved thing if he were only adopting a child of a different human race but he adopted a child of a whole different species.  A species that posed a threat to his. 


I think f the human race as evolving as a bigger percentage of the human race being more enlightened although we'll never get it all right.  Put it this way George Washington owned slaves.  That was normal in America in the 1700's.  Yet SOME people even then knew slavery was wrong like the Quakers.  Today there is a black president but there IS slavery in some parts of the world but OVERALL we've evolved because more and more people accept that slavery is wrong. 


Of course the whole question as to whether humanity has evolved to the point that we are worth saving is moot because the standards by which "Irzu" is judging is not clear and, as pointed out before, hypocritical.  Can't be for instance have we grown out of being Empirialist egomaniacs because the Casti took over the Irath planet and treat Irath's as inferior and the Casti's have a system where some are functionally slaves.  Ultimately it is going to have to come down to does Irisa have enough control to beat the Irzu AI ? which I kind of see as being necessary for the sake of the show, so as somebody upthread pointed out while the stakes are supposed to be the highest ,in reality this is the least nail biting plot point they have. 

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While waiting for Syfy to wake up and renew Defiance for a third season, I've been doing a little digging.


Kevin Murphy is admirably unlike the showrunners for Revolution, Falling Rain and so many other shows that have lurched from one plot to another because they never mapped the series for multiple seasons or put together a show bible.


In an interview before the start of this season, Murphy said this:



Like Season one was about a wild and wooly, rural free sheriff driven frontier town, Season two was about a town that is under occupation dealing with what does it mean to be free and what does it mean to work within a larger context of society as we look at the rest of the world or the rest of North America.


Season 3 is going to be more about global, and it’s going to be more about dealing with the role of theology and government is going to be Season 3. And Season 4 is when we go back into space.


A piece from July had this:



[...] According to recent tweets from [showrunner Kevin] Murphy, a third season will set out to explore more on the Rosewater sisters’ past, which is surely good news for those missing Mia Kirshner’s Kenya, who was murdered by Stahma Tarr (Jamie Murray) in the season one finale.


And speaking of murders, Murphy has also made public his intention to bring back Gale Harold’s Connor Lang, who also suffered death at the hands of another Tarr (Datak) earlier last season.


This curious love triangle of sorts may also be explored further as the show intends to delve into the history of “Younger Potty, Amanda, Lang, Kenya” in addition to The Pale Wars NY, according to Murphy.


I'm not so sure about "the role of theology." Please no more Daigo snake cultists and no heavy-handed Earth religiosity. And if we're going to be treated to more Irzu, it better not be in the guise of Chucky. I can tolerate Sukar's rattles and incantations, though. Maybe a walk through Rayetso's Three Hells?


Personally, I'd like to learn more about the low beginnings and rise of the Tarr family after they stepped off the Arks. I'd also like to get more background and history on Nolan and how adopting Irisa changed his path.


It seems crazy for me to be excited about Season 4, since we don't even know if we're getting a Season 3. When Kai aimed the terraspheres out into space and blasted the ark fleet to smithereens, it was setting up the return to space. If arkfalls, razor rain and space junk clutter are over, we might also expect a return to air transport and better communications soon.

Backstory is not character development but character service, in my view. But this may just mean that we see in flashbacks how Pottinger raped Amanda. 


Being more global means I think the VC background of the Pilar/Quentin's kidnapping. Being more about government i think means about the return of Defiance to independence. 


And theology means I think, given Sukar's survival, how Sukar and Irathient religion play a role in resolving Irisa's feelings of guilt. (Personally I would have seen part of Irisa's problem being taking her religious ideas seriously and there's no way that taking them more seriously could help her. But in Hollywood religion in general is always a good thing and bad religion only comes from evil villains like the Kaziri AI.) 

I don't think Defiance *is* going to become independent again. Been there, done that, returning to that status quo means loosing all the characters tied to the Erep, and doing stories that are more globally oriented with a base in an politically independent city state-let would be nonsensical - It seems more likely that with the top of the

E-rep political hierarchy and machinery annihilated we will get to see some reforms and power-grabs. Amanda used to work for them, pulling her back in would be trivial, and the Tarrs getting mixed back into politics doesn't strain credibility much either. 

My assessment of the E-Rep characters?


Mercado isn't staying because I don't think they would have had Atherton do karaoke if they respected his character and I'm not sure Atherton himself is that desperate.


Berlin is a loser who has nowhere to go, so if they want she stays. 


And Mercado has kicked out Pottinger twice already. The weird thing is how he's still hanging around, which is clearly because of Amanda. Of course he's going to die, but still. 


If they really did any global stories, the globe people are coming to Defiance on the maglev or flying in now the skies are opening up.

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