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S02.E10: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

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Well, the wedding may be a mistake, but it was certainly lovely! The ribbons, the beautiful chairs, Drea and Matilda under the veil - just lovely. And I teared up a little when I saw Nicholas holding a picture of their dad.

I got a laugh out of how confused everyone seemed by "Genevieve's" speech!

Alex, Nicholas is right. Go find someone who doesn't need to change to be right for you. And throw the (clip on?) nose ring/'sign you're not coping' in the lake.

I wish there were more episodes. I've watched both seasons a couple of times now and even re-watched "Please Like Me" last week - I'm not ready to let go!

Edited by Nordly Beaumont
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I really didn't expect Matilda and Drea to go through with the wedding, but it was lovely. It was very sweet when they said their vows privately under the veil.

Genevieve reading the speech Matilda wrote and everybody's confusion was funny and sweet. 

I was rooting for Alex and Nicholas to get back together but Nicholas was right to say no. Nicholas was diagnosed with autism, but he's still the same person that drove Alex nuts. 

This season flew by. I hope this show comes back.

Edited by Evie
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Tho I mostly agreed with Genevieve's hilarious "she's a child, these are child brides, this should be illegal, you should all be ashamed" rant,  that was a really pretty wedding. Matilda looked absolutely beautiful, in her pretty gown and flowery veil and sparkly shoes, and so did Drea, and her sweet dog. Tho I think both girls will probably run home screaming to their families in a couple weeks, the whole wedding was really lovely. 

Drea's mom yelling at her dad "you think you're whispering, but you're never whispering" was so funny. 

I think Alex really cares for Nicholas and that Nicholas would be really difficult to be in a relationship with, but Nicholas did the right thing by turning down a reconciliation. And poor Alex still wound up in the wedding photos! 

I really hope this gets renewed. It's just the most special show on TV currently. 

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I'm not into weddings most of the time, but I thought this wedding was quite wonderful. I still agree with everyone else that it will probably not go well over the long term, but I'm not sure there's any real harm to come from what they've embarked on, either. And the ceremony they designed was really a lovely expression of their feelings, not only for each other but also for their family and friends. So it was actually worth doing, regardless of how things go from here. I am very surprised to be saying this! I can't think of another wedding I felt this way about. So, kudos, show! You convinced a curmudgeon!

Alex still doesn't seem to think he contributed anything to the problems in the relationship with Nicholas, or that he needs to "work on" himself, and for that I cast a highly skeptical eye in his direction. I will credit him, though, for removing the nose ring for the photo. I loved how Nicholas and Suze discussed the wearing of that ring-- it shows Alex really isn't coping! I genuinely did laugh out loud when they said that. 

I will be very sad if this show is not renewed. 

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I am pretty surprised that Drea and Matilda actually went through with the wedding, and while I pretty much agree with Genevieve's hysterical "They're child brides!" freak out, and I cant imagine this marriage will last very long, the wedding really was beautiful. The decorations were lovely, their private vows under the veil were adorable, and Nicholas holding the picture of their father was a really nice touch. Even Genevieve's hilariously confusing speech, and everyone's baffled reactions, seemed to fit perfectly.  

Alex and Nicholas do clearly care about each other, but Nicholas was right to say no to them getting back together. Nicholas was diagnosed with autism but that doesn't really change anything, he and Alex are the exact same people they have always been and would probably have the exact same problems. Oh Alex, you are not pulling off that "not coping well with it" nose ring, toss that thing in the lake ASAP. 

I really hope that this show gets renewed, there really is nothing else like it on television. 

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It was a really sweet wedding, even if I agree it is probably not going to end well. I loved that Nicholas was holding a picture of their dad, and that they didn't mention that, just did it in the background.

Genevieve if you wanted to stop the wedding the time to do so is before the wedding dress goes on. I loved her reading the speech though, it was obvious she was really touched even though no one else understood.

I liked Nicholas and Alex, but was really glad Nicholas responded to Alex's comment with "I don't need to change, I'm cool." Good for him. 

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Some more thoughts on that episode:
1. JEREMY!!!!!!
2. Matilda's dress, Genevieve's dress, and Drea's outfit were all amazing.
3. Genevieve's rant was hilarious
4. I already miss Alex - he was great, but Nicholas was right to break things off. It shows he has grown
5. Drea & Matilda under the veil - that scene was amazingly shot and was just overall great
6. I need more Richard Kind - can Drea's parents be upped to regulars next season? Pretty please?
7. I am nervous about how Matilda & Drea will turn out, but I hope it won't be too bad.

Also, if people didn't know - Lillian Carrier (Drea) posted every Thursday on her twitter about each episode - sometimes behind the scenes stuff, sometimes just corporate tweets about the episodes

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No Nicholas, you do need to work on yourself and how you treat people you're in a relationship with.    Seeing Josh/Nicholas take such an immature, avoidant copout was really pathetic.  Alex of course should find someone else who will actually own their stuff.  

I guess this marriage means Juliard is definitely never happening?  I guess the pandemic would have got in the way regardless, but if Matilda's just moving into a new place with her wife, it's unclear what else she'll be doing.  

I love how norms are assumed differently by Nicholas and Alex. 

Alex askks for water. Nicholas is shocked that he didn't feel comfortable just helong himself. Same thing with the issue of "giving him a drawer." N assumed that since A was moving in, he's take some space for his stuff. He didn't realize he needed to specifically offer it.


I get that Alex's ideas are the more typical. But it's not the end of the world to have to speak up about what you want, and Alex didn't want to have to do that. I think it's like a cultural difference. In some communities, certain behavior is considered polite and expected, and other behavior is considered insulting and rude. But this is not consistent in all cultures. People need to figure that out, adapt, and negotiate with each other, and not assume all the time. 


I'm neurotypical, but I've had close friends who are on the spectrum, and once you figure out what the other person's system is, it is possible to see the beauty in it and appreciate it, even if it isn't the same as your own.  I actually love that my autistic friends generally don't mind if I'm blunt and say what I mean and don't speak indirectly or in hints. I find it exhausting to have to deal with all the beating around the bush a lot of people in the typical world engage in. 


I'm not saying Alex has to like how Nicholas does things, or that if he doesn't like it he should stay with him. But just because Alex doesn't like it, doesn't mean Nicholas has to change and do everything Alex's way.

I generally think both of them need to do a little work on themselves, but not to please the other. Just to be more self-aware, considerate, and mature in general.

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