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S02.E06: My 3 Dads

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Adil handled himself really well at that horrible dinner. The dads seemed amused by him, too. You'd think they'd all be more eager to have someone with new-to-them magic in the family, but it sounds like they don't understand the full extent of his knowledge. Glad Abigail's grandmother stood up for her.

Tally's adorable. She was just enjoying everything she experienced in The Cession so much. I liked Raelle's conversations with Quinn and her dad. I think Quinn was cottoning on to the fact that Raelle's mom is still alive (if she didn't already know -- I couldn't tell whether we were meant to suspect her or not. She got squirrely when Tally started asking questions).

Scylla agrees with those of us from last week's thread who don't think she's been redeemed, haha.

Nicte created The Spree, as expected! This remote vocal cord burning looks pretty bad for Alder...

Lots of world-building info in this episode of After the Storm (and also Ashley confidently stating that Abigail's going to become the greatest Bellweather who will ever live, which I love):




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Petra's reluctance to add adil as a candidate does seem odd.. Especially with Abigail so adamant about running off and doing something.. Which will no doubt be dangerous.. You'd think, throwing her a bone with the guy she likes would at least be in the convo.. As it might keep her away from fighting... Tally swinging all the way to blaming Alder for everything is pretty in character gor her.. She's intense and it's not the first time she's been gung-ho ho one way then another.. I appreciated Raelle at least attempting to rein her in a bit... I have to laugh that we get to see the cession.. This wonderful native American majority land and the only people we get to talk to are white folks.. Still looks like Quinn seems to be wondering if maybe will a isn't dead... The show really is taking long to give us alder's version of the martyrdom.. And with nicte doing this it sure looks like she's still mad at Sarah... Which makes me wonder why the spree hasn't been attacking the army from the start... Abi's dads were fun... Gregorio is a good friend... The scene with the boys cleaning up and sizing up adil reminded me of the harems on Chinese and Korean costume dramas.. Anacostia got reminded that scylla was not her friend.. But just a fellow traveler on the road... Ana and Sarah def have a mother daughter vibe... I think Sarah didn't want her out there for her safety.. Tho Anacostia may have seen it as a reprimand.. It's possibly.. Maybe probably both... But when Sarah got hurt we saw the emotional response she had

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Raelle's dad is such a warm caring person, it really sucks that the wife he has mourned for years abandoned him and their daughter by faking her own death so she can go off and play terrorist. I like that this episode was a bit more low key then the last few, mostly focused on world building and character development (especially with Adil asking about how the Bellweathers work) until the very end where, of course, shit goes down. 

The dinner with Abigail, Adil, her dads and mom, and her small army of suiters was as awkward as you might imagine, but it seems like it could have been a lot worse. Adil actually did pretty well, its nice that Gregorio stood up for him to the other husband candidates, I am actually a bit surprised that the Bellweather's aren't excited at the prospect of getting some of that ancient Tarim magic into the bloodline, but they might not really know what that's capable of. It all really does give off a breeding stock kind of vibe, or like the guys are handing in their trading cards. 

Tally is just so excited to try things, its always really endearing, or when she awkwardly tried to fix the mirror or the witches from the military that were following them, its really cute. She also tends to be really passionate about whatever is going on with her right then, so now she's gone from "Alder is my hero" to "Alder is the devil" in about a week, although its hard to blame her after what she saw. Alder is probably more in the middle, she clearly has done a lot of things that are morally questionable at best, but she does really seem to think that what she does is for the greater good for witches and for the country, whether or not she's actually right. 

I am still not really onboard the Scylla redemption train yet (and I don't think she is either) but its at least easier to root for her when she running circles around these assholes. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Man Alder sure just has enemies lining up against her. No wonder she wanted to keep Anacostia close. 

Glad that Abigail has her grandmother’s support. Interesting that grandmother wanted Petra to make the Bellweather’s the top family with no one aka Alder above them. I do wonder what some of the older witches from these types of families think of Alder. 

Glad the actor playing Gregorio is very different from how the actor played his Nancy Drew character.

Even though they are fighting some bad guys themselves, I am not really cheering on Willa and Scylla. I prefer that they do take out the people kidnapping children and putting them in cages but not enough where I don’t them to be punished for mass murder.  

I know that Scylla and Rae are supposed to be the couple on this show but honestly feel like Tally and Rae would be a better pairing. This episode really made me want their friendship to be more. I don’t know maybe because there hasn’t been Rae/Scylla scenes this season but just seeing Tally and Rae together it just seems that they fit well together. It’s not going to happen but one could hope. 

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Raelle's mold won't allow her to be harmed (especially not her super special fungus infused vocal cords), so there is nothing to be worried about.

I am surprised that the Camarilla only drugged and left behind all of those witches and their wonderful vocal cords, I would have thought that the least they would do is to kill every witch there.

I hated that that witch put her hand on that crucible of molten metal sitting on a fire and reacted like it wasn't even hot.  


I really hate how situationally weak characters are written jsut to further the plot. If these witches can't combat fucking trank darts, how did they ever become a successfull army in the first place? Maybe after one of them gets hit, wind sheer the rest. There weren't any magic surpressing sounds, as far as I could tell. Raelle was even about to make all of them moldy, before she got hit with a dart.


So how does that work with the three fathers? I always thought Abigail had three dads because Petra was married three times, with those limited time marriage contracts, but this episode seemed to imply that they were married at the same time and all three dads contributed some genetic material? Did I get that right? I'm confused.


22 hours ago, UnoAgain said:

Petra's reluctance to add adil as a candidate does seem odd.

Very odd. He is a powerfull witch, with work nobody has ever seen before and also a much needed refreshment to the gene pool. She should be begging on her knees for him to knock her daughter up.

The uptight lady who watches over the family lines, I can understand. She has her head too far up her ass and filled with tradition to see the obvious, what a huge opportunity to strengthen the line this is, but Petra always struck me as more pragmatic.

Edited by Zonk
1 hour ago, Zonk said:

So how does that work with the three fathers? I always thought Abigail had three dads because Petra was married three times, with those limited time marriage contracts, but this episode seemed to imply that they were married at the same time and all three dads contributed some genetic material? Did I get that right? I'm confused.

So was Adil. 

I really like Raelle’s dad. He did a great job raising her. 

On 7/28/2021 at 12:35 AM, Cranberry said:

Lots of world-building info in this episode of After the Storm (and also Ashley confidently stating that Abigail's going to become the greatest Bellweather who will ever live, which I love):

Such fun. 

I would love to learn HOW the Cession got to be the Cession. 

18 hours ago, DanaK said:

Here I thought a visit to the Cession would give us more understanding of the place, including some interaction with a Native American tribe (other than a news report), but nope. Otherwise it was an interesting episode

I was left wanting more too. 


On 7/29/2021 at 6:11 AM, Zonk said:

So how does that work with the three fathers? I always thought Abigail had three dads because Petra was married three times, with those limited time marriage contracts, but this episode seemed to imply that they were married at the same time and all three dads contributed some genetic material? Did I get that right? I'm confused.

Yes- it seems like there’s a magical version of gene splitting to produce conceive kids for High Atlantic Families. (Like a magical IVF but with more than 1 genetic father) Of course there are babies conceived via hetero sex (Charvel was talking about 5 years with husband 1 before another) and Raelle’s parents were a love match but if you’re an influential woman in the army you get the most complex use of magical energy to conceive and raise your kids. 

I am surprised though that all these ladies are only kids. Even if they had brothers you would think they would be mentioned. I would think a woman in Petra’a position would be required (or at least incentivized) to have 3 pregnancies if biologically possible.  Raelle’s mom was kept on the front a lot, and Tally’s Mom had a diminished line (I remember Tally had the dispensation not to serve). 

Perhaps a minor point but... Does anyone else think that at the end Miss Mad Eye Mooney came to the right conclusion by completely the wrong process? I mean she immediately says the Camarilla can 'only crudely imitate our work' just minutes after seeing the evil witch-eating magical spiky blob monster they created. 

I think maybe underestimating the Camarilla has been established to be a risky thing to do at this point, you know?

On 7/28/2021 at 8:35 PM, ybrik said:

Glad that Abigail has her grandmother’s support. Interesting that grandmother wanted Petra to make the Bellweather’s the top family with no one aka Alder above them. I do wonder what some of the older witches from these types of families think of Alder. 

Petra has clearly been wanting to get rid of her since last season-Alder is the most interesting character to me... Petra said in the first episode of this season that she's vain and reckless and it is true, you'd normally expect someone that old and experienced to be much more restrained, Alder rushes into things all the time. You have to wonder if people like Minerva Bellweather all tend to get sick of her when they've seen just how gung go she can be while maybe the natural aging process helps make them more cautious, particularly when they will have seen so many friends and family KIA over the years.


Even though they are fighting some bad guys themselves, I am not really cheering on Willa and Scylla. I prefer that they do take out the people kidnapping children and putting them in cages but not enough where I don’t them to be punished for mass murder.  

Scylls and Wills killing some Rills is the best place for them, there's no moral complications when you can watch the monsters kill each other, and you can cheer the ones who are trying to save innocents rather than murder them (at the moment).

As for when the inevitable reunion happens at the very least I hope Raelle doesn't welcome Scylla back with open arms straight away and that Abi and Tally show her an appropriate amount of suspicion and anger. And I hope they at least talk about... SOMETHING that needs to happen to address all the things the Spree have done. Because if they try to ignore all their crimes and tell their Muggle countrymen their lives really are worthless then Alder's girls have two options: a new age of never ending race war or a new witch-ruled apartheid state. 


I know that Scylla and Rae are supposed to be the couple on this show but honestly feel like Tally and Rae would be a better pairing. This episode really made me want their friendship to be more. I don’t know maybe because there hasn’t been Rae/Scylla scenes this season but just seeing Tally and Rae together it just seems that they fit well together. It’s not going to happen but one could hope. 

Thats definitely not going to happen but when Tally was so eager and happy to listen to Raelle singing a love song she'd written it really did conjure up 'what if' images, didn't it? 

Ok now for some reason the what if image I've got is Tally picking up Rae's guitar and sadly singing 'and baby I can treat you better/than she can-' while Rae is canoodling with the terrorist 😉

Edited by Speakeasy

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