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S01.E09: Bounty Lost

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Well, I'm glad Omega has not inherited her older brother's sourpuss disposition. And if we're diving into nurture vs nature here than it seems that the Kaminoans or rather Nala Se hasn't done such a bad job raising her. Speaking of Nala Se - I'm not sure why Lama Se blamed her for losing Omega. I thought she had kept the hangar doors open to facilitate Omega's escape with his blessing.

Hunter checking if Omega is hurt gets me every damn time. And I liked that she was not just okay when the Bad Batch found her but clearly upset and near tears. She might be a little badass but she's also a kid. And there was plenty of nightmare fodder in that old cloning facility *shudders*

Also: not sure why the Kaminoans need to kill her once they got her DNA. It's not as if anyone else can reproduce their cloning technique (or is even interested in doing so). 

Edited by MissLucas
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16 hours ago, paigow said:


Boba has a "sister"... maybe that is the big surprise for The Book of Boba Fett


Man, I didn’t realize I wanted this until now.  For the record, I nominate Lea Salonga for “Adult Omega.”  Sure, she’s from the Philippines, not NZ - but I assume she can do the accent (shoot- we’ve been letting DBB do it for thirteen years now).

This turned out to be a fairly big episode.   Apparently there are at least two factions at work on Kamino - and they’re both after Omega.  Both seem super sketchy, but at least only one wants her dead.  Fennec vs. Cad was a solid fight - it really felt like they were both going all out.  Cad Bane is such an enjoyable villain - they did such a great job making him legitImately cold and ruthless.  It’s a shame that he’s always paired up with arguably Star Wars’ silliest robot, but maybe that’s to take a bit of the edge off him, since this is still essentially a kids show.  Otherwise, having Fennec hold her own against him  (and get the consolation win in the end) really helps to build up the reputation that they hinted at for her on Mandalorian.



I still don't understand what's so special about Omega. Yes she's a first generation, gender swapped clone but, why does that matter? She's got the closest DNA to Jenga but, I don't understand why that's so valuable? The Empire has already indicated they don't want more clone troopers.  It's not like Jenga is the only DNA they can clone so why?

Other than that, I really enjoyed the episode. The fight between Fennec and Cad Bane was very well done. 

I liked that Omega escaped on her own and, found the reunion with the Batchers perfect. Kind of a fun episode that hardly has any of the Batchers in it.

1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I still don't understand what's so special about Omega. Yes she's a first generation, gender swapped clone but, why does that matter? She's got the closest DNA to Jenga but, I don't understand why that's so valuable? The Empire has already indicated they don't want more clone troopers.  It's not like Jenga is the only DNA they can clone so why?

I'm also not quite sure - I had assumed she was some kind of prototype (despite her name). From what I managed to understand clone DNA gets corrupted over time and Omega is a pristine first series copy so they could start anew. But why they think that would change the Empire's mind about using clones 🤷‍♂️ It is of course possible neither Cad nor Fennec were told the whole story and there's still more to it.

And in the pilot Tech established that Omega was enhanced just like the Bad Batch. Yet in this episode she's supposed to be a pure genetic replication (we'll ignore here the whole XX/XY issue) - color me confused. I guess she can be enhanced and a pure replication at the same time? Still feels to me like there's a piece of the puzzle missing.

Edited by MissLucas

Wow, I’m shocked 99 has Omega back already. I thought for sure we were going to get scenes of her and Crosshair for sure on Kamino.

Speaking of, did he look relieved to anyone else when 99 jumped into Hyperspace? Rex and Wrecker both talked about being awake on the inside, I just wonder about Crosshair.

I wonder if the original plan with Fennec was for her to hide Omega away-not bring her back to Kamino. Nala Se has picked a side, wonder if she’ll stick to it. Book for Boba Fett has some real crossover potential now.

Liked watching Omega figure out how to escape. I liked her immediately checking the wall, like Tech from the pilot episode. And the face she made at Fennec when Shand said they were old friends and her dragging her feet and making it super difficult for Bane was peak child. I laughed really hard at both moments.

Soooo, Omega is a pure clone-not enhanced? Hope that puts to bed that she’s an enhanced Jedi Clone. I love the Jedi, but I really love that this show is really a bunch of clones getting in all sorta of trouble without a Jedi. Is Omega…older then the 99? Do think she’s as old as Rex? Edit to add, didn’t the Kalminoans say there were FIVE enhanced clones? If Omega just is purely a clone, who’s the fifth? Unless she’s also enhanced as well. I’m still floating the theory she’s enhanced with all the Bad Batches’ enhancements.

Surprised Hunter was walking around after that chest shot. Even Rex has taken a chest shot before and he was down for the count for a bit. I was hoping to see Echo or Tech take the lead for a hot minute. Loved him and Omega on the ship afterwards-including both of them practically sitting the same way at the end.

That promise at the end-there’s no way this show isn’t ending on Kamino now. Hunter’s going to have to walk back that promise.

Edited by SnoGirl
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