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S03.E03: Whoosh, Pow, Bang

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Mariana is getting herself into a very messy situation. Not only is she dating Evan behind her new colleagues' backs, but now she is letting him influence their business plan? I actually thought Evan had a point, but those women are going to be pissed at her.

I was so happy for Alice for doing well at her second day in the program. I think Lindsay just gave her encouraging advice because they didn't think she would actually do well.

All my knowledge of the law comes from lawyer TV shows, but aren't Callie and her new boss legally obligated to take any offer they get to their client?

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I liked this episode quite a bit.

From favorite to least favorite subplots:

1. Alice's - Alice does the awkward, insecure misfit so well.  That whole workshop led by that guy is a horror.  LOL.  I hate Lindsey so hard.  Always have really.  At first I though, hey, they are giving Alice some good advice!  But then when Alice crushed it in the scene and suddenly Lindsey perceives her as a threat.  The 'at least you have your ethnicity to fall back on' was a low, nasty blow and says a lot about Lindsey's personality.  As if having a role of as a bait shop owner in flannel doesn't lean  into lesbian butch stereotypes.  I just want Alice to triumph and grind Lindsey's face in the dust.  LOL.

2. Davia's - honestly I am surprised about how much I enjoyed Davia's plot this week.  I like that her interaction with the students is positive and constructive rather than always so fraught and filled with anxiety.  It was a great touch to include Gael since he seems to have no purpose so far this season.

3. Mariana's - Not a fan of the deception.  And i say this as a Mariana/Evan shipper.  It is good plot conflict though and has the potential to provide a lot of drama.

4. Callie's - I am enjoying Constance Zimmer and do admit I liked Callie's hair in this ep. But Callie's workplace stuff has always sort of left me cold. 

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8 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

All my knowledge of the law comes from lawyer TV shows, but aren't Callie and her new boss legally obligated to take any offer they get to their client?

I think you are right but my knowledge is limited. If it is not a legal obligation, it should be. It is an ethical obligation too. They are taking away the little agency a mentally disabled person has in this situation and he is not considered incapacitated.

Mariana is turning into a serial liar. If she lies about "little" things, she will lie about big things and the other women would be 100% right to never trust her again when they find out

I like Davia and Gael scenes, the actors have good chemistry together but the direction they seem to be going, bringing Dennis back as Davia starts to get into something with someone else, is already tiring.

I like Alice, for the most part, but I can't stand stand up comedy so I just tune out during the scenes. 

So, is the show completely done with Jamie? It was a good character.

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I thought this was a pretty good episode, even though I still really want to see more of the roommates plots collide more often. Everyone being off in subplots also means we don't always get follow ups to what is going on with everyone, how is Malika doing? 

That is one of the reasons I liked the Davia and Gael plot. The actors have great chemistry and I like seeing Davia succeeding a bit more in her job even if she is still learning. I also really liked their talk about everyone being on their own schedule, I see people freaking out about being "behind where they are supposed to be" compared to other people so that is a nice message to send. Gael's boss seems like a total dick, but will he be a dick with a heart of gold, or just a straight up creep who will become even more of a creep? 

I generally don't much care for Saint Callie plots, although Constance Zimmer is adding a like of life to her plot. Unfortunately it looks like she isn't the perfect fairy god lawyer that Callie wanted, more wanting to build up her practice and set legal precedents than fighting for the little guy, which is Callie's whole deal. What they are doing seems really screwed up to me, they are basically taking the tiny bit of agency that this imprisoned mentally ill person has, acting like they have to do things without asking him because its "what's best" for him and that he "wont look at the big picture" because he will want to be out of jail. 

Alice at the comedy workshop was so cringe, between Alice being underprepared and everyone there feeling like Alice is the loser charity case, even their terribly unfunny teacher, who is clearly salty about how his his career has led him here. Lindsay really just sucks so much, why does Alice always get stuck being around the most crappy people ever? I was actually warming a bit to them for a second when they were giving Alice some advice, but then they got all shitty when Alice actually started doing well in class and started to become competition. I really like Alice, but everyone around her besides the other main characters are always so unlikable. 

This is going to backfire on Mariana so so hard. I think that Evan actually made some pretty good points and is probably doing the best thing he can do without shutting down the app and creating problems for his company and I do really like Evan/Mariana, but her friends are going to be super pissed when they realize that she has been lying. If she had been upfront about dating Evan they probably wouldn't have been thrilled, but they probably could have lived with it. Now that she's lying, they are going to be even angrier and more betrayed, and probably wont want to work with her. 

13 hours ago, MaryHedwig said:

What was Lindsey rolling over their face in the bathroom?


It is a face roller.  I recently had to ask this myself, as I saw one being used on one of the other shows that I watch.

From Google:  "Face rolling tools are made typically from jade, rose quartz or another crystal, and are designed to be used to gently massage the face and stimulate the lymphatic system to get rid of toxins, ease muscle tension, decrease puffiness and stimulate blood-flow to increase your skin's glow."

Sounds like horse shit to me.  ETA- They are not cheap either!

Edited by Miss Bones
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Watching that comedy workshop was triggering my fight or flight response, lol. I am very funny supposedly and have been told multiple times that I should be a comedian and even once upon a time entertained a pipe dream that I would get involved with acting, but everything about the warm ups and pretentious introductions radiates cringe. In the few acting classes I’ve taken, I could never get through the warm-ups without laughing. 

So the comedy guy is definitely getting fired, right? They made him a parody of himself. Every line he says is a problematic tweet. Or are Lindsay and Alice going to bond again through calling him out? I actually thought they had really good chemistry in the flyfishing scene and thought they might be setting up a friendship plot if not a (highly questionable) romance, but then Lindsay had to be a jerk and imply she’s coasting on her ethnicity for comedy. 

The Mariana plot is headed in an obvious direction, but if I were her friends I would be questioning the point of leaving the company in the first place if you’re still going to be sleeping with your former boss and frantically writing down every piece of advice he gives you to make him basically the ghost CEO of your new company. Essentially it feels like leaving Speculate was an empty performative gesture, which is the bread and butter of the show!

The last few episodes have shown a lot of chemistry between Davia and Gael. I wouldn’t mind if they hooked up, if only because Callie would freak out. But the show would never go there so in lieu of that, sweet awkward teacher man is delightful. I can’t believe she not only allowed her lingering feelings for Dennis to prevent her from even entertaining the idea of the most innocuous first day imaginable, but was pathetic enough to say out loud that she thinks they might be in a relationship, despite him ignoring her for weeks. He’s manipulating her without even trying. Please love yourself. Sorry, a few months ago I had (or thought I had) feelings for an alcoholic who would also ignore me for weeks, so this plot is really poking at fresh wounds for me, lol. 

I’m sure it’s only a matter of time until Callie implodes Constance Zimmer’s practice. 

Seeing Connor with Jude in the preview for next week surprised me. I thought the actors had a big falling out, but granted that was years ago. 

On 3/5/2021 at 12:28 PM, Miss Bones said:

Sounds like horse shit to me.  ETA- They are not cheap either!

I got a pretty cheap one not long ago, its actually really nice! I have no idea if it actually stimulates your skin or anything, but its like giving your face a massage. Its really relaxing. 

Anything that could help Lindsay get that stick that is permanently shoved up their ass I guess. Seriously, I have no idea why Alice is always surrounded by the most insufferable people in the world. Everyone has to deal with jerks in their millions of subplots, ranging from annoyances to actual horrible people, but Alice is the one who has consistently crappy people all around her. Also, when did Sumi move in again? 

21 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I got a pretty cheap one not long ago, its actually really nice! I have no idea if it actually stimulates your skin or anything, but its like giving your face a massage. Its really relaxing. 

Anything that could help Lindsay get that stick that is permanently shoved up their ass I guess. Seriously, I have no idea why Alice is always surrounded by the most insufferable people in the world. Everyone has to deal with jerks in their millions of subplots, ranging from annoyances to actual horrible people, but Alice is the one who has consistently crappy people all around her. Also, when did Sumi move in again? 

RE: the face roller— Well, then I guess it’s a “don’t knock it till you’ve tried it” thing!  And you’re so right about Lindsey’s perpetual stick up the ass. 

RE:  Sumi— I’ve seen others asking this, and I don't know either.  Before this episode, I still wasn’t sure that she had.  I thought she was just always there as a friend of Alice, who like never goes home, but this episode, seeing Lindsey in the bathroom as a guest of Sumi, confirms it...so I guess a lot of us missed when that happened.

Edited by Miss Bones
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On 3/10/2021 at 6:11 AM, Miss Bones said:

RE:  Sumi— I’ve seen others asking this, and I don't know either.  Before this episode, I still wasn’t sure that she had.  I thought she was just always there as a friend of Alice, who like never goes home, but this episode, seeing Lindsey in the bathroom as a guest of Sumi, confirms it...so I guess a lot of us missed when that happened.

I recall one throw away line. Something like Sumi to Alice: here's my first month of rent. Probably not even that clear.

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I like Callie's storyline much more now that she does what she always wanted to do and fights for people, instead of the internship that she had at the beginning of the series. I wouldn't mind watching a TV show just about her learning how to navigate in this field and showing us how the system can suck for some people.

This is the first time that I am actually interested in Davia. I hope we see more of her in the school and less of pining after men that she should not be hooking up with in the first place, like Dennis who first needs to sort his own issues or that married guy.

I agree with feeling sorry for Alice. I don't understand that comedy program at all. If it is supposed to be an intentionally diverse group, why is an old white guy their mentor? And why are they intentionally putting them against each other? I'm sure they will experience enough of that in the real world, I would expect that this group would be more of a safe space where all members help each other find their strengths, not compete against each other. But again, I don't know much about stand-up or comedy in general, maybe this is more common than I thought. 

With Marianna, I don't have words. I feel sorry for her coworkers who don't deserve being lied to like this. In most of her scenes, this line keeps popping in my head: How can someone who is so smart be so stupid at the same time?

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