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My Adventures With Superman - General Discussion

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18 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

It was Monsieur Mallah and The Brain! I was very excited to see them. And yes, they're a couple. And they bicker like one. They were delightful.

Me too! And I was very happy that Mallah called the Brain his "amour" right away so we'd know they were definitely a couple. No need to read between the lines. I'm not sure how I feel about them knowing Superman's real identity though.


15 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I feel like the sooner Lois finds out the truth, the less right she has to be mad at him.

I agree. Especially since Clark doesn't have answers to most of her questions in this version of his story. All of the "I don't knows" Lois got during her interview were true. Jimmy has way more of a right to be angry here (I loved that he's known it all along. Of course he figured it out. Clark is awful at keeping secrets. I really hope we get an episode of the other two training him).

I softened a bit towards Lois after she asked if Clark was lying about his feelings for her, however. I can understand things getting a bit tangled in her head like that. Hopefully, she has the anger/feelings of betrayal out of her system and we can move on to more fun stuff.

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I don't know how I feel about Jimmy knowing too. I believe this is the first version of him that knows Clark is Superman, but now what's the point of his secret identity if they both know? 

I just feel like Superman AND Clark Kent are crucial in Superman lore, and the secret identity is more important to his story than it might be to other superheroes.

We'll see how they do this, I guess.

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16 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I can see Lois being angry if it's been years of being partners with him, or dating him even, but this Lois shouldn't really be so mad at this point. Imo.

And Jimmy had every right to be mad that Clark told Lois before him.

And yeah, I honestly don't know how much time passed since the first episode, I feel like Lois and Clark's relationship is moving a little too quick.

2 hours ago, akg said:

I'm not sure how I feel about them knowing Superman's real identity though.

They went to another dimension in the end, I doubt that they're in a position to tell anyone. At least these versions aren't outright villainous, I'm sure they're fine with knowing Clark is Superman.

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Clark saving Lois and losing his shirt in the process? LOL -- I was not expecting Smallville-level fanservice from this show, but I'll take it!

Edited by Trini
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Monsieur Mallah and The Brain! I so did not expect to see them show up, but I cheered as soon as the Gorilla started speaking in a French accent, they are hitting the ground running with DC characters. Love that they are very unambiguously a couple here and they're not all that evil here, occasional almost head removal and mutants notwithstanding. 

I know that Lois has real issues about things being kept from her, but she was pretty harsh with Clark about his secret. Its not like he can tell every single person he's ever met, they haven't known each other that long no matter how much they've bonded in a short time. Clark doesn't even have that many answers himself at this point, he doesn't even know what planet he came from is, he really does not know answers to a lot of her questions. I can certainly buy both Lois and Jimmy figuring out Clark's secret, he's pretty bad at hiding it, bless him.

So was Jimmy deliberately taking bad pictures of Superman at the start of the season to protect Clark's identity?

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Couple of points; Sam Lane (aka the General, I haven’t read spoilers it’s just so obvious it can’t be anyone else) really did a number on Lois.

Her REAL beef with Clark about his secret was if he was lying about his feelings for her; if “Clark” was just a disguise for an alien and his flirting just part of some angle he was playing… once that got settled in her mind she opened right up again.

And that seems pretty consistent with the rather strained relationship Lois has with her father, whom she blames for keeping her mother’s terminal illness from her and for constantly moving her around as a kid, meaning she doesn’t really have any deep friendships in her past to speak of… basically Clark and Jimmy are probably the first people she’s really opened up to since her mother died; and she just found out one of them was lying to her and might have even been faking feelings for her… so that’s why the whole acting like wounded animal (trying to push others away) routine.

However, another important tidbit that connects with the revelations from last episode is that Lois’ father didn’t just take his daughter on camping trips; they were survival weekends and pretty extreme ones given “setting bones” was on her list of things she was trained to do.

But, consider it context of the General having been preparing for another alien invasion for at least the last 22 years and suddenly this isn’t just Sam Lane being randomly hard on Lois, but wanting her to have skills that would help her survive when the alien invasion arrived.

This also tracks with the interviews from the writers about how they took inspiration from a novel called The Three Body Problem which is about secret preparations for an impending alien invasion (Lois’ training particularly falls in line with the novel’s grim conclusion that, even if they fail to stop the invasion, like cockroaches, humanity would find a way to survive).

Of course from a storytelling standpoint it follows that Task Force X has identified the wrong target (Superman) as the threat and are probably going to make things harder by continuing to fight Superman even when the real threat shows up (my money is either on a Kryptonian AI version Brainiac; as in STAS and Smallville; or the Eradicator, but given the interstellar war images and Krypton’s sun turning red before exploding it could instead be a Colluan Brainiac or if they wanted to be really different, Mongul).


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All very well said, Chris24601!! It's clear Lois has difficulty bonding with people and now she finds out the guy she was really believing in was lying to her and might have been playing with her feelings. Once she understood his feelings about it all, she understood and calmed down. It was a big reaction but only because it was a big deal for her and obviously a big wound for her. 

Oh, and interesting pull about Lois' training! I had not even considered that!! It would make a lot of sense, considering the things they have been showing us!! Thank you for the analysis!

I am just enjoying this show so much. I don't usually watch the cartoon versions but this one is just lovely. Gives me a great Lois, fun romance, interesting story and cute trio! Writing and drawing AND voicing are well done. Just win-win-win!!!

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Okay, so everyone in the main cast knows the secret. In retrospect, that would explain why Lois and Jimmy are at Clark’s side during the credits. Not as obvious as the general being Lois’s father, but still.

Nice take on Monsieur Mallah and Brain. They were created during the original run of Doom Patrol, so of course they’d have to be nuts. And then Grant Morrison went and made them a couple. I think this is the deepest we’ve gotten with those two characters on TV. Did they appear in the HBO Max series?

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9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I think this is the deepest we’ve gotten with those two characters on TV. Did they appear in the HBO Max series?

They were in the Doom Patrol TV Series so this is not the deepest we have seen them, not even the 2nd deepest since they are also in Teen Titans GO! mostly in the Doom Patrol portions.

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S01.E06: Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal
Clark tries to plan a normal date without any Superman problems - but gets interrupted when Mr. Mxyzptlk sweeps him, Jimmy, and Lois into a high-stakes, multiverse-hoping chase!

Premiere Date: August 11, 2023      Adult Swim      Midnight
David Errigo Jr. as Mr. Mxyzptlk

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This was probably my favorite episode so far. 

Cutting right to the chase with Clark showing Lois and Jimmy the pointy boys spaceship in Smallvile. And this one was how we get Clark's Kryptonian origins and his weakness to Kryptonite.

Loved the two dorks meticulously planning out their date. They really are made for each other. And we got to see them kiss!

I was expecting Mxy to be a little stinker and was handsomely rewarded. I was NOT expecting The League of Lois Lanes, though. Love that Fleischer Lois Lane was the Prime Lois. 

Hell, loved all the little meta Easter Eggs, like Dr. Fate's helmet, Starman/Stargirl's Cosmic Staff, Comet, Timmverse Superman and Lois, the Justice Lords, and the bowler hat. And looks like they're setting up Kingdom Come, or at least exploring the tired "Evil Superman" trope. (Superman & Lois also did something similar)

On 8/4/2023 at 10:08 PM, Galileo908 said:

They went to another dimension in the end, I doubt that they're in a position to tell anyone. At least these versions aren't outright villainous, I'm sure they're fine with knowing Clark is Superman.

Well, turns out THAT had consequences after all.

Edited by Galileo908
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Regarding all the evil alternate Supermen in relation to Task Force X; I have a prediction on where this might be going... its basically an inversion of a "For Want of a Nail" story.

The gist is that Clark WAS sent to Earth to prep it for conquest, but due to some accident*, ended up being raised by the Kents and so became the classic Superman we all know and love (basically reinforcing the "Krypton gave him powers, the Kents made him a hero" concept) and so will defend the Earth when the main invasion force finally turns up.

* Ex. since the Post-Crisis reintroduction of Kara Zor-El it has become the DC standard that Kara Zor-El was sent to Earth at the same time as Clark in order to actually raise him, but due to some accident ends up being delayed in a manner and so by the time she arrives or is awakened on Earth, Kal-El is already an adult.

Maybe the Jor-El AI was intended to be more involved in Clark's upbringing in this version? (in the big villain shot in the opening credits its worth noting that there's a tiny Jor-El floating in the middle of them). Maybe its not an accident they decided to model Jor-El's look on Big Boss (one of the main villains of the Metal Gear series and 'father' of its hero; Solid Snake).

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9 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

The gist is that Clark WAS sent to Earth to prep it for conquest, but due to some accident*, ended up being raised by the Kents and so became the classic Superman we all know and love (basically reinforcing the "Krypton gave him powers, the Kents made him a hero" concept) and so will defend the Earth when the main invasion force finally turns up.

And bringing it full circle because that turns out to be Goku's origin in DBZ. He was sent to Earth to conquer it, but got conked on the head as a baby and was raised by Grampa Gohan to be the nice Shonen hero we know today.

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Only six episodes in and we already have the multiverse and our own counsel of Lois's! I love how much this show is really leaning into the very comic book-y Silver Age fun, so of course Mr. Mxyzptlk fits right in. This was such a fun cute episode, especially now that it looks like shit is going to be getting more serious. 

Clark and Lois are just so cute with their elaborate murder board dates, those two dorks are truly made for each other. 

I loved all of the easter eggs in this one, I spotted Doctor Fate's helmet, a Green Lantern batter, the Cosmic Rod, among other things! 

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I loved all of the easter eggs in this one, I spotted Doctor Fate's helmet, a Green Lantern batter, the Cosmic Rod, among other things! 

Me too! I can't remember, were they from one particular universe? Or had they been collected from all over? I was worried about how Courtney lost the rod (although I guess this would be too early for her to own it).

I especially loved the one alternate Jimmy the Lois's had with them and that she was so excited to meet our version. And then, of course, she helped them all escape.

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Speaking of Easter Eggs, the room that had Mxy's bowler hat was an entire wall of them. 

The ones I know offhand are Guts's sword from Berserk, the Noisy Cricket from Men in Black, and Sakura's staff from Cardcaptor Sakura.

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S01.E07: Zero Day (Part 1)
Lois meets her journalism idol, Vicki Vale - only for Vicki to make Lois question her loyalty to Superman. Meanwhile, Superman hunts down Task Force X while dealing with a new power!

Premiere Date: August 18, 2023      Adult Swim      Midnight

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On 8/4/2023 at 7:15 PM, ruby24 said:

I don't know how I feel about Jimmy knowing too. I believe this is the first version of him that knows Clark is Superman, but now what's the point of his secret identity if they both know? 

I just feel like Superman AND Clark Kent are crucial in Superman lore, and the secret identity is more important to his story than it might be to other superheroes.

We'll see how they do this, I guess.

It makes all three of them a full-fledged team. All three of them are in it together. They have Clark to bail them out of supervillain stuff, and Clark has them to help him protect his secret ID and help investigate things, and sometimes provide a non-powered assist.

I have watched a fair amount of Superman media and comics, and I've yet to see the secret identity unknown to core characters be an enjoyable plot point. It's way better when every relevant character's on board and working together than when there's conflict over "secrets and lies." Just using that phrase gives me some Smallville PTSD...

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Wow, Vickie Vale fully sucks in this universe, as a journalist and as a person. Alex the bitter assistant being a young Lex makes more and more sense, of course he would blame Superman for "ruining his life" and not the fact that he was working for a supervillain and would rant on about how Clark "isn't normal" to the first reporter he can find. 

Honestly, everyone kind of sucks except for our trio and Perry, poor Clark just kept getting kicked in the teeth. He runs himself ragged trying to help people as much as possible only for the ungrateful jerks to turn on him the second he seemed to cause a nonlethal accident, and then he risked his life trying to save his enemies only for that to be a trap and they all beat the shit out of him and dragged off by the sketchy military. If after all of this he just decided to retire early from being a superhero and start farming with his parents, I wouldn't blame him.

I like that Jimmy and Lois are already in the know about Clark being Superman, it makes them a more equal crime fighting trio, plus this version of Clark hardly knows anything about where he comes from or what he can do, so all of them discovering together sounds like fun. 

I'm waiting for the big moment when Lois finally sees the general and we close out on "dad?!" 

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Wow, Vickie Vale fully sucks in this universe, as a journalist and as a person. Alex the bitter assistant being a young Lex makes more and more sense, of course he would blame Superman for "ruining his life" and not the fact that he was working for a supervillain and would rant on about how Clark "isn't normal" to the first reporter he can find. 

Honestly, everyone kind of sucks except for our trio and Perry, poor Clark just kept getting kicked in the teeth. He runs himself ragged trying to help people as much as possible only for the ungrateful jerks to turn on him the second he seemed to cause a nonlethal accident, and then he risked his life trying to save his enemies only for that to be a trap and they all beat the shit out of him and dragged off by the sketchy military. If after all of this he just decided to retire early from being a superhero and start farming with his parents, I wouldn't blame him.

I like that Jimmy and Lois are already in the know about Clark being Superman, it makes them a more equal crime fighting trio, plus this version of Clark hardly knows anything about where he comes from or what he can do, so all of them discovering together sounds like fun. 

I'm waiting for the big moment when Lois finally sees the general and we close out on "dad?!" 

Sometimes I envy those for whom this is like the first experience with Superman. Because for Superman vets, it's known that Lois's dad is a general, it's obvious who "the General" is. (Although part of me holds out a little hope that they do a bait and switch with General Eiling or some heretofore unknown DC universe General. 

But since it's almost certainly Sam Lane, I look forward to the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" when he tries to reconcile with Lois and has to meet civilian Clark.

I do look forward to Lex taking over Amazo Corp and bringing it back from the ashes.

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On 8/21/2023 at 5:24 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

But since it's almost certainly Sam Lane, I look forward to the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" when he tries to reconcile with Lois and has to meet civilian Clark.

Yeah, it's getting pretty obvious that it's Sam Lane. I'd be shocked if it turned out to be someone else.


On 8/21/2023 at 5:24 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

I do look forward to Lex taking over Amazo Corp and bringing it back from the ashes.

Just as much as I'd be shocked if "Alex" doesn't turn out to be Lex Luthor.

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12 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Just as much as I'd be shocked if "Alex" doesn't turn out to be Lex Luthor.

He really just needs an accident that causes him to lose his hair that he can somehow blame on Superman and we’re golden.

Episode 4 already established that Alex did a LOT of the work on the Parasite project as well.

Frankly, just the fact that Alex was brought back at all is one of the bigger potential hints.


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S01.E08: Zero Day (Part 2)
Superman finally gets answers to who he is and where he came from, while coming face-to-face with the General, leader of Task Force X. Meanwhile, Lois and Jimmy must find Superman before Dr. Ivo destroys Metropolis!

Premiere Date: August 25, 2023      Adult Swim      Midnight

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On 8/22/2023 at 8:24 PM, Galileo908 said:

Yeah, it's getting pretty obvious that it's Sam Lane. I'd be shocked if it turned out to be someone else.

Amanda Waller called him "Sam" in a flashback, it's him.

It's gonna sting when he's forced to hunt down Superman and find out he's dating his daughter. And man, THAT was a kiss. But I gotta ask, just how much time has passed since the start of the series? Because they got out the "I love you's" pretty quickly in their relationship.

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2 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Amanda Waller called him "Sam" in a flashback, it's him.

It's gonna sting when he's forced to hunt down Superman and find out he's dating his daughter. And man, THAT was a kiss. But I gotta ask, just how much time has passed since the start of the series? Because they got out the "I love you's" pretty quickly in their relationship.

Some people just click really fast. Some friends of mine met and got married a month later; they’re still together and their oldest is starting highschool.

As to timeline…

Episode 1 is where Lois and Clark have their meetcute and all happens on the same day.

Episode 2 is, at most, a day or two later.

Episode 3 is some period of time later, long enough for Lois to be frustrated that Superman keeps flying off.

Episode 4 is the next day as Lois is upset about Superman being a liar.

Episode 5 is likely two days after that as Clark had said Lois was looking at him oddly all the previous day.

Episode 6 is the day after that as Lois and Clark are unable to reach Jimmy.

Episode 7 is likely the next day for showing Lois and Jimmy the ship, but could be several days later (likely a Friday) for the actual date.

Episode 8 is at least a few days after that as Jimmy returns from being gone for a few days and Clark hasn’t slept for a few days.

Episode 9 is probably 24 the following day and into the evening with Parasite’s rampage ending near dawn.

* * * *
That probably puts it at roughly two weeks on the low end to maybe a month on the high end.

So definitely fast by typical Lois & Clark standards, but still probably slower than my friends (unless next episode features a wedding).

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S01.E09: Hearts of the Fathers
(Season Finale)


It's Thanksgiving, and Clark, Lois, and Jimmy are heading to the Kent farm to celebrate - but the holiday turns into a fight for survival as Task Force X, family, and KRYPTONITE collide!

Premiere Date:  September 1, 2023      Adult Swim      Midnight



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I  know we're supposed to think the Kryptonian Warrior at the end is Zod, but if you look at the credits the VA is


Kari Wahlgren (who also does Martha)

They likely would have picked someone else to do it if that really is Zod

Edited by baldryanr
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On 9/1/2023 at 7:20 AM, baldryanr said:

They likely would have picked someone else to do it if that really is Zod

It could be Ursa for all we know. This show really likes to toss curveballs at us to which characters they've ben using.

The Kents are precious and need to be protected at all cost. I love them, especially Inko Martha.

I love that Jimmy is just DONE with the sitcommy secret keeping nonsense now. He's smart enough to know it's best to leave all that behind. Also, love that he's rich now that he sold Flamebird to the Daily Planet.

Sam Lane has to know Clark is Superman, right? And man, knowing that he's dating his daughter? That's rough.

Edited by Galileo908
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That has to be pretty high up there when it comes to awkward Thanksgivings, the robots conquerors showing up almost felt like a relief. It certainly looks like Zod and Brainiac will be our next bad guys, but it could also be a misdirect. 

The Kents are so sweet, I loved Jonathan going all Bob Belcher on that turkey and Martha being about ready to throw hands with Sam. So Sam has to at least suspect pretty strongly that Clark is Superman right? 

Jimmy was so done with those sitcom hijinks, and I love how he closed out the episode. He's rich now!

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Jimmy being stupid rich and working as a photojournalist purely because he loves it has been a thing since the Nu52 reboot (his parents were billionaires and died in a plane crash, leaving everything to their only child).

In fact, shortly before the Rebirth storyline in the comics, Jimmy actually bought the Daily Planet outright with his money and has Perry run it for him while he continues his passion of photojournalism.

While $5.6 million isn’t that big in comparison, it does mean he’s well off enough to make his job more akin to a hobby.

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I've been watching this delayed, and I maybe I'll comment on individual episodes at some point; but just wanted to say I really like this series. It's a delightful breath of fresh air!

Clark & Lois are adorable; the Clark/Jimmy/Lois trio is excellent too. And I wasn't sure about them doing such very different takes on the villain characters, but they've won me over.

I'm sure they'll get into it next season (when is that coming out??), but I wish we had more Joe-El, and that Clark had found out more about Krypton and his origins. I've got a lot of questions that I hope they answer.

Also, it just cracked me up every time they played that bird sound whenever someone said "Flamebird"!

Edited by Trini
dropped word, gah!
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Saw this pointed out elsewhere: This show continued Supergirl's 'Awkward Thanksgiving' tradition; complete with finishing the turkey with heat vision!

No idea if that was on purpose or not; but if they're acknowledging holidays, then can we expect a Valentine's Day episode? (I hope so!)

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21 minutes ago, Trini said:

No idea if that was on purpose or not; but if they're acknowledging holidays, then can we expect a Valentine's Day episode? (I hope so!)

Honestly, It'd be criminal if this show didn't have a Valentine's Day episode.

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3 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Honestly, It'd be criminal if this show didn't have a Valentine's Day episode.

Plot twist: it's about Jimmy going on a date. (But as per usual, superhero and/or supervillain shenanigans happen.)

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DC's My Adventures With Superman Comic Bridges Seasons One and Two of the Hit Animated Series

The comic book, My Adventures With Superman #1 will be available for pre-order beginning Friday, March 15, 2024 and for sale on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 from DC. The writer is Josie Campbell, producer of the animated series and the artist is Pablo M. Collar. There will be 4 variant covers available.

Here are two of the covers: 

Main Cover by Carli Squiteri


Variant Cover by Gavin Guidry


This is a story we talked about in the writers room, but we didn’t have space for in season one. “Clark Kent is a bit down and out, spending Christmas alone in Metropolis. But when he gets a tip about a monster in the sewers, Superman, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen spring into action to investigate this mystery. What is this monster that can absorb anything it touches, and why is it here in Metropolis?”

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Yay! for a comic, but also 'boo'; because this seems to mean that Season 2 won't be out until summer!

Ugh, I just want more of these adorable dorks!

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Joe-El says "There's another like you[Clark]" -- a popular guess is Supergirl/Kara; but I don't think that's a character that they would introduce in a young Superman show. He probably referring to the Kryptonian(?) villain(?) introduced at the end of the first season.

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My Adventures with Superman Season 2    May 25, 2024     Midnight      Adult Swim    back-to-back episode premiere, then a new episode each week

In the second season, the three best friends face a host of new threats. Powerful foes will emerge from Clark’s alien past, Amanda Waller will take aim at Superman, Lois will grapple with the future, and Jimmy Olsen will spend an unbelievable amount of money. Krypton is coming for our young heroes, and its arrival will test their strength, loyalty and love like never before.

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Well, crap -- I guess they are introducing Supergirl. Still think that's a weird choice, but they've won me over with some of their other weird choices, so I'm willing to see how this goes.

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Ugh - Waller sucks! I'm not familiar with the villain that Superman is fighting in that clip.

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