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The Lottery - General Discussion

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More bodies are piling up with the son of the fertility expert is gunned down and now James is in ICU.  The government just doesn't know when to quit!


And don't forget the plot to assassinate the President on the night of the Lottery winner announcement.  Darius Hayes couldn't be more evil if he wanted to be -- is the First Lady in on his plans to kill the President since she seems to be working with Darius on the set up of the announcement ?  I still find it hard to believe that the President's Chief of Staff (during a time of crisis and civil protests and rebels like the May-Twos) can wander around creepy parking garage and into unlit homes with the door wide open without her security detail not sweeping those places first (let alone letting her out of their sight).


Did the girl really OD on the pills or was she poisoned?


My money is on poison.  The First Lady has been telegraphing her evil motives since the beginning, all because she wants a baby, any baby at all.   Which brings up one major hole in the plot of this show -- what if all the 100 viable embryos were the product of a single sperm donor like Kyle ?  None of them could reproduce with each other when they grow up, so they would basically be extending humanity's extinction by one generation -- doesn't seem like a very well thought out long term plan.


How could no one at the center not know what was going on - there are camera everywhere (as been previously established) to watch the women's every move - so wouldn't they have known about the OD without Blondie's panicked cries for help?


They discussed taking the sedatives in the open in their room, she took the sedatives on her bed with the bag right beside her, and Perry yelled at the cameras for help so it all should have been recorded/monitored by security.  Plus, the paramedics arrived there really quickly, almost like they were waiting down the hall for a call because they knew it was going to happen.


One of the lottery contestants is freaking out about her virginity (or lack therof).  Why?  People aren't all that concerned about it now, why should America care more than a decade into the future?  Was being a virgin a requirement for the contest?  Is that why every contestant is dressed in white all the time?


Somehow I doubt it.  With a global fertility crisis, I would think that people would have been trying to get pregnant as often as possible.  Heck, in the pilot episode, Dr. Alison was banging pre-selected dudes based on viability studies just on the chance she might get pregnant -- and she couldn't have been the only one.  And she continues this methodology with Kyle -- I'm pretty sure she isn't doing it just for the sex.


Darius' daughter makes her super secret phone call... by pulling out her cell, where her father can see her from across the room.  It looked like an SNL sketch or something as she didn't do anything to hide herself.  Yeah, go hide behind a clear glass panel in full sight of the one person you DON'T want to see you calling.  Apparently Daddy Dearest would kill his little girl to be dictator in chief.


That was just too stupid ..... even for this show.

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That was just too stupid ..... even for this show.

I. don't. think. that's. possible. This show is like the moebius strip of stupid. It has no beginning; it has no end.


On the bright side, it makes human extinction so much more palatable because given the world of the Lottery, it's a vast improvement.

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Boring and stupid.  There is little else more than that to this show.  Everyone is double-crossing everyone else -- and I don't really care for any of it because it's so badly written and poorly acted.


The Secretary of Humanities kills the General (who is probably the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) in a park because the General was going to kill his daughter, all because the daughter might have seen them together with the vice-president for a fraction of a second.


Kyle is working with the May-Twos to get his son back, since his son is apparently traveling like a mob boss complete with decoy cars (WTF ?) and they need to conduct an Ocean's 11 style caper to steal his own kid.


The May-Twos are being funded by a billionaire who made all his money producing virtual baby software, all so he can take all the embryos and start his own utopia on an island somewhere (hopefully Red won't be there) while the rest of humanity circles the drain.


The plan to kill the President is still a go, despite the Chief of Staff's attempts to change the venue by (and I'm not kidding) contracting a guy to build a bomb and plant it near the venue.


The President discovers the First Lady's subterfuge with regards to stealing Perry's baby and killing her roommate with pills.


Dr. Lennon is planning to steal the embryos during her "inspection".


The Chief of Staff discovers that the President used to own a Torino, and somehow that ties him to the doctor that first discovered the pending sterility crisis (but who "unfortunately" died).


Perry (the slutty bartender with the heart of gold who came around to wanting to be a mommy in two whole weeks, gee whiz isn't that special) decides to go along with the First Lady's coercion tactics and plays nice on the final interview so that she can become one of 'The 100' lottery winners.  I'm hoping that the 'The 100' lottery winners are then promptly rocketed to space and then dropped back to earth in a fiery re-entry (Ooops, wrong show ... again).

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Ditto to everything ottoDbusdriver said above. 


I'm sick of seeing manufactured drama where one character acts incredibly stupid - like Vanessa going alone, without backup, to confront Darius, when she knows Darius is willing to commit murder in order to achieve his ends.  Then she comes up with this incredibly stupid bomb ploy to undermine his plans.


I couldn't care less about the blonde girl, Perry, but she needs to get a spine and some integrity.


The only character I liked, Kyle, is now made stupid by going along with the May-Twos.  How is giving one billionaire sole control over the embryos - and hence the future of mankind - any better than giving the U.S. government sole control over the embryos, especially when that billionaire plans an elite new humanity of one-percenters?

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Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  Wow, that was really boring for a season finale.


Let me get this straight, an Army general (probably one of the chiefs of staff) is murdered in a "bucolic park" (according to President Wordsmith), and they are waiting on the updates from the police detective to determine who did it ?  Come on, the FBI would be all over that.


So, the President is the one that decided to weaponize a virus that would cause a fertility crisis by sterilizing a large portion of the population because there are too many people on the plant -- apparently the writers of the 'the Lottery' are so lazy they decided to ripoff one of the major plot points from the UK series 'Utopia' (which is awesome by the way, and not to be confused with the reality crap fest that is Utopia US).  But it was never meant to get out and a plane crash caused the virus to be released -- if the weaponized sterility virus was never meant to be used, why was it on a plane in Afghanistan (where the virus was first detected) ?  Were they going to use it on the Taliban ? WTF ?

I can't believe that the President's Chief of Staff knows so little about the President at all -- that's why when she spotted the green Torino photo in his office in the previous episode, it was like she had never been there before.  


The First Lady was in cahoots with Darius all the time because she not only wants Perry's baby, she wants an embryo of her own so she can have a baby.  And that's why she setup her husband's assassination -- wow, just wow.


The Chief of Staff chasing that woman up that stairs only to be stopped by the security was a complete and utter waste of time -- as it went no where.  Filler for the sake of dramatic filler.


The ambush by Kyle and the May-Twos to get Elvis goes completely sideways and nearly everyone gets killed -- except for Elvis and Kyle (who gets shot in the shoulder, but shakes it off) and one security guard who has the drop on Kyle but is so moved by the love of a father for his son that he lets them go.


Allison tracks down an egg donor who supplied viable eggs, only to discover that she has undergone transgender surgery and is now a man (so no more eggs), but did deposit a supply of eggs before the surgery at a clinic (that Allison somehow manages to get a hold of), and manages to fertilize the 101st embryo with Kyle's sperm.


Meanwhile, in her spare, time Alison is committed to spending quality time with James (her lab assistant) because she apparently has feeling for him.  Awe, twu wuv.


The evil VP becomes President and signs an executive order assigning the Department of Humanities complete control over the Lottery winners and the 100 embryos.  At least Stephen Culp is a better actor than Yul Vasquez (who couldn't be any more wooden if he was the lead on 'Arrow').


Oh yeah, in case anyone cares (which is very unlikely), Perry (the slutty bartender with a heart of gold) was the most popular of all the Lottery winners and got a one way trip to an internment camp in South Carolina for her troubles. Winning isn't always a good thing.

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All that seemed to matter in this episode is that Darius pulled off his plan to "kill the king", and Kyle got Elvis back.  I was bummed when the May Two that was with him got killed;  I wanted him to get the daughter he said he wanted to parent.



Meanwhile, in her spare, time Alison is committed to spending quality time with James (her lab assistant) because she apparently has feeling for him.  Awe, twu wuv.



I thought Kyle was her twu wuv.  After all, they left together and she fertilized another egg with his sperm - and didn't bother to ask his permission either.  That kid would be Elvis' half sibling after all.  How is she going to get it in her uterus... a turkey baster?


So, the President is the one that decided to weaponize a virus that would cause a fertility crisis by sterilizing a large portion of the population because there are too many people on the planet




Who'd have thought Malthusians are taken so seriously in the future!  Turns out I was half right in how the infertility got started.  I figured it was elitists who wanted to pare down the population.


Regarding the lottery winners:  It seems stupid that NONE of them thought they'd be kept by the government or their kids property of thereof?  That was the first place my mind went when the lottery idea came along.  They're so trigger happy I wouldn't be surprised if the government decided to get rid of the gals permanently once the kids are out of diapers.

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I cannot keep track of the actual alliances on this show and I don't think I want to try any harder than my half-assed attempt thus far.  I don't see why I should put in more effort than the writers apparently did.  But, did the erstwhile president indicate that he ordered the shooting of James when he was investigating the virus?  I guess if the pres had been involved in the virus outbreak,he would be the one motivated to halt any investigations, but shit that was hard to follow within the conversation on screen.

I thought Kyle was her twu wuv.  After all, they left together and she fertilized another egg with his sperm - and didn't bother to ask his permission either.  That kid would be Elvis' half sibling after all.  How is she going to get it in her uterus... a turkey baster?


Meh on the lack of consent.  I thought that his giving a sample was expressly for the purpose of investigating the infertility crisis, his immunity, and attempts to continue with fertilization.  So I assume that he was aware that it might happen if Alison was successful.  As for implanting herself, I thought she gave the embryo to Kyle... or was she going with him?  I really wasn't following.


Regarding the lottery winners:  It seems stupid that NONE of them thought they'd be kept by the government or their kids property of thereof?  That was the first place my mind went when the lottery idea came along.  They're so trigger happy I wouldn't be surprised if the government decided to get rid of the gals permanently once the kids are out of diapers.

I think all of the lottery winners were of a subset of either naive and/or willfully blind group of people.  In the pilot, there were protests about government invasion of privacy and there were people who were interviewed during the run up on the lottery who said they wouldn't participate because they felt the government was going to try to control them.  (Not to mention, depending how much publicity the removal of Elvis from Kyle's custody got, that should have shown who the government was treating the children who remained.)  So the message to be wary was out there before these woman put their names in for consideration.  The women who chose to enter were already choosing to ignore those rumblings.


On the hand, after living in the (admittedly brightly lit) Orwellian captivity of the subsequent campaign and voting period, they probably should have been less able to maintain they optimism.

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There was a marathon on TLC called Still Lucky: The Lottery dated 2015. It appeared to be an update to older stories. I must say that winning a lot of money doesn't buy you taste. Some of these people had the gaudiest taste that money can buy. That said, I might be a little jealous, envious and bitter. LOL!!!!

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