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Dr. Jo Wilson: Princess

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So I wish that they would explore it, but I don't count on it unless they let go of half the cast in the finale, which just isn't going to happen

I wonder will Steph possibly leaving have any affect on her screen time. She seems relegated to scenes with the other residents. I find it alarming that she's the only resident they didn't bother to show being mentored but then again Callies only purpose has been to prop Penny. She's had very limited interaction with much other characters. If Steph were to leave it could make for an interesting shake up of the dynamic.

Unless she's the one exiting end of season which wouldn't shock me at all.

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Replying here instead of the spoiler thread:


I agree, I think that Camilla does just fine on the rare occasions when they give her something to work with.  I thought she did a good job with the Jason stuff in season 9 and Alex's dad stuff.  More recently she was good in the proposal/break up scene.  When she gets nothing to do but mope and whine, no, she isn't setting the world on fire, but again, she's fine.

 I believe who is a good actor to be subjective (same for if actors have chemistry). I find Camilla pleasant to watch and think she does fine. I'd rather watch her than Bailey blubbering and chewing the scenery for the millionth time even if the world considers CW the better actress. I like Chandra but Bailey has been on my nerves for awhile now.


With as many years on the show Jo should be able to carry her own story and justify her position on her own merits (The way Stephanie and even Ben have done this year

If she was written to have her own story I think she'd do fine. Stephanie has had primarily medical stories for the past 2 years and those could have been given to any resident, including Jo.  Stephanie's only connection to other cast members is that she's a co-worker so I'm confused why some believe Stephanie is better integrated into the cast. Put Jo on more patient cases, write an attending to think she's the best ever and she'd be integrated into the hospital staff better plus have her connection to Alex. Ben has his connection to Bailey and this year had some medical storyline and the same could be done for Jo. They gave Penny, a guest star, more medical storyline than Jo, DeLuca, Ben. Having doctors more connected is easy to achieve IMO - just write them working together.

Edited by windsprints
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6 minutes ago, windsprints said:

If she was written to have her own story I think she'd do fine. Stephanie has had primarily medical stories for the past 2 years and those could have been given to any resident, including Jo.  Stephanie's only connection to other cast members is that she's a co-worker so I'm confused why some believe Stephanie is better integrated into the cast. Put Jo on more patient cases, write an attending to think she's the best ever and she'd be integrated into the hospital staff better plus have her connection to Alex. Ben has his connection to Bailey and this year had some medical storyline and the same could be done for Jo. They gave Penny, a guest star, more medical storyline than Jo, DeLuca, Ben. Having doctors more connected is easy to achieve IMO - just write them working together.

Like you've said, it all comes down to the writers. They've chosen, for whatever reason, not to give those stories to Jo. A big issue for me is that they've never developed her as a doctor - Steph got the connection to Amelia and Jo should have gotten that with Callie, but it never happened. Even when they did the Preminger grant, it seemed to really only be between Penny and Stef, and even Ben got an aside as to why he didn't apply: Jo was an afterthought. I think with a cast this large, it's hard to keep everyone connected because there's so much going on, but that's why I think we never needed the additions of Maggie / Amelia / DeLuca, etc. Instead we could have focused on Alex / Jo, developed a Jo / Callie work connection, made Mer and Callie closer rather than going for the contrived 'sister' angle, etc. But that's all done and over with - I really wonder where Shonda sees Jo going forward. 

I think Camilla is a fine actress - not great, but certainly not bad. Like I said in the Spoiler thread, I think she's grown a lot over her time on the show, which is almost a shame because I think she struggled to pull off some stuff they gave her in S9 (the storyline with Jason) and now she just gets crumbs. Hopefully there's a real game-changer for her & Alex in the last 2 episodes and we see more of them next year... but I won't hold my breath. 

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Yeah and I like the camaraderie between her, Ben, Steph and even Penny. The show should have tried to establish this ages ago. She integrates well with any of the other cast they've put her with - they just rarely give her the opportunity to show this.

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Good for Camilla to finally get something for Jo to play in these two final episodes of the season. I agree she is great promoting the show and also she has improved considerably as an actress since she came on the show.

I would like to see Deluca thrown in the mix of camaraderie of Ben, Stephanie and Jo. I would say I would prefer to see Jo and Deluca as a romantic couple over her and Alex. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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My issue with their 'camaraderie' is it just seemed thrown together because none of them really had friends or anyone else to talk to. Aside from Steph / Jo, we never really saw how they developed a friendship - especially with Penny, she was just thrown in there seemingly at random. I don't want DeLuca to join their group... it wouldn't really make any sense. Also, at this point DeLuca has the personality of a cardboard box... we literally don't know anything about him. I wish they had made Cross a regular instead of DeLuca, honestly. At least he's fun. His crush on Jo was reductive, but I liked that he reminded me of George. We haven't had a fun male character since Mark left. 

Edited by BaseOps
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8 hours ago, BaseOps said:

My issue with their 'camaraderie' is it just seemed thrown together because none of them really had friends or anyone else to talk to. Aside from Steph / Jo, we never really saw how they developed a friendship - especially with Penny, she was just thrown in there seemingly at random. I don't want DeLuca to join their group... it wouldn't really make any sense. Also, at this point DeLuca has the personality of a cardboard box... we literally don't know anything about him. I wish they had made Cross a regular instead of DeLuca, honestly. At least he's fun. His crush on Jo was reductive, but I liked that he reminded me of George. We haven't had a fun male character since Mark left. 

At least with Ben he transferred into Jo/Stephanie's class. I remember they had a bunch scenes together in season 10 with Shane and Leah. I can buy they would those 3 would be friendly. Steph/Jo hanging out with Penny really makes no sense. It wouldn't surprise me if they slowly phase out DeLuca's class like they did with Lexi's.

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So, no real surprises here, other than the fact that her husband seems to be kind of powerful, I didn't expect that and it makes the story a bit more complicated and soapy, but after years of her dropping dumb hints here and there for laughs and whimsy, I'm glad that we seem to at least be on the road to a real exploration of her past.  Its never going to be exactly what I want, and I will probably end up pulling my hair and gnashing my teeth with each new episode, but it is what it is.  I'm sure that I could spend all summer nitpicking every little inconsistency and everything that completely defies reality, but I could do that with nearly every storyline on this show, and since Jo and Alex/Jo are finally getting something where they get to, you know, act, then I bring it on.

In my mind, season 11 and 12 just didn't happen.  The only major change in their relationship is the loft, but nearly everything else has stayed exactly as it was at the end of season 10.  And since the Jo and Alex of last night are a lot closer to the kind of couple that was introduced back then, I am just going to view these developments and next season as a continuation of that.  I much prefer the interesting, dysfunctional kindred spirit Alex and Jo to whiny, insecure Jo and self-righteous pearl-of-wisdom dropping Alex, so I am set.  The Meredith stuff was dropped, the Izzie eggs were dropped, Jo still isn't an attending, they still aren't engaged, Alex didn't get the board seat or the cushy job, so basically as far as I and they are concerned, seasons 11 and 12 never happened.

LALALALA - I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I agree with Deanie & Chas (in the episode thread) - Jo having lied to Alex doesn't mean she didn't love him or that their relationship has no foundation.  According to Camilla Jo didn't tell him because her ex is dangerous. I definitely think she should have told Alex but for me her motives for not telling him come into play. If it plays out as CL says she wasn't withholding the information to be intentionally malicious.  That would leave both Alex & Jo acting badly believing (at least initially) that they were protecting the other. They're both such broken people that I can believe that they thought they were doing the right thing - Alex in that split second when he made the worst decision of his life and Jo's ongoing decision to keep her past from Alex.

They both being broken and flawed is what I've found most compelling about their story from the beginning. Two messed up people overcoming to (hopefully) in the end put their past to rest and find happiness. I'm all for the big story (finally!) and for the drama. I want backstory for Jo and a storyline that isn't resolved in 10 minutes with Alex back driving the gals to work in the following episode. I'm hoping the "let's make it about Meredith's friendship to Alex" is kept to a minimum since she'll be off in her Degrassi High like triangle.  I know many people here hate Jo but I'm rooting for her, Alex and Jolex.

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1 hour ago, windsprints said:


I agree with Deanie & Chas (in the episode thread) - Jo having lied to Alex doesn't mean she didn't love him or that their relationship has no foundation.  According to Camilla Jo didn't tell him because her ex is dangerous. I definitely think she should have told Alex but for me her motives for not telling him come into play. If it plays out as CL says she wasn't withholding the information to be intentionally malicious.  That would leave both Alex & Jo acting badly believing (at least initially) that they were protecting the other. They're both such broken people that I can believe that they thought they were doing the right thing - Alex in that split second when he made the worst decision of his life and Jo's ongoing decision to keep her past from Alex.

They both being broken and flawed is what I've found most compelling about their story from the beginning. Two messed up people overcoming to (hopefully) in the end put their past to rest and find happiness. I'm all for the big story (finally!) and for the drama. I want backstory for Jo and a storyline that isn't resolved in 10 minutes with Alex back driving the gals to work in the following episode. I'm hoping the "let's make it about Meredith's friendship to Alex" is kept to a minimum since she'll be off in her Degrassi High like triangle.  I know many people here hate Jo but I'm rooting for her, Alex and Jolex.


I've only just seen this post and I agree 100%. This is everything I love about their relationship aswell. I also love the fact they are damaged souls, who have found each other and make each other happy. Shonda once described them as 'alley cats' and I love that depiction of them, it's just such a shame she didn't continue that interest in their relationship because IMO, it's one of the most compelling on the show. I'm a sucker for layered, complex characters and I think that they really bring something fresh and new to the show, but they have been cast aside so people forget how good they are together. 


The fact that they are protecting each other, but their lack of communication issues prevents them from seeing just how much, and how much each loves the other, just makes me love them more. I agree, I hope going forward that Jo's perspective is THOROUGHLY explored, and they really do her justice with this story and keep it true to her character. 

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21 hours ago, windsprints said:

I agree with Deanie & Chas (in the episode thread) - Jo having lied to Alex doesn't mean she didn't love him or that their relationship has no foundation.  According to Camilla Jo didn't tell him because her ex is dangerous. I definitely think she should have told Alex but for me her motives for not telling him come into play. If it plays out as CL says she wasn't withholding the information to be intentionally malicious.  That would leave both Alex & Jo acting badly believing (at least initially) that they were protecting the other. They're both such broken people that I can believe that they thought they were doing the right thing - Alex in that split second when he made the worst decision of his life and Jo's ongoing decision to keep her past from Alex.

They both being broken and flawed is what I've found most compelling about their story from the beginning. Two messed up people overcoming to (hopefully) in the end put their past to rest and find happiness. I'm all for the big story (finally!) and for the drama. I want backstory for Jo and a storyline that isn't resolved in 10 minutes with Alex back driving the gals to work in the following episode. I'm hoping the "let's make it about Meredith's friendship to Alex" is kept to a minimum since she'll be off in her Degrassi High like triangle.  I know many people here hate Jo but I'm rooting for her, Alex and Jolex.

I think that the challenge now is for the writers to really make it crystal clear about why Jo is terrified of this man and why she felt that she needed to keep her secret, and really how it informs every aspect of her life.  I'm really happy that it seems that she has some people in her corner, and I was pretty happy with the premiere and it does seem to be character driven so far, if soapy, at least the little bit that we have seen.  I hope that they keep the storyline organic and semi-realistic rather than trying to "redeem" Alex or Jo or make up for lost screentime/storyline where it doesn't fit.  I have no problem with the way that Jo acted in this episode and while I was horrified by what Alex did and I want him to be punished, I still think that it was in character for him.  I liked what Meredith said about there being two people living inside of Alex and I think that the same could be said for Jo.

I don't think that Grey's does "normal" couples very well, which is why I don't really care for most of them.  But I just so enjoy the way that Alex and Jo seem to take one step forward and two steps back, and the darker and twistier it gets, the better as far as I'm concerned.  Alex, as written, could be a complete bad boy cliche, but I think that Justin Chambers has done an incredible job of going beyond the tropes to show that Alex's actions come from a place of anger and hurt and its realistic to me that he reverts back every once in awhile.  I am not sure that Camilla has always had a handle on Jo, which I blame the writers for, but she was great last night and I expect her to do wonderfully in this storyline.  She and Justin really shine in the quieter scenes between them and that speech that Alex gave was just so cold and brutal and Jo's response was heartbreaking, but also I loved it.  Alex really knows what will hurt the most and uses it.  Although, I also think that it is him reflecting all of his doubts and self-loathing about himself right on to her.  His first response (maybe) was that Jo was getting hurt and his second response is that she is cheating, and that really says a lot about him and how he thinks.  He needs to tell her how unworthy she is because really that's the way he feels and so its easier for him to reject her than to continue to be (in his eyes) rejected by her.  I am a complete sucker for all of it!!  I am ready for her to really get pissed at Alex now, though, and get back to being the tough and funny survivor that was introduced back in season 9. 


Jo and Alex are meant for each other. First, Jo gets into a altercation with that guy she was dating. A lot of people assumed he was the aggressor and bear her including Alex. When it seemed more like he was defending himself. Now, Alex beats down a guy near death, some people assume it was the victims fault when it was all Alex. All these people need serious therapy for real.

I"m quoting this from the episode thread and I know that the poster meant all of it as a complete negative, but it is exactly why I love Jo and Alex LOL!   In realy life, people like Jo and Alex should probably avoid one another like the plague, but it just works for me on Grey's.  They are both SO damaged and so defensive and angry, but they are also both survivors and I just love that they recognize the pain and the damage in each other.  I am really excited to see them work through this and I would LOVE it if there was some therapy along the way, and definitely some anger management for Alex.  I want them both to grow up a little, but I hope that they always keep their edge because, honestly, when its not there (Iike in seasons 11-12), they are nearly as boring as every other "normal" couple on Greys.

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Just coming towards the end of my season 9 rewatch and although I haven't reached the finale where Peckwell is in the hospital I am at the episode where Alex accidentally tells him about her past. She gets mad at Alex yelling at him that it was a secret and she didn't want him to tell anyone about her. An exact quote is "what's the point of a fresh start if there's always some dumb ass to mess it up". 

That line makes me and the following episode makes me think that the ex husband was something the writers may have toyed with early on but they shelved it for whatever reason. 

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I still believe that Shonda is going to make things work out for Alex and Jo.  In this episode alone, her told her that he wanted to be with her, they both used the word trash to describe themselves and she finally, finally stood up to him.  And we know that parallels that have been building have yet to happen.  Jo has a violent past, Alex just got violent, he still has the secret to find out and if the husband shows up, I can't imagine him not caring.  They may have a really rough road ahead and they may hook up with other people (maybe even DeLuca, just not seeing Mer or Maggie though), but I think that they are still meant to be together, at least for now.

Brought over from the spoiler thread as to not cram that thread with a Jo discussion.

About the bolded part, do you guys think Jo's violent past will come up again or that it's dropped completely? I sincerely hope not, otherwise I'm not sure I can support Jolex in the long run. I get that Jo is hurt and angry at Alex right now and it's absolutely justified, but if she holds what happened between him and DeLuca against him for long, I'm gonna have a problem with them as a couple.

I’m not saying she shouldn’t be horrified by what Alex did, but given that the writers decided he was trying to protect her and given that she’s done similar things to protect herself in the past I hope she does understand where he was coming from and it’s just burried under all the hurt and anger right now. Some people say those two situations can't be compared, but actually I think they can to a certain extent? Jo saw red in a situation where she felt threatened and Alex saw red in a situation where he felt Jo was threatened.

I'm not here for the writers turning Jo into a helpless victim in every aspect of her life. IMO that's not who she was introduced as and I also don't think a person like that paired up with Alex would make for a healthy couple.

I'm glad she stood her ground in the last episode. But people are already comparing Alex to the husband in some ways and it makes me  extremely queasy. Eg: the way Jo exploded when Alex said the words "I'm sorry", because that's what abusive partners do to get on the victim's good side again, after hurting them. But really, sometimes "I'm sorry" just means I'm sorry and I really don't like the implication that it reminded Jo of her husband. And it's not like Alex inflicted his company on Jo. It looks like he stayed away from her and when he met her he tried to apologise. That's perfectly normal and understandable IMO. It's also completely understandable that "I'm sorry" wasn't gonna cut it in the given situation. The last thing I would have wanted would have been for Jo to forgive Alex immediately, but I don't think it had anything to do with Alex reminding her of her husband in any way. Or at least I hope it didn't.

I don't know where the writers are going with this, but if they try to point out that aspects of Alex and Jo's relationship are/were abusive, then I can no longer support this ship and I'd hate that.

I hope they do tie Jo's own violent past into this somehow. Wasn't it always implied that both Alex and Jo have anger issues? Because it's not like Jo only lashes out when she feels threatened. It happened with the mother of a teenage patient in 9x08 too, so I'd really hate it if they paint Jo as a weak and fragile little thing in this story. Speaking of anger issues, I'm not even sure how the Jo they introduced in s9 can be the same woman who endured an abusive marriage, because I never pictured Jo to put up with something like that. Given her past it does make sense generally speaking, but for her as a character specifically I just could't see it. Either way, I still hope that aspect of Jo's story isn't glossed over.

And more than anything else I hope the writers know what they are doing. But sadly I doubt it. Could it be that they forgot about Jo's anger issues and the Peckwell thing altogether? After all they magically cured it by having her discover Ortho in s10 *rollseyes*.

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No, those two situations can't be compared. While we don't know what exactly happened between Jo and the other guy, it's clear things got physical between them to some extent and it may have been self-defence. What happened between Alex and DeLuca was entirely different. Sure, Alex could have thought he was trying to take advantage of Jo. He may even keep saying it to himself in order to ease his conscience. However - DeLuca was fully clothed, he got up immediately when he saw Alex and tried to explain what just happened and finally, even Jo told him to stop. He didn't really see anything, he just made an assumption and went along with it, taking it to an extreme level. It's just too different and I'm in fact going to be really annoyed if the show tries to play the "Oh look, it just means we're the same!" angle. 

Also, while Jo might accept that Alex was trying to defend her, she really should ask herself if she really wants to be defended like that. 

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I agree, I personally think that they are two different situations for the reasons you said, and I don't think that Jo is a hypocrite for not immediately rushing to Alex's side to defend him.  I think their last scene in the premiere clearly showed that Jo is devastated that Alex may go to prison and that she does feel responsible for it, but she also wants the kind of justice for DeLuca that she never got herself.  Having said that, Jo also knows that Alex would never, ever lay a hand on her.  So far I have only seen her be pissed off at Alex's behavior, not scared.  (And if they play it that way, then there is no coming back from it.)  Also, this is the worst of Alex's outbursts, but it isn't the first and Jo hasn't batted an eye at the others.  Jo got pissed at Alex's behavior, just like Alex got pissed at her for her behavior with Peckwell.  Beyond that, I don't compare them.

In the end, I think that this is going to be one of those storylines that needs to be seen in full in order to judge it.  We are only two episodes in and Jo has really only gotten to give her side to Alex one time.  I think that her past is going to come in to it more, but I just don't see any kind of comparison to her husband at this point.  I just don't.  I have read where people think, oh well Jo would be triggered by this or by that, but she hasn't been, and that is what I'm going by.  I can't enjoy this relationship and then retroactively view it through the eyes of Jo cowering in fear because Alex is violent or thinking "she must be having a flashback to her husband" because that just isn't what happened onscreen and until or unless it does, they are still just a very complicated, dysfunctional couple who understand one another due to their experiences.  I think that Peckwell may come up again, but it will be viewed through the lens of "I swore to myself that if anyone ever grabbed me like that again..." rather than, "well Jo is a violent psycho, why can't she support Alex who is also a violent psycho" or "poor Jo, everything Alex does just triggers her."  I think that once the secret about the husband comes out, things will start to move forward for Alex and Jo but until then, its just going to be about Alex trying to piece his life back together and Jo (hopefully!) will concentrate on her career.

Edited by Deanie87
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I'm wondering if Jo's husband is going to suddenly appear and that is how everyone is going to find out that she is married.  I'm guessing that in today's day and age of 24 hour news cycles and social media, etc., it wouldn't be difficult for him to find out about Alex's arrest, especially considering the history of the hospital (shootings, plane crashes, etc.).  I wouldn't be surprised if the husband happened to see a news story about Alex's arrest, see Jo in the background or a picture of her referenced as his girlfriend, and then shows up out of nowhere announcing that he is Jo's husband (and revealing her real name, etc.)

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Not sure if the writers intended this, but as Jo shaved Patricia's head and listened to her talk, you could see something click in Jo's brain as she realized she has to get angry, not scared, and get focused. I hope there is some divorce planning and control-taking going on.

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I've not gotten the impression Jo is scared of Alex hurting her. She was straight over to him trying to make things right after he beat up DeLuca. It was the hurtful things he said to her about her past etc and knowing he said it because it would hurt her that has her done with him. He didn't abuse her physically but he walked out on her after years of dating, came back and leapt to a conclusion about what happened with DeLuca and then when she tried to explain he leapt to a dozen more conclusions about her. He then tried to fix it with I'm sorry. I know you can parallel it with being the apology of an abuser but I don't think it's what they're trying to do. I think Jo is just trying to grow some backbone and let Alex know that hurting her (emotionally not physically) isn't ok. 

I also think Alex's hurtful remarks and assumptions broke her trust in him and if she could ever have told him about the husband she certainly won't now and where does that leave the relationship since it can't continue as it was when he wanted/deserved marriage and a legitimate reason of why if it wasn't going to happen. Any illusions she had of making it work without telling him about the ex husband have been shattered now so I'd say Tom her standpoint it's easier to walk away.

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11 hours ago, Pinecone said:

Not sure if the writers intended this, but as Jo shaved Patricia's head and listened to her talk, you could see something click in Jo's brain as she realized she has to get angry, not scared, and get focused. I hope there is some divorce planning and control-taking going on.

I predict that this is where they will go with Jo right now.

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11 hours ago, Chas411 said:

I've not gotten the impression Jo is scared of Alex hurting her. She was straight over to him trying to make things right after he beat up DeLuca. It was the hurtful things he said to her about her past etc and knowing he said it because it would hurt her that has her done with him. He didn't abuse her physically but he walked out on her after years of dating, came back and leapt to a conclusion about what happened with DeLuca and then when she tried to explain he leapt to a dozen more conclusions about her. He then tried to fix it with I'm sorry. I know you can parallel it with being the apology of an abuser but I don't think it's what they're trying to do. I think Jo is just trying to grow some backbone and let Alex know that hurting her (emotionally not physically) isn't ok. 

I also think Alex's hurtful remarks and assumptions broke her trust in him and if she could ever have told him about the husband she certainly won't now and where does that leave the relationship since it can't continue as it was when he wanted/deserved marriage and a legitimate reason of why if it wasn't going to happen. Any illusions she had of making it work without telling him about the ex husband have been shattered now so I'd say Tom her standpoint it's easier to walk away.

I agree that Jo is deeply hurt by what Alex said to her in the hospital. What he said to her was him being at his worst. I don't see Jo as being afraid of Alex hurting her at all. I do see his beating of DeLuca as being a big problem for her, or for anyone who wanted to be in a relationship with Alex. I think that Alex will have to undergo some kind of therapy.

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I'm wondering if Jo's husband is going to suddenly appear and that is how everyone is going to find out that she is married

If Alex's case goes to court (and not settled/plea before) I think it comes out during the trial when either Jo or DeLuca is on the stand. Cut to Alex's face then fade to black for winter break.*

* I grew up watching soaps.

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3 hours ago, windsprints said:

If Alex's case goes to court (and not settled/plea before) I think it comes out during the trial when either Jo or DeLuca is on the stand. Cut to Alex's face then fade to black for winter break.*

* I grew up watching soaps.

First off LOL, and second God I hope that's not how it happens. I'm worried because this seems 100% like something they would do on this show, but I really really hope Jo tells him herself. I think she's going to need a push but I hope it comes from her. 


Also I think it goes without saying that the husband is going to show up, and I think I want him too. I think ideally it will be Because Jo files for divorce and he comes and finds her, not because he sees her on the news or something. At least if he shows up, as soapy as it will be, it will give Jo some really good material and a chance for some serious character development, and to finally face her past. It will make her strong, and hopefully finally shut up all the incessant and pathetic hate she gets. It's honestly starting to really really piss me off.  

Edited by Rose-1
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At Alex and Jo a difficult time will come. Probably Alex will even hear what of Izzie. Jo must be sure whether she really loves Alex, because then she would tell him that she is already married. I have so slow my doubts whether she really loves Alex. He does it.

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What has izzie got to do with anything? She hasn't been relevant since 2008. And if there's one thing that's obvious, it's that Jo loves Alex. Just because she hasn't told anyone she's married, doesn't mean she doesn't love him. In fact, it means the opposite - it's BECAUSE she loves him that she hasn't. She's trying to keep them BOTH safe.

Edited by Rose-1
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I don't think Jo not telling Alex her secret means she doesn't love him. I'm not sure if that's what you're saying? Apologies if I've misunderstood. Her marriage secret is nothing to do with her feelings for him. 

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Yes but then she does not trust him fully. I mean it has to tell him that she is already married and her husband was not good to her. Otherwise they must live with the consequences, the Alex she leaves or is first pulled back to Meredith.

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I don't think Jo not telling Alex her secret means she doesn't love him

 I agree.  I think she didn't tell him because she's afraid but I think we need some more information to know why Jo didn't tell him exactly. We don't know anything about the ex really.  He could have threatened to kill anyone she was with, threatened to kill her, etc. For now I am giving her the benefit of the doubt since I think she has shown over and over and over that she loves Alex. I'm eager for Jo's story to play out some more but it may not be until he legal issues are dealt with.


I really really hope Jo tells him herself. I think she's going to need a push but I hope it comes from her

 I do too, that would definitely be my preference but this is Grey's so I think there will be more drama.

I do think the secret coming out will involve DeLuca in some way. There has to be a reason it was written with Jo telling him.  It wasn't needed for Alex to beat him up - Jo could have been drunk after they broke up and the same situation happen without her ever telling him her secret.  I know she telling him let the audience find out but they could have done that without involving DeLuca. She could have been drunken talking to herself, spilling to patient (wouldn't be the first time on GA), sending a text, looking her ex up on social media, etc.  But, that's just me guessing. We'll see how it plays out. In the end I just want it to be interesting story.

Edited by windsprints
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lol why even bother waiting for the midseason finale, we know this is what's going to happen haha. And of course it will happen with Jo having no agency over her own life or storylines, as per. I know she's going to need some kind of push to tell Alex about her husband, but I wanted it to come from HER. You know, this storyline has just happened exactly how I didn't want. Shonda is so full of BS with her 'survivor' talk, when we have seen not one ounce of Jo's perspective in this mess. It might be coming, but when?! It's episode 5 for god sakes and we have not one clue how Jo/Alex are feeling about eachother. When are we going to get to the gritty interesting complex material, of Jo actually dealing with the repercussions and trauma of an abusive and violent past? Will we see Alex find out, be rightfully hurt/betrayed, all that (because I have no doubt of THAT part) but will we actually see him be the person we know - find it in himself to understand, have compassion and actually help Jo through that pain? because THAT'S the journey and path I want to see!!! that's what this storyline Should be giving us!! So far Jo is non existent or she's been demonised in the writing or by the fanbase. I love Alex and don't get me wrong - I want to see his part in all this too, and I wanted to see him recognise and work through his own anger/violent tendencies, but we always see everything through his eyes -and what's happened so far is only more evidence of this!! This is their chance to turn Jo from the hated/misunderstood character who is only used as a spare part, to an actually layered, multifaceted member of the cast. And if They don't do that, I'll just be so disappointed.

As of right now, I am okay that the domestic violence stuff hasn't been broached yet.  Yes, we are 5 episodes in already, but that is 5 out of 24.  They have a lot of time to fill.  My biggest irritation is how they are writing Jo in the meantime.  I will begin by saying that I do like Jo and I think a lot of the criticism is over the top for the "crimes" that she actually commits. But outside of her scenes with DeLuca, I am just not enjoying her character that much lately.  At this point, the majority of her scenes are just her looking annoyed and being negative about something.  I would say that 80% of the dialogue that she is given is her complaining about something.  Sometimes its warranted and sometimes its not, but when that is ALL you get, then the character suffers a lot.  And I know that this is on the writers, but at some point, it doesn't matter why I'm not enjoying a character, I'm just not.  Eventually I'm just not going to care enough to do the work of trying to figure out her point of view or her motivation for something when you get one out of nowhere snippet of information and then its never mentioned again. At this point, I would rather she just not appear in an episode than for her to get a little bit of something that just makes her character seem unlikable.  If they would just give her a small scene of her being a competent doctor, being funny or being a good friend, then it would balance out some of the negativity, but they just don't.  I thought that she was good in the first episode, and I totally got where she was coming from, but each episode after that has been disappointing.  I totally understand why people don't like her, though you would think that she was the anti-christ the way some people and media go on and on about it.

Having said all of that, I am liking her friendship scenes with DeLuca and hope they continue, because it is the only time that I have enjoyed her scenes for the most part.  Yes, she was complain-y in this episode, but DeLuca at least called her out on it and she laughed about it didn't deny it.  She was introduced as a funny, snarky, tough character and she needs to get some of that back in order for me to start really enjoying her like I used to.  She has some of that with DeLuca right now and I just hope that the upcoming drama with the lawsuit, etc., doesn't ruin it, because she needs to keep that side of her.  I don't think that I would be so hard on her this season for being unhappy and negative if we hadn't just gone through two seasons of her being that way.   And again, I understand that its the writing, but that's all we have to work with right now.  

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I'm starting to think there's a real chance they may be writing Jo off this season. The lack of interest in her is glaring. The domestic violence storyline is just a vehicle for DeLuca and Alex to show the audience thru man pain. They haven't done the character justice in her career, interactions with others or her background. They just don't care. Leah probably had more screen time last night then Jo has had since she left the first time.

i know it's only episode 6 out of 24 but Camilla isn't going to be available for a chunk of these episodes so I don't understand why it hasn't even been mentioned.

furthermore They seem to have dropped Jo/Alex as a couple altogether so if it does ever eventually come out I can't see their being any real payoff.

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Yeah I agree and how they're treating her is enough for me to stop watching this show. Poor Camilla. She's been so quiet on Twitter and it is definitely due to her disappointment, because when Alex and Jo get even the slightest bit of screen time she is retweeting everything and is all over it. I feel so sorry for her, and I literally cannot fathom HOW this has happened. It's not like she's a bad actress ffs! She's one of the most enthusiastic, dedicated people on this damn show and she and Jo deserve a HELL of a lot better than this GARBAGE. I mean for god sakes they're doing a story about the shitty teaching on this show and she doesn't feature?? Seriously?? And can someone tell me how the hell they are actually getting away with teasing a serious issue like DV and throwing it in the trash for other AWFUL storylines we've seen a thousand times?? And worse than that - have the victim of abuse undermined and minimalized where people are blaming HER for fucking EVERYTHING that happens?! I'm so so sick if Shonda's bullshit writing. How they are shitting on her is so obvious it's embarrassing. How are they getting away with such poor treatment of her?

Edited by Rose-1
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I find it really irritating that Jo's POV is being completely ignored too.  I find all the storytelling this season to be off. Things are stalled all around.  It almost feels like they're trying to reset everything, its weird.  

As for CL's pregnancy I think CS's pregnancy may be more of an issue for the show right now than CL's. Its possible they rearranged the order of the stories which get the focus to get Amelia's main story in before CS has her baby. That would explain why Amelia/Owen are having these issues 2 minutes after being married. Since CL isn't due until spring they can switch it up and cover Amelia then Jo.  I'm not saying Jo's story will every get the focus it deserves but I do think there will be something done with it. I'm guessing her story will be told in snippets; the GA method of storytelling for any non-sister character the past few years. 


Alex to show the audience thru man pain

I see Alex as being completely numb and resigned to his life basically about to be over. He doesn't even seem pained lately.

I see no point to Leah being here. Leah's doctoring scenes should be Jo's. At least then we'd see Jo dealing with her career and not just sitting around. I'd still want to see her backstory but I'd be less annoyed if she was getting something to do.

I'm sure they will be no movement at all for Jo, Alex or Jolex in the next episode. Going by the promo its going to be the annual "Meredith steamrolls a doctor about their patient". I think the past 2 or so were Alex's patient but it looks like its either Owen's or Richard's this time.

Edited by windsprints
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Next week is the 'flashback' episode where we'll see some bits of Richard, Steph, Mer and Owen's memories, so I wouldn't be surprised if Jo isn't in the episode at all. It seems like the core focus will remain on those 4 characters and in one surgery. 

@windsprints I think you're right about why this Amelia / Owen storyline has happened so quickly; I'm guessing Caterina will be written a lot lighter in the back half of the season. I think the reason they're filming out of order is to get Camila's scenes shot before she's really showing, so I think there must be some type of Jo storyline coming up, probably after the trial. I'm pretty surprised that she's been written so light in these first 7 episodes, because I thought the first 2 had some nice promise for her storyline, but then it basically just disappeared. It seems like the out-of-order filming in general is done so that, say, in episodes where Ellen Pompeo is written lightly (13x06 and 13x07) she can be filming scenes for episodes where she's more prominent (likely 13x08 and 13x09). With such a massive cast, it would work a lot easier on everyone's schedules to film that way. 

Jo remains a huge enigma to me. On one hand, I loved that she was always there for Alex and I thought her character, with some stronger development, could have become very interesting and likeable. The issue remains that the writers clearly don't care about her, which makes it extremely hard for me to care. It feels like ages since we've seen her and Alex happy together, so I find it hard to root for them to get together. If they'd just freaking sit down and talk, or if we'd have a scene of Alex telling anyone (even Amelia!) that he misses Jo, then I'd be happy... but there's just no movement. I hope that her 'secret' comes out in 13x09 so that we at least start to get some movement there. 

Edited by BaseOps
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20 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

The issue remains that the writers clearly don't care about her, which makes it extremely hard for me to care. It feels like ages since we've seen her and Alex happy together, so I find it hard to root for them to get together. If they'd just freaking sit down and talk, or if we'd have a scene of Alex telling anyone (even Amelia!) th

I completely understand that perspective, and I agree that the writers don't seem to care about her, but instead of making me not care about Jo, it makes my disdain for the writers grow - because it's all their fault. To me she really WAS an interesting character, despite the fact she never really got the perspective or development she Should have - I loved how camilla did her best to elevate the role but most of all I loved how she was to Alex, and how healthy and supportive their relationship was. It angers me how they're trying to diminish and retcon what they had, as a fan it's like a slap in the face. And I can't understand what they're doing..clearly the story isn't over because Alex doesn't even know the truth, so why are they acting like strangers?? And yeah, why are there not scenes with them speaking about each other?  We had a look and then nothing, with no explanation! It's SO contrived. I really can't stand that

also agree that Leah is a waste of space, in what universe is bringing her back to an already inflated cast a good idea?? When she was hated by everyone?? Good grief. Do we seriously think she's now here for good? God I hope not

Edited by Rose-1
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1 minute ago, Rose-1 said:

I completely understand that perspective, and I agree that the writers don't seem to care about her, but instead of making me not care about Jo, it makes my disdain for the writers grow - because it's all their fault. To me she really WAS an interesting character, despite the fact she never really got the perspective or development she Should have - I loved how camilla did her best to elevate the role but most of all I loved how she was to Alex, and how healthy and supportive their relationship was. It angers me how they're trying to diminish and retcon what they had, as a fan it's like a slap in the face. And I can't understand what they're doing..clearly the story isn't over because Alex doesn't even know the truth, so why are they acting like strangers?? It's very contrived and I really can't stand that

Yea, I get your perspective too, 100%, because I've felt the same way when characters I really like have been slighted. And honestly I do get annoyed with how they treat Jo, because as a fan of Alex I'd love nothing more than for him to have an interesting girlfriend who makes him happy but also challenges him. But if I'm judging without the writers in mind, just looking at the story as it's presented, there just isn't much for me to go on with Jo. I don't dislike her, but I'm sadly sort of indifferent. Certain moments I root particularly hard for them (all the times she stuck by him and helped him, when we used to see them actually having fun in season 9 and 10, when she finally stood up for herself with both Alex and Meredith last year) but then they go and drop a bomb that she's been lying to Alex this whole time, basically give her 0 perspective or screen time, and fail to show Alex even caring about or missing her her, it makes it hard for me. I'd be thrilled if the writers turn this around. 

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14 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Yea, I get your perspective too, 100%, because I've felt the same way when characters I really like have been slighted. And honestly I do get annoyed with how they treat Jo, because as a fan of Alex I'd love nothing more than for him to have an interesting girlfriend who makes him happy but also challenges him. But if I'm judging without the writers in mind, just looking at the story as it's presented, there just isn't much for me to go on with Jo. I don't dislike her, but I'm sadly sort of indifferent. Certain moments I root particularly hard for them (all the times she stuck by him and helped him, when we used to see them actually having fun in season 9 and 10, when she finally stood up for herself with both Alex and Meredith last year) but then they go and drop a bomb that she's been lying to Alex this whole time, basically give her 0 perspective or screen time, and fail to show Alex even caring about or missing her her, it makes it hard for me. I'd be thrilled if the writers turn this around. 

Yeah I get that!! I understand that we all have our favourites, and because of that we invest in them so when they get butchered it's so infuriating because we KNOW they wouldn't act like that. And I can totally relate because when people like Maggie annoy me (constantly lol) I don't think 'oh the writers are being very inconsistent with her' I think can she just shut up. So I get it, it just makes me feel so defensive of Jo because she WAS well liked and well written (well written decently at least) until Cristina left, so having Alex and Jo compromised because of that, was a bitter pill to swallow. 


Also the problem is that while they don't pay any attention to Jo (and she is treated the worst of the residents) they also just use her for cliff hanger material, which would be fine, but because they give her NO story afterwards to explain it, she comes off terrible. You can't throw out a secret like that (clearly thought up at the last moment) and then never mention it again?! Are you kidding??? Of course that's going to bring hate down on her! God I hope there IS something coming for her. It probably won't do her justice, (because who are we kidding) I just hope she gets some perspective and a chance to explain herself. It's NOT that damn hard!

Edited by Rose-1
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You bring up a really interesting point @Rose-1 which is that they seem to keep using Jo / Alex for cliffhangers and then giving no real followup. But if they're used as cliffhangers it has to be because the writers believe that fans care and that the pairing is worthy of being used to make sure fans come back after a break. So if they believe in that fan investment then why aren't they following up? It just makes no sense. I wish after Mer and Jo made good last year they started having Meredith mentor Jo - really getting to know her, too. Penny sadly took on that role instead. It would have made this all a lot more interesting with the work conflict; Alex living with Meredith, Meredith working with Jo, being torn between both sides. It would have at least put Jo more in the forefront. At this point she's lucky to be seen onscreen doing anything grander than trailing another doctor listening to Steph bitch about something. 

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I do think that we have seen some glimpses of Jo and Alex missing each other,  just not what we are used to on Grey's with the elevator rides and longing looks. Alex told Jo that he wanted to come home and he looked pretty shaken when she came down to the clinic the first time.  She was quick to tell all her friends that she didn't care that Leah and Alex used to hook up and we all know what "not that I care" means in Greys-speak.   Grey's used to give each character/couple a tiny bit of something each episode so that the audience could check in with them, even if they didn't have anything else going on.  They seemed to have stopped doing that around the time that Harper/McKee took charge.  Now each character gets 1-2 episodes of good screentime and the beginning of a story, then it gets dropped for 4-5 episodes while they act as sounding boards for other characters, and those storylines gets started.  Its not just Alex and Jo either.  This happened with Jackson/April/Ben, it happened with Calzona and it is currently happening with the Triangle from Hell.  I just don't think that the writers' room is very cohesive. 

I have to think that all if this is going somewhere in the finale and after, even if it isn't where I want it to go or even if it doesn't go nearly as in depth as it should.  We are not even 1/3 of the way into the season and it sounds like (hopefully) Jo's secret will come out during the finale.  I simply can't imagine Alex not caring about that, or Jo not caring how Alex feels about it.

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Just watched the Maggie centric episode in season 11 and I really enjoyed her scenes with Jo on rewatch. I didn't really notice it the first time around because I was so irritated at how forced upon us Maggie felt. I thought her and Jo had some good scenes together and now that Callie is gone I wouldn't mind them getting some scenes together again. 

I think I'd just love to see Jo get s mentor. 

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11 hours ago, Chas411 said:

Just watched the Maggie centric episode in season 11 and I really enjoyed her scenes with Jo on rewatch. I didn't really notice it the first time around because I was so irritated at how forced upon us Maggie felt. I thought her and Jo had some good scenes together and now that Callie is gone I wouldn't mind them getting some scenes together again. 

I think I'd just love to see Jo get s mentor. 

That's really funny you say that chas, coz I literally did the same thing a few weeks ago!! I really enjoyed their scenes aswell, and thought I could maybe see Maggie as her mentor.. but then she's just really irritated me recently, her ridiculousness in this triangle (the writers are really doing her no favours), but then I've also hated how she's acted in the past few episodes, she called Steph the best resident in front of Jo (I know she didn't know she was there but it REALLY irritates me how they insist on this trope when we've NEVER seen proof of it, and we know it's only because they have nothing else to do with Stephanie). And now she's all over Murphy. I really don't know who i want Jo with, because I'm forever bitter about Callie leaving lol (how great were they :,( ) but I agree she's at the point she just NEEDS a mentor now. I would love to see someone like Richard (I know it's not normally him in the role of mentor but I like their relationship) or even Arizona, and have her go into fetal. At least with Arizona we know she'd have someone who cares about her!! Meredith COULD have been great, and if they'd carried on the natural progression from season 9, instead of making this contrived BS storyline of her hating Jo. It would've worked then, and probably would've even been a popular mentor relationship with people! but they ruined it.


It's a tough one and probably why they've left it so late, as they'd actually have to put effort in and think about Jo *sigh*. If they actually do it well, and don't have Maggie make it all about her, and have her actually invest in Jo I could see that as an option sure!

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I have no problem if people don't like the character, I dislike most of the characters on the show at this point.  And in fact, its not like Jo is my favorite either, there are definitely things that bug me about her.  I think most of it is the fault of the writers but I agree that Camilla sometimes makes choices that may go over better if they were done a different way.  I guess my biggest gripe is that she gets the wrath of hell brought down on her for things that every single other character does all the time and with such vitriol (not necessarily here) that just doesn't match the amount of storyline or screentime that she gets.  But, then again, I hated Derek partially because of the way he leaned and twinkled his eyes, so I get irrational hate as well.  





I also think a lot of the hate comes from the fact that Alex is a very popular character and many of us don't feel Jo is good enough for him.   


This is actually where I disagree the most strongly.  She can be a pitiful whiny moper, her backstory is bordering on ridiculous overkill and she can be a crappy friend more often than not, but she has treated Alex better than any other character on the show, IMO, and there were times when I probably would have shoved his ass to the curb and she didn't.  Alex is my favorite, but he treated her pretty shabbily for a couple of seasons.  She stood by him when his father appeared (and he just blew her off with no explanation), and when his father died she was the one picking up the pieces not his friends, she supported him for the board seat (when his besties couldn't bother to vote for him), with the private practice, with the Face of the Hospital, etc.  She has been his sole support many, many times when his friends couldn't be bothered.  And he repaid her by allowing his best friend to call her ugly names, disrespect her and their relationship, barge into their bed constantly, invite people to live with them without checking with her first, ignoring her first solo surgery to drink with the friends that were rude to her,  and told her that she was basically slutty garbage who is incapable of love, to name just the things that pop into my head.  And I could go on but I won't, because now I want her to dump Alex again and hook up with DeLuca LOL!  In all serious though, no one has had Alex's back on this show more than Jo has.  Not even Meredith.  I know that people are much more attached to Alex and again, despite all of those awful things that I just listed he is still my favorite, but I don't think its true or fair to say that Jo isn't good enough for him.  I think that they are similar and part of the reason that I like them together is that neither has to prove that they are worthy to each other, unlike nearly every other relationship on this show.

And I know that she LIED!!!!!  But I look at this two ways, the first being that her feelings weren't a lie and she didn't do it maliciously or to cause him pain, even though that's how it turned out. I have thankfully never been in her shoes, so I'm not here to judge her for doing what she felt she had to do to stay safe.  But mostly I can't get too worked up about it because it was so blatant of a retcon, so carelessly planned and so last minute, that if the writers can't be bothered to care about it, I can't either.

 Edited just now by Deanie87.

Edited by Deanie87
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1 hour ago, Deanie87 said:

I dislike most of the characters on the show at this point... its not like Jo is my favorite either, there are definitely things that bug me about her.  I think most of it is the fault of the writers but I agree that Camilla sometimes makes choices that may go over better if they were done a different way.  

She can be a pitiful whiny moper, her backstory is bordering on ridiculous overkill... but she has treated Alex better than any other character on the show, IMO.. She stood by him when his father appeared (and he just blew her off with no explanation), and when his father died she was the one picking up the pieces... I don't think its true or fair to say that Jo isn't good enough for him.  I think that they are similar and part of the reason that I like them together is that neither has to prove that they are worthy to each other...

I'm not a fan of the Jo character, but I do agree she has been good to Alex. 

My main issue with the Jo character is Camilla's acting. She does come off as a "princess," not as a tough, strong survivor with a street/foster kid background, and IMO that's probably because Camilla doesn't have the talent to portray a character so very different from herself.

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I suppose each to their own- I think she's done pretty well considering they've only started giving her decent material in the last few months. It's hard to shine when your given next to nothing. I don't think she'll win any Oscars but I also don't think she's the worst of the Greys gang..

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From the 13.14 thread:


If she legally changed her name, she would just use her new, legal name.  I'm thinking she didn't legally change it, but then you get all those "how did she get hired with a fake name, did she use the fake name in med school, etc." issue, which is why this story line is crap.

I think the name thing is what really pushed me over the edge when it comes to buying Jo.  As I've said, her character just has too many skeletons in her closet anyway, but the name thing makes no sense:

- If she legally changed her name, there would have been no concern about her testifying in court in Alex's case.  She could have testified that she is married without having to name her husband.

- If she didn't legally change her name, there is no way that she could have graduated from med school and been hired without someone knowing.  Plus, how would she even get paid without at least HR knowing her SSN, which is tied to her real name.

I really get the feeling that this abusive marriage thing was just thrown in a the last minute.  As I said, it doesn't make sense.  It also should have been alluded to log before this point.  Actually, that is kind of a problem with Jo (and, possibly, with Stephanie)...They came with that class of interns and survived when 3 others did not (even though one is back) and it feels like the writers never bothered with a backstory until they "won" the intern lottery.  Then, the writers just started scrambling.  That sort of thing is not unusual to Grey's (or to many other shows), but it is the sort of thing that is pretty obvious to the audience and can cause problems down the road.

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To be fair I do think the Jo of season nine alluded to a possible abusive past hence why she went all crazy on Chest Peckwell.

This issue is that they subsequently ignored her for the following four seasons and never followed up on anything from season 9.

Had this all come about in sessonn9 it wouldn't be as far fetched and such an obvious retcon.

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1 hour ago, Chas411 said:

To be fair I do think the Jo of season nine alluded to a possible abusive past hence why she went all crazy on Chest Peckwell.

This issue is that they subsequently ignored her for the following four seasons and never followed up on anything from season 9.

Had this all come about in sessonn9 it wouldn't be as far fetched and such an obvious retcon.

Now that you mention it, I very vaguely remember that--too vaguely for it to excuse the writing of Jo's character.  If you foreshadow something, you can't wait so long that the viewers had forgotten about it to act on it.

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Oh completely I agree but I blame this solely on the writers and Shonda for ignoring her for years. The fact that I like the character and actress allows me to overlook the fact that she got the short end of the stick but I do get why fans that were already impartial or even disliked her would just give up on her character. 

The backstory is stretching it completely. It's a total retcon. But it's what we've been given so I'm willing to work with it if it means she finally gets some screentime and a chance to tell her story.

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