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The Great North - General Discussion

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Okay, being 34, it's trippy knowing that Beef just turned 40. That "Halfway Done" song was so great, as was the song at the end.

Okay, love that Tobias Tobin died at 54 at the first Lone Moose Hot Dog Eating Contest by being shot by the runner up.

Loved Ham becoming obsessed with Croonin' Colton. "Whoa, a fish, but with...personality?!"


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7 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

They must have gotten married right out of high school or had Wolf at 17, 18.

But the whole theme of the story was that on Beef and Ptarmigan's 18th birthday Beef picked up Kathleen and not Ptarmigan. I guess that could have been the night Wolf was conceived... but Wolf really seems older than 22. 

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So we definitely need to see Gerald the witch now right? Next Halloween episode? I agree that Beef being only forty seems really weird, I would have guessed he was in his mid forties at least, even if he had Wolf right after high school. 

Ham becoming obsessed with a novelty singing fish was hilarious. As was Beef's one sided feud with his old birthday twin. "All this for candy corn. Its sickening." 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

It wasn't actually one-sided though. Craig sent the boat policeman to give them a ticket and admitted he was pissed over Kathleen. 

I more meant Craig was the side who was pissed, not Beef. Craig was the one with the grudge over Kathleen and keep messing with Beef while Beef was just baffled as to why Craig started hating him seemingly out of nowhere. Craig should be thanking Beef, he really dodged a bullet with hot mess Katherine. The only good thing Kathleen gave Beef was the kids, and Craig hates kids. He donates to playgrounds so that kids stay in playgrounds and away from him!

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First Alanis sighting of the season! I was afraid she was written out. Seems like this season is continuing the trend of developing the side characters. Judy really needs friends outside the family, and I always love bits where forgotten background characters get to do something important to the plot.

Half of this episode was Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly being awkward on an unsexy date. I've been waiting for this. Beef was incredibly relatable tonight.

The Murder Mystery party got way more interesting once the second pizza got sabotaged. 

I like that Ham and Crispin are just happy, content people. Total couple goals.

That "Period Accurate Hats" song was random, but fun.

  • Love 4

I guess real Alanis was just busy. 

I did like how there were a lot of kids at the party. I was worried no one would show. 

I like they have a new kid now too. 

I didn't get why Beef was so freaked out about the date. 

It's kind of sad that the only parties most of the kids want to go to are drinking and making out. 

'You're a child I haven't seen before.'

Edited by DoctorAtomic
  • Love 5

That was a really fun episode (particularly when it turned out that the poop was chocolate - I did not enjoy the concept of someone actually handling poop-smeared underwear)! Glad Alanis is back.

I completely forgot that Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally are married! Great rewatch bonus for this episode.

I loved Amelia explaining why she's not homeschooled anymore, because that's pretty much how my homeschooling ended: I met fractions and my mother decided I was educated enough.

(She sent me to City College to learn math when I was 16. I was by far and away the youngest in the class AND for some reason I could do fractions without even having to think about it. Crazy what the mind can learn if you let it relax.)

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That was a really fun episode, I am glad that Judy's party ended up being a success. I like that they are developing the supporting cast a lot more, Judy really does need more people outside of her family, as great as they are. I hope that we keep seeing the new girl around. "How sure were you that you weren't eating cat poop?" "50/60"

The awkward Beef date really was extra funny knowing that Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally are married in real life. 

Glad to see Alanis again, I thought she might be gone from the show. 

  • Love 5

What is with Italian restaurants in Loren Bouchard shows being scuzzy? Washing off old pasta and hiding salad in the car were some of the grossest things I've ever seen. Hell, Papa doesn't even clean the fish tanks! I got a big laugh at Wolf wanting to eat there in the end.

Lone Moose has a pizza place AND an Italian place. At least the pizza place doesn't have Noodie. He was delightfully creepy. Loved his song at the end.

Beef really is a good dad. He actually let Moon lean into his crush on Bethany. I loved that he thought Moon (and Ham and Honeybee) just wanted to sweep the deck, too. Yep, loved that Wolf and Honeybee pretended to be pirates just for them (and Moon and Bethany joined them!). It was adorable. 

  • Love 7

I don't get how it wouldn't eventually just fall apart after all the rinsing because the pasta would be absorbing all that water. Do they re-cook it? 

Ugh. This show and Bob's aren't afraid to be gross, but this has got to be the most disgusting plot they've ever done. 

Honeybee's line readings for her derisive snaps at the guys are perfectly crisp and well-timed - even if it's 'Babe - no!' Because it's only a reaction shot basically, so she needs to put on all the brakes on whatever the guys are saying. Tonight it was 'No one wants to swab the deck!'

  • Love 5

I suppose there aren't a lot of health inspectors up in small town Alaska because YUCK. People should have known right away that something was up with that place, Noodie is creepy even by cheap mascot standards. 

Loved how into being pirates Honeybee and Ham got. That plot was cute in general, Beef really is an all star dad, quirks and all. "I might ask her out when I'm ready to start dating in twenty five to thirty years." 

  • Love 5

I like that they're developing Judy's relationship with Alanis. Judy might be outgrowing her, as she manifests Alanis as distracting thoughts this time.

The sarcastic meal prep scene with Beef trying to mediate the kids might be my favorite scene in the series thus far. Hell, this might be my favorite EPISODE so far. I really enjoyed this one.

The Beef Hunt was insane, but clever. It's a way to get the family to work together to remind everyone that they love each other, and I love that the reward is the winner gets to openly say a swear word at Thanksgiving dinner.

Beef's subplot with the toilet was gross, but fun.

Monster Brothers was fun, especially the song.

  • Love 6

That was flan-tastic! I love that the Beef Hunt was meant to remind everyone how much they love each other and to work on communicating. And to get rid of some of that cranberry sauce that's about to expire. 

Monster Brothers was fun, I have really been digging all of the ending songs this season. There is no way that Moon's swearword can be as funny as what I am imagining. 

This was a lot of fun, I am hoping for many more fun Thanksgiving episodes in the future. 

  • Love 3

Oh no, Tusk Johnson's back. But hey, it's an excuse to bring in JK Simmons again. But Dan's alive! And HE was the villain this time! I wasn't feeling it too much until the smugglers showed up. They were weird and hilarious.

This is the most subdued Guy Fieri has ever been. I want him to become Honeybee's spirit Guy guide, like how Judy has Alanis.

I was dying at The New Kids on The Dock and how they never broke committment by always singing.

  • Love 5

I really hope that Guy Fieri sticks around as Honeybees Janis Joplin. 

Tusk is back again, but is now trying to turn over a new leaf and the family is very forgiving...less forgiving is Dan, his apparently not dead sidekick who is here for revenge. My favorite part of the plot was either The New Kids on the Dock and their commitment to their bit, or the weirdly close sibling smugglers. "We have children!" "...together?" 

  • Love 2

Spruce Springsteen is a great name for a tree, as is Desperately Reading Susan for the feminist book store. As was the local rich guy being named Dick Chateau (who lives in the Chateau Chateau).

Oh man, Dick Chateau was so delightfully weird. He stole mascot costumes because he couldn't hunt endangered animals! I think even the Fischoeders would think he's weird.

Beef and Jerry's awkward friend dinner is sadly too relatable for me, as was being forced to mingle at the Christmas party. I was NOT expecting that weird Christmas punch to be spiked with shrooms. And then the episode got weird with the molting, and that's really saying something.

  • Love 4

I certainly did not see "Beef and Jerry have an awkward dinner to get to know each other better" leading to a shroom filled orgy and a Most Dangerous Game parody. Dick Chateau is so delightfully bizarre, I really hope he shows up again. "This feels slightly...psychotic." Jerry and Beef are a fun combination, it really is sweet how much Beef wanted to get Jerry something nice even if they don't know each other very well and seemingly have little in common.

Love that Ham is still the cake lady.

  • Love 6

I love any opportunity Nick Offerman gets to giggle.

Lone Moose is becoming more like Springfield or Pawnee with each passing week. This time we have a bald eagle and its handler as two of the most powerful people in town since they're two of the three people on the city council. Mark Proksch Colin Robinson voicing Roy was perfect casting, a weird, boring councilman with a bald eagle friend.

Moon going to Saturday Splits just to get free ice cream, while Wolf actually used it to confront his trauma about their parents divorce was a heartwarming plot.

  • Love 4

Nick Offerman just has the most infectious giggle out there. 

They have really done a lot to expand the quirkiness of Lone Wolf, this week we find out that an eagle and his handler are two of the most powerful people on the town council, because of course they are. Putting Honeybee in those plots is a guy  idea, being the non Alaskan who is just baffled by the locals weird customs. "He overheated. Turns out you shouldn't put a hamster into a little suit."

Poor Wolf, dance studios aside it seems like his parents were always going to split up eventually, their mom was such a dumpster fire. Much like the bandanna split, it for the best. 

  • Love 3

I think this one was a little too much tbh. I could swallow the bird holding office to a point - it's hard to believe that an all around salt of the earth guy like Beef would lose to the bird, and it made the residents look stupid. 

I don't have a problem with Wolf having issues with the parents splitting up; being the oldest, he probably remembers the most. He was way way way off the chain about it though. 

I'm hoping with Honeybee make the new rule about minors holding office that means Ham will run. Who wouldn't vote for the cake lady?

  • Love 5

"I like sleds and I love feeling dread." Mood, Moon.

"I...love groups and am...very comfortable in them." Also mood. I love Nick Offerman being awkward, especially when one of the moms he's with is voice by Megan Mulally. Who knew Lone Moose had so many divorced moms and dads? I appreciate that him and the mom group got along.

"He is complete BM: Boyfriend Material."

"Oh wait, he's the other type of BM: Bad Man."


  • Love 5

Kind of harsh to hit Moon at school with 'we didn't invite you because you don't have a mom'. I don't think they were being deliberately mean. That's tough though. I kind of felt bad. If he knows the sled isn't going to work, they should listen to him. 

Nancy Smith's bushes. They sneak another one by again. And they hammered it. 

Jokes aside, it's probably good for Beef to talk to some other single parents. 

33 minutes ago, callie lee 29 said:

Everytime I see the opening credits I always think: just how freaking huge is that house supposed to be?? It looks ginormous!

I also thought it was like a super old house that just kept getting built on through the years. The deck looks tacked on, for example. 

The Russian Restaurant - We can see you from here!

  • Love 5

It really is good for Beef to talk to other divorced people, he still clearly has a lot of baggage from his mess of a marriage and divorce, I am glad that he got past the original awkwardness and made friends. 

Wolf's story about telling his friend that his girlfriend was planning on murdering him was wild. "And that's why we're still friends, because he didn't get murdered."

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"Saved By The Spells" is a great secret society name, and it was a good excuse to get most of the kid characters in one plot. I like how the lowest of low stakes pranks is derailed by "Undercover Principal Day." Joey TicTac are wonderfully cringy. "I love how Gangnam style you all are."

It was nice to see Alanis again. I thought Gibbons being hurt of being left out of the prank a la "One of Us" was a great way to weave a Joan Osborne reference into the plot.

C&C Cheesecake Factory is another great name. 

Beef talking to Moon on the CB was really sweet.

Wolf sure has weird taste in food. I mean, purple grapes and milk? I liked the song about it.

  • Love 5

I was just thinking today we haven't seen Alanis. I love when she rants about the 90s.

I've been wanting to get a CB for my car for a while. This is making me lean in to it. I don't get why they couldn't just use the CB to talk to actual truckers. 

37 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

"Saved By The Spells" is a great secret society name, and it was a good excuse to get most of the kid characters in one plot.

We don't see enough of the kids plots compared to the Belchers. Bethany is my favorite because she's so punk.

Lots of great details in here. The Spells history, practice mine, C-Cake being a huge drunk. 


I KNEW I spotted a tattoo on Wolf's back last episode (I think when he found the pot holder in the shower)! I do believe we have an out-of-order episode airing.

I have to say, I never thought we'd actually see Cheesecake because the stories about him were so wildly weird (like him just tearing off Wolf's rattail). Like, if they had carried on mentioning him without showing him he would have become impossible to design to fit everyone's imaginations. The fact that they decided to give him the most bland, neat and harmless-seeming look is inspired.

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I love that Cheesecake is the most bland boring looking guy on the show but everything else about him is completely wild. "Mimosas?!"

 Joey TicTac going all "how do you do, fellow kids?" was amazing, and the story ended on a surprisingly sweet note. They also used Alanis (who we haven't seen in awhile) well by wrapping his motivations into the Joan Osborne reference. Oh Crispen, you sweet summer child. He does look a bit like Joey TicTac doesn't he?

Wolf does sure have some strange eating habits, but if it works for him it works for him.

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